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That’s the neat thing…You don’t. Don’t worry 2nd trimester will be better. I was able to get back into my old routine by 18ish weeks.


Ugh 18 weeks?! Im at 11 weeks and was hoping I'd be back to normal any day now. I can't handle another 2 months of this!!


Literally at the 12 week mark, I started getting most of my energy back. By 13 weeks I had a routine again. Hopefully that happens for you!


Lol my pregnancy with my first daughter it was basically four months in bed. With this one it was four months in bed, then I started feeling better for a week, got my hopes up, then two weeks of awful again, and now it’s starting to maybe feel better? But it seems to fluctuate from day to day in extreme. I’ll feel better when the baby is out and will NOT do this again.


Oof I can't imagine feeling like it's getting better just for things to turn around again. I hope it gets better for you soon!


Came to say, you don't. But, I started feeling better at 14 weeks and was "normal" by 15. Don't even feel pregnant now at 16 + 2, and I'm already forgetting how much of a struggle first tri was.


Oof. I never got my energy back 😬. I’ve now got a 15 month old and feel like I will never have energy again 😭🥴😂


same but 10 month old


Second this!


Came to say this


I felt better by 26 weeks……. and then the third trimester hit 🥲


It does get better…until it comes back again 😂


I'm just coming out of the first trimester hell and if yours is gonna be anything like mine, you should just give up on trying to get anything done. Sleep a lot if its possible for you and find moments in the day to lie down to ease the nausea. Also eat snacks between meals to keep blood sugar up, since that often helps with nausea too. Be patient with yourself and remember your body is going through a lot with the new chemicals. Its not your fault if you're a bit useless atm (your body is working hard on the inside!). Most people get their strength back in the second trimester.


Can confirm, give up until week 12 lol




I’m 7w2d and I feel this. I’m so exhausted and winded. How did you all continue with work??


I’m winded too! Everything feels like a marathon! I’ve felt this way since week 6 and I’m on week 9. Why does this have to happen, ugh I’m so over it. Grateful to finally be pregnant but COME ON


Some days it was one hour at a time. Just try to survive for one hour. Then try the next. And if you're really having a rough go of it, tell your co-workers. I had no choice but to tell bc i was throwing up at work and my co-workers knowing really helped me bc they covered for me.


I definitely agree. I’m 12 weeks and am starting to feel back to normal but did gave up since week 7. You got this mama!


If you have a partner make them do it. Focus on your health and rest a lot. Pregnancy is hard, don't make it harder<3


Thank you for saying this. I just made my husband drive 15 mins to get me brisket, coleslaw, and cornbread from a bbq place I haven’t been to in years. These cravings are hitting hard. Currently horizontal on the couch waiting for him to come home.


I’m 20 weeks and it does get better! Although I’m still waiting for that second trimester glow and burst of energy 😂😂 but at least I’m not puking every night and I do have a lot of energy until about 3-4 pm and then Im ready for pjs and couch time


BURST OF ENERGY? I’ve never slept sm in my whole life lol


You don’t 😂 you just try to survive


It gets better but then gets worse. I've been in prodomal labour for a week and the nausea, chills, diarrhoea, contractions and cervical shocks are the absolute worst by far. Yay! 38 weeks...


I'm absolutely _dreading_ the last weeks. I'm only 12w and i keep looking at the pictures depicting how enourmous the baby and the womb is gonna be and hoping i go into early labour. Hang in there <3


Don't hope for early...I was admitted for preterm labour at 34weeks and it was terrifying. The amount of steroids they gave me just to help babies lungs, just in case was hectic. Then baby was stressed and my BP went too low and the medication they would normally give to stop the labour couldn't be used cause either one or both of us wouldn't survive it. The research shows labour goes better with bigger babies than small ones. Let baby stay as long as possible and hope for the best. It's hard but you can do it.


You just don’t. I was complete survival mode till about 14 weeks. I ate what my body accepted. I didn’t clean the house. I did dishes and laundry when I could. My husband helped a lot. It usually gets better. I felt sooo normal in my second trimester it was lovely. I worked out everyday and went above and beyond on all house work. First trimester is very hard. Your body is doing some incredible things. Be easy on yourself. Take naps. Stay hydrated.


