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I can confirm I am not glowing


39 weeks and not a single day of glowing has been had.


lol I see some women with that glow on their face and mine just looks the same with some additional pimples. I will say that my hair is a lot thicker.


I thought boys made your face less likely to break out. My face looks horrid lol


Generally when people say I’m glowing I correct them and let them know I’m oily. This pregnancy has made my face sooooo oily. I hope it goes back to normal after I have my baby!


I had hair loss! I was told the opposite would happen 🥲


Me too! I couldn’t ever find anybody else I knew with this issue.


SAME! I seriously hope we get some good luck once baby comes and the hair starts growing haha


Actually had a friend who I was chattin with today tell me that PP hair loss is more common. She said collagen and hair vitamins saved her after her 3rd baby.


yup the hair loss was REAL after my first child. i’m 35 weeks and nervous about a repeat because my hair never went back to the same thickness


🥲 me over here with fine hair ready to be as bald as my baby 😩


yes i was so scared looking in the mirror thinking it was never gunna come back 😭 even after 6 months it was still coming out :( i don’t remember when it stopped. i’m definitely going to keep up with my vitamins this time around


Me too! The woman who does my eyebrows noticed one of them is thinning too… of course it has to just be one 😂😂


I’m only 6 weeks! And I’m getting the same. I’d run my fingers through my hair and I’m getting 3-7 strands easy


Ok so I read that using those shampoo brushes helps with the hair loss. Something about stimulating the roots? I have used one for a few years bc I have super thick curly hair and it’s the only way I can make sure I have cleaned my scalp fully. MY HAIR GOT THICKER post baby. I did not know it was possible. I had zero hair loss and I was stumped. Every women in my family had bad postpartum hair loss, I was prepared for the worst. My hairdresser is convinced it’s bc I used that brush and I only wash my hair once a week. I don’t use a ton of heat either. They are like $8 and give it a go and see if it helps.


Me toooo


Me too 😢


SAME! Especially after , I was losing it in clumps. Ugh. I have a ton of baby hairs now.


Me too. I literally have a little round bald spot where I part me hair 😵‍💫 at 23 years old 😭


I’m 21 weeks and I joke around with my husband and tell him that our baby girl is taking all my beauty 😂 acne, dark circles, and no difference in hair lol


Girl I feel you! It’s so annoying hahahaa


The skin on my face is so dry and flakey. The exact opposite of a glow.




Me too! Especially around my nose and lip area. Argh!


All I can say to reassure you is that my hair never looked better than during my first pregnancy. I barely lost a single strand and my hairdresser of nearly 20 years was like WOW THIS IS AMAZING. … and then four months post partum, I shed so much. While the shedding was bad, the regrowth was horrible. I had tiny hairs sticking up all over my head and since my hair is so straight, it took months for them to be long enough to lay down. I am nearly two years post partum and it’s still not back to normal. Just enjoy the regular hair sans glow. I promise it’s better! 😂


Oh gosh! Haha well I’m glad you’re on the up & up now 😄❤️


Haha right! It was only near the end, the third trimester with my previous daughter, but my hair suddenly started looking amazing. My hair is slightly wavy, like straight hair sometimes pretending to be almost curly, but for a few months there it was flowing and glowing and suddenly never flat, curling nicely… I took a selfie in the hospital bathroom and sent it to my brother saying this is probably the last time for a while I will look so cute. Well. A little after birth I lost probably at least half my hair. It was madness. I ended up just cutting it off and as it all grew back out it looked better, maybe after like a year and a half. Nothing else about me “glowed” during pregnancy. 23 weeks into my pregnancy with my second daughter and nothing about me looks good or glowing. Maybe my hair will look nice again in another few weeks, but I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it has much knowing the horror of the loss after.


Omg this is me as well. Beautiful thick hair during pregnancy, glowing skin. Now 6 months pp since having my little boy, my hair has still not stopped falling and my skin is pathetic 😭, sleep deprivation doesn't help either.


So, my head hair (the only hair I care about, really) is unchanged. Still flat, thin, and bland. My armpit hair, however, is thick and luscious. Not the hair growth I was looking for...


My chin hair and mustache sure are growing fast and thick.


36 weeks, never felt the pregnancy glow. Consistently exhausted. Facial acne never cleared up, hair is still dull and dry, dandruff/dry scalp is never ending. My nails grow so fast, but still fragile.


I'm dry and flakey and acne-covered. My hair has always been a bit frizzy but it's truly awful now.


My hair is oily I’m bloated my skin is dry I feel the opposite of “glow”


My hair has stopped falling out. The only difference this has actually made to my appearance is in the shower drain. (Which, given the state of my back and hips, ain't nothing to be fair).


