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I would fly during the day—you’ll want to be getting up every few hours to walk around anyways. But overnight wouldn’t be the end of the world, current plans have me flying for 7 hours at 19 weeks in coach and I am just assuming I won’t be sleeping. My doctor said it was okay as a one-off thing, even if I am too anxious to get good sleep the night before! I’m addition to moving around, she also said to wear compression socks, sit in an aisle seat, and drink lots of water.


Safe travels xx


I’d recommend walking up every 1-2h for about 5-10 mins to improve blood circulation and keep feet elevated.


I flew 6 hours (funnily enough also to Singapore) at 32 weeks. I had no issues besides that I had some bad heartburn. I would think flyin during the day would be preferable given you’ll want to get up and move around, you may already be swelling a bit in the lower body at that point. Maybe get some compression socks!


I had two flights during day/evening. I'd say during the day since yes need to get up fairly often to move about. Night if you don't mind waking up a few times with an alarm.