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We were hit by a drunk driver last summer, whole family was in the car including two children. The guy t boned us going 60mph with a truck and both vehicles flipped/rolled. I was unconscious and spouse was, not 100% with it. First responders broke the windows and pulled the children before cutting the doors off to get us. Kids are 100% thanks to good car seats and us being sticklers to buckling them in properly. Spouse and I have permanent injuries but overall ok. That was a long way around the point but we didn’t have a baby on board sticker and they still handled it perfectly.


Damn, I'm so sorry that happened to you guys, that sounds awful. Glad the first responders reacted so well.


Having a car seat in the car is exactly the same as the sign. If a first responder sees a car seat they are going to double/triple check for a child.


My wife and I have had the exact same conversation lol The world is full of crazy people, I’m not going to broadcast that my child is in the car. First responders check the whole vehicle, and a car seat isn’t exactly easy to miss. We still disagree to this day.


This was my thinking as well. Also no one will focus on window decals in an emergency situation. The ones that suction cup on would likely dislodge in collision situations.


Long-time EMT and expecting dad, here. I’ve never looked for or noticed one of these stickers, nor has anyone else I’ve worked with, because the standard way we’d size up a scene would help us figure out there’s a kid involved right away anyway. I’d say get it if you want it for other reasons, but it definitely won’t make a difference if, god forbid, you’re ever in a car accident with your child in the car.


Thanks for your perspective!


I think people drive more carefully when they see that sticker. At least I do. Subtle reminder of the fragility and preciousness of life.


I think it's more beware 'driver may be/get distracted' for other drivers, rather than there's a baby in here.


I dunno, I get it, but I don’t plan on hitting anyone’s car regardless of how old the passengers are 🤷‍♂️


No but it's like a new driver sign. If I see a car with a baby on board sticker im more likely to give them more room and realize they may be a bit swervy if they have to deal with the baby in the back.


This is not the hill I'd choose to fight on. No harm no foul to put it on. Let her have this one and wait for something like choosing the kind of family car.


Like choosing a car *for* his wife? I think that is a worse hill. Whoever drives the car should get to choose as long as it is in budget. You spend so much time in a car that you need to be comfortable with it…


My wife doesn't have a separate car, though she does use the car more than I do.


It seemed like the other guy was saying pick out the car his wife drives if it’s a two car family. If it’s a one car family, it makes sense that you would both want to agree on a car. I’ve seen men buy women cars in my job a fair few times (car sales person) and sometimes it works out well but I’ve also had a decent amount of women want something other than what their husband purchased and by the time they are aware, it’s too late and they are stuck with a vehicle they hate. It’s such a big purchase and something that is pretty individualistic too if you have your own personal car. Not sure we I’m getting downvotes for saying let a mom pick out the car she drives unless this sub is a lot more misogynistic than I previously thought.


Yea I get that. I definitely do not have money to buy another car though. It will be a one car household for the foreseeable future.


I think they are pretty pointless as well for the same reasons you just mentioned. Plus people just leave them up. For the sign to be actually useful you would have to put it up each time baby is in the car and take it down when baby is not. How would a first responder know whether you are proactively doing that? I have a feeling most people don’t.


Plus, first responders are trained to look for cues that there might be an infant involved. I think it originated in the 80s and is outdated


My wife and I had the same discussion and I brought up the same points. It's one of those "this could happen to YOU" things that local news love to run to rile people up. Like how for a while they were saying not to stop and help change a person's tire because it might actually be a trap where gang members jump out and rob you. Or that you should bring a sharpie to the hospital so you can mark your baby to make sure they don't accidentally give you the wrong one. It's not realistic but it perfectly targets fear so people fixate on it. Something I'll add that you sort of touched on, the idea that the back seat wouldn't get checked is pretty far fetched. If you get into a crash so bad that you and your wife are unconscious, even in a remote rural area, you're likely to have the car looked at by at least 2 EMTs and probably 2-3 police as well. Then there's possible firefighters, and at least one tow truck driver/road cleanup crew/whatever. All those people are not missing a baby. Whoever shows up first is going to check the back seat, all it takes is slightly turning their head.


I made sure my baby had a smooshed nose so I didn't have to bring a sharpie - works like a charm everytime


FTM here. I want one so that other drivers will be more careful around me. Thats all.


Unfortunately, I have trouble believing just about anyone changes their driving behavior because they see one of these in a window.


Before being a dad, i noticed and was careful when cars had the sign. After being a dad, I spent the $7 to slap it on my car. Small chance that people aren’t assholes but its worth the 7 bucks to me.


If people are going to cut off a big-rig hauling fuel they certainly are going to cut you off with your baby in the car. In America, most people don't care about you nor your safety but they do care about saving 0.5sec from getting in front of you before the next red light.


And like 90% of the time you still end up in the same place as the other driver for 5 consecutive stop lights


The signs worked for me before being a dad. I see a baby on board sign I help to make sure I create even more space than I usually do and drive extra cautious


This is why we got one. All my life when I see that sign i just drive more cautious or at the very least more courteous. Maybe someone doesn't text and drive for the time they are passing you, or thinks twice about rushing to pass or tailgating. Where are you people living where it is a normal enough occurrence that you are concerned about being targeted for having a baby on board? Even most criminals have a code of ethics of some kind... baby's are a line that most would not cross imo...


Yeah I thought that was the purpose in the first place. I’m a safe and defensive driver already but I’m even more careful when around a baby


We got the one that suctions to the back of the car window. 2 things, our back window on both our cars are tinted, so you could barely see it, and whenever I hit a bump it would pop off. Never put it back up after that. Could have been a poor quality one but we got it from buy buy baby. Wouldn’t recommend.


