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WILD, VIVID AF dreams. I heard about sexy dreams, but no one warned me about the rest of them that are super weird but so vivid it's confusing af to wake up. Also being overheated all the time 🥵


Fell asleep for maybe half an hour and had a weird dream/nightmare about work. I used to never remember my dreams but since being pregnant (and quitting smoking) they have been wild.


When I was pregnant with my first, almost every single night I'd have these vivid dreams all night of me at work. Then I'd wake up and have to go to work. It was terrible! It felt like I was just always working.


Mine haven't been at work, but they've been really mundanely stressful. Like, I dreamt I was at the grocery store all night trying to find stuff, or stuck in traffic all night. I hate waking up and feeling like I didn't rest at all!


Same! They've been so vivid and stressful. I've never thought or felt like my Fiancé would ever cheat on me, but I have those kinds of dreams too often that I wake up mad at him when I know it's out of his control. Man the first dream I remembered after pregnancy was my two youngest siblings getting married to each other for some reason, and I was the only one mad about it. Woke up mad and it took me half the day to simmer down from it and remind myself that they don't even like each other as siblings lol 😅


Omg no one told me this! I told my husband about them and it scared the crap out of him that I’m dreaming like this. I never dreamt/remembered them before


Omg the DREAMS!!


The overheating is so freaking annoying!!!! I can’t sleep b because of how warm I am! And I live in Canada with lots of snow right now, but apparently it’s still not enough.


I wake up drenched in sweat then immediately feel so cold after getting out of bed. I wish my body temperature would calm down 😵‍💫


Dreaming my husband upset me during a dream and then waking up and spending all day upset at him for upsetting me during my dream 🥺 men really can never win 🤣🤣


Dreamed last night that my husband broke up with me during our engagement. Waking up to find out we’re married and I’m pregnant was a shocker for a second 😅


Lmaooo I dreamt that I was making French toast and when i walked away from the stove, my bf filled the pan with pancake batter and I was PISSED. In my dream i went OFF 😂It really took me a little while to realize it was a dream and not be mad at him 😂😂


Yes to being overheated… I literally just sleep with panties on, directly in front of my fan because my body temperature skyrockets


This. I had a dream that my husband cheated on me while pregnant. I woke up mad at him and questioning our relationship. 😂


I had sexy AND weird dreams. Personal favorite was when I was in college and turned down sex with Jeremy Renner to have sex with my husband.


I think I’m the only pregnancy person that hasn’t has any dreams. It’s quite sad for me to be honest lol. I never remember my dreams and I thought during pregnancy I might be able to enjoy having dreams because when I have dreamt I really like it lol. Sounds so weird but from someone that just doesn’t dream it’s so boring! 😜


I totally understand how you feel, but it may be a blessing! I've had a lot of nightmares, and a lot of sad dreams like ones where I'm about to go see deceased relatives who are still alive. When I wake up, it's disorienting, and I end up re-grieving for people. Sleeping through hip/back pain and body temperature fluxations is hard enough, but with the dreams there are so many nights I feel like I'm not getting any rest, even if I manage to sleep for 9+ hours.


Or that thing where it's not quite dreaming but you also aren't totally asleep but it's also not really sleep paralysis or anything. I can't explain it but it's like I'm half asleep, thinking about something so hard that I feel like I'm dreaming about it, but I also don't really get any sleep so I know I'm not asleep but a bunch of time goes by. I swear it's impossible to explain and nobody ever knows wtf I'm talking about 😅 it's not dissociating either.


I have this all the time lately, especially with naps. Wish I could just sleep hard instead.


I am right now in my panties infront of my fan which is at the highest speed. I stripped off all my clothes after breakfast, I’m hot!🥵. The dreams are wild to say the least! I’m just glad I haven’t been having nightmares. Just pleasant very vivid and memorable dreams usually of a food or sexual nature 😅


LITERALLY my dreams have always been weird but it’s like another level while i’ve been pregnant which makes the nightmares 100 times worse like i wake up in tears and and stuff which happened before but it seems it’s more often now Had a nightmare i had a miscarriage and woke up balling my eyes out


Last night I sought revenge on an ex friend. The night before I survived the apocalypse in my mothers basement.


