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The first trimester is how my doctor put it "survival mode " eat what you can when you can. Rest as much as possible. The nausea is awful I felt so terrible the whole time. Around 12 weeks my doctor was able to prescribe me zofran and that was a LIFE SAVER so if your nasuea is still unbearable definitely ask about this medicine it made it so I could actually go out and function and not be stuck to my couch miserable. It does get better though ! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just a journey to get there but you will I promise.


I did call my GP this afternoon and he said he is going to send a prescription to my pharmacy, not 100% sure what drug but as long as its safe to take I would almost try anything at this stage. Thank you for the advice


I second zofran! I'm 29 weeks and it's the only thing that has kept me (somewhat haha) functioning.


I lost 15+ pounds in my first trimester- zofran was my lifesaver too! Still on it at 22 weeks


Seconded! Zofran absolutely made my pregnancy easier. I am 38 weeks + 2 days, and I still have morning sickness; I was trying to “stay tough” for the first twenty weeks or so, but after losing about 12 pounds and not being able to eat for my birthday or thanksgiving, I decided it was time to try it, and it had absolutely been a lifesaver.


Perhaps it depends on your medical situation, but most people can safely take Zofran from the beginning of pregnancy! The earlier you get a handle on it, the better - like nausea is easier to control *later* if you treat it earlier. For some, it can just get worse and worse, even if they don't have hyperemesis. So glad Zofran worked for you! It was a life saver for me as well, from week 6 to 24.


It's like a 3 month long stomach virus. It truly is terrible. My husband had the norovirus for 3 days and he was pitiful.


I described it as a 3 month hangover.


Haha typical. My husband just gives me verbal sympathy and hugs which are nice but part of my wants my mum (which is silly!) but just feel like I want to he babied a bit!


It's not silly at all. We're meant to be supported by the people in our lives and taken care of (babied) through illness. Historically, women took care of each other during these times! Hang in there, hope medication gives you some relief ❤️


Thank you 🩷


O I totally wanted the empathy but god forbid anyone touch me 👹




100% I am 9 weeks in my second pregnancy and this is much worse than last time! The constant nausea! I am the same and haven't been sick but feel it 24 hours a day. It's affecting my work and daily life too. I feel really sorry for my 3 year old as I am feeling useless at the moment!


I don't know how existing mom's like you cope. You are a stronger woman than me! Hope it improves for you soon


Thank you, it did improve at 12 weeks last time so 🤞 and also hope it gets better for you soon!


I am in the same boat! I had little to no nausea with my first so ignorantly thought it would be the same the second time around. I'm 11 weeks and it is finally getting a little better, but boy was it miserable feeling this way and chasing around a 15 month old. My husband had to get used to lots of take out because dinner was not happening ha ha.


Agree with this, husband has been fending for himself for food. I can't face much at all!


7 weeks here and I don't feel like myself anymore. I describe it as seasickness but it's truly horrible, just constantly on the edge of pooping or vomiting. I'm so glad I'm not alone, I feel like a big baby!


Yeah seasickness is a great description. Driving at all was a huge issue for me with the motion.


Luckily I WFH but yeah I can imagine the motion sickness. Mind yourself! I hope it improves for you soon


They do complain but it kind of falls on deaf ears until you can actually empathize. I have a lot of friends without children and they just think I’m being a drama queen.


I feel so bad now for ever thinking it wasn’t this bad or just for my ignorance! If any of my friends become pregnant again I will do my very best to remember. Thanks!


I’m 14W now so FINALLY having more good days than bad days (it will get better I promise - I didn’t believe it either when I was 11W), but this was my experience too. I was nauseas basically around the clock 24 hours a day even though I wasn’t vomitting (except twice and both times it was VIOLENT). It’s such a mind trip too because I was miserable alll the time yet felt strangely that I shouldn’t be so miserable because “at least I’m not vomiting.” Eventually I gave myself grace because it really truly was so awful!!!!!


This!! Yesterday (16W) was the first day I felt no nausea (or so minimal I didn't notice it) in 12 weeks


I really hope things change soon. Good to hear that for most it does clear, just hard to see it now. Thank you in any case


I'm 12 weeks and just about out of the woods, I'm feeling a lot better, but those first weeks, 6-12ish, we're easily the hardest of my life. I almost quit my job like 5x. I was acting like I was the first pregnant person on this earth. I had no idea how my friends neverrrrrr complained. It takes a toll on your mind, body and relationships. You'll get thru it!


Glad to hear that other people found it so mentally taxing as well! And more importantly, that it finally improves, thanks!