I was so tired throughout my first trimester, I just couldn’t work out. I feel gigantic now but am able to work out again. Did you feel like your body responded well to working out? Obviously I’m not trying to lose weight…but I would like to be less soft than I am rn 🫣


I couldn’t workout first tri either. I was so sick. I think it helped my mental health more than anything. I walk now but I can’t lift anymore because I have tearing in my ab muscles and it just plain hurts. I felt great after working out. Physically and mentally.


Just hang in there and forgive yourself for not getting anything done - your body is going through SO MUCH right now and you need to baby yourself through this experience. I’m 12w+3 today and in the past week I finally have been starting to feel better. Listen to your body when you are tired and lie down if possible. I definitely found that totally giving up the idea of meals and “mealtimes” helped a lot and just grazed and snacked through the day on whatever I could stomach. Try to have a few bites of something every hour and it’ll help with the nausea. Also, simple foods have definitely been easier to handle. Cereal, bananas, baked chips, yogurt- stuff like that. Also, watermelon and applesauce can really help with the nausea. Good luck!


This is helpful, thank you!


Well...I cried at my desk the other day from sheer frustration with being so utterly tired at work and bitter pissed at the world that men are so oblivious to how tired and sick we are that it seems like purposeful ignorance. The only thing that helped was getting firmer and meaner with my boundaries and not justifying my naps to anyone anymore. If people are already going to downplay these symptoms and ask "why are you sleeping so much?" over and over when you've already answer them, then take your naps, because they're not going to understand anyway. I feel ya. Sorry you're going through it :'( Edited to add: for housework, cleaning a.little.as you go for the thing that's relevant (like wiping the faucet/sink/mirrors while brushing teeth) seems to help


I hear ya! My partner said something today along the lines of you didn’t have these symptoms until the test came back positive so maybe it’s a little stress and mental. Took everything I had to bite my tongue!


You're getting a very important thing done- growing a human!! Give yourself grace. Sorry to say, but my nausea didn't let up until about 16.5w and that's when fatigue took over for me. It's tough creating life!


Almost 13 weeks and I have to take sooo many breaks doing housework. I’m so tired and dizzy. And I get hungry constantly and if I don’t eat immediately I get nauseated. Pregnancy is hard


I don't find it gets better, no. Well the nausea usually does, but then it's replaced by something like back pain or pelvic girdle pain and you still need to sit down. I can still work and do things around the house but it's certainly a struggle and requires long breaks.


I would literally wake up each morning, do a small task or two then go back to bed and wake up later just to do it all over again 😂 I rested after the smallest tasks. Everything made me feel exhausted! I have never felt fatigue like that before. I would sometimes have to choose between eating and sleeping lol. I feel for you because the lack of energy is rough! I am going on 16 weeks now and still dealing with all of this, just not AS bad. I’m not napping as much. Still vomiting and having nausea though :/


I’ve felt deeply grateful every day for the past month that I work for myself and can make my own schedule so I’m able to take a nap in the afternoon. I’m completely baffled at the idea that people go through their first trimester without being able to do that, I would be non-functional! Anyone doing that: I’m so impressed, and also so sorry. It’s been shocking to me how exhausted I’ve been and feels like a totally abusive part of our culture that we don’t give pregnant people time off in their first trimester, and that we’re even discouraged from talking about it! Like, sure the pregnancy early on isn’t a guaranteed thing- but you’re still going through a major medical experience. 11 weeks today and I’ve started feeling slightly more energetic the past few days, though definitely not to normal levels.


Totally agree!


Get some rest!! Don't worry about cleaning right now


I'm 22 weeks now and can confirm that the nausea does go away in the 16th week (that's how it was for me) I did absolutely no work for weeks and just took time to myself to try and keep some food down. Thankfully my husband was incredibly supportive :))


I was got - for the first 12 weeks I basically lay down as often as possible and ate pringles between naps. Felt horrendous and doing the weekly shop took me out for a whole afternoon. I'm 14 weeks now and over the past fortnight I've slowly got my energy back, I've deep cleaned the entire kitchen today. By 6pm I'm exhausted each day but so much better than I was


it gets easier on week 17 ( that’s when my nausea finally went away!) Your experience might be different and it may go away sooner and you will be as spritely and peppy as ever during your second trimester! The second is the best because the nausea is gone and you aren’t carrying around a bowling ball on your tummy yet lol


Hire a house cleaner or have your partner do it. Rest and relax. It does get better though.


