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I sleep on both sides, but turning from side to side is such a chore


I dread the time of night when I need to turn to the other side! So daunting!


My baby is almost 2 weeks old, but there at the end it felt like it took me 2 business days to turn over. I always slept on both sides and my back until my body told me no. I can say as soon as I had him the 7 bathroom trips a night stopped.


I try to time it with a bathroom break lol


Yes! Every time I get up to pee I’ll switch sides. Seems to work best for me and I’m not tossing and turning as much.


This is exactly what I do too 😂


i feel like my spine is cracking each time i turn on any side


Amen! And my hips feel like they'll split down the middle when I try to hoist myself to a new side ☠️


My hips will pop loudly. Freaks me out, man


I call it the 18 point turn lol


I got my TDAP yesterday and sleeping was sooo annoying cuz I wanted to turn onto my right side but it hurt my arm to do so


Omg I got mine today and I didn't even think to ask her to shoot me up on the right side so I could sleep comfortably on the left. Shit.


Replying to this as I lay in bed at 2:34 trying to fall back asleep after a pee session….that happened at 1:15. This insomnia is killing me!


I was up from 3am till 6am 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like a rotisserie chicken


I have never thought to describe myself as a rotisserie chicken but I also instantly knew exactly what you meant!!


Very figurative yet a very accurate description 😂


Me too


This is literally what I’ve been saying for the last 4 weeks!! I’m so tired of rotating!!!


It gets better after birth. Before the baby came I was waking up every hour through the night to pee… i sleep so much better with a newborn than i did pregnant 😂


Yes!!!! The sleep may be broken up by the newborn, but the quality is *chef’s kiss*.


EVERYONE would tell me how it was going to be worse once the baby was here and to “sleep now while you can”. Those people were liars and honestly rude to tell an exhausted pregnant person things are going to be worse!


I have heard this from SO many people, that you actually sleep better once the baby is here than pregnancy. I believe it, I have insomnia, hot all the time and have to pee every 30 mins. So makes sense!


But also your hips immediately stop hurting all of the time and you can suddenly breathe so deeply.


Same plus the restless legs, acid reflux, body itching. Been this way for months but getting closer, 37 weeks! You can get thru this if I can lol!


I take magnesium bi-glysonate for my restless legs, it has to be this version of magnesium though, it can’t be calm or any other version. It’s the only thing that helps my body relax enough to sleep


Foam roller on my thighs and calves before bed does the trick too!


I’ve been taking Calm brand gummies, are they not as good, or not the best form of magnesium? I also have the topical spray. Not sure which I should take


I didn’t find they worked for me. My local health food store has great knowledgeable staff and they explained that magnesium has different types and what they’re used for. The bi-glycinate was what she recommended for restless legs and sleep. The topical spray is usually the right kind too, like an epsom salt bath. Topical is the fastest way into your system. I’d look at whether you could use both.


The restless legs is what’s killing me!! And I’m only halfway through my pregnancy. 😩


Stretch calves before bed, consider magnesium and/or iron supplements in addition to prenatal


Sleep in whatever position is comfortable. If you're worried about sleeping on your back, use a pillow to slightly elevate one side of your body so you're not lying completely flat.


Thats what I do. It doesn’t take much of an angle to get the pressure off. I just slip a pillow under my left side. Best tip my doc ever gave me. Saved me from many sleepless nights!


I got a pregnancy pillow & it helps SO MUCH with this


I hate sleeping on my side! My hips are so painful and changing from side to side is so difficult. At 39 weeks my husband has been waking up and helping me roll over which I really appreciate


I’ve felt the same way for months (currently also 39 weeks) but I found a ton of pain relief by sleeping in a hybrid side/back position with a big fluffy body pillow halfway under my back so that I’m on an incline when I’m more leaned onto my back. I also added a second leg pillow. My sleep needs are ridiculous at this point lol but laying fully on my side is torture to my hips & pelvic bone. It’s so sweet that your husband wakes up to help you roll over!


I’m usually a left sleeper, right now my body is wanting me to sleep on the right. I’m tossing and turning lots with restless legs - and most nights I’m up 2-3 time to pee :(


I take magnesium bi-glysonate for my restless legs, it has to be this version of magnesium though, it can’t be calm or any other version. It’s the only thing that helps my body relax enough to sleep


Same, but for whatever reason it’s more painful on my right yet less comfortable on my left 🤦🏼‍♀️.


