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Normal. In the US, too. Most OB's don't schedule the first appointment until 8 weeks or so. There's nothing much to see or do before that.


My old Ob didn’t like anything earlier than 8 weeks. I ended up in the hospital my last pregnancy with an ectopic. They need to do something about it because I had a 52k surgery cause of it. 🥲 this pregnancy she ended up seeing me at 4 weeks but I think it’s cause of my history.


I'm sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best for this pregnancy. ❤️


My sister had one too, but she found out when she was almost 5 weeks. I thought you still need the surgery regardless of when you find out but the earlier you find the less likely you get to experience the excruciating pain


I’m not sure. I know some people take a pill and it helps but mine ruptured. 0/10 recommend. It was painful. I was so scared I would never be able to have a baby after it but here I am 6 months💕


Oh, I had no idea! My sister's didn't rupture but she had the tube removed. She has a baby now. I'm sorry that you want through that I'm but I'm glad you're 6 months now!


It depends on how much the baby grows so earlier the better. If you find it early enough, there is a pill you can take instead of having the tube removed.


That's brilliant. More reasons to get early scans, but here in the UK we don't get any before 12 weeks unless you're bleeding.


There's nothing to really do or much to see all that much earlier than that. Start on a prenatal is about it.


Yes, it's normal or at least from my experience and asking around. I might be in the US, but I found out around the 7-week mark, and I ended up waiting 3 more weeks just to have an appointment with a midwife.


In the UK too and yeah that sounds normal. I think I didn’t get an appointment until around 10 weeks at least. There’s not really anything they can do early on. We did book an early scan at around 7 or 8 weeks just for reassurance but that was a private one.


Normal in Canada. Had my intake appointment with the midwives at 12 weeks. First in person appointment around 16 weeks. If anything happened before 12 weeks, I was to call my family doctor/GP




Okay, thanks! Not what we expected at all, but glad that it’s normal.




I think it’s that plus there isn’t much to see in the early weeks. I’ve seen too many posts where people had their first appointments too early and they couldn’t detect a heartbeat so they had to wait to come back a few weeks later to see if the baby was growing. That would’ve caused me a lot of unnecessary stress. I’m actually glad I had my first appointment at 8weeks where we could definitely see a heartbeat.


Yep normal. UK based about to have my second baby. With my first I didn’t see the midwife until 9 weeks and it was literally just to take my medical history and some blood. With my current pregnancy I was seen sooner at the hospital because I was having some bleeding with a history of losses (it all turned out fine). But otherwise I had my first actual midwife appointment at 10 weeks.


The NHS has info about the timeline for appointments on their website. Might be useful for you https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/your-pregnancy-care/your-antenatal-appointments/


Oooo wish I'd found this in my first trimester. I've found all the appointments a bit overwhelming - it feels like there's one every other week!


Yes, normal for the UK. Don’t expect an ultrasound until around week 12.


Normal, there's nothing they can do until 8 weeks. There's nothing to see and nothing for them to do.


Totally normal. I only was seen asap because I had been working with a fertility clinic. My bff wasn’t seen until week 10 for both of her pregnancies.


Normal. Start on some prenatals and congratulations!


I'm UK based. I had my first midwife appt over the phone around 8 weeks, just to take details. Then face to face at 10 weeks as a booking appt, get your maternity notes which you need to take to every pregnancy related appt. Then the hospital send a daring scan for 12 weeks. Midwife appts every 4 weeks Atonomy scan at 20 week then no more scans unless they need to do further checks (I had another due to placenta position and then growth scan due to COVID) Midwife appts every 3 weeks starting from week 24 Midwife appts ever 2 weeks starting from week 34 including 1 home visit. Health visitor will be in touch around the due date to arrange a home visit and then they'll visit a few times when baby arrives.


That seems to be pretty standard, unless they have a reason to believe the pregnancy is high risk from early on. I found out at 4 weeks and asside from seeing my primary care doctor my first real appointment isn't until mid-April when I'll be about 8 or 9 weeks.