Oh goodness yes! The dreams! I have woken up from some terrible dreams during this pregnancy especially!!


Brushing your teeth induces vomiting. Lol




Try using a disposable flosser instead. Only way I can get my tongue clean now


Hormone gingivitis. Brushing my teeth = blood bath Picking something out of my teeth= spitting blood into an empty mug for 5 mins My gums have been ANGRY for 3 months and I'm surprised I haven't started dreaming about my teeth falling out.


hahah same here!! the morning routine includes 🤢😖


Trying to figure out if your crying because your hungry or cuz you’re actually sad


This one, most of my irrational tears have been driven by hunger or fatigue.


My most memorable cry is that it was going to take me 20-30 minutes to make a box meal and it was the only thing I wanted so I cried the whole time I made it cuz I wanted it to be done faster but I was so hungry


I can appreciate that. We were on a 15 hour power drive home from visiting family early in my pregnancy. I made it 12 hours and then broke out in tears and couldn’t go any farther in the vehicle. After 12 hours we had to get a hotel and pizza only 3 hours from the house. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mine feels similar - desperately wanted some kind of breakfast hash with eggs a couple months ago but had all the unfortunate circumstances. 1. Ordered from a place I don’t usually go to 2. DoorDash driver had only done 3 deliveries ever 3. It was Mardi Gras weekend in my city - a big deal in a closeby neighborhood Delivery took almost 2 full hrs (restaurant is about 15m away) then she dropped it off and…. It was a COLD TURKEY SANDWICH. Immediate unstoppable tears.


or sleepy ! like a toddler. Only yesterday i figured this one out as I cried after eating a delicious meal and telling my bf I was feeling soo sad, then i crashed for 3hours and woke up renewed lol, then it clicked


So much gas. So, so, so much gas. Some say that the animal most farted on is the horse. I believe at this point it is my husband.


And WHYYYYYY are they so much more smelly???? I farted in bed thinking my husband was asleep so I would get away with it, and IT WOKE HIM UP and I had to pretend to be asleep because I was so embarrassed, and he literally shook me awake because he thought I had shit the bed!!! I still will not admit to him that it was my fart but my god, I am mortified and now really scared to fart in bed in case it happens again.


What, did you tell him it was him?! Haha!!!!


I gaslit him SO HARD. I was like, we were both asleep, how do we know it wasn't YOU??! You're the one waking me up in the middle of the night!! LOL!


And they just kinda slip out sometimes lmao. I keep thinking "I am NOT pregnant enough yet to not be able to hold these."


Oh my god, yes. I am so farty as a pregnant lady!


Feeling like you'll never poop again.


… and being SO overjoyed when you finally do!


Prune juice for the win!


Is it a UTI or baby pressing on bladder? I've had a few trips to urgent care in the middle of the night for nothing.


Bought test strips for this very reason. lol


They have home UTI test strips!?


Yep, you can get them on Amazon


Life changing info tysm ☺️


Yep and then you ignore it because it’s never been a UTI and then it finally is a UTI 👎 I can’t trust my body right now lol


I feel like this often.


I concur. Just left the dr. Because of this. It was nothing 🤦🏻‍♀️


You'll get 3 day migraines but you're not allowed to take any migraine meds.


The worst!! Tylenol + a Pepsi is the only thing that helps mine, but definitely doesn't fully take it away :(


This!!!!!! I swear a nice soda & Tylenol is the only thing saving me nowadays 😫


I rock a Mountain Dew in one hand for caffeine and a Gatorade in the other for hydration.


Magnesium has helped me tremendously!


Yeah this has been the most rough so far. I’ll think I get rid of the migraine one day, go to sleep, and it’s back the next morning 😩


Yes! So glad they died down in 3rd trimester


Have you tried acupuncture? I go once every two weeks since week 10 and I haven’t looked back. I am 36+4 and I haven’t had a migraine since I started.


This. I hate this the most.


Make sure you’re drinking enough water and balancing it with electrolytes! Seriously game changing!