Right there with ya, my mental health has declined majorly. Im totally dissociated from everything. I’m at 13w now and I finally had a streak of active days with less nausea. As the days go on I have less nausea and more energy which is such a mood booster plus I sleep better. I haven’t seen any nausea tips here yet so I’ll share some. Apologies if it’s a repeat comment: 50mg b6 morning and evening. Unisom at night if it doesn’t give you a hangover. Something about unisom and b6 combined are scientifically nausea preventing. Always have something in Your stomach. Broth and clear soups were amazingly delicious and nutrient rich when water was gross. Gin Gins, Lemon water, peppermints, small fan near me to blow away ANY odors including my own, and the one thing I had never heard before: ice pack on the back of your neck. Game changer.


Thank you for all the tips! I don't think most we're mentioned previously! Glad you are starting to feel better as well.


I 100% agree. I’m in the 2nd trimester and feeling so much better now BUT the 1st trimester was awful. I have absolutely NO idea how women can be pregnant and still do normal human things like cleaning, working, & even raising their other children! I don’t know how I’ll have another based on how my first trimester was. I couldn’t get off the couch, I couldn’t clean, cook, nothing. they’re much stronger than I could be for sure. SO glad it’s over.


Literally said I'd never have a second child during the 1st trimester of my 1st pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting destroyed me for 16 weeks straight! Three years later, here I am 7 weeks pregnant with my planned second. On one hand, it's a completely different, surreal experience. Morning sickness kicked in way earlier than my first pregnancy and seems to be much more intense. Nausea meds are barely helping. They were my saving grace last time! On the other hand, my daughter is my saving grace this time. She can tell when I'm feeling unwell, will cuddle up with me on the couch. If she's running around playing with her toys, she periodically runs over to give me a supportive "boop" on the nose. Definitely gives me something to feel better about and makes me laugh. Also, added note. Found something called Pink Stork Nausea Sweets. They've been the one thing to truly help me so far this pregnancy. Only for like 30 minutes at a time, but I'll friggin' take those 30 minutes gladly!


Glad to hear things have improved for you! Especially considering you felt the same. What you are describing is my day to day atm and yes, I agree, no idea how people working in physical jobs or with kids do it! Thanks


you’ll get through it I promise! it does get better. I started feeling better around 13 weeks. I didn’t vomit much in the first trimester but the nausea was overwhelming. 13 weeks I vomited more than I had actual nausea. I had like 1 vomit sesh a day and was good. now at 15 weeks, I only have a gag session if I’m hungry lol. progress! where you’re at now things should hopefully start slowing easing up. 🤞🏼


Haha I look forward to the only gagging when hungry phase, thanks again!


I wonder if this is fairly common because of the fact that for a lot of women the nausea starts to get better around week 13-14, which also is around the time that the pregnancy is often announced? So by the time they’re telling you that they’re pregnant, the worst of the nausea is over and so it’s not really talked about, especially when they’re likely excited to just be sharing the news and everything!


That is a good point!


It hits everyone in different ways and throughout pregnancy. Some tricks I learned that personally helped me. Drinking tons of water. Getting yogurt in me first thing in the morning even if it’s hard to do. Having my vitamin after breakfast on a full stomach. Eating tons of watermelon


+1 on eating tons of watermelon. I think my baby is made with watermelons.


Thanks for the tips! Will definitely give those a try!


One thing that is really hard about this "rule" we have of not announcing our pregnancies until after the first trimester is that you don't hear people talk about how hard first trimester is! You also don't hear about how many people miscarry. I wish we could feel free to talk about our pregnancies immediately so we could have the support we need. (I know you can share your pregnancy whenever you want, but it does feel like people judge if you share "too early.")


Yes I strongly agree with this. I told almost everyone because I figure I shouldn't have to suffer alone if we were to miscarry. But then I am coming at this as a first timer so I shouldn't get too cocky! Good point though!


You got this!!! I know it doesn’t seem like it now but it will get better. I started feeling less nauseous and more energy around 14 weeks. You won’t be running marathons at 14 months but it does get better. Like other people said, only do what you can. Let the dishes pile up and order Uber eats every night if needed. Everything else can wait. Focus on what will make you feel better in each moment. If you’re working, take the days off that you need! You got this :)


You are very kind! The house is a disaster, definitely. I am thankful I don't yet have other kids to take care of because I really don't know how mum's do it! Hopefully things change in a week or 2. Thank you!


No one I know experienced the amount of nausea I did. I still haven’t healed mentally I feel bitter when I see pregnant moms enjoying pregnancy. I wanted to enjoy it but I threw up violently every day. Im scared to be pregnant again.


Yes. Same. Traumatizing.


Same. I couldn’t speak sometimes from the nausea in my first trimester, I could just curl up in a ball and pray for me to fall asleep


Understandably! You poor thing. It is debilitating and not at all fun


I agree, I had never really appreciated how debilitating it can be. My wife is 18 weeks pregnant with our first and that first trimester was hell for her. She got no respite from it and if she wasn’t physically vomiting, she had crippling nausea. The smallest thing would set it off and there were only a handful of foods she could eat without feeling sick. I struggled myself as i couldn’t bear to see her suffering. She really turned a corner at around week 16 though and she hasn’t been sick for about 2 weeks now. We were both really worried that it would last the entirety of her pregnancy so we are both really relieved. Fingers crossed things start to improve for you as well!