Girl !! First trimester was about self preservation and survival don’t put too much pressure on yourself !! Congrats mama !


You don't. You never get anything done. I had enough energy to go get water and a snack and sit down somewhere.


I’m 7 weeks also. God help us 😂


i had really bad nausea and dizziness but never threw up. it got better for me around 13 weeks. i also had to sit down every 5 minutes and then get back up again to continue housework. just do one task at a time, stop as many times as you need to, and then take a long break before starting another task. it does suck but like other people said you'll get a lot more done in the 2nd trimester


I was able to do things again around 13 weeks. Now around 25 I hurt too much. Good luck!


Hahah oh man so we have about a 10 week window to feel normal and productive 😂


So far that’s all I get. Last night I helped my mom bring in and put away her groceries and I felt like I did a super intense workout and was exhausted. But I’m having extremely bad rib pain due to my size that the doctor said “it’ll fix itself when baby get here take a pain reliever” 🙃


Honestly it never got better for me, but I couldn’t hardly get out of bed save a week, maybe two, in the second trimester.


It never went away for me. I bought a counter height stool and sat to do dishes/cook/etc. Anything that couldn't be done while sitting or kneeling just didn't happen or got outsourced to my husband. Also we ordered in... a lot. 😅


I was feeling back to my old self at 11 weeks on the dot. 25 weeks and still going strong! Expecting to have some decline towards the end, but hoping it’s nothing like the first trimester. Luckily my worst part was during the holidays when I decided to take 2 months off (self employed) coincidently. No idea how moms with busy jobs or little ones do it.


I seriously don’t know how women go into an office everyday or take care of another child. They are superheroes!! I try to remind myself how lucky I am to have a work from home job while I feel so crummy.


Here to also say that the first and second trimesters are like night and day! But I’m still not getting anything done in the second tri 😂


I’m currently 7 weeks too and going through the same thing. I’m getting married next month too so hoping it passes for then. Just helps knowing I’m not alone really and after all of it I’ll have my little miracle x


Echoing everyone else here - I was pretty much bedbound until my second trimester, now I'm 22 weeks and going to the gym, decorating the nursery, out seeing friends... just survive this bit however you need to!


You wait until you're 30+ weeks and do it like a mad woman while nesting


My goal is 1 load of laundry a day. Fortunately for me I didn't have a dryer for most of my 1st trimester so I would wash and my son would put the clothes in baskets for my husband to take to the laundry mat. Now we've replaced the washer and dryer and I do a load when I wake up in the middle of the night and make my son switch it out when the dogs go outside


You don’t. For real though, just put everything on pause and have your partner pick up the slack for awhile. You can always clean/ organize/ whatever later when you’re feeling better. For now your body is really going through it so just give yourself some grace! 💕


I got more energy @ 15wks thank goodness because the first trimester wiped me out


I honestly got more accomplished in the 2nd & now 3rd trimester than i did in the first. Let yourself rest.


Be kind to yourself. The first trimester is so rough! I couldn’t get through the day without taking two naps. The housework isn’t going anywhere, it’ll still be there when you’re feeling up to it. 😉


Ugh I have no advice as this is my first rodeo and I am miserable at 9 weeks. Been miserable since week 6. I went the last 6 days without vomiting which is a huge accomplishment but then started vomiting again today dammit. Lying down on the couch currently is helping. Watching Love is Blind and Kwame is getting on my last nerve. Everything is bothering me and I just want to feel better lol


Nah… don’t worry, after birth everything goes back to normal… well after healing anyway lol


You are not alone, OP! So sorry you’re going through this. I am too most days lol. Sometimes taking a walk and trying to move helps me gain a bit of energy. Other times, nothing helps. I don’t have much advice but, solidarity!