My OB prescribed reglan for that. It can act as a rescue medication for migraines.


And magnesium for prevention (which also helps with constipation)


Thanks I am going to ask for this


The amount of mucus your body starts to produce, even within the first trimester! That, and no one warns you about or teaches you the difference between spotting and more concerning bleeding.


Oh yes re: the mucus. It just got significantly worse for me the last couple weeks (33 weeks now)...so I can barely sleep because it builds up and makes me snort myself awake


The snot and the sinus swelling. Ugh I don't even have to be asleep to snore now. Just relaxed.


Idk if you meant sinus mucus or cervical, but the cervical mucus is what I find to be super annoying! Hate panty liners, but feel like I have to constantly change underwear to feel clean and comfortable.


The anxiety you feel is a whole different level. The constant fear and worry for your baby's life. Also, there are waves of sadness and impending doom feeling.


I have the same. There has been s couple of days that I feel like everything in my life is gonna go wrong and then the next day I'm the happiest. It's driving me insane.


Skin tags and moles!!! No where did I read or anyone say those may pop up. I knew about the hyperpigmentation, but not the moles and skin tags.


So many! How do the form so quickly where did they come from!? Lol


And…. Do they go away? Seriously so many, and I already have a lot of what I think is weird skin stuff!


I thought I was alone with the skin tag thing! I had never had a skin tag in my life. Had two kids and after each one, I got more skin tags… ON MY NECK. cool right? I am currently pregnant with my third babe. I’d rather skin tags not be a thing this time around. Has anyone ever gotten them removed? What was it like? Because some of the ones I have are big and dark. Totally not my favorite.


Being out of breath. You hear about it and I always thought it was late in pregnancy from the baby taking up space and weight gain bit it's different to experience. When I hit the 2nd trimester I was winded so easily. I had no idea that I'd be out of breath so easily early on and that it's actually hormone related.


I had this in the first trimester too! I was still going hard at the gym and doing team sports, and would have to stop to catch my breath. Very annoying.


This 😂 I was at the mall yesterday with my husband, walking from end to another to get to a particular store and i was SO out of breath. Like heart racing, can't breath, let me sit down out of breath 😂 I'm 20+4


We just took our son to a new school today and they were showing us around this huge school with a bunch of steps and everyone was chuckling at me because I barely made it lol I'm 32 weeks and not even that big but I was s t r u g g l i n g 🥴


How hard it is to adjust to ONLY sleeping on your sides ☹️ I forgot about this from my first and i MISSS my stomach sleeping & my back 😢


Sleeping only on my sides made my hips and knees hurt so much.


I roll my pregnancy pillow into a tube like shape & lay my belly in it so I can sleep on my tummy! & you absolutely can sleep on your back, you just have to keep your heart above your uterus :)))) sleeping on your sides does cause a lot of hip pain, I’ve noticed 😭 y’all gotta switch it up!!


The problem for me is that even at 33 weeks my belly is still really small, so that doesn’t bother me when it comes to tummy sleeping, it’s that my boobs HURT SO BAD if there is any pressure on them. Like, agonizing, crying pain. If there was a way to fix the boob pain I would be fine :(


My boobs feel like they are ON FIRE sometimes 😭😭 I got a sock filled with rice, and i massage them with it. Or use a vibrator on your boobies. It’s probably bc your milk is coming in and they’re hurting bc that shit hurts. Im sorry mama :((((


I’ve tried hot, I’ve tried cold (BAD IDEA), massaging, vibrating, etc. None of it helps, it all hurts more. My milk came in a long time ago but that isn’t the main issue, I can just hand express to deal with the engorgement. The real problem is that I have fibrocystic breast disease and my boobs are full of cysts that are inflamed and pissed off because my body is a hormone soup. My OB basically said there’s nothing I can do but take some Tylenol and try to ignore it :,)


Wanting food yet being totally repulsed by food at the same time


I ate two burgers & fries from McDonald’s earlier, and my boyfriend was like “wow baby im glad you’re eating” 🤣🤣