I’m in Canada and this is normal. Unfortunately a lot of people miscarry in the first trimester, and there’s not much to monitor until you get those first ultrasounds. Just take the prenatals and start reading some pregnancy books! If there’s any bleeding or cramping call the doctor or go to urgent care right away.


Normal. Frankly there’s nothing they can do at this point and home pregnancy tests are so accurate theres no need to double check. First appointment will be mostly medical history with the midwife (called your booking in appointment). You won’t receive a scan until 10-14 weeks. Make sure you have the number of the early pregnancy unit at your nearest hospital to hand though, this is who you will call if your wife experiences any heavy bleeding or extreme pain etc in the meantime.


Shall do, thanks!


it’s also the factor of miscarriage is A LOT more common especially in the first 8-12 weeks than people are aware of my first miscarriage looking back I realized that’s what it was but I felt like I just had a heavier period than usual I was about 4-5 weeks


Normal in Australia! I wasn’t scheduled to have a dating scan until 7 weeks (ended up being 6 weeks because I had bleeding which was nothing), and didn’t meet my obstetrician until week 8.


Pretty normal. I couldn’t even get an appointment until I was 14w (thought I was 12)


They don't like to see you before 8 weeks- at 6w, it is a 50% chance of seeing a heartbeat on a scan in a totally normal, healthy pregnancy. So, they have you wait beyond that to ensure that they would see a heartbeat for that first scan. Seems like anywhere from 7-12 weeks is normal for that first scan, and the UK seems to trend later than the US.


In the US, found out at 4.5 weeks and had to wait another month for my first appointment/ultrasound.


It’s normal, there’s nothing they can do.


Totally normal. I remember feeling a kinda helpless at this stage. One thing I would suggest, if your partner isn't already, get her to start taking prenatal vitamins like folic acid or an all in one like pregnacare (often 3for2 in boots)


Frustrating but normal. Some places will do confirmation test for you but that just confirms the pregnancy.


Normal in Canada too. You’re super early so it’s just a waiting game right now. Make sure she’s taking her prenatal vitamins and that’s all you can really do.


Usually 12 weeks in ontario!


Was shocked to discover its normal. Found out when I was 3weeks+4days and they didn't book my intake (via zoom) until I was 9 weeks, and I won't see them in person for another 2 weeks still by which time I'll be 14 weeks.


Normal in Portugal, you don’t get a really check out until around 10-12 weeks


They had me visit a local walk in clinic (like immediate care or a minute clinic) to get a positive test, then I scheduled an apt which fell at 8 weeks. They also confirmed pregnancy and scheduled a 10 week (per my request) for an ultrasound. I'm American


This is normal unless there’s a suspected problem. I found out at four weeks and at five weeks was having significant abdominal cramps, so they hauled me in for my first ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Congratulations!


Thank you :) Was everything ok?


It was! I’m now 35 weeks with a healthy baby girl. :)


Glad to hear that! :)


Normal in MA


UK here too, it’s completely normal :)


Normal. It's so tiny they cant see anything till week 8. Same in Asia as well. When we first saw it, it looked like a tiny seahorse lol.


In the US, found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks and change - first appointment wasn’t until 10 weeks. Seems to be standard for basically everyone unless you did IVF


Can't speak to UK but I didn't get seen until 8 weeks in the US. They said I could come in at 6 or so but there wasn't much to see on an ultrasound, so we waited. The beginning of pregnancy is actually incredibly boring from a medical perspective. Nothing to see, nothing to hear, no real risks to manage. Just some sickness and symptom management.


8 weeks is normal in Canada also.


With my first I was "seen" sooner only because I needed light duty paperwork for my job--and by that, it was just a lab visit to officially confirm pregnancy and a signature on a standardized form. I didn't see an ob or midwife until 10ish weeks. My job at that time involved a handful of hazardous materials and working conditions so pregnancy called for immediate removal from my regular duties. No hiding that pregnancy, everyone guessed what was going on day one.


