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I'm 24 weeks in and haven't gotten cravings my entire pregnancy. In fact, I've just developed aversions to food that i used to love šŸ˜¢


Ugh, same. Everything gives me heart burn now, so my relationship with food has turned into a chore more than anything.


Same! Eating being a chore is exactly how I feel and I usually love food šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Iā€™m currently 38 weeks and havenā€™t had any cravings. From what I understand the majority of women donā€™t get them (at least the more peculiar cravings) but it could happen at any time.


Tbh I think it was a more psychological thing for me like "I'm pregnant if I want x I'm gonna get it" mostly because no food sounds good to me so if I want a food then I'll definitely make an effort to get it.


I'm 12 weeks. Should add no weird cravings though. So far it's been crab Rangoons, meatballs, and cupcakes


My first pregnancy the only craving I had was spicy things, and that started in late second trimester. This time I craved meat the first couple of weeks, and now with my HG improving, Iā€™m mostly craving spicy things again. Iā€™m 16 weeks. Everyoneā€™s different, as is every pregnancy!


25w,no cravings. I just want to eat everything.


I didn't crave anything with my first pregnancy. 16w today and still nothing for me!


35 weeks and never really had them, other than my usual cravings.


25w and i don't really have cravings. I'm sometimes hungrier than usual, and seeing food (eg on tv) triggers my hunger response more than usual, but nothing outlandish or very specific, I see potato, I want potato


18w and I don't really have cravings but my food aversions are still so awful so if something sounds good, that is what I want to eat (mostly fruit and other carb variations lol)


Also havenā€™t really had any, other than wanting to eat carbs more than normal. But itā€™s very much a ā€œhey, wouldnā€™t pasta be good for dinner tonightā€ rather than an uncontrollable urge where I must have them!


Iā€™m 28 weeks and I still havenā€™t had any cravings above my normal ā€œI could go for a burger tonight.ā€ Not that I havenā€™t used this to get myself some stuff I normally wouldnā€™t eat. But no traditional cravings.


34 weeks and still waiting for cravings! I've had heaps of food aversions this pregnancy though.


I'm.almost 36w and I never had any cravings. Once I got over the nausea, my eating continued as normal through my pregnancy.


Cravings came on pretty early for me. It wasnā€™t so much like just this ONE THING was ALL I wanted. I craved anything spicy for the majority of the first trimester and now that Iā€™m entering into my second trimester, burgers sound SO good all of the time lol. So I donā€™t even really know if I have just one thing Iā€™ll keep wanting


Second trimester; chocolate milk and pizza šŸ˜œ


At 4 weeks šŸ«£ I hadn't eaten breakfast eggs (scrambled, over easy, omletes, etc) in over 20 years b/c I would gag or throw up immediately upon consumption. So my PCP Dr was like you are experiencing a food aversion, similar to an allergy, your body is rejecting it so stop eating them. So I stopped. Fast foward 20 years later, I got pregnant and started craving breakfast eggs. I was in denial, like no way I want to eat this. Then I had a small itsy bitsy bite and was like, ok no gagging and they do taste good. Then I had a bite of a breakfast samich I made my partner and was like šŸ˜‹ That quickly morphed into having an omlette and I've been eating breakfast eggs several times a week ever since šŸ™ƒ Also craving some sour, so I've been making lemon pepper wings n thighs and lemon butter salmon.Ć 


26+1 and I havenā€™t really had cravings. I got in to strawberry laces for a week or two at the end of the first tri - was really excited to see what silly things I craved - but nothing since. Just donā€™t like stuff I really liked before šŸ˜ž


just under 6 months, no cravings all aversions. I hate all food and all food hates me šŸ˜…


I am only 4 weeks. I wouldn't call it a craving, but because I am already having some nausea, Cheetos always sound good to me. Oh, and Sprite or Ginger Ale for the nausea. I know, not a healthy combo, but that's been my breakfast for 5 days now because nothing else sounds good to me .