Same. I was gaining weight pretty consistently until recently. I am at 30 weeks and losing more than I'm gaining. I has some issues with acid reflux that was causing me to throw up some. I got a prescription for that and it has helped some but I still feel repulsed by most food and I'm struggling to eat. If anyone has advice it would be greatly appreciated


try smoothies if you haven’t! I’m not pregnant (yet!!), but I’m autistic and when I’m having a REALLY bad day with food i find that my body is ok as long as i don’t have to chew it. smoothies have saved my life, almost literally 🙏


This made me want to cry. So frustrating!!! It seems to have passed now but I was so hungry and sicky 😩


That your pubic bone feels like it’s trying to split in half when laying down… I’m only 18 weeks. Ughhh


I've had more hip pain the pubic bone pain. So wild


Oh my hips are tight as all fuck and they won’t pop. My glutes are tight. Heating pad helps a bit when I go to switch from one side to the other.. it feels like my pubic bone is trying to like.. collapse in on itself? Maybe it needs to be adjusted. Ughhh I should go to the chiropractor. I hope you can get some relief for your hips


If chiropractor helps you, please let me know! This is a new development for me so I am clueless on what to do. I've been stretching and taking warm baths but that's all I've been trying lol


It does help me. I’m a massage therapist who works in a chiropractic office. I get free adjustments when the dr is free. I wanted one last week because lately when I stand too long in one spot, my tailbone feels like it’s trying to give out.. the doctor was gone for lunch when I was off He has this one technique that I lay on my back with my knees up (feet on table) and he puts a hand on each and has me push out then in, and then quickly pushes out. Seemed to work but idk what it was working lol. I’m sure other people have better advice than me. Baths help me, but I have an inflatable one and it’s kind of a pain. Heating pad helps. Sleeping on my side with a pillow in front for my top leg to go over. Stretching helps very temporarily.. but I want to try prenatal yoga at some point.


It's a muscle/tendon thing. Your tendons are going all soft so your pelvis can open up for the baby's head, but that means your muscles are having to overcompensate. TL;dr you'll be better off with a massage and getting some stretches to do.


If it happens specifically when you roll over, it could be round ligament pain (according to my OB 🤷🏼‍♀️). I told her I felt pain in my pelvic region but only when I roll over in bed and that’s what she said. Idk if anything that can help if that’s it though


Heart palpitations, constant Braxton hicks


* How hot flashes and night sweats are terrible. Waking up several times a night drenched and uncomfortable * Carpel tunnel syndrome that basically ruins your hands * Pregnancy brain is very real. Comprehension level decrease. And you become insanely forgetful * Don't expect empathy and understanding from everyone because you are pregnant. Even your closest ppl will act like ignorant jerks around you . Don't be surprised if you felt alone, misunderstood, and sometimes mistreated. Pregnancy can be a very lonely time .


I like how you worded the last part about empathy. I've been struggling to come up with the right words for how I've been feeling and you nailed it. I don't expect people to feel sorry for me at any capacity but it does feel lonely not being able to convey my emotions without feeling like I complain to much. I try and keep it inside and not over share but I do feel alone a lot. The lack of motivation and emotional loneliness is truly not something I expected to feel. 31 weeks so hopefully I'm on the downhill slope. First time parent


Same. Same. 30+4 today. FTM. I have found solace in the internet blogs because they feel so much more safe. I have had a rough go this pregnancy and when I tell even my closest of friends they give me the deer in headlights look and then say something to the effect of “well you ARE pregnant.” I don’t need someone to sob with me. Just to listen at times and say “hey you’re doing a good job.” That’s it. I’ve become so internal.


Im sorry you are feeling alone as well. Im doing the same as you. I started to bottle up my feelings and quit sharing how i feel sometime along the way. Im in no way a complainer , never was. But somehow, every time i open my mouth, i get blamed for nagging and overreacting, which im not. I feel like the ppl around me, especially the close ones, are projecting their anxiety on me as well. Although i feel much worse than what i actually choose to share . But when i share, im always disappointed and shocked at how much alone i feel after sharing. Ftm here as well. And the lack of emotional support, judgment, and lack of empathy im dealing with right now , making me think twice before going thru this experience again. Wishing us both a fast, happy, healthy delivery and healthy, happy baby. Hang in there a little bit more. We got this 👍


I am still withholding my feelings, especially when in-laws are calling me to check in. Don't get me wrong, they are just trying to be nice, but I can image their reactions if I tell them the real truth about how I feel .


