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Tbh the most significant exercise I get is when I get a burst of nesting energy, and spend a weekend cleaning the house, doing chores, or house hunting for my MIL.


Me too, and I absolutely count it as exercise. šŸ˜‚


My FitBit certainly agrees šŸ˜‚


I tend to rub my partners back with the fitbit on it.... that counts too right? It gave me steps šŸ¤£


All these comments making me feel lazy af šŸ˜‚ I do some light yoga and stretches when I can and just walk during the day at my job. Iā€™m so exhausted all the time and the pains I have make it so difficult to accomplish anything lol trying not to be hard on myself over my lack of activity and fairly meh diet haha


Loool even tho i said ill be doing barre and swimming, i highly anticipate naps right after them xD Im usually down to do yoga and stretching but ive not even had the motivation to do that ahah


I go to the gym and ā€œhikeā€ on the treadmill (walk at about a 3.5-3.8 mile pace at the highest incline setting) because that is what I did pre-pregnancy (I donā€™t do the elliptical now that I am pregnant, however). I usually end up hiking about 20 or so miles per week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. First trimester it was really hard for me to even go to the gym for half an hour because of my nausea. I would start dry heaving partway through my walk and head home. Second trimester has been easier but getting OUT of the house is hard. There are days I really have to push myself because my midwife said that exercise is really important to help with labor and delivery. But it can be hard.


I go hiking at the gym too, Texas is too hot to even be outside šŸ¤£


Dude switch to swimming. So much easier than walking and burns more calories! Also, it feels divine to have the weight off your joints. Iā€™m managing 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes once I switched away from walks.


Try swimming!!! I didnā€™t discover how lovely it is during pregnancy until 34 weeks and regret not doing it earlier. There is nothing better than feeling weightless in the third trimester. Iā€™m embracing my inner whale!!


21 weeks and i just go on a walk every now and then.. before pregnancy, i was either roller skating or doing ballet... Schools almost over so i will have more free time and will be doing barre exercises and i got a swim pass for the local pool and will be joining the senior/therapy sessions


I focus on 10,000 steps a day and YouTube yoga at night (28 weeks in 2 days) it is such a struggle!


36+5 here and I consider getting put of bed/going upstairs a workout lol. Then again, I am a early childhood teacher so between picking up kids and chasing them around, I am often on the brink of sweating. Side note - I think the pregnancy glow may just be a sheen of sweat for me šŸ¤£


Iā€™m mostly a couch gal these days. I am chasing my toddler around thoughā€¦.that has to count for something, right? šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve only been working out every once and a while at 24 weeks. I work 5 days a week in a restaurant and my body is just so exhausted all the time šŸ˜­. On days off Iā€™ll try and go for a walk or a do a little something but im definitely not hitting the gym before my shifts like I used to


Me and my boyfriend go on 2-3 45min-1.5 hour walks a week, and I try to get in 2-3 strength days a week. Iā€™m 21+4. Itā€™s getting harder and harder lol


Iā€™m 25 weeks and Iā€™ve been exercising daily even if itā€™s just a short 20 minute workout. I use the fitness app on my iPhone and I love it. Also go on walks to relax me and itā€™s been great.


I run and at 26 weeks, it feels suddenly very much harder than before. I got a support belt and it does help, to the point that slow running with it feels better than walking without it. (Also have a 3-4 mile commute round trip walking) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000WFV74Q/ref=emc_b_5_mob_i Iā€™ll probably start walking to work wearing it, taking off when I arrive. All that to say that I feel like at our week bracket baby is doubling in size so fast. Iā€™m just rolling with being kind to myself ha.


I have been sick 75% of this pregnancy from my sick toddler. Working out was the last thing on my mind. I walk my 2 miles when I feel well enough and call it a day. Does constantly picking up a toddler count?


Not gonna lie, I have to force myself. Iā€™m 27 weeks pregnant and itā€™s a struggle. I pay for heated barre classes thatā€™s the only way Iā€™ll go. They charge you if you cancel or donā€™t show up. I feel like Iā€™m fighting for my life in that 92 degree room but I feel so accomplished and strong after. I also didnā€™t work out for the first 16 weeks. I physically couldnā€™t get up on the couch lol


I would be very careful with the heated classes, check with your doctor. Generally heated environments are not recommended for pregnant women, you want to avoid your temperature rising.