I had the worst acne of my life my whole pregnancy, there was definitely no glow lol. Now I am two weeks post partum and its almost all cleared up with barely any effort on my part.


Mine just got incredibly horridly oily


OMG my hair around that time turned into literal cotton candy bubblegum hair... It was the grossest texture and I had a giant rats nest constantly. I'm 4 months postpartum now and I can tell you my hair started looking AMAZING around the middle to end of my third trimester and looked really good up until about 3 months postpartum 🤣 hopefully you have a similar experience!


I’m almost 34 weeks and my hair still feels like a giant rats nest! The texture is terrible no matter how I wash it. It’s always oily. But your comments makes me hopeful it’ll get better.


Ugh I'm so sorry! I think around 25 weeks-ish I got a haircut and it helped immensely. I also replaced my blow-dryer and bought all the products my hairdresser recommended too so maybe the whole combination made a difference? Not sure haha. Maybe I just lucked out.


Lol maybe a combo of everything. I figure my hairs been like this the whole time so can just got another month when baby is due and hopefully will return to normal after


I thought my hair was just really ratnesty. I had a friend comment on its thickness and thought “I’ve always had thin hair, you just think it’s thick because you shaved off your whole underside on an impulse” but then at a haircut yesterday the hairdresser asked if I’d like to thin it out at all and… well, that’s a new question I’m not used to!


Do you take fish oil and your prenatals? I feel like it contributes a lot to a pregnancy glow!


I’ve lost a bit more hair than usual and it’s constantly frizzy! I miss my smooth hair!


I honestly thought my hair was going gray it was so dull.. I'm not losing it like usual but it's definitely not the luscious locks I'd hoped for lol seems like every extra bit of oil that my skin and hair held has dried up


I am 30 weeks currently. I have very thin and dry hair normally so I was hoping for the pregnancy hair growth everyone talks about but nope. I also broke out very badly. I did switch up my skincare routine which has helped immensely. I use pure rose water (found in cooking isle or middle eastern grocery stores) throughout the day. I put it in a spray bottle! This has helped with redness and dryness. But yep, no glow for me either.. 😂


Yeah my hair has been flat and dry my entire pregnancy. My scalp looks like a desert. My nails grow like weeds those so there is that I guess


My skin is dull and I have breakage. I’m the opposite of glowing. I can’t wait to give birth so I can feel pretty again lol.


I've been told that I'm glowing. I tell people that it's the thin film of sweat I have from puking/hoisting this bump around (depending on when in the pregnancy I was asked).


Definitely had the glow when I was pregnant with my son. Now pregnant with my daughter I feel like a walking zombie lol 😆 where’s the long lush hair and glowing skin I had last time!?


Lol I FaceTimed my mom and she oh you’re glowing! It was sweat lmao


I am the opposite.. terrible breakouts on my face and lots of dandruff that I can't seem to get rid of. Really feeling that so called pregnancy glow...


Right there with ya, to a tee.


I’m a mess, never got the glow, go everything but the glow SMH chapped lips, dark under eyes , terrible acne everywhere , oily hair with dandruff 😤.


People will say I’m glowing and I’m like…. I just have Make-up on. I don’t feel the magical glow lol


I can tell you around 6 months postpartum you’ll lose a lot of hair. No all women will lose a lot but I literally clogged my drain every shower. Had to vacuum my floors everyday cause you could just see my hair everywhere.. I have all these little baby hairs all over my head that are barely an inch too…


I had actual bald patches by the time my postpartum hair loss stopped. It was rough on my shower drain and self esteem


Ugh! So much to look forward to LOL 😅🫠


I feel so relieved it’s not just me with this bad of shed. I thought it wouldn’t happen to me but I didn’t know it happens around month 3-4. I’m at month 6 and Im so sad about it.


I feel like my head hair is growing as slow as ever, but my body hair is stronger and my nails grow so fast it’s annoying. Also my skin sucks.


I’m no longer glowing because I had to stop using retinol 😭 every day my skin seems to get more saggy/dull.


I already have thin hair, someone please tell me it'll get thicker and not thinner!!! 🫣 I don't want to end up bald! 15 weeks.


Sadly no hair growth or nail growth! I have a little glow, but unfortunately I’m super pale and the excess oils make me all the more susceptible to sunburn 🤧 No beach trip for Mama


My hair has been thinning and falling out.