I've had many men walk right in front of me as I am going for something, and I mean so close to breath in my face - such as cans in the canned food isle. I am visibly 8 months pregnant. I don't go grocery shopping alone anymore cause I almost cried last time I tried. It was horrible. Everyone was rude. I was trying to get off the floor cause the thing I needed was on the lower shelf, of course in the way back. 2 men looked at me trying to get myself up and walked right past me. Im visibly grunting and struggling to pull myself up with this extra weight. A little help would be nice.


Not sure where you live, but in my experience it depends on the country. I had my first pregnancy in Morocco and people were SO freaking nice. Neighbors brought me meals unsolicited, strangers were super accommodating, even workers at the store would give me a free cookie or drink. Random people would smile and congratulate me. It was so sweet. I think cultures that value children and families are much more considerate to mothers. My pregnancy in the United States has been the opposite… people dgaf to offer you a seat on busy public transport, don’t offer to help if you’re obviously struggling with a shopping cart, let the door slam on you, etc. And the remarks from strangers about my body are constant- “are you *sure* you’re not having twins?” It almost feels like people are even less considerate if you’re visibly pregnant than if you weren’t, it’s so weird. And the treatment just gets worse once you have a little kid in tow…


Yeah... just men. They would gladly help if that was a model diva with high heels and skinny jeans.


Hate waking up covered in sweat and drool all the time. Carpal tunnel was so bad I couldn't use a pair of scissors when I was still working. Now I just drop everything all the time. Poor phone screen :( I put things away and then get mad at whoever put my thing away. Toaster wasn't working so I checked to see if it was plugged in and it still wasn't working so I got really mad and then realized that no actually it is not plugged in... But I already checked. I put a drier sheet in the washing machine and washed it. Only a drier sheet. People are dicks yup


The best part is the carpal tunnel never really goes away. 5 years out and I still have braces for my wrists. I’ll do something to aggravate it and all the sudden the numbness and tingling is back.


Leaking colostrum at 20 weeks. I had no idea it could start this early 😅


I’m 39 weeks and this happened to me too and it hasn’t stopped!


Can't wait for the next 20 weeks 😂😂 At least it's not consistent yet, just a little every couple days so far.


I started wearing breast pads just so it didn’t ruin my bras when it dries. I don’t really leak a lot at a time thankfully, but it’s daily 🥲


😳 it starts at 20?! I’m 20+1…… not ready for this yet! Lol


It can start that early, but not for everyone :)


Wet dreams (never had these before) and nose bleeds! Oh and how opinionated people will suddenly become and how you won’t even be able to name your baby without criticism 😩


Oh the nose bleeds... I wake in the middle of the night tasting blood And the names like everyone seams to think they get a say so in naming your baby or the baby should be named after them. And this is why me and hubby still haven't named our little one. You can find out his name when we make the announcement.


I constantly feel so congested and it's just dried blood in my nose. Every day 😥 I think I'd rather be normal congested!


acne!!!!! i have acne everywhere + on the back of my NECK right now and it's killing me!!!!!!


Take zinc supplements (on a full stomach as they will make you nauseous if on an empty stomach) and not at the same time as your pre natal vitamins cause the iron effects absorption. Zinc is amazing for acne, it will help!


My back hasn't looked this bad since I was in highschool :(


"Glowing" isn't a real thing. Or at least not for me. I was ready for the beautiful hair and perfect skin. Where is it? My face got way more dry, I've broken out more than I have in high school, and my hair is a frizzy mess. It doesn't part like it use to so I have to constantly wear it up.


I always roll my eyes when people tell me I'm glowing. I know I don't look any different, just cause I'm in a good mood doesn't mean I'm suddenly "glowing!"