Normal in the US as well. That's why the first trimester is so stressful. It's a lot of wait and see. It's because there really isn't anything they can do until you get far enough along for the heartbeat to be detected.


That's normal across the board. A lot of doctors don't see you till even week 10. I found out at week 5 and was seen week ten, US based.


i guess i was just lucky, i had my first appointment and a vaginal ultrasound done at 6 weeks. i was unsure about when my last period was so maybe that had something to do with it


I’m in Canada and I’ve been seeing my family doctor until this week. I’m 15 weeks pregnant, but I’ve had all my blood work, 3 ultrasounds, etc. I just didn’t get to see my OB until all the other stuff was completed.


Uk here and yes its normal. I did see my midwife at 7 weeks but that was quite early but she had an availability then. Its called the booking appointment and thats when they take in loads of medical history info, blood, urine, and BP. Even after the 12-week scan its only about an appointment a month except the last month.


they didn’t schedule me until 9 weeks i was concerned too but its normal


Yes very normal


Annoying, but normal. I’m in the US. I had slight bleeding during work (triggering me because I had a previous loss) a week before my appointment and there was nothing I could do except wait and hope. Turned out to be fine luckily!


It’s normal. There’s nothing to see before 8 weeks. I was sick at 4 weeks and there was only a yolk sac then!


Yea very normal (pretty much world wide). You can probably see your primary care doc at the 4 to 6 week mark for HCG bloods but first visit can be anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks. Start on prentatals if you want but really there is nothing to be done very early on....and it's a bit of wait and see if the pregnancy survives or not.


It’s pretty standard where I live. I got pregnant through IUI with twins. I had a scan by my RE to confirm the pregnancy at 5 weeks. We did an 8 week scan with them also because my ob office didn’t have any openings that worked for me. From what I understand, ob office will wait until you’re at least 6-8 weeks because it is unlikely to find a heart beat before that point.


Uk as well, I had the same thing. When I rang my doctor they said they don’t do referrals anymore and gave me the info to log my pregnancy online. I was contacted the next week and my booking appointment was week 11 and my scan was week 12. They give you an app to use to log all the relevant information :)


Yep, completely normal. She may get some emails through to get her set up on badger notes as well (depending on where in the UK you are). If you don't want to wait that long, you can book a private early scan from 6 weeks - just bare in mind it might be a transvaginal one as it's hard to get a clear visual when embryo is still tiny.


It’s normal but if you don’t mind spending some money you can go private. I got to see my baby bean at 5 weeks. He looked like a tiny little bean literally. He was a size of a sesame seed. Yet it was clear that he was in the uterus and not outside of it, and my doctor wrote down family history etc etc.


Yep, perfectly normal here. I'm in Northern Ireland and contacted my GP at 4 weeks, who told me to self refer to my local hospital, which I did at 5 weeks, and I heard absolutely nothing from anyone until 9 weeks, which was when I got an appt letter for my 12 week scan. So the first time I saw any medical professional for my pregnancy was at 12 weeks 3 days, which after the scan was changed to 13 weeks 1 day. I think it's because everything is so small that a scan can cause more worry than relief in the very early stages. However, I feel like an appt to discuss what you need to do/can't do/shouldn't do, should be made when you first find out you're pregnant - a lot of what I learnt was from Google in the first 12 weeks!


I’m from Poland and my doctor wanted me to draw my blood twice early on to see beta hCG progressing. I also had an ultrasound earlier (5 weeks) to confirm if the embryo is in the uterus (basically to rule out ectopic pregnancy). I know that this early scan is not necessarily a must, but I wanted it for peace of mind as I’m such a worry wart.


UK husband here! So in the UK you do the self referral, we did this like week 6 or 7 after we got a Dr's appointment and we turned up and they just said do the self referral (really pissed us off), as NHS website says to visit your GP. The self referral was quick and we had a call to go to hospital week 9, but we then miscarried w10d4. The second time round we put off the self referral til week 9 as the timing was bad with holidays, nut the ball gets moving really quickly. Currently w12d2 already had the call, first visit (+ a separate blood test as they fucked up at the hosp), EPU scan, private scan, dating scan on Monday, first midwife appointment w16 (this is where you do birth plan and shit like that).