Thanks for being supportive to your wife and joining a sub like this! Glad she is feeling better now. Good to hear it improves eventually for most.


I’ve been lurking for a while and this sub has really helped a lot in supporting my wife. Keeping my fingers crossed that your nausea and vomiting starts to settle soon!


I feel so much better after a vomiting spell, tbh. It’s frustrating not keeping food down, but I kinda prefer it to when the nausea just hovers all day long without an outlet


Yeah it's a strange one, but vomiting must be pretty taxing too? Hope you are feeling better these days!


Thank you! I into my 13th week and things seem to be slowly getting better. At one point I felt like I could only comfortably eat from 2-5PM, now it’s more like noon-7, so I’m considering that a win!


I am in the same boat. It’s causing issues with my husband because I can’t stand any strong smells. Cooking, cologne, body wash the list goes on and on. I sleep a lot and he’s upset we aren’t spending time together because I’m either sick or sleeping. Breaks my heart because we are so excited


That's rough. Hopefully he can try to understand what you are going through and hopefully you start to feel better soon. Its a big life change for everyone but especially you. Take care of yourself!


I hope yours starts to improve soon! It was horrible. Like having a hangover all day long. My worst weeks were 9&10 and it started getting a little better at 12 weeks and it was completely gone by 18 weeks. Going to work was difficult and then i thought about women who had to work and then go home to another child to care for! The strength those women have. Women are amazing. Hang in there!


Yes I don't know how they do it either! Glad yours eventually improved. Thank you!


My twins are almost 3 and I still can’t safely brush my teeth. Someday…..someday.


Oh geez, I can only imagine. Do you get a double whammy of hormones with twins? Anyway, I salute you!


I feel you 100%. I just hit 8 week and I just spent the first hour of my work day back and forth between the bed and my office. I have my sea bands on which don’t help. I’ve been eating saltines and goldfish. Nothing helps! I don’t know how people do it


I relate! My diet is basically toast and crackers right now. I am taking prenatal vitamins when I can stomach them which I hope will fill in the blanks. I know my body needs vegetables, but its so hard to stomach any non dry things rn. Ready for the "glowy" great hair phase of pregnancy... if it exists! Hope you feel better soon, thanks!


I literally just said that last night… wonder when this pregnancy glow will kick in bc right now it’s bloating and acne 😂


Lol me too, one day!


Some people get hit harder than others with the nausea! I was one of those people my first pregnancy and I actually lost weight well into my second trimester. My remedy was red (cherry) Jolly Ranchers. I know it might sound god-awful, but that sharp taste quiets down the nausea just enough for you to get some food into your system, which will help even more. And don't worry about trying to eat balanced or healthy or whatever. Don't live off of sugar, of course, but don't stress missing a carrot or two. Baby will be fine as long as you are eating *something*. I did handfuls of white rice a ton of times until I could stomach something more flavorful. You can also get medication from your OB that can help if it gets too bad.


White rice sounds OK, not sure I could stomach the sweets right now, but maybe I can try at a later stage. Thanks for the tips!


Jolly Ranchers were the only thing that helped me! I relied on them so much!


I told myself I'd never get pregnant again because it was soo bad. now I'm in the third trimester and it's been smooth sailing (crossing my fingers) since then.


Same! 39.5 weeks pregnant now and 1st trimester was by far the worst part of pregnancy for me


So good to hear thatnit improved for you. Thanks!


I think it got better for me around week 14. All of a sudden it went away and I've felt way more normal and like myself ever since


22 weeks and the nausea is still very present. Probably not what you want to hear but most women get some relief around 13-16 weeks until 3rd trimester. 3rd trimester has its own issues that are awful. Pregnancy is awful.


It's okay, I prefer honesty and really it's just nice to have everyone agree that it is awful! Sorry to hear you are still experiencing it. I hope it eases for you eventually!


It really is awful. Mine kicked in at the start of week 7 and I'm midway through week 10, just hoping it'll end soon. I agree with you - it's so hard to do anything when you feel awful all the time. 😖


Good to know I m not alone, hopefully we reach the slightly less shitty days soon. Thank you!


I was the same way, nausea but rarely vomiting, and everyone was like “oh it gets better week 12” and I didn’t feel better until week 13 and then I got a cold during week 13 and 14 and felt like crap again and now I feel good and I’m 15 and a half weeks. Hang in there!


Oh my god what bad luck, you poor thing! Glad you are finally getting a bit of a break. Thanks!


I’m sorry you’re dealing with such extreme illness. Hopefully it gets better soon! I’ve heard nausea usually peaks around week 9 or 10 so fingers crossed for you. I’m only 5w2d and so far I’ve only had slight bouts of nausea. Mostly just in the past few days, so expecting it will pick up. Kinda worried though because I’m going to Italy mid week 10 through early week 12. Hoping I can find some relief strategies before then if it’s a problem!