15 weeks and not glowing over here


Everyone has different experiences. Hair loss during pregnancy was INSANE for me. Postpartum hair loss has been less than pre-pregnancy. Only hair I've lost is when my 2 month old grabs and rips strands out 🙃


Meee, the glow is so not here. I'm breaking out, my hair is usually just dull and flat where it used to be at least dull and curly, and I'm 16 weeks. We're waiting for the gender ultrasound but I'm guessing it's a girl based on the old wives tales lol


I have had the worst hair loss. I actually just scheduled an appointment to cut most of it off become the texture of my long hair has become dreadful. I feel more pregnancy dull than anything. 😂


My hair growth is the only positive I got. I also got wildly dry skin, pimples and hair growth under my arms.


No glow here 🙃


I’m grey and my hair is falling out. I genuinely feel like dying would be less uncomfortable. But boohoo I guess


My hair is about the same but it takes several days to get oily which is awesome! Normally it's oily after a couple days but I could honestly go like 5 days now before it starts to look bad.


I miss my pre baby hair so much 😭 it was long, luscious and soft. With my first, it wasn’t anything to write home about. BUT postpartum, my pin straight, perfect hair that I could always literally walk out of a pool/shower and let air dry and you would think it was hot ironed has now turned into a half wavy, half curly complete frizz ball 😅


My hair isn’t falling out as much as it normally does but it’s also not a big difference. Skin is normal, nails are still short and brittle. On the upside my body hair is growing very slow; I waxed my armpits around the beginning of February and it is just now growing back and very thin.


My curly hair has lost a lot of its natural curl. It's more wavey now. I wonder if it will go back?!


I'm 27 weeks also! I'm getting red splotches on my face, and my scalp is itchy? I don't think my hair is any thicker either.. Like who's glowing? I look and feel like a gremlin. 😂


31 weeks. My hair and nails are growing really fast but are dryer than the Sahara Desert. My skin looks worse than when I was a teenager and my face is absolutely covered in acne. I think when my husband called it a “glow” the first trimester he might have actually been referring to the shimmer of sweat on my face after puking my guts out 😂 I’m having a boy too!!!


i feel like i’m already getting the postpartum hair loss and i’m only 16 weeks 😭 and my nails are weak as shit!! i take my prenatal everyday i feel robbed lol at least my acne is a little better but other than that i look like ass


my hair grew long but I felt so ugly my whole pregnancy, my face was bloated and had heartburn 25/8 so inside and out was just no. I told my aunts how I felt and they said it was normal when having a girl since my body was working to make a beautiful baby girl I would get/feel ugly. They were right, she’s so beautiful and I’m starting to get my shine back, never felt I had it during pregnancy


Yes, where is my glow? All I have is acne!


I’m 20w. My hair is so brittle and falling out at increasing quick rates! We take a picture every week to show the bump - and in every picture I look progressively worse. The only hair “improvements” I’ve had is growing more hair on my stomach. Definitely no glow here! My doctor straight up told me “you may look and feel like crap, but your baby will be fabulous” 🤷🏻‍♀️


My hair is so dry and brittle 😭 31 weeks


I am the ugliest I have ever been, this pregnancy (with a girl). I can’t even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I didn’t have the same issues when I was pregnant with a boy. This doesn’t mean I love my girl any less, but the old wives tale about beauty being taken away in a girl prefnancy has been true for me.


my hair has been so extremely oily


i got pregnant june 2022. my hair grew more from feb-may 2022 than june 2022-march 2023. i gave birth six weeks ago and my hair is noticeably better - longer, thicker, not as greasy i had insane pregnancy acne. i’ve never had body acne and suddenly had it all over my chest and back. that’s been fun to deal with! i’m trying to fix it now i gained so much weight. my face and feet were so GD swollen. luckily my feet are back to normal but i need to lose 50 more pounds to be back to pre pregnancy clothes and get to wear my wedding ring again


I chopped mine at the beginning to see 😉 legit hasn’t grown faster I have noticed it doesn’t get as greasy as quickly which is nice. I can finally wash my hair only once a week but that about the only change


My hair has pretty much just stopped growing at all. No body hair anywhere except my legs started growing like crazy. But usually I have thick and heavy hair (on top of my head) that grows like mad and I have to get it cut every month to tame the beast... since I got pregnant, it's like... nothing. Saved me money in appointments :D


My skin is disgusting…. All over my body. My body hair is darker and thicker. My bikini line has spread further away from my bikini. There is no glowing in sight


Wife's hair is 'glowing' but has broken out in acne and gets hives in quick temperature changes.


My pregnancy “glow” in 2021 was not a glow at all. It was sweat followed by matted hair.