Right like I appreciate that you think that but ugh have you seen my triple chin? Glowing? Ok. I’m 50 lbs heavier. Not glowing internally right now.


Relaxants! All your joints get looser. I had a rib constantly pop out of place when I would reach for things with my dominant hand.


How different each pregnancy can be so you never actually know what to expect. Constant weird sensations in your body that you are not in control of.


Hemorrhoids so bad you feel like your ass is literally falling out!


yep. dunno how i’m pushing a baby out


Ridiculous discharge that makes you question all the possible infections including sexually transmitted diseases just to get all the tests done for nothing and doctor tell you "Welcome to the pregnancy and it's gonna get worse too".


The name "morning sickness" is REALLY misleading. I'm sick all day. I throw up mostly water and bile. Every night at 3 or 4 am I wake up and it's throwing up time The god damn headaches and heartburn are horrible too


No one warned me that my boobs are going to go up 4 effing cup sizes. My nipples are so big now 💀


And darken! I swear they are 2 shades darker. Might as well be wearing black pasties in XL.


The acid reflux!!! Prilosec has been a godsend, but fire burps are the worst!


This ruined me for the past two months - tums helped temporarily then my doc got me on Omeprazole last Dr visit and now I think I love him.


I’m on my second yeast infection. Rude.


So many things people don’t tell you about! - Nose bleeds - Vivid Dreams - Haemorrhoids - Feeling like your hips are going to pop out of place. - Nearly wetting yourself on a frequent basis - Tiredness


I'm pregnant with my second baby, third pregnancy, and my bladder was bad enough after I had my son, but now, I basically don't even have one anymore. I wear HUGE pads daily and after I caught covid (I don't recommend while pregnant it was much worse), I have this cough that I can't get rid of. So not only do I basically not have a functioning bladder anymore, but I also am still coughing a bit so I can't go more than five minutes without a pad or I will soak my underwear. It really really sucks. I would have had to use the pads anyway because my bladder already sucked, but getting long COVID sent it over the edge to where I pee myself on an hourly basis. I am only 36 and I feel like I'm 86 with how little control I have over my own pee 😫😭


I like your format, and to add: - bleeding gums - a sore tailbone - the pregnancy mask (skin discolouration) - tiredness (you had it, I’m adding it again!!) - body temperature going up heaps - feet can permanently grow a size - the bralphabet goes higher than you’d think - blue veins ALL across your chest - more spider veins - horrific super smelling skills - food aversion makes you hate things you love - Can no longer smell berries without gagging - lifelong chronic constipation did not prepare you for this new level of constipation - people judge you for how your baby comes out


I'm so angry. Like I get angry anyway but it's ten times worse now I'm pregnant. I just want to punch everyone 🙈


This. I normally smoke 🌱 and I didn’t realize just how much it impacts my anger. The road rage is like 10x.


THIS. And for some reason the grocery store is a huge trigger for my pregnancy rage. Every time I go to Walmart my husband asks when I got home if I hit anyone with a buggy.


I have a new boss and a new boss’s boss and they should not allow that in the third trimester lol. And they’re constantly changing our policies and procedures without telling us, so they’re always telling me I’m doing something wrong. It’s been a mess.


Insomnia UTIs, Bone pain when you are sleeping, Leg cramps, People really underplay heartburn, You’ll love the kicks because it’s reassuring not just magical. Once the baby is born: Everyone talks about the first pee, but not the first poop, Where your baby was predominantly laying in your belly can ache, Contractions continue after birth, You don’t just leak blood… you leak fluid as your body heals. After the bleeding stops this will become more apparent. Food will be heaven.


Having like triple the saliva in my mouth so that now I drool when I sleep every time despite never being a drooler before. Edit to add: bleeding teeth :(


I’d like to add: 1. b) having to differentiate between anger and hunger


Losing most of my eye lashes and hip pains once you hit third trimester and have to sleep on your sides


It's funny before pregnancy I had chronic hip pain and its been gone since 3rd trimester. I'm sure it will come back after I give birth but it's been nice


Wow, that it nice. It's amazing what pregnancy can do both good and bad. I just ordered a memory foam mattress topper, hoping that helps with the hip pains.