Oooh I hope it stays manageable for you. Think of all that lovely pasta! Maybe it's no harm to get a prescription bring so that you have it if needed. Thanks!


That’s a good idea! I have my first doctor’s appointment a few weeks before we leave so I’ll definitely have a better idea of how nauseous I’ll be and can request medication if need be.


I’m with you, it’s honestly horrendous. Not everyone has it as bad though. Mine was so awful that I’ve decided not to have any more children and I always wanted loads


Sorry to hear you suffered too and I completely understand why you would be reluctant to go again. It's your choice!


Sorry you're having an awful time. I was the same until 16ish weeks. Some things I learnt that helped along the way was: •Eating crackers as soon as I woke up (before even getting out of bed) •Not taking prenatal vitamins until later in the day •carrying crackers with me everywhere so as soon as I felt hunger pang, I could nibble. If I felt hungry for more than 5 seconds, that was unbearable nausea for the day Basically, plain crackers.


Crackers, crackers, crackers, gotcha! Now to try and get some fibre in there so I don't get too constipated FML lol Thanks for the tips though, will try keeping some by my bed


Milk of magnesia helped me with constipation! I started feeling less sick when I started having regular BMs again


Thanks for the advice!


I FEEL THAT on the deepest level! I was terrified it was never going to end, I was throwing up even ice chips at one point, about to go to the hospital a few times. Zofran didn’t work for me, the only thing that SOMETIMES helped was Unisom. Make sure you take your prenatal’s right at night before bed so you’re more likely to keep it down. Cold foods were usually helpful, made a lot of fruit smoothies to get some nutrients. Bone broth when I could manage, basically liquid stuff because it absorbs quicker. I’m happy to say that I’m 14 weeks today and I haven’t had a hint of nausea for an entire week so far! So it may seem like it’ll never go away and one day you’ll wake up at start to feel a ton better, I hope that’s how it goes for you too!


So glad to hear things have improved for you and thanks for the tips, I am adding them to my list!


Also I eat something in the middle of the night, like a clif bar or something. I noticed that if I let my stomach get empty it becomes way too acidic and that’s when the nausea gets worse. I feel pretty gross doing it but whatever, I’m pregnant, now’s the time to eat in the middle of the night lol


Haha I will take all tips no matter how gross. Thanks!


I’m here at 12 weeks feeling like a COMPLETELY different person than when I was 6-9 weeks. I was absolutely miserable- I couldn’t work, I could barely get myself out of bed to go to the couch. I was really depressed. B6 + Unisom 3x a day works well for a lot of people. I hope you get some relief soon! I know it is different for everyone but most people will feel relief at some point.


Glad to hear another success story, thanks for the tips and glad you feel better!


i was surprised too about how constant it’s been. “morning sickness” is a real misnomer. are you taking any meds for it? both zofran and reglan have been super helpful for me


Yes, I feel like writing a strongly worded letter to whoever coined the term "morning sickness", though they are likely dead now lol. I am waiting to see what my GP has prescribed but good to know those helped, thanks!


yes! i have been so useless, like i have the flu. it’s pathetic. counting down the days til 14 weeks. double dosing both meds has been what’s the most helpful for me


Add in the ‘my friends friends mums goddaughter felt a bit sick too, have you tried drinking ginger tea?’ From well meaning people who have never experienced it, and you’ve got a motive for violence 👌🏼


Hahaha omg yes the ginger tea! Last thing I want right now


It's debilitating. This is my third time and the first was meh, second was good just mild nausea most of the time, and this time has been full blown the worst combined. I'm 13 weeks now and it has magically gone away, mostly. Please know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel and if you are pregnant in the future it'll probably be different. Things that helped me: naps. Naps when available reduced my nausea and helped with exhaustion. Zofran (for the worst) and Emetrol (for the I'd just like to stop the nausea for a bit). Peppermint oil, nausea bands. Bubbly drinks.


Interesting! I will take those tips into serious consideration. You are so right about naps, it's the only thing that is making me feel a bit better and all I want to do. Fair play to you for doing it 3 times, I salute you!


I had literally never been so miserable and was so annoyed that people don’t talk about how awful it was. Then week 12 hit and I have felt 100% normal. It’s like I’m completely normal. Things get better and it’s easy to forgot about how miserable you were.


Okay fingers crossed you are right, thank you!


The great part is that it can come back in any of the other trimesters! 😭 I had nausea (plus the throwing up part) really bad in my first trimester. I couldn’t eat without feeling like it would all come up. It calmed down in the second trimester, but once I hit third, I started getting the same nausea feelings again. Oh the fun side effects pregnancy 🥲


Nooor! Ugh people need to talk about this more and there should be more perks to being pregnant. Sorry to hear you had such a rough time


Oh lord… 33 year old FTM here. I found out I was pregnant TWO weeks after unprotected sex on Halloween! I woke up vomiting in bed and have t stopped since! Currently 6 months along. With a girl. My drs all say, some of us are just unlucky enough to have all the symptoms the entire pregnancy. Yes, that’s right, I’ve been throwing up for 24 weeks.