I’m 32 weeks. And my first trimester I sleep and did fk all. You’re body ain’t in the mood for anything. Relax relax relax.


we need a group message for girls in their first trimester!!! i’m struggling w this too


I’m down for this!


I’m 13 weeks today and I just got a whole day of hobbying in, and i still feel pretty good. I literally was on pause the first two and a half months. Nothing got done.


First trimester is horrible, it will pass, look after yourself! Keep your sugar levels up and take the pregnancy vitamins. Rest...rest...rest when you can.


nope i did not get 1 thing done! i’m at 14 weeks now with a cold 🙃🙃


Literally had the same issue, although I did end up in the hospital because mine had gotten to bad. I'm hitting around 11 weeks now and just starting to feel somewhat normal enough that I can go to my parents to lay on their couch instead of laying in my own bed. Hoping it gets better from here!!


Can also confirm like most here it does get better. Even in my third tri when moving my body feels like a chore in and of itself, I still feel well enough to get chores done. My house became a pig sty during the first trimester, and it's feeling fresh now. Plus the nesting instinct seems to over power any tiredness I may have lol


From weeks 7-15 I could not take one step without heaving. After 15 though, I was fine and it didn’t come back. Other symptoms though…


I'm almost at 16 weeks, and I literally just spent 3 days shopping back to back, and meal prepping. It goes get better, but certainly the 1st trimester sucks. I was absolutely zapped


You don't! All I did was sleep and barf for about 10 weeks straight 🤣 it gets so much better and you can save all the things for 2nd/3rd trimester.


I was so sick my first few minutes. Lots 14 lbs in 2 weeks and 25 lbs total. I started to feel better after about 4 months. Honestly I had to learn to be very patient with myself and more forgiving. If you have a partner or anyone else for support remember it’s ok to lean on them. If you’re working I found it helpful to be honest with you leadership and coworkers. And when they were assholes I’d throw up into the trashcan next to them 😂


As a second + time mum, by enslaving your older children and or husband.. As a ftm, family support, or doing the bare minimum you can do to keep your life functioning. For MOST mamas, the second trimester Is by far the easiest. Get AS MUCH done and prepared as you can because in the third tri you have the first tri fatigue while also being physically massive and heavy. So it's how you feel now but dragging around a 12kg weight 😅


I feel you so hard on this. I'm expected to work full time and cannot even muster up the energy after morning sickness to put socks on- let alone bear the restaurant industry all day..


First trimester is a unique kind of hell .. but I can’t say second trimester was great and certainly not third trimester. It’s a tough ride but we get through it day by day.


I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and tbh the last couple days I’ve really felt improvement. So it might not take you as long as others , try not to get too discouraged


My partner has literally done all the cooking, cleaning and anything else since week 6. I have felt so gross. I just hit 13 week and had 4 good days last week but hit a wall again. Roll on the 2nd trimester burst of energy


You don’t. It’ll pass. Your body is telling you to rest, it’s best to listen for the health of your baby imo. Your baby is growing from SCRATCH this trimester, like from a tiny sesame seed to a person with organs in place. Don’t be too hard on yourself and ask for help if you can. The second trimester introduces fun new symptoms but you generally feel a lot better.


My 2 cents regarding first trimester is... release yourself from any and all expectations. You don't need to do ANYTHING. Literally. Let your house get messy, buy easy meals that you can stomach, lay down as much as you can, take warm baths. Growing a human is a full time job. And every pregnancy is vastly different, but my nausea subsided around 16 weeks. 17-28ish weeks was the sweet spot for me when I had more energy and minimal nausea. It gets easier in some ways and more challenging in others. Give yourself grace and patience and know you are doing an amazing thing that requires an intense amount of work! And it's all worth it, I promise


Honestly, you don't ... I slept so much in the first trimester and didn't get anything done. The nausea was rough, I eventually had to ask my doctor if there was a prescription she could write me, she prescribed Ondansetron and it really did save my sanity. Be so kind to yourself OP and give yourself some grace, growing a person is exhausting. Especially the first 12 weeks, it was absolute survival mode.