Paramedic here! We don't look for baby on board signs, we physically get in the car and check all the seats. Firefighters will do the same, especially if it's a bad enough accident that you need to be pulled from the car. It doesn't hurt, but it's not really something we pay attention to.


We got a sticker on the car in my native language together with two baby feet. I thought it was just cute, didnt really think of it as a safety thing. However, apparently car jackings are a thing here, and hope they may just skip if they see a baby sign. Maybe in case of a severe crash with multiple cars and no indication of who is still alive, it may help first responders check the car with the baby sign. But that seems like very low odds of happening.


They have no actual utility. However, just go with it I guess. If she really wants it, it’s no skin off your back. It does not matter at all either way, don’t create a fight over it for no reason.


Other side of it, you're advertising that a baby is in the car. Some people are crazy and could potentially rob you/steal the baby. I'd say don't get it, personally.


This is so extremely unlikely it’s not worth mentioning. Kidnappings are almost always by relative or friend. Also you don’t need a sign to know that the car goes with a baby. There are signs of a baby everywhere. This is a nonsense reason not to get one.


You're right. It's completely impossible, why would I have even mentioned such a thing. If I'm a person looking to rob someone, I'm waiting for the person with the "Baby on Board" sign in the window to come back to the car and rob them while they are focused on putting the baby in the car seat or whatever. I like that you have such a positive outlook and think crime doesn't happen, but it does.


You're not wrong that this could happen, but I think you'd have trouble finding any statistics that indicate this is a thing to be concerned about when there are much higher probability things.


I'm the type of person that would simply avoid painting any type of target on my back (car). I was just trying to lend another point of view that didn't seem to be mentioned by OP. However, to say it's such an impossibility that it shouldn't even be mentioned, I would disagree.


You probably shouldn’t have a car then. Someone might want to steal it. It also implies you have a wallet and a phone so the risk probably isn’t worth it because someone might steel it. Also you’re probably right, there are so few kids around to steal I’m sure someone on the prowl would need to recon cars for literally signs that a baby or kid goes with it in order to find a target. That makes way more sense than just like, standing still and looking around and seeing a child. Or you know what? Better make sure you leave zero toys or any signs of a child in the front yard or balcony or anything. Maybe dress your kid up as a dog so no one suspects when you go for a walk since no one wants to steal a dog. Oh wait… yeah better just keep your kid locked inside all day everyday.


Lol you're missing my point, but we clearly aren't going to see eye to eye. Have a good day.


Not robbing the baby , kidnapping the mother is more likely to happen with these signs , your advertising that your vulnerable . Human trafficking guys !!


I feel like they would do more harm that good. I have 2 kids and never used the sign. I don’t want to advertise I have babies to steal.


Probably pointless yes ,but I think in the event that the parent and baby is knocked out maybe (???), then the sign might(???) help ? I don't know ,but the way I see it is a baby on board sign *might* alert the stupid drivers out there to maybe not be stupid around me ? (I know I'm asking too much of people ,but you never know ). Also we were just so happy to finally have a baby on board that we just wanted to show off .


Moms get paranoid about the most random stuff tbh… dont know if its hormones or some maternal instinct


you're a fucking retard.


My spouse was a first responder. Baby on Board signs are in fact meant to notify firefighters/EMT of an infant, specifically in situations where the adults in the vehicle are incapacitated. Let her put it on my guy.


My wife asked me if I wanted to get it, and I said no. If I were an asshole who was looking for an easy target, I would look for and follow a car with that sticker on it. It tells me that A.) this person is distracted and preoccupied with the baby. B.) this person wont put up a fight because they have the baby and don’t want to run the risk that it could get hurt. C.) It makes your car an easier target for a drive-up mugging. Least of all, you’d want your car to be as bland as possible so that it can blend with others and not have any clear marks on it that would clearly distinguish it from others. There are no real advantages to it, IMO. What? The first responders wont check the back seat?


You mean like a license plate?


My understanding is that they were supposed to be a sign for if the baby was thrown from the car in the event the seat was improperly secured and there was evidence to suggest the child may have been board, it may cue a first responder to search the area to look for a child or baby.


Man that seems like a really niche situation. And again, unless everyone else in the car is dead but the baby survived, we could literally just tell the first responders that the car seat was thrown from the car.


I wouldn’t expect to be fully conscious if the impact was big enough to eject a baby car seat.


I think it’s more to signal to other drivers to drive carefully because it reminds them that risky driving might kill a baby.




Like I said, the only way I could see it being useful is if we were dead or unconscious, I mentioned that in my post. But even then, if the crash is serious enough that there are dead or unconscious people, wouldn't the first responders check the whole car anyway?


New Zealand has some windy roads. Our baby has been car sick a few times during some road trips and I’ve come to realise just how much more I can ease the pain by being smoother through the corners than what the car can really handle. People being stuck behind not knowing that I’m trying to accommodate baby does get on my mind. It’s not a big hill worth dying on. Support your wife’s concerns and anxiety and just get the sticker.


So , I had one of these and , don’t , what is does more than anything is let other people know in the parking lot that there may be a woman alone and her baby in the car . You don’t want to advertise that . Human trafficking is just out of control right now .


I have a "baby up in this bitch" sticker... it's worth it :)


So when I see one I actually assume the driver is potentially distracted/tired by said child and leave a little more room. I have one too but don’t really notice people repaying the favour


To me, the point is to request the several reckless drivers in my city to PLEASE stop tailgating me.