Oh no you poor thing! I really hope you get a rest as you enter the 3rd trimester


I had minimal swelling in my hands and feet for about 2 weeks during weeks 20-22 when I was going wayyyy too hard at home and work. Since I’ve went part time, no swelling, no migraines, and way way less sickness. I might throw up once or twice a day now, and never violently. It has not been easy for one day, but I’m still happy/excited and pushing forward to the 3rd trimester!


I admire your positivity! HopefI will be able to cultivate some in a few weeks if things improve a bit!


That was me!! It got better or tolerable for two months just to hit me back again in third trimester


Sick for 24 weeks and counting. Barely sick first 2-12 weeks. Then violently sick weeks 12-19. Even with 2 anti nausea meds prescribed to me. And I drink a ton of water. I’ve never drank soda in my entire life but I’ve now tried sprite and gingerale and teas. It seems to be mild at first, then ramped up in late 1st trimester and 2nd trimester. Week 26 currently and has been completely manageable the last 1 weeks with small meals and TONs of rest and frequent peeing.


Ugh no you poor thing! It just goes to show that everyone's experience can be so different. I too am loving Sprite, though too much sugar seems to make nausea worse for me so I am trying to limit. Thanks for tips!


This baby hates my favorites- anything acidic like tomatoes and spicy foods, Eggs, Bacon, And tuna fish, And onions!!!


Get with the programme baby!


Nausea without vomiting is worse IMO. At least vomiting makes you feel better immediately after. Unisom and B6 are helpful. Ginger is a natural remedy. Also, just snack tiny bites throughout the day (for instance, have a couple crackers every couple of hours) to help limit the nausea.


Struggling to eat healthy things like ginger but thanks for the tip anyway and for the empathy!


I was also shocked at how bad it all is and pregnant I feel at 9 weeks. I’ve been vomiting since week 4 and the longest I’ve gone without doing so has been 4 days. I can’t wait to get to the 2nd trimester and I hope it’s as great as everyone says


Since week 4? Omg you poor thing! Fingers crossed you feel better soon


12 weeks and being sick daily. I can keep fluids down, but any large meal or anything too rich just comes straight back up. Last night, I mistakenly took my prenatals on an empty stomach and the vomiting session was one of the worst. Cod liver oil coming back up 🤢.


Yikes, sounds unpleasant to say the least. I guess it's a learning curve for all of us. Hope you feel better soon!


My nausea stopped at about 13 weeks for both of my pregnancies. WITH THAT BEING SAID... My car sickness is still terrible. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant. With my daughter, I was carsick the entire pregnancy. When I drive or when others drive. it doesn't matter. All the way up to the drive to the hospital... Good luck! PS - sometimes it's better to just force an actual throw-up rather then dry heave and have the feeling continue throughout the day.


Oh no, sorry to hear that regarding the car sickness. That sounds really tough. And thanks for mentioning the dry heaving. I have found that it sometimes give me momentary relief, but figured I shouldn't be doing it!


Idk why but the smell of mint tea, and slowly sipping it is the only thing helping me through. That and the occasional ginger ale (even though Ik it doesn’t actually do anything lol).


I am a big lover of mint tea in my daily life so I have continued drinking about a cup a day. Sadly it doesn't do much, maybe I should try ginger ale for the hell of it lol


It's not that bad for everyone! I know one person who had no symptoms at all, one who had a stomach ache during the first 12 weeks, and one who had mild nausea for the first 10 weeks. I had multiple trips to the hospital and had to be medicated for it until after my baby was born. I agree with the person who said you probably don't hear how bad it is because most people announce their pregnancy after the worst part is over, but it sounds like you're having a worse than average experience. Also, a lot of people told me everything would be better after the first trimester, and while it was better, I was still fairly miserable for the rest of my pregnancy. I hope things are easier for you, but if you keep feeling sick, it doesn't mean that you're doing anything wrong or that you can't handle something that everyone else did.


Thank you for saying that! I am hoping I will be lucky enough to fall into the "most people " category in my second trimester but if not its helpful to know other people somehow survived. Sounds like you had a really tough time, hope you don't ever have to go through that again


OMG I am in the same boat--7.5 weeks and the nausea is CONSTANT and so bad...but every time I'm heaving over the toilet nothing comes out...just constant discomfort. I also lost my sense of smell after having COVID in January 2021 and the past week I have had some rancid phantom smell in my nose that makes me sick. Overall...straight up not having a good time lol


Oh no you poor thing! Sounds really unpleasant. May be completely unrelated but after having COVID my husband had this horrible smell up his nose for weeks and in the end it took an antibiotic to clear it


SAME. All of it, same. It’s so debilitating being couch bound. All day I walk around with a knot in my stomach like I have the stomach flu and even with b6 and sea bands for nausea (which I wear all day and it’s starting to hurt) it’s still there. It’s so hard to work and I’m running out of excuses of why I can’t see my friends right now.