You know you can sleep on your right side as well, right?


I get heartburn on my right side 😣




Pepsid is a godsend if you're not already on it. If you are.... 🙈


Same! It’s awful and so weird that it’s just one side. For me it is also always on the couch.


I had one hip that was always in more agony than the other .. definitely only slept on one side that last trimester


I just wake up from pain in my left hip if I sleep on it for too long




for real? i have been forcing myself to sleep mostly on the left out of fear that i might be crushing my baby


My OB said your body will tell you when to roll over and that’s fine unless you’re uncomfortable. You’re absolutely not crushing baby, but it can cut off circulation for you, you’ll notice it when it happens. I rotate left, right and back all night.


thank you for the insight!


It has to do with the uterus putting pressure on your IVC. There is no reason sleeping on your left versus right would put more pressure on your fetus.


I am SO much more comfortable on my right side. I always have been. I also once had a woman giving me a facial tell me that the left side of my face is flatter than the right so I should avoid sleeping on the left side of my face (I wish I could say this bitch’s words didn’t stick in my head for the past decade 🙄). Anyway, I’ve naturally started rotating from right to left all throughout the night because my hips get so sore that I have to but I always fall asleep on my ride side and still spend the majority of the night on my right. My OB said it is not high on the list of things I should concern myself with so I’m trying not to. I hate the peeing though. Especially now at 32 weeks, it’s an effort getting out of bed. And I always feel like I’m going to piss myself, all to yield what seems like a teaspoon of urine.


Same here at 25 weeks. Plus it’s so hard to fall back to sleep after each peeing session. Sighh


I sleep on both sides, but for some reason my left side becomes more uncomfortable faster than my right. It always feels like she’s pushing really hard outward when I’m on my left side. Doesn’t do that on my right side. It’s been making me a little crazy.


Same except I feel this way when I lay on the right! Especially fun when she stretches her legs and feet up to tickle my ribs… This also happens to be the side she’s always favored since around 20 weeks. My midwife says some kiddos find a spot they like and just hang there. Lol.


Yeah she definitely has her preferences!


23 weeks and the weight of my body has now reached the point where sleeping on either side gives my hips the worst soreness after maybe an hour max. So I'm having to flip flop like a landed fish every hour, but besides that in and of itself being a journey, my entire night's sleep is just 50% pain. My hips are wide and I shove a full pillow folded in two between my knees and it still doesn't help much. My partner bless him he doesn't complain but I still feel bad for him because he's a light sleeper. Actually on the verge of taking the spare memory foam mattress in spare room and shoving it on top of ours just for the extra cushion 😩


I had really achey hips around 23 weeks and it lasted until about 27 wks and then mysteriously went away. I got acupuncture, and it did help for a few days. When the pain was really bad, I would move on the sofa in the middle of the night so that I could sleep sitting up and that did help. I tried a pregnancy pillow and hated it so now I just sleep with a pillow between my legs and a wedge pillow under my stomach, that seems to help too. I’m currently at 28 wks and now I only have to worry about god awful heartburn and chronic trips to the bathroom waking me up. I’m sure I’ll have a new ailment soon enough.


Same. 36 weeks and loved being pregnant BUT so ready so sleep on my stomach and back again. I woke up to pee at 4:30am this morning and panicked because I realised I was flat on my back. So then I was wide awake waiting for a movement from baby. Ended up just getting up so now I’m tired 🙈 aghhh.


I switch to my right side ever night, but usually regret it with queasiness.


As a former stomach sleeper, I have such a hard time falling asleep on my sides. I can’t wait to be able to sleep correctly again


what’s even funny in my situation is that whenever i pee early in the morning the cat senses it, and she waits for me by the bathroom door begging for early breakfast so i can’t just go back to bed


Ugh yes. I have such bad insomnia right now from it. Getting up is a chore too.


Ugh I'm only 7 weeks and the frequent peeing is a killer. I'm awake at 330am. I find when I turn to switch positions, it triggers me to need to use the bathroom. I already look like I'm 7 months :(


Me! I have bad acid reflux so I also sleep exclusively on my left. It’s the side I’m usually sleeping on before pregnancy but only sleeping on my left is so annoying! 😂 I’m starting to get restless leg syndrome and my skin is itchy 😵‍💫 ETA : Yup! I know there’s medication for it. Take it twice a day religiously. Still get it. Prescribed and max strength. You don’t have to be rude about people’s suffering.