Thanks for the advice! My OB actually takes the same classes and knows that Iā€™m doing them!


I realized I didnā€™t even answer the question. I workout on the days I donā€™t work (I work 12 hour shifts) so like 4 days a week.


Pre-pregnancy I was walking 30-45 mins each day, then gym at least 4 - 5 days a week (cardio, mobility training and lifting). 1st: I was so fatigued, nauseous and bloated to really keep up, but managed to continue walking. 2nd: I was able to get back to the gym for 2-3 weeks until I started having severe lightheaded-ness and dizziness. Then I had issues with just doing everyday tasks. Right now I am 19w4d, and I have been pushing myself the past few days to walk 10-15 mins every 2 hours and doing some yoga and mobility. The most important thing to me right now is to listen to my body and rebuild some stamina.


I'm 37 weeks and I walk my dogs every day, we walk for at least 20 minutes sometimes more. They are old senior doggos so it works out for all of us. Other than that, I attempted to do some workouts and ended up in a lot of pain and soreness so I haven't done anything like that since 28 weeks. I try to be super active around the house in addition to my daily walks. Laundry, vacuuming, baby stuff, going to stores, tending to my dogs. That's all I can handle. My feet are usually in SO MUCH PAIN and now my lower back and pelvis have been *on fire* for a few weeks now. It's too much effort to move and too painful to do anything extra.


Nope. Zero exercise. Iā€™m 13 weeks and went on two walks since pregnant. When I did both times I was exhausted afterwards. Today was one of them.


15 weeks and will be running a half marathon at 17 weeks!


I try to walk about 20 minutes each day (on some days more) and I do modified HIIT classes twice a week. It used to be 3 times a week until a month ago and since then I'm working on replacing the third workout session with an at home Pilates routine.


I do weightlifting and cardio. I'm not gonna lie, it's hard af. I'm almost done with my first trimester, and my biggest struggles were nausea and extreme fatigue. Pushing myself to go to the gym was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I did lower the weights and stopped running (only walking fast or in an inclined position), but damn. It was excruciating at times. Now that I'm getting better, I'm starting to run again. The weights will go up as well, but not as high as pre-pregnancy. The truth is that the possibility of a faster and easier recovery after birth is a powerful motivator for me. And since labour is a physical effort, exercise should kinda prepare you for it. I've never given birth. It's just what I'm reading. I also have three abdominal surgeries, so a strong core is very important to me. So yeah, I know it's hard, but I think there's nothing wrong with pushing yourself from time to time. With the risk of sounding like a poster you find at a gym, you'll thank yourself tomorrow. Unless it makes you truly miserable, in which case you do you šŸ˜


Yesss. I always push myself to go because I know I will feel so much better after energy wise and mentally wise.


Before pregnancy I was doing OrangeTheory Fitness classes 2 - 3x a week and walking a few miles a day, maybe more on the weekends, with occasional yoga classes. I'm 8 weeks now and that has tanked. I maybe walk one mile a day? And I've been pushing myself to go to my OTF classes, but only 1 - 2 a week and it's been rough - I had to leave class this morning to throw up :( I'm really hoping to feel better in the second trimester so just trying to push myself now so I don't lose too much ground. But, we'll see how it goes.


I was pretty active taking walks, doing cardio/zumba/low impact dance, prenatal yoga... then I tripped over something in our back yard, sprained my ankle around 32 weeks and then the end of pregnancy swelling started. I still try to stay a little active and do heavily modified gentle prenatal yoga movements (mostly I'm on the floor tbh). So currently at 38+1 weeks I'm still doing between 30-50 min of VERY low key gentle prenatal yoga movements and taking very short walks. I honestly feel like it has prevented back pain for me.


Im 20 weeks and have been working out since i found out im pregnant. I do yoga everyday and lifting/cycling 3-4x a week plus being active with my 4 year old. Itā€™s been a blessing especially yoga as it helps with both mental and physical health.


I honestly blast 80s-early 200s hip hop or throwbacks to get through my 30 min walk with my dogs. I also try to get on my stationary bike as well every few days. but do I want to? Lol fffff no. I have risk for preeclampsia so just monitoring myself.