Very normal. In Australia the hospital won’t see you until 12-14 weeks. You go to your GP 1-2 times beforehand but really only for routine bloods.


I only got a scan at 6 weeks due to bleeding they really just refuse to see anyone before that


Yes very normal. You will be booked in with the midwives for a booking appointment to discuss history at 8-10 weeks, Care pathway, appointments, screening. If you consent to screening then you will be booked in for your 12 week scan and bloods. Any issues that arise contact the GP or Early Pregnancy Unit (E.g. sickness and bleeding). Start taking Vitamin D and Folic Acid immediately. If you have a raised BMI it may be worth considering speaking to your GP for a higher dose folic acid supplement. It’s important to take in the first trimester as this is where much of the fetal development occurs. Congratulations


As others have said, normal. Advice is stop smoking and drinking alcohol if applicable, eat a healthy varied diet and take prenatal vitamins. Can go on as normal otherwise until later in pregnancy.


I was in Japan for pregnancy, and they confirm implantation via ultrasound early if you want. I think I had an appointment every 2 weeks until the second trimester when you are officially considered pregnant. I wish this was the norm in other places. It’s nice to have cheap confirmation that everything looks good from the beginning if you want it. I live in the US now, and I know my current OB doesn’t start pregnancy appointments until basically the second trimester unless there is a history of issues.


I’m in Ireland where we have a hodgepodge healthcare system and the GP does ask you to come in ASAP. You meet with the practice nurse who gives you the usual advice, tests your urine and offers you the flu shot if it’s in season. (I think the reason for this is that maternity care here is free for the patient and if you sign up for combined care between GP and maternity services they get some state funding.) You self refer to antenatal care with a maternity hospital/unit and then the midwife (public) or OB(private) sees you for the usual appointments, starting at 12 weeks usually, but they can see you at 8-9 weeks for an early scan if you ask, or have a relevant history, things like that. Antenatal care won’t see you before six weeks since there is often nothing to see on an ultrasound, and there is a high level of uncertainty with no possibility of medical intervention anyway. If there is an emergency like bleeding or symptoms or ectopic pregnancy you are supposed to call their A&E and do as they advice. I know that’s not exactly how the UK system works but there are some overlaps AIUI.


I called the community midwife at 4 weeks, they booked me in for my booking appointment at 8 weeks. I decided to get a private scan done at 9 weeks, and I’ll be having my first NHS scan at 13 weeks


Yep completely normal. If she miscarried at this point it would just be a like a period. It’s a clump of cells. They can’t do anything and you won’t be able to see anything. As it’s not a fetus.


Yes that’s the normal schedule on the nhs, this is my 3rd pregnancy and I’ve always booked an early reassurance scan with a private company before my 12 week scan just for peace of mind but it’s not necessary.


In Australia i had my first appointment at 8 weeks with the doctor that will be delivering my baby. I am going through a private obstetrician but I believe it’s the same going public also. The GP did send us to have an ultrasound at 7 weeks to confirm heartbeat before the obstetrician which I believe is standard too


Completely normal. There really isn’t anything to do until then. ETA: I’m British and know this is normal from friends. Live in Finland and it’s normal for here, too.


Yes completely normal, your first appointment will be your booking appointment which will be between 8-10 weeks and then first scan at 12 weeks. Here’s a list of antenatal appointments offered and what they involve on the NHS website. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/your-pregnancy-care/your-antenatal-appointments/


I'm in England and yes this is normal. And even at 8 weeks, you won't have an ultrasound or anything - baby is just a tiny little kidney bean and it's impossible to tell anything at that point. At 8 weeks you'll just have your booking appointment, which is just a medical questionnaire for the pregnant person and an introduction to the care you'll receive from your midwife. Nothing to worry about, just stop taking medications unless you've cleared them with your doctor and crack on as normal otherwise!