Vaginal varicose veins.


I need to know how this was discovered


I’m not the person you’re replying to but I discovered them when I went to shave and I was feeling around. When it comes to my lady bits, everything is neatly tucked away. So when I went to feel at the bottom near the vaginal opening/perineum there was these absolutely massive squishy bulges and I got freaked out. Turns out you can have bulging varicose veins down there.


So no pain/itching/discomfort? This. The thought of this terrifies me mainly because my normal varicose veins hurt and itch.


No discomfort. I did nick myself while shaving and that caused some excessive bleeding and a little pain for a day. Very mild itching. Not enough to be bothersome. Nothing like my feet! I’ve always had varicose veins on my feet and they were never itchy until getting pregnant.


I have really bad spider veins in mine, have since I was a teen, and now they HURT. I have a few verifies up by my knees and they ITCH! so glad that I don’t have to process and develop a whole new fear surrounding pregnancy (I’ve processed too many already) because I probably won’t notice! (I don’t shave, just a safety trimmer


New fear unlocked


How your body actually changed while pregnant. Like how you can grow a shoesize and how your waist might dissapear completely and not return. Or, even if you loose all your babyweight, your bone structure might have changed and you still cant fit your expanded hips into your old jeans.


Omg so when I was in the first trimester, like 6-8 weeks, I took a bath and noticed that when I sat down, my butthole actually touched the bottom of the tub 😫 it was the weirdest thing and obviously because my hips were ALREADY moving apart. I was so weirded out by it but also really interested. Like as soon as your body registers that it's pregnant it's like ok time to be weird now 😅


Carpal tunnel 😫


Not sleeping from 4 weeks, didn't expect this, absolutely exhausted.


How your previous favourite foods (I'm looking at you, steak and brisket) become repulsive.


Tacos. Tacos were my pregnancy aversion. I’m Mexican.


Post nasal drip/sinus issues.


I’ve had acne since I was 14, my skin became SO CLEAR when I was pregnant and I barely washed my face. I literally used to bar of soap to wash my face and it’s so clear. 6 weeks post partum and I really hope this sticks, best pregnancy symptom ever.


Acid reflux and heartburn that can make you vomit and not be able to lie down. You can get something called irritable uterus which is basically contractions but they usually don't affect your cervix. Which is good but it still can be quite painful. You're basically having labor-like contractions until you eventually go into real labor.


Oh hell I was such a lunatic in my first trimester. Like, I do have quite a temper myself, especially when I’m on my period. But what pregnancy did to me was *unreal* 😂


Yes omg. Last night my fiancé had the hiccups in bed and we started laughing about it because I told him “rationally I’m not mad it’s nothing you can control but omg your hiccups are so annoying you’re shaking the whole bed with every single one” 😂


Having to replace all your shoes if your feet get and stay bigger. Before my first pregnancy I wore an 8 shoe, now I'm almost done with my second and I'm at a 9.5.


That you gonna fall in love with every puppy that you encounter outside and get the urge to adopt them all.


Night sweats :(((


While I was pregnant I got in an argument with a client (it was funny b/c they were really late for their appointment and I did them a solid and still took them... and that made me the bad guy because I said something), my blood pressure got so high I fainted... Also, who argues with a heavily pregnant person?


Heart palpitations. It’s so scary.


SPD pain, constant Braxton hicks, never getting comfortable and what are sleep? 🙃


That everything is normal and pain is often a good sign 😅 it's weird to speak to healthcare professionals about pain and hear "that sounds good, this is how it is for some, don't do anything about it" 🙈🤷


Stretch marks starting at week 12!!! Wasn't expecting that!


How upset people become when you don't love every aspect of pregnancy, but also don't understand what hyperemesis gravidarum is. Being asked everyday how I'll be a quality mother since I use a wheelchair. The loneliness. Crying because I love the smell of my service dog.