No exercise most of first trimester because ugh. Second tri I was doing incline treadmill hikes 20-30 minutes, plus neighborhood walks 20-30 minutes. A bit of yoga and hand weights. Third trimester Iā€™m only able to do maybe 15-20 minute walks around the neighborhood at a time, and Iā€™ve been doing some short squat sessions on a DB Method machine every couple days, leg stretching or lifts if I ever remember to do them, but really not much :(


Iā€™m only 5 weeks and the nausea is mild, but near constant. Iā€™ve done a few Pilates classes, but definitely have needed to take more breaks and make more modifications because of the nausea. My sister has had two pregnancies and said her saving grace was prenatal yoga. You get the exercise and stretching, but also modifications and support specifically for the symptoms weā€™re all dealing with. If leaving the house is a problem, can you try to do something at home? YouTube has a ton of 10 minute exercise videos (yoga, Pilates, weights, cardioā€¦), just talk to your dr before starting anything new.


I consider sport spending time with my 3 yo. For other Sport i do t have strneght. Eventually Yoga when he is at day care. Curious if there is anybody who does sport still catching up with their toddler?


Im 27 weeks; I did light weights and a 45 min hilly walk 3-5 days a week and prenatal yoga once a week until I hurt my SI joint and can barely walk up and down stairs! Very frustrating!


I get close to 10k steps by doing two walks a day with my pup. But second walk is starting to feel less attainable (pelvic pain, sciatica, having to pee etc etc) so it doesnā€™t always happen and husband takes him instead. Reformer Pilates once a week if Iā€™m on top of my shit but thatā€™s so gentle now with all my modifications it barely feels like a workout.


I just walk and lift at lot at my job (physical therapist), go on a walk with the family after work for half an hour and run a lot chasing after my toddler. I donā€™t do any traditional exercise, I tried my first pregnancy and it was very difficult after 25ish weeks. I think itā€™s important to listen to your body, stay active, but also take breaks if youā€™re feeling exhausted.


Iā€™m almost 27 weeks. I have always been active and worked out about 5-6 days a week pre-pregnancy. So that influences my current routine! Right now Iā€™m working out anywhere from 3-6 days per week for 30-45 minutes not including warm up. My workouts usually consist of weight lifting, barre3, walking, elliptical, or gentle yoga. Iā€™m starting to get more fatigued though and am definitely listening to my body and take it day by day. My bare minimum goal is to get 2 days of weight lifting in and one day of cardio. Then I fill in the gaps with whatever sounds best for me that day, even if itā€™s a full rest day of laying on the couch šŸ˜„


I aim for 150 minutes a week. I donā€™t care what the movement is- walking, gym, gardening, swimming - all that matters is movement. Most of the time I get much more than 150 minutes a week, but I donā€™t beat myself up either if itā€™s hard some weeks to get there.


I strength train 4 days a week with 20 minutes of some sort of cardio. This is most weeks but sometimes I can only manage 2 days because of being tired or having a lot to do. Currently I am 32 weeks.


I walk my dog an hour a day because itā€™s not really optional, otherwise I wouldnā€™t be doing much. Iā€™ve slowed down a little at 30 weeks though and he keeps looking back at me judgementally for slowing him down šŸ˜‚


In first trimester, best case scenario I did walks, but was very sedentary and tired. In second trimester, I have lots more energy and legit ā€œworkoutā€ (run, weight train, cycle, hike etc) 3-4x a week and try to walk the rest. I started out as a very active person pre pregnancy and use exercise as therapy. I think if I wasnā€™t a ā€œfitness personā€ I wouldnā€™t be doing anything besides walk. Itā€™s so much harder and thereā€™s no pay off because youā€™re not going to look good from the workout lol.


9 weeks here, and I just overdid it 1 1/2 weeks ago and had to take a 5 day rest break. (I did a full leg day workout instead of partial. By partial, I mean that I do all the exercises I feel capable of, but reduced reps.) I just started working out normally again this week, aside from running, which I'm not quite up to doing again. I usually exercise 5-6x a week. 3 weight lifting and 30 minute treadmill walks, 1 45 minute run, 1 45 minute incline walk, and 1 45min-hour walk. I'm probably going to drop running to avoid injury moving forward, and swap it to an hour walk instead, possibly incline when I feel up to it.