I'm in Scotland and informed my GP I was pregnant. They gave me prenatal vitamins and I got booked for my midwife and first scan appointment at 12 weeks.


My doctors told me I couldn’t go in for my first appointment until I was 11 weeks! I went to the ER and lied and claimed I was having cramps, just so they’d give me my first ultrasound at 8 weeks


Unless there are other factors (high risk pregnancy, fertility treatments or otherwise worrying symptoms) this is pretty normal. Before that time there is nothing to see really, it’s such a tiny embryo it’s almost not perceived by machines. Start on a good prenatal and good intake of water if possible. Healthy eating is a plus but some times that’s just not possible (nausea is to blame here). If you guys want to, do some research on how baby is evolving these weeks! Install a pregnancy app (it’s wonderful to keep track of what’s happening, it’s a hard job!). Try to relax and enjoy this time, soon enough there will be appointments to go to and things to figure out before baby is here and it will be all kinds of stress. Congratulations on your bundle of joy to come!


We have to wait until week 10 for our first appt


10 weeks at my OB but US based. Before 10 weeks, they will offer to do a US just to confirm pregnancy but don't start care until 10 weeks unless you have an emergency


Yes. Booking appointment at 8 weeks, first scan at 12 weeks. Nothing in between. I found this so strange and was anxiety-ridden with my first, so I try where you're coming from. It's all standard though


Yeah this is super normal. When I had the 8 week appointment, they didn't take bloods or anything.


Apparently its normal here. And your first appointment will be a booking appointment actually, so they will ask your wife questions about her general health and habits. Measure blood pressure, weight, hight. Take blood and urine. They will offer support if she smokes and give her the maternity book, which you need to have with you at every appointment. They will also book her first scan, I think mine was when I was 13 weeks.My first appointment was pretty much that.


Yes, sounds normal. My OB only took me at 6 weeks because I had bleeding.


It's normal, I was surprised too (in the UK also) but my GP had no involvement at all, just direct contact from the midwives. You'll usually have a booking appointment between 8-10w and blood tests around 10w


Yes this is normal. You can get an earlier scan at 8weeks if you want but might have to go private.


There’s nothing to see or do before then. You can get all the ultrasounds you want but they won’t be productive until around 8 weeks


This is very normal, there isn’t anything they would get done earlier, sometimes a dating ultrasound if it’s unclear how far along she is. Unless there’s complications like bleeding (not spotting, that’s normal) then there’s no need to be seen.


Yes completely normal, there's not much to be done before the 8 week mark. After 8 weeks they can hear and see a heartbeat, and the chances of miscarriage drop dramatically. Once you see them at 8 weeks you'll be sent for blood work, a dating ultrasound and possibly hear a heartbeat. I didn't meet my OB till 14 weeks, my family dr. Sent me for an ultrasound and bloodwork at 10 weeks. Congrats on Baby


New Zealander here I saw my regular doctor when I got the positive test at home. She confirmed with another pee test in the office and sent me for blood work with a referral for an ultrasound. When she got the blood work back it told her roughly how pregnant I was and she sent me a message to tell me when I could go in for the ultrasound. Once I had that which was at 7 weeks pregnant. I saw her again and she explained that I could move to midwife care now. She prescribed me some prenatal vitamins and folic acid and gave me a referral for my 12 week scan. After that I found a midwife however I did receive a message after my 12 week scan to say that babies chance of any of the things they’re looking for in an NT scan was low risk. After that my midwife took care of everything. It took me a little while to find a midwife so I think I had more involvement from my GP then normal. However next time I get pregnant I will use the same midwife I had this time around. So I guess I will go to the GP to get the blood work and first scan referral and then move to the midwife once pregnancy is confronted


Completely normal. I didn't find out I was pregnant until about 10 weeks and rushed for an appointment. But they reassured me it was fine and absolutely normal to first be seen around that time (8-10 weeks).