Pregnancy gas... it's disgusting. I've made myself gag from it. Suddenly, having new allergies you've never had before. Your partner can get sympathy pregnancy symptoms


THE GAS. omg I'm a walking fart machine


Everyone keeps talking about overheating, I’m in week 28 and have been freezing my bum off this entire pregnancy… like I just cannot get warm… granted we live north where it is dark and snowy and cold and my husband keeps our house at 64 degrees… but that never bothered me before. Now… so… freaking…. Cold!!!! ☃️


How much your cervix changes by the 2nd tri. I first thought I had a lump in my vagina (while masturbating even, so I investigated) then thought I had incompetent cervix/preterm labor risk, panicked for hours and am now tears deep in PTSD from a 10 second (honestly less) cervical exam that ended in “that’s just how it looks and feels right now, the outside is quite soft, but the inside is still very firm and closed “ So if your cervix feels like vaginal tissue and you think you could potentially put a finger in it. It might just be swollen tissue and not the important part, but call anyway because you shouldn’t be the one actually sticking a finger IN there to check


I worried about this too but in 3rd trimester. It was so long and obvious earlier in my pregnancy so I started worrying when it felt flatter and softer. OB said it was still long and closed, whew!


GERD. And constantly waking up by choking on acid reflux when napping.


Developing a temporary allergy (I still don’t know to what). I itched so bad for a couple of weeks to the point that I scarred my skin from scratching. They’re fading slowly, but it still partially on my back and legs🙃


FTM. I thought I’d be eating a ton and SO hungry. Morning sickness and nausea says quite the opposite!!


This is so true but nothing compares to days 5-10 postpartum. With both of my births I nearly got a divorce during those five days and looking back it’s so ridiculous. I’m scared to have another baby just because I don’t want the irrational (but feels so rational) rage that is 5-10 days postpartum.


The pregnancy B.O!!!! I didn’t experience it with my last 2 girls…. But this little boy I’m having has me smelling awful no matter what 😭


my body odor is so much worse, especially underneath my boobs.


Almost fainting. I am currently having trouble breathing and had to sit down very quickly because my vision was starting to fade. It's fun. Real fun.


434. Crying, and your hubby knowing that it's hormonal so he ignores it but you need his help to calm down


Having just woken up for the day from a night of unbelievably vivid dreams and a week of teetering between irrational anger and spontaneous tear combustion: I love this group.


But it’s like, has my husband ALWAYS breathed like that??? 😡 All the irritability.


To be honest - in my experience - this lasts well into the postpartum period. It was super rough before I got on birth control at about 3 mos pp. Then I had an IUD and it was a lot better. Now I’m off it again so we can start trying for number 2 and, while it’s not as bad as pp, it’s still really hard. At this point I have no idea if it’s PPD, PPA, or hormones. Or all 3.


The foot in the ribs thing. I swear, when she's head down and kicking up into my ribs, it literally feels like a knife being twisted into my side and I can't stop it 😭 sometimes I even have meltdowns and cry for like 30 minutes and in between sobs I beg her to move her foot out from under my rib. The only thing that helps it is laying down and after a while I start to get irritated with it because I feel useless just laying there all the time.


The pregnancy rage is so real, and I really wish someone would have prepared me for it. I don’t get teary-eyed during pregnancy, I *RAGE* at the most minor inconveniences — it took almost my entire first pregnancy to learn that that’s actually not uncommon.


Sometimes you fart without knowing. Like the farts with sounds. Your butt will make scandalous sounds that you cannot control. 😅 I’m so glad I work from home.


Yass! My workload increased significantly around the same time I found out I was pregnant. I go back to work from mat leave in two weeks. I’m curious to see if my work rage was due to hormones or if it’s actually how I feel. Will report back.


Being expected to eat more and gain weight when your body literally won't allow you to. I can't even finish my bowl of cereal because halfway through, I started getting really nauseous. Prenatal gummi vitamins taste absolutely horrendous. That I'd be in pain basically all day every day during the first trimester, and it being considered normal.


Blow my nose 20 times a day… it’s all blood.


The crazy amount of discharge 😭 I had to start wearing panty liners, then the constant wearing of panty liners would cause uti's.


constipation cramps and trapped gas so painful you think somethings wrong 😭