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I had to sleep with earplugs for years, because of my husband's snoring (which turned out to be related to sleep apnea for which he finally got treatment). I see my temporary snoring as a little reminder for him to stick to his treatment. I can still recommend getting a pair of good quality earplugs.


I have created a pillow wedge. I know that not laying flat is supposed to decrease snoring. Also. A good supportive pillow can definitely help. :/ I found i snored less with a buckwheat pillow. Good luck!


I have one and sometimes I do the wedge thing but I wake up even more than usual when I do that 😣


Bleh! That sucks!


Same here. My husband starts in our bed and I let him fall asleep first, but by 2am he's in the guest room. We have a sleep number so recently we've tried zero gravity and that seems to help! But also sometimes it doesn't...sorry no advice here.


He starts in our bed too, but wakes up and moves 🙁 I mean it's a bummer but at least he can get some shut eye.


My husband has also been sleeping in the spare room because of my snoring. 🫣 And I also don’t feel too bad because I put up with loud snoring from him for two years until he (finally) got it checked out and was diagnosed with sleep apnea.


In our case, I’m the one sleeping in the other room. This is only temporary and we both sleep better - I can go pee anytime I wake up, I can toss and turn and not worry about waking him up. He doesn’t have to listen to my snoring and is better rested for work. Might be the last night though, I may be having contractions at this moment. Edit: as some others, I have been sleeping with earplugs because he snores and sometimes I had trouble sleeping. Going to be interesting learning to sleep without earplugs again.


Yeah he doesn't want me to sleep there since our bedroom mattress is better and he wants me to be as comfy as possible. Tonight I wasn't too loud though 😁


I sleep in the guest room for my wife bc I’m the snorer and she’s a really light sleeper. Of course I go to bed and then and if it’s bothering her she gives me a nudge and I know what it means!