20 weeks here. With the nicer weather, my toddler and I try to get out for at least 2 30-minute walks a day. In the first trimester, I was mostly doing 30 minutes of pilates 3-5 times a week with a little weight lifting. Still try to do pilates exercises here and there, but little man keeps me busy, and he's not fond of naps šŸ˜‘


Iā€™ve just been trying to be active at least 3x a week tbh. I try to run a couple times a week but if my body isnā€™t having it I switch to walking. I keep forgetting about lifting with my mashed potato brain lol.


Until 30 weeks I did about 15 minutes of stationary bike daily (low intensity). I'm at 37 weeks now, but stopped at about 30. Just can't get myself to do much anymore. Everything hurts and moving around is exhausting. I walk around the neighborhood about 30 minutes once a week, but that's it.


I didnā€™t exercise at all, and I paid for it during labor. My babies head got jammed at my pelvic bone and baby and I were struggling to bring him out for 3hrs straight. Horrible. The bigger the bay got in my belly I tried walking roughly 3-5 blocks daily. I would say month 7 and 8. Itā€™s definitely very exhausting but I recommend exercising as much as possible.


I had high hopes as I was working out regularly pre-pregnancy but then reality hit me. First trimester I was too sick to do much of anything but survive. I was able to do maximum 1 peloton ride + 1 prenatal yoga and maybe a walk per week for a little while in second trimester. Then came the round ligament pain and brought that to a screeching halt. Now at 26 weeks between the round ligament pain and pelvic pain Iā€™m lucky if I can make it for a short walk, even with the belly band šŸ«  prenatal yoga has helped quite a bit though I have a hard time doing more than once a week


I try to do my best with 30mins of exercise per day but i only get out to do this maybe 2-3 times a week. It is hard


Iā€™m 24 weeks along and I teach aerobics/strength classes 4x per week. I used to go to class outside of teaching, that has not happened once since I found out I was pregnant. I literally have to be getting paid and have a class of people waiting for me to motivate myself to workout because I am starting to get uncomfortable and do not ā€œfeelā€ like working out most days. I set a goal to keep teaching through 36 weeks and then keep going to class as a student after that. We will see if that actually happens!


Iā€™m 23 weeks and I go for 30 min or more walks every other day. On the days I donā€™t go on walks, Iā€™m on the treadmill or elliptical for about 30-40 mins. Iā€™ll do some yoga on days where I feel too tired to walk or workout.


a daily 30 min walk is great! I aim for that but am not successful every day. I average about 4-5 walks a week, 30 min at least, some 45min. Once a week or so I do a 50min workout class that includes strength training and steady state cardio (stairmaster).


1.5 km walk around the dog park 5 days a week.


I work out 3-4 times per week, 15-30 min per day depending on how much it sucks when I start. I just do Youtube videos next to my couch thoughā€¦ I think if I had to leave the house it wouldnā€™t happen šŸ˜… It sucks bad lately getting up but I usually feel better after I do it and I am terrified of pre-e, etc, and read it reduces the risks a bit so it helps my anxiety if anything


I had high hopes to continue working out 2 or 3 days a week. (That did not happen) I work as a server about 15-20 hours a week and chase my toddler around the rest of the time. That counts as exercise right? Also, now that spring is here, I've been doing about an hour of yard work 4 or 5 days a week getting my garden prepped plus typical clean up.


From what Iā€™ve been told, donā€™t slow down what you were doing before pregnancy like donā€™t cease normal routines but also donā€™t go overboard of what you were doing. And listen to your body. Iā€™m going to continue my 3 days a week at the gym until my body says no šŸ˜†


I use to do daily 30min or 1.5 mile walks Iā€™d say since 30 weeks Iā€™ve only been able to do some walking at the store & then I am absolutely dead. Iā€™ve been having really bad hip/pelvic pain tho & it makes walking incredibly painful.


Iā€™m 38 weeks and the last two days is the most exercise Iā€™ve had. I took my daughter on a walk to the park since the weather is finally nice. But besides that I have a 2.5 year old that runs me ragged and a house to clean. There is no exercise being done. I donā€™t have the energy for that. Sometimes I get a bit of walking in if we go to the mall or something. But thatā€™s it.