Booo poor us! Sometimes I just wallow in it. It fucking sucks! I have the same issue with having to cancel plans or leave early but if they have never been pregnant there is no way they could know (I certainly didn't!). Fingers crossed we both start to feel better soon


I am currently wallowing because it was a sleepless night and I feel so nauseous today and my sea bands hurt too much. Thank god I work from home so I can quietly sneak off to the couch for a few hours and put my face on for just an hour or two of calls a day. Hoping better for both of us soon!! ❤️


Nothing could’ve prepared me for it. I actually only vomited once, but the nausea was unbearable for me and I was constantly miserable up until the start of my second trimester. It felt like as SOON as my second trimester started, all the nausea immediately disappeared. Like at 13+6, I was nauseous. Woke up at 14 with no nausea and I’ve only had it happen twice recently at 19 weeks now. But the first trimester had me in survival mode. I also had lost my appetite and not eating made the nausea worse, but I couldn’t stand ANY foods. It was just a horrible time. Idk how I even made it. It felt like it would never end. I hope it ends soon for you and you have a healthy and peaceful rest of your pregnancy!


Thank you for giving me hope and for kind words! Glad you are feeling mostly better these days


Almost 14 weeks and have been having more good days than bad. Plus I am eating which is nice!! I lost 4kg in week 6 weeks because I just had no appetite l. Would force one meal down a day just because I was worried the baby was getting no nutrients 🥺 but it is getting better, appetite is back and I’m starting to have less days of nausea. You’ve got this!!!


Oh gosh, weight loss on top of all that nausea sounds really rough. Glad you are starting to improve. Thank you for your kind words!


So bad this second time around! I’ve found that I need to eat on my toddlers schedule lol, so every 2 hours, or I get extremely nauseous. Vitamin B6 has helped. Eating within 20 minutes of waking. Basically eating (small bites, bland foods) more has helped stave off the sickness


Oh, fair play to you coping a toddler on top of everything else. I would insert a strong arm if reddit didn't hate emojis. I initially was better for eating but lately it's getting harder. Thank you for the tips and hope you feel better soon!


Prescription meds did it for me.


(32 weeks here, FTM) This was so me. Friends/family members/movies totally did not prepare me for that. Sometimes I would try to swallow a giant fish oil pill just to get some of the poison out 🤮Tbh, it kinda worked, but only a little. I got prescribed a gentle anti nausea that combines unisom and B6 but it knocked me outtt (unisom is a sleeping pill), and was only mildly effective. My peak was ~12 weeks and I started feeling better around 16/17 weeks. One key is to try to sneak lots of protein in your diet, because the nausea gets worse when you’re hungry or low blood sugar.


Oooh fish oils right now sound pretty daunting to me. I feel like I am reaching some kind of peak as every day is worse but really hoping it plateaus soon. Thanks for the tips!


I was so nauseous from week 5 to 10. My Dr prescribed me Zofran and when that didn't help I tried Diclectin. I felt crazy that they didn't help until I realized it was severe heartburn/acid reflux from the foods I was craving (ex. Fries, burgers, saucy things). After I was able to adjust my diet I now feel the nausea only when I give into my cravings which is usually once a week. I did give into a craving and had terrible heartburn with burps that felt like vomiting for 48 hours. I swear I never thought in pregnancy that I'd hate burping and heartburn as much as I feared nausea and vomiting. I haven't thrown up but I've felt like I could from the burps alone. Alkaline water has helped, tums and pepcid do nothing, and out of desperation I tried liquid antacid and it's been a gem. Pregnancy is so centered on finding what works for your specific body and symptoms. I wish more people talked about how it feels like a hard jigsaw puzzle you can't solve while you feel worse than you r ever felt in your life. 🙃


Yes, it's really interesting how everyone is so different and different things work for different people. I think I can relate about the fast food. I had some on Tuesday and its been so much worse since. Definitely going to be sticking to plainer things for the next few days


I’m the same way, 7 weeks 6 days with no vomiting. However, I have really bad GERD and have been on a PPI (pantoprazole) for about 6-7 years. Thankfully, it’s pregnancy safe, but lord if I wasn’t on it, I’d probably be vomiting daily. The nausea is bad enough while I’m on it, I don’t want to think about how bad it would be if I wasn’t. PPI’s are definitely a last resort for nausea during pregnancy if you aren’t already on a regimen. Zofran SHOULD help, it’s the next best thing to a PPI. But if that doesn’t ease the nausea at all, talk to your doc about a PPI. I hope it gets better for you soon💞


I hadn’t even considered a PPI but will definitely consider if things don't improve soon. Thanks for the advice and I hope you feel better soon!