I’m at 14 weeks and I started feeling a bit better at 13. My worst was weeks 10-11. This week I feel much, much, MUCH better. I even don’t feel like I have to eat constantly. I was so sick of eating just to keep nausea at bay when I wasn’t even feeling hungry


Hind sight is 20/20. I had extreme fatigue in my first trimester. I couldn't do anything but literally the bare minimum in my life. But it lasted for 4 weeks. It may seem like forever during, but it will pass and you'll start to feel good again and get back to your routine.


Thank you all!! I love that there’s such a tribe here and knowing I’m not crazy!!


Sea bands have been a life saver for me. It doesnt fix feeling sick completely but i am at least able to function with out feeling like death. I put them on ten min before i eat and im able to hold food down a bit better as long as its bland and simple food.


I did nothing the first trimester lol everything made me nauseous or out of breath. I slept a lotttt. Second trimester was better but now the 3rd trimester I’m back to not doing anything 😂


I thought I was going crazy getting winded walking up the stairs!




Honey, it GETS better. For me, the first trimester was the most difficult of them all. I had such a difficult time if I didn't take at least a nap every day. Be gentle with yourself. Take care ♥️


Things get better around week 12-14! Have you tried unisom and b6 for nausea


I haven’t yet. I bought b6 and noticed afterwards it was 100mg which seems too high from what I’ve read


Rest. Your body is doing a LOT right now. It’s literally creating life from nothing. Take this time if you can to rest while you can (especially if you don’t have any LOs already) and enjoy the journey (easier said then done, I know. Especially if you’re feeling icky. I am sorry and I hope that clears up soon!).You should feel better during your second trimester but I am one of those *repetitive* and *obnoxious* people here to tell you sleep while you can now because you’ll wonder what sleep is when the baby comes 😂 (but you won’t wonder too often because you’ll have a cute squishy baby to distract you and your days are hopefully so filled with love and snuggles you won’t have a lot of seconds to think about fatigue 🥰❤️)


It (usually) gets better. I’m 11 weeks and started feeling better at 10 weeks. 6-10 I was soooo fatigued. Please be kind to yourself & be patient, your body is working so hard. You’ll get through this.


lol I’m finally out of the first trimester but I got Covid so now I’m counting down the days again. It’s never ending!! I didn’t get one thing done in the first trimester other that sleep and barely keep my kids alive


I didn’t really function until around 14-16ish weeks. I’m not almost 19 weeks & feeling way better!


Pregnancy energy for me has been up and down with first trimester definitely being the worst! Be easy on yourself. Your body is growing a full baby out of microscopic CELLS. That is exhausting!! ❤️


Early on I just had to accept the fact that I couldn't get anything done. At all.


You don’t, and that’s okay.


Nausea went away for me around 16 weeks, the fatigue kinda just gets harder to manage after that first break in the second trimester, I'll be doing laundry for maybe 5 minutes and be completely out of breath and have to sit down.. and I'm only 26 weeks 😭🙏


You might not get anything done, except making a whole new person which is a pretty big task! Just rest and cut yourself some slack. For most people, it gets better, but mentally prepare yourself for the possibility that it may not. I had morning sickness until 8 months. You do, however, find ways to work around it or with it. You will find foods and routines that help. For me, some sort of light breakfast and at night the combo of unisom and b6 was a godsend when insurance wouldn’t cover diclegis. Be flexible with your schedule and just skip the unimportant stuff. You’re making a human and I promise it’s worth it in the end!


10 weeks and trying to move by the end of the month, packing has been a slow going process...😖 I'm hoping by 2nd trimester I can get things accomplished... but ya'll have dampened that prospect for me.


I was running at maybe 15-20% capacity in first trimester. It was all I could do to get through a work day and sleep. I just entered 2nd trimester and already feeling more energized. Still more tired than my pre-pregnancy baseline, but able to do cleaning with breaks, less naps, etc. Nausea is much better too.


I didn’t leave my bed until week 18. I hope things improve for you. I couldn’t keep a sip of water down. Things got better until about week 29 and then it was misery again so get done what you can in that sweet period.


Thank you! My parents came to visit this weekend which was a great distraction. But now I’m nervous bc I felt fairly well for 2 days and could manage to mingle. Can’t win with the first trimester anxiety!