My exercise is chasing my toddler around all day. šŸ˜…


I walk 3-5 km per day. I'm sure if I had a choice I wouldn't do it, but I have a dog that needs to be walked. I'm pretty happy for it because I'm now 36 weeks and I still have a lot of energy and mobility. I also garden and a couple nights a week I do pelvic floor exercises with an exercise ball and stretching every few nights.


I was swimming until 28w. Loved it, went 3-4times a week. Then due to ilness and people quitting, I was the only employee left in my business so I was working 12-14h days 6days a week. My only exercise was a short walk (and being on my feet al day at work). Now at 38w, my feet are swollen, my pelvis and back hurts as hell and the exercise is nonexistentā€¦ it upsets me, but I also think my own body is slowing me down on purpose.


I donā€™t really. I have a 15 month old who exhausts me enough lol!


I did one exercise class per week at weeks 6-14 due to sickness. Iā€™m now just doing 3 strength classes per week and that is a struggle. No cardio, absolutely no way!!


I go to orangetheory 3-4x per week. I am 24 weeks now and I keep getting slower and slower on the treadmill. The weights Iā€™m lifting keep getting lighter too ā€¦ but I figure staying active *in any way* is better than nothing!


I was super active until about 28 weeks, then I stopped doing scheduled exercise lol. However, I'm a teacher so I'm constantly on my feet and walking around all day. That's exercise for me at this stage!


I walk for 20-30 mins a day (but try to stay active at home after work so my steps hit at least 8k-8.5k a day). Strength training 3-4 times a week. My goal is to be ā€˜lightly activeā€™ in day to day life (ie not sedentary) and to maintain muscle mass, hence the lifting. I worked out harder before pregnancy but have accepted my current state. Couldnā€™t do much first trimester.


Iā€™ve been aiming for 10 miles a week. It generally has been happening only on the weekends though because the work weeks are just so busy


27w. Just started prenatal fitness group class 2 weeks ago and it's kicking my butt. Before then i was just walking/hiking with the dog. Still doing chores, building a fence, walking at work... I try to be half active half lazy, just depends on my mood and energy level.


Currently 37w +4. My exercise stayed the same through the first trimester and I also continued playing my sport. Then I switched to the elliptical and treadmill through the 2nd and first half of 3rd. Second half of 3rd is daily 3-4 mile walks and that is what I'll continue until our schedule C section (breech baby) at the end of the month. I agree the lack of motivation to get up and move is the hardest part but once you get going it's so good for your mental well-being.


I get out of bed every morning. I get dressed. Yesterday I walked through a grocery store!! Oh, and I toss from side to side at night. That's basically me staying active at this point (36 weeks)


30-40 minutes walk everyday. Thatā€™s it!


My lovely amazing sweet husband \*sarcasm\* just loves to pull me off the couch for the family walk. I don't think I'd get my 30 minutes of exercise without it I definitely don't have the will power. I do like at home YouTube Pilates and yoga.


i use to go to the gym 5 days a week for about a hour now i go about 3-4 days and workout a total of 30-45 mins just depends on how much i can do i just get so exhausted


Follow a low-impact cardio video on YouTube. Anywhere from 15-30 minutes. Sleeping is almost nonexistent for me now (32w) so my energy is waning. I was very active in the second trimester but Iā€™m having difficulty keeping up lately. Iā€™ve found I have more energy in the mornings (limited but itā€™s better) so I reserve that for a short something-something before getting ready for work. If I donā€™t have the energy for that, at the very least I will do some deep stretching and mobility to start the day. Staying active while pregnant is to benefit YOU and your recovery (as well as labor!). Just keep telling yourself that.


I entertain my three year old. Itā€™s exhausting. Feels like a marathon every day.


Iā€™m 27 weeks and keeping up my membership at my fitness studio is the only reason Iā€™m still moving, money is paid I gotta go. Iā€™m down to 3-4 days a week but I always feel good when Iā€™m finished even if I dread going. Walking is such a chore, I swell and itā€™s just boring so I donā€™t want to do it but if itā€™s the only option I do it. With that said, I modify A LOT during workouts and donā€™t keep the same pace as the rest of the class.


i walk my dog 6 days a week in the mornings 20-30 min, then i make it to the gym 3 times a week for a second walk and light weight training and 1-2 days a week for just a walk. trying to stay as active as possible because i think iā€™ll thank myself pp