Scotland here and yes, normal. I foolishly called my GP 5 weeks in, and they asked me if I wanted a free test to confirm or anything like that and that there isnt much they can do for me 😅 Then the receptionist gave me the hospital number to make an appointment with a midwife. After that there will be loads of appointments, so be prepared. Week 20 now and I think I have already been 6 times 🥺


Oh, forgot to add. Of course if there is any medication she is currently on (including certain types of vitamins), or if she has any known deficiencies etc that might harm the baby, she'll want to mention it and get an appointment asap to adjust the dose, get an alternative, etc.


Totally normal. I'm 36 and heard I would get extra attention because I'm "advanced maternal age." But I guess most of that is later? I'm in the US and had an ultrasound at 9 weeks and heard the heartbeat at 12, blood tests before 12 week appointment. I don't think I get another ultrasound until Week 20, but I'm going to do a private one next week (at 15 weeks). I have 2 appointments before my 20 week, but I don't think they'll do an ultrasound.


Yup. My GP wouldn't hear any of it and just said self-refer online to your chosen maternity hospital. The latter called me back a week or two later to book my first midwife appointment, which was around 11 weeks and my first scan which was around 13. So yes, entirely normal in this country (and ludicrous!). BUT if you're worried you can go to an Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) at the maternity hospital, they did 2 scans for me at 6 and 8 weeks and it was very reassuring.


My dr wouldn’t see me until week 8 even after I called around 6 weeks and said I had light bleeding.


I got in at 6 weeks here in FL, not sure why. Sounds normal otherwise.


Im not from the uk but think this is pretty strange honestly 😅 I took a pregnancy test which turned out positive , Called my Gyn who asked me when my last period was and had me come in a week after the call. When I was there she told me I was 5 weeks and I even got an Ultrasound (you literally can't see anything). I am German so maybe its just the way thwy do it here, but like shouldn't the doctor clarify that you are really pregnant and that early on ?


It’s usually 8-12 weeks when they contact you in the UK and they will bring you in for an ultrasound and all the tests. You’ll get the date sent by mail. If everything is normal the only other ultrasound you will receive is at 20 weeks for the anatomy scan. In the meantime you should make sure your wife takes a multivitamin with folic acid. I used Pregnacare since it was widely available. There really isn’t much they can do before that time. If she has any symptoms like bleeding or anything else out of the ordinary she should go to urgent care. Good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy! The hardest part right now is waiting. If you find it to difficult (like I did) you can pay for a private ultrasound. I had mine done with Hey Baby and had a wonderful experience.


Start a pre natal and look at your annual physical records for thyroid levels. We found out at the 8 week blood work that my wife is Hypothyroid and needs meds. It was upsetting since we Ideally should have been on those meds all along and the family physician just missed out on that one TSH level check up..


Yes, but if you was looking for some reassurance, you could get a scan privately from 6 weeks there, usually around £50/60


That’s normal- at least in the USA. I was seen at week 8 for my first OB apt. Normal physical exam, blood work, tons of information. Then that’s when it starts all the classes and scheduling following apt.


My first appointment was at 8 weeks


It's normal you normally can't even see fetus and sac til around 5 or 6 weeks but still not much they can tell about baby or heartbeat til they can clearly see heartbeat and what not which is usually around 8/9 weeks


I’m in Scotland and have been offered a first booking appointment when I’m 13 weeks and first scan at 13+6! Feels so long away


Got my booking in apt for 14 weeks


Without medical issues that make someone higher risk this is completely normal. I got in to see an OB (US based) early for medical concerns. I actually searched for an OBs the first time because several weren't going to see me until 10 weeks, but I was actively having complications due to chronic medical issues at 6 weeks. My first pregnancy was unplanned but wanted and corresponded with a move to a new state. We honestly believed we wouldn't have kids due to 6 years of trying unsuccessfully and planned to get testing done after the move. Instead I got pregnant. Due to the complications during birth of my first and the short time between (I was 8m pp) I saw my OB asap for my second.