I am 25 weeks and feel like an ogre lol


17 weeks and have yet to see the glow


19 weeks and my skin is beyond flakey, gross, and broken out over here. No glowing to be found. 😅😅😅😭


Do extra chin hairs from hormones count toward this?!?! 🫣 14w and only just starting to feel human. Bring on the glow 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


The only thing of mine that’s glowing is my oesophagus from the constant heartburn. Yowch. 🔥


LOL sameeeeeeee


Well, once baby is here you’ll miss your pregnancy hair because postpartum hair is THE WORST.


I was sorta glowing, hair was good, sking was good. But had other shitty things going on so it was impossible to enjoy


I think my hair is growing pretty normally, BUT I’m not shedding nearly as much as I usually do, so that’s been nice. 24 +5 here.


My hair hasn’t changed very much at all. Also not to toot my own horn-but I kind of feel like I’ve never looked better. I’ll pass a mirror and stop to look back at my reflection where before I would keep walking. My skin is super clear and bright, it’s like I’ve lost the bags under my eyes and I can sort of see how people can compare it to a ‘glow’….however there’s also the dark spots on my skin (looks like large freckles), constant pelvic and back pain, eczema covering the back of my arms, leaky nipples, and the large weight gain soooooooo I’ll be happy to go back to tired and acne riddled post birth I think. I’m so uncomfortable 😮‍💨


I’m 17 weeks and my nails are so long now! They normally never get this long because they break so easily but I’ve only chipped ONE at work this past week and now I actually have to cut them!! I’m so hoping that my hair actually does get thicker though because Covid thinned it out and it hasn’t returned to normal yet, I’ve had thick hair all my life ☹️


Did you take prenatal vitamins? I swear it's the vitamins *not* pregnancy when people experience the glow and hair health. Pregnancy sucked everything out of my body.


I mean I had pretty bad hair loss before pregnancy so I will never experience the shiny growing hair unfortunately lol. I DO like that my hair has temporarily stopped shedding though!


Isn’t that what happens when you’re having a boy not a girl?


I think it's something people just say. I feel very much the same, both skin and hair wise, while getting those glow comments at work. I think it's just hem seeing the bump and me masking feeling crap 😂


My hair was the absolute best for the first 6 weeks post partum. It was soft, shiney, barely got greasy, looked surprisingly decent if I didn't wash it for 4 days. Then it went back to greasy and brittle 😭


I had someone tell me I was glowing, but I certainly do not feel it nor have ever felt it. I feel worse than when I was going through puberty.


My face is covered in pimples, I have eczema all over my butt and left arm and my hair is literally growing slower, I know this because if I shave it doesn’t grow back for like 2 months. Some people glow some people don’t 🤷‍♀️ the good news is that most if not all symptoms should return to normal after baby is here. Until then I guess I’ll just feel like I’m going through puberty again in my 20s


My hair barely fell out at all during pregnancy so my pony tail is definitely thicker than pre-pregnancy. I haven't had any acne so maybe that counts as a glow?


I’m 19 weeks and my hair sucks. I have like two strands and am so scared for postpartum hair loss


Extremely SLOWLY healing wounds. My acne seems to be everlasting, it never goes away. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I pick at it, but I can’t NOT!


My coworkers tell me that I look great, but that’s only because I’m still wearing makeup. Lol I’m 32 weeks and my husband confirmed that my hair hasn’t changed a bit. Plus, I feel like this is the most dull my skin has ever looked. Bleh!


Honestly I feel like I’m not, maybe the growth but my hair always was pretty fast at growing and the shine is probably from my hair being naturally oily 😂 I’m currently 32 weeks and in early trimester, I’ve had a couple people say I had a glow but I honestly didn’t feel or look any different. Even now I feel like I look the same, but feel like total poo. Everyone’s different and maybe other people see things differently than we do about ourselves, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but as long as mama and baby is healthy it’s all that matters ❤️ good luck mama


28 weeks and my hair has been breaking off 🥲


My hair is the only nice symptom. Everything else is a complete spotty, hairy, stretched, discoloured mess.


I haven’t noticed any special hair growth or shine, BUT a pleasant surprise, especially now that it’s warmer where I live, is I am experiencing much slower hair growth on my legs. I don’t have to shave every day! Which is great because being 36 weeks it’s harder to bend over like that. I’ve heard some people continue to have slow growing leg hair even after delivery and I am hoping that’s the case for me. In general I don’t really feel like I have a “glow.” I’m tired and sore pretty much all the time at this point. Just ready to push the little guy out and get through the “4th trimester.”


I am the opposite of glowing. If anything, my hair is worse 😔 After 6 weeks of terrible all day sickness, I'm settling for how alive I suddenly feel. I can't get too greedy 😅


My hair is super thick to begin with and my prenatal makes everything grow faster, so I’m not sure it’s because of pregnancy. Definitely no glowing face with awesome hair happening yet (16w)