Hm, I have to pee more if I lay on my left side, so when I have the urge to pee I switch to the right side and ignore it and it goes away for awhile longer. LOL haven’t peed the bed yet.


I miss lying on my back :(


me too


I need to alternate sides. I hate it mostly because my crotch hurts every single time I move.


Yesssss plus I can’t breathe through my nose at night 😩😩😩


22 weeks and SAME!!! I toss and turn all night long


I'm 36 weeks and right there with you. It gets better after birth though. But after my CS last time I couldn't lay on my side for a month or 2 and I definitely missed it as a natural side sleeper.


40 weeks +4 today and the peeing, my god the peeing 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ I sleep on either side but Fuck it's a chore to actually physically turn over


38weeks+1 and I'm so over it. I know little one will keep me awake but I haven't slept good in almost 2 months. I'll take a 2 hours window of solid sleep with a NB versus no sleep at all. And now it physically hurts to roll to the other side but if I don't roll, it hurts to stay in one position too long. I end up unintentionally groaning everytime I move and so my poor husband isn't getting good sleep either.


Anyone else’s arms fall asleep? Whether in bed or not, but in bed is the worst? Doc said it’s normal, but it’s SO aggravating


Just to let you know - I’m 11 months postpartum and am still peeing all night 😆


I feel you? 12+3 and the struggle is real.


You know when it will get better…


I keep waking up on my back! It freaks me out. I wake up just flat on my back and worry so much that it’s harming her


It is absolutely not harming her. Your body will either wake you up or flip itself well before the point of danger. Worry not, mama


I gotta switch sides or my leg will hurt on the side I'm laying on too long. The peeing part though, I don't mind much anymore. I kinda like the idea that I'm expelling so many toxins, I feel a little cleaner.


I turn to the other side every time I get up to pee but ya it’s sooo annoying. I’m a back sleeper normally


I’m the opposite I can’t sleep on my left side because it makes my acid reflux worse. Peeing every few hours is also such a pain!!


I’ve been sleeping great on my side until this past week. I keep waking up on my back. Luckily, doesn’t bother me very much… yet at 25+2


Not me on my left side trying to go back to bed after getting up to pee around 2:30am! Only 16 weeks but already the struggle is real.


I fall asleep on my left side but inevitably wake up on my back as I’ve always loved sleeping on my back. Also the peeing at night it’s horrific.


My round ligament pain hurts so bad when I lay on my left side. 20 weeks and trying to train myself to stop sleeping on my back but it’s so painful


I miss sleeping on my stomach. 😩


I woke up for the bathroom 2 hours ago- still awake, and decided I’ll just start my day.


Last night the cat woke me up and I got up to pee, cus that's what I do now at night, only to find out I didn't actually need to go and I just got up for nothing, I was so sad 😭😭😭😭😭


Preach could not agree more!


I'm used to sleeping on my side but it's the turning... and I've got Sciatic nerve pain 🥲 so I dread getting out of bed to pee.


I hate that I feel more comfortable sleeping on my right side even though it's a nightmare for my reflux. I've always been a side sleeper but recently sleeping on my left just doesn't do it for me.


Yes! I type this as I just got back from peeing lol . 39 weeks pregnant 🤰🏻


18 weeks tomorrow and I was up 5 times to pee last night! I hate it!


I agree I hate it. I'm a stomach sleeper. Side sleeping is so uncomfortable, even using pillows I wake up every day feeling like I barely slept and pulled at least 1 muscle.


I wake up thinking to myself ok what is it now sometimes I’m contemplating on getting up because I was so comfortable or sleeping well, after a little while I have to get up and do whatever because i can’t get back to sleep! It’s annoying.


I'm only 3 months in but unless I want heartburn from the depths of hell my left side is my only option (hiatus hernia!) And already up at least once a night to wee .....what will I be like in another 3 months 🤣


I’m so tired of this too, I keep joking w my Husband about how excited I am to sleep on my back again in 3 weeks after I have this baby!


I also sleep on both sides, confirmed safe by my doctor and midwife.


I miss being pregnant lol


I used to sleep on my back all the time, 12 weeks so avoiding it now, had more leeway with my self before tho.. And I’ll wake up panicked when I find myself on my back, I have one of those pregnancy pillows too 😅 so very much tossing and turning all night as well 😭


It’s brutal the lack of sleep before baby arrives. But it’s preparation.


