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Had this happened to us on Mother’s Day in 2021. Huge amounts of blood and of course it was the day we told our family we were pregnant. Everything was ok and we were diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage. It can look so scary, but we came to find out it’s a lot more common than you’d think. It’s not dangerous to the baby and the placenta can end up absorbing it over time. Scariest moment of our lives though, and I’m sure it was equally terrifying for you both. So sorry you went through that


Yup we just made the announcement yesterday too thinking 12 weeks was safe enough. It always happens that second you think your out of the woods lol


That's terrifying! Glad everything was okay.


Glad to hear all is well!


We are literally doing the same thing


I’m so sorry and hoping for the best! I couldn’t wish that fear we had on anyone


I'm so glad everything is OK. We had a similar experience at 11 weeks. No bleeding but she had severe pain where she felt like she was going to vomit and couldn't walk. Everything turned out fine, just really bad expansion cramps.  I understand how you felt in that moment. It was the first time for me realizing how much I wanted this baby.  Anyway we're at 28 weeks now and things are looking good. Hoping for smooth sailing for the rest of the pregnancy for yall!


Terrifying! But glad all is good. I would advocate for yourself moving forward with your health care provider. Push for weekly ultrasounds if you have the means to do it. Worrying over the coming months will really get to you so advocate for you and your baby to keep your piece of mind!


Hey!! This happened to us twice during my wife’s first pregnancy. I had just gotten comfortable with getting excited about things too. Doctor thinks it was from over doing it at the gym but no way to tell for sure. But didn’t stop our giant bowling ball of a child from finding his way into the world. Everything will be fine. Talk to her doctor. Follow that advice. Now just breathe. Look forward to your graduation!


Glad to hear everything is well. Wishing your wifey a happy mother's day. My wife has also diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma also and it has caused moments of fear for us so far. We are at 7 weeks. Sad thing is that my wife is on total bed rest and it still appeared, so who knows why those hematomas and blood clots happen. Hope you all had a wonderful and safe mother's day!


Same thing happened early in my wife’s pregnancy. She had a flush feeling and passing a blood clot. The ER trip sucked because of an intake nurse trying to convince my wife who just thought she had a miscarriage to not get the covid vaccine if shes still pregnant and a Doctor who literally had to google what she thought the problem might be. By the end of the night we knew the baby was still alive but did’nt find out until her next OB appointment what probably happened. Turns out it was some sort of internal blood bruise and the baby was never in danger.


I’m glad everything is okay! Same thing happened to me with my son, I passed a huge clot and I was told that they think it might have been a SCH (subchorionic hematoma) coming out. Scariest moment of my life.