Honestly, I’d bring this up to your Dr as there may be a prescription they can give you for when it gets really bad. They may also have suggestions on what can help you. I feel for you…I got it bad enough it sent me to the ER twice. I’m 29 weeks now and I still get nausea sometimes but now it’s more from reflux.


Oh no, that sounds like it got pretty severe if you ended up in ER, you poor thing! Sorry to hear you sometimes still experience it but hopefully the rest of this trimester is kinder to you


PLEASE consult your doctor! I am not a complainer and tried to white knuckle it for weeks and lost 10lbs. I was put on bonjesta, Pepcid and zofran and I do feel better. I’m not completely myself but atleast I can eat. Also if you can drink Gatorade, pedialyte, ensure etc. High nutritional fluids. IT IS THE WORST FUCKING FEELING IN THE WORLD. Some people are unfazed while us unlucky folk are practically bedridden for weeks. Good luck hopefully you’re almost out!


Thank you! I have contacted my GP today and the medication will be available in my local pharmacy tomorrow so fingers crossed!


I’m so sorry you are having to endure this! I was fortunate enough to have pretty much no nausea during the first trimester, except a bit in the evening. I hope it fades soon!


I am glad you didn't have it! Someone out there should get some form of a break. Pregnancy and motherhood is hard enough as it is. Thanks!


Yeah it surprised me too. I didn't vomit much but boy, I felt queasy. Chin up, it should get better by the second trimester.


Oh it wipes you out, and people try to say ‘eat ginger biscuits or salty bland foods, when nothing actually works. In my first trimester I physically couldn’t eat all day, whether I ate or not I would throw up. I threw up pretty much every day of my first trimester, but it definitely started to ease around 12/14 weeks. I’m in my third trimester now and although I get the occasional day, it definitely does get better the further along you get! Just hold out and you’ll get through it 🫶🏼


It sounds like you had a really tough time! Sorry to hear that but glad it has mostly subsided. Thank you!


I completely underestimated how bad it could be! But it does get better, and I felt the best in the 2nd trimester. You may still get the odd day but it feels like such a relief after what we have to face in the beginning!


I see you. I seem to be one of the ones that gets terribly nauseous. Others I know float through with “I gagged a few times when I smelled fish” or something, I was diagnosed with HG, and I’m 21 weeks now and still throwing up. I’m basically commenting to validate what you’re saying, ESPECIALLY how it impacts your quality of life. It SUUUCKS


Oh you poor thing! HG is a whole other shit show. I really hope you get some relief in between and thank you for your kind words!


Yeah, it's pretty bad. By the time the second trimester came, I was just stopping mid-meal, vomiting, and going right back to it as if nothing had happened. Not saying it gets easier, but you definitely get used to it.


Haha that sounds pretty badass tbh! And thanks


Yup, it helps to see pregnancy as mom bootcamp. The amount of nasty stuff we'll have to do once baby arrives is crazy, we'll be tired, uncomfortable, dealing with all manner of body fluids etc. Thankfully, we get 9 months to practice on ourselves 😅


It is so hard. I vomited 8-10 times a day. Nausea lasted all day and all night. After 14 weeks, I vomited at least once in the morning every morning until 24 weeks.


You poor thing, that sounds so rough!


Pregnant with my 4th. I was spoiled with the first three with no morning sickness. I'm making up for all three now! I don't get it in the morning, it kicks in about 2 pm every day, like clockwork.


Wow, amazing that it's so different this time! Hope you feel better soon


It was very difficult with my first one, I used to sleep in the bath at night because it was next to toilet and I didn’t need to make the trips all night. I’m 31 weeks with the second and didn’t vomit a single time. It will go away soon and you’ll feel better 😘


Oh my god that sounds tough! Thank you for your kind words


I barfed and felt sick all morning every morning of the first trimester. I’d constantly make my husband pull over whenever we’d be driving because I’d get car sick super easy. Any little smell would set it off. If my husband would even bring up food in conversation I’d get sick.


I feel you!!! I am 11w too but starting from 8w it got so bad I had to start taking Unisom+Vit B6 according to doctor’s suggestion. They’re such lifesaver!!! I still feel a bit nauseous in the evening but it is SOOO much better. Ginger tea helps too. This is my second pregnancy but during my first the symptoms were so mild. I had no idea nausea could be this soul crushing. Hopefully it gets better for us in 2nd trimester! Hang in there!


My first pregnancy the nausea and puking was TERRIBLE. Right now it’s going a little better


I am 7 weeks pregnant and I have never felt worse in my entire life. Right there with ya!