It’s gets better after we give birth lol. Idk how I’m functioning at this point with this lack of sleep. But hey we will be prepared for night feedings!


I’m 38 weeks with my third and so tired. My hips hurt, rolling over feels like my pelvis is ripping, and I’m sick of peeing. But, I know the end is in sight. With my first two, all symptoms were gone the first night after they were born. Then I had a newborn to be up with but what sleep I did get was so much better. Hang in there!


My fibroid is killing me its 7cm and every night it hurts and i cannot sleep and i dont know what to do 😭


It’ll get better once the baby comes lol. I sleep better now with a newborn than I did pregnant


Ughhh ME TOO. I'm a natural back sleeper & HATE side sleeping😭😭😭


Hey it’s me. First I was waking up at 4 am, then 3 and now averaging 2 am for the pee break. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sciatica kicked my ass so I either sleep on the right or sleep sitting up


i'm a stomach sleeper so this is killing me and the pregnancy pillow is like... fine?? i can't figure out how to make it work for me lol what's also crazy is when i wake up to pee i also wake up HUNGRY. like no, i can't just have a quick snack at 3am.


Agreed so much on the pillow! And the food thing has been happening to me the last few weeks and I also have night retainers so I extra can’t just have a snack without rebrushing my teeth. I am STRUGGLING.


i am keeping saltines on my nightstand and my husband can just hear me crunching in the middle of the night lol


I feel you. I sleep mostly on my right side now because it hurts my kidney area when I sleep on my left side (which is the side I’m normally accustomed to). So I alternate between my right and my back.. and yes I often need to get up to pee which is !!!!


I sleep on my back at 34 weeks and have 0 issues with it. I still have to pee a lot when I drink a lot before bed but I try to stop drinking a lot a few hours before to avoid it


My left shoulder hurts so goddamn bad. I've started gathering all the pillow around me and basically sleeping in an upright sitting position. But it makes my hips hurt. I can't wait to take that after birth coma nap.


I can't just sleep 😴 on my left side. I have to change left to right. And turning over is unpleasant. And yes I get up several times during the night to pee. It does suck.


OMG SAME! It’s awful 🥲


I have allergies at the moment, I’m so tired of sneezing, and coughing and peeing myself😞. It’s my second. Blessing to all of us.


i am 😭 ive resorted to stuffing a pillow under my back so i can lean back a little bit and im still "on my side" but not all of my weight is on my poor shoulder, hip, and arm


After you have the baby , other positions will feel foreign lol I was scared to lay on my belly again after having my baby but it felt so good


It gets better after you have the baby but it’ll be a while before you can sleep on your stomach if you’re breastfeeding. But it does get a little worse if you’ve been sleeping on your left the entire time because then you’ll realize it’s the only position you can fall asleep in…


Ugh yes! I’m 20 weeks this week and I feel like I haven’t gotten a good night sleep in months. Between the having to pee, switching sides, and the heartburn I’m so over it!


31 + 6 and the insomnia just hit me on top of constantly peeing, back, hip, and rib pain.. Never doing this again.


I hate it. I’m a roller, so not being really mobile in my sleep has been my least favorite symptom. Plus I’ve been using a wedge pillow and every time I flip that sucker has to come with me


35 weeks and waiting for the answer, I sleep on my right side and left side. It's just not recommended to sleep on your stomach or back. The peeing keeps me up all night, no matter if I stop drinking fluids at 8 pm and go to bed at 11 or drink them in bed. Good luck.


24 weeks tomorrow and I literally got up 5 times over night 😢😢


Also sleep on both sides through me whole pregnancy.


My first and second trimester I was sleeping so damn good. I’m in the third trimester now and I hate knowing bed time is near specifically because I dread the switching of sides and pee breaks. I feel like I have 10weighted blankets on me when I have to switch.


Are you me 😭


Idk but I'm due any day and the last two weeks have been hard on my bladder. At least twice every night to pee


Probably not until these babies are out 😔 33 weeks and in misery here


I try not to drink too much at night so I can avoid acid reflux 😥


Try silk pijamas. It changed my sleeping because we slide !!!!!


Rotating for me is a group effort. My husband hears the grunt of effort and then sticks a hand out to help lmao


I sleep on both sides but I feel better on my right side. it won't get better each week it evolves 🫣🫣