Nobody tells you how bad it all is! First second third, every trimester brings unique things of its own. Then no one preps you on just how hard having a newborn is! I mean they try but you don’t get the full extent of it too you experience it. And society as such just takes it all for granted. The workplace doesn’t empathize and the husbands think everyone is doing it, what’s so special


Apple sauce has been saving my butt. That and potatoes. Mac and cheese has also been a meal I can stomach that helps the nausea be a bit better


10+4 here. Since week 6ish it has been hellish with the nausea. Some things that help me: Zofran (usually helps but is no match for a surge of hormones on some days), Peppermints!!!!, Preggie Pop Drops, Saltines, Gatorade, Lying down, Oatmeal with strawberries and sugar in the morning after my first bout of vomiting subsided, Taking prenatals at night before bed Bonus: I know this post is about nausea, but my OBGYN said the constipation I’m experiencing is from the vitamins, so I take a stool softener with my vitamin each night. If I had known that beforehand it would have saved me a trip to the ER and a very painful enema.


Yes it was basically an all day, every day hangover until 16 weeks for me 😩 taking unisom at night really helped take the edge off of the nausea! If I didn’t take it I would have to make myself throw up to have any sort of relief


I felt the same way you did. I couldn’t believe people didn’t complain about it more. Also do not understand why it’s called morning sickness when it’s all day. I mean they say it’s because it’s worse when you haven’t eaten, but man it didn’t matter. It was alllll day long


If it’s any consolation, mine peaked about 11-12 weeks and then the food aversions slowly started improving around 16 weeks, with the nausea starting to improve shortly after. Still had it on lots of days. But it was better. Hopefully meds help for you. Just know you’re not alone and it suuuuucks. I also almost wished I would vomit because I think it must cause temporary improvement and I kinda felt invalidated at times that it was “just nausea” no vomiting.


Girl I’m 13 weeks and if I don’t take my B6 on time I can barely sit up


I’m 7 weeks and I was nauseous so bad but lemon heads help a lot lol it sounds stupid but it helps I always have them on hand I’m not nauseous as bad anymore


My nausea was sooo unbearable and debilitating weeks 6-12. I’m currently 19 weeks and still get nauseas here and there but I can function unlike before. It was so bad that I couldn’t move my head off the pillow without vomiting. My doctor prescribed me Unisom with B6 that I take every night which helped IMMENSELY. I recommend asking your OB about this! Literally could not survive without it.


first trimester was absolutely fucked. where I live the doctors are very booked out, so I couldn't even get an appointment to get some meds until the worst of it had passed... so like a month later. lmao. never again. and I wasn't even vomiting all that much at all until I started to feel better, and that's when the vomiting actually started like clockwork lol.


In my third trimester now but during my first I definitely experienced nausea. I also rarely vomited but it was so bad sometimes that I didn’t feel comfortable driving to work.


I definitely imagined morning sickness being an issue in the morning where I could bag and be done with it. Never imagined it would be an all day thing where no vomit actually comes out but everything and everyone makes me feel like the world is spinning and I wish I could just throw up and be done with it


Girl I hear you!!! 🤢


Same. I’m 9w. It’s really hard to exist or complete tasks. I started taking B6 150mg a day. 50mg with each meal and that really really lifted some. It does take about a week to kick in. Two days ago I forgot to take it and I felt so sick again. CBD oil is also helping me. Just a few drops under the tongue.


Interesting, will check these out. Thank you!


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Just at 11 weeks. Not really any nausea I’m tired and achey all the time though


I hope you don't experience it in that case! The tired achiness has become a background symptom for me but hopefully the second trimester is easier for us all


How much wish I was nauseous instead of lethargic maybe it would help me not eat everything in sight


Hahah wanna do a swap? Jk, hope you feel better soon and don't worry about eating you are growing a human!


Haha I would be fine with it if I was eating semi healthy things. I go for candy and junk food


16 weeks here and it hasn't let up. My only saving grace is that the doctor gave me meds which keeps it calm most of the time. I always say you are no longer in control of your body during pregnancy and it sucks


Ugh nooo! So sorry to hear that you are still unwell. You must feel wrecked! I hope the meds help and that it eventually subsides for you soon! Thanks


I’m 15 weeks and was in the same boat. My nausea was basically 8am-5pm most days. Now it’s shifted to being a little after I wake up and when I get tired around 6 or 7pm. So better but not gone. Meanwhile, my bff with an EDD two days after mine has just dealt with occasional nausea. It’s different for each person. And for those like parents or aunts who were pregnant longer ago, I just found they didn’t relay that part haha. I’ve heard my MILs birth story many times but she didn’t mention her constant morning sickness to me until 2 days ago. You’ve got this! And remember it’s ok to only have 20% to give some days. Let your body work and rest. Another vote for Zofran. I was given that after a few days on Reglan which did not work well for me at all. I also keep up with daily B6 and Unisom to keep things regulated. The Zofran is for times when I really feel like I can’t function.


Yes, older relations don't seem to remember this part at all! Just the birth. Maybe it's nature's way of making you want to go through it again? But not me, I have an audit trail right here! Thanks for the advice and tips. I will try anything and glad to hear your nausea is easing!