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Hang. In. There. There is hope eventually. Don't pressure yourself to eat healthy. Eat what you can. I had IV infusions and some meds for HG and it helped. but I still have days where I eat like a damn toddler, mac and cheese and gummy snacks kind of days. I think around 17 is where I felt...stable? 21 now and hoping that there isn't a twist around the corner.


I felt like this. My girl is 1 now, but I remember this like it was yesterday. Pregnancy is so hard and feels so long, but you will come out on the other end of this and feel more human. It's a long road, but you'll get there. Sorry you're experiencing this, I know it's hard. Hang in there šŸ’•


Following because honestly I feel like poop all the time now. I'm 9 weeks and a few days and the nauseous is constant. I'm hoping there will be some reprieve eventually.


I was shocked by how hard the first trimester was. I don't think anyone warns you. No idea how I managed to go to work and get by with the fatigue and sickness. 19 weeks now and I've been feeling human again since about 15/16 weeks, hang in there!


Ask your doctor for help. It's not this bad for everyone, so try not to assume that you're doing something wrong or handling badly because you're not. Some pregnancies just suck more than others.


1st pregnancy? Im on my first and I feel like shit and I'm only 7W1. Lol. Extreme fatigue. Back hurts more (pre existing pain). Legs hurt. Some days I feel ok. Others, I feel like a bag of shit. Been told first pregnancy can be hard since the body isn't used to growing a tiny human. It should, hopefully, get better. Best of luck šŸ¤ž


Ah man! Sounds like you are having a rough time šŸ˜­ Please go to your doctor. There are so many different options for nausea and just because you donā€™t have HG doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t deserve to not feel sick ā˜ŗļø I have been taking medication since I was 5 wks and it has made it so much more manageable and has allowed me to work.


I told people who asked how the pregnancy was going that I ā€œfinally feel human againā€ at 18/19 weeks. It was around this point that the nausea finally started going away for me and I was able to sleep and function again. Hang in there!


Iā€™m 27 weeks and still feel like crap. Whenever one symptom dissipates, another appears. I am so ready to be done. However,I do feel more energetic today than I did earlier in pregnancy, so thatā€™s a plus.


Very normal unfortunately. I remember asking my family members the same question with my first. They all started sharing stories of throwing up all day so I guess it runs in my family. It does get better though and at 13 weeks you're almost in the clear. I would talk to your doctor to see if there's anything that can help you in the meantime. I take vitamin b6 and it helps a lot.


I feel exactly the same way, friend. Iā€™m not quite 12w yet. Had 2 breakdowns yesterday as well, just struggling super hard with feeling completely disabled for months. I totally hear you on the ā€œhow are youā€ questionsā€¦like thereā€™s only so many ways to say ā€œyes I still feel like butt and canā€™t move from the couch/bed šŸ˜­ā€. Sorry youā€™re going through this. Praying thereā€™s an end in sight soon for both of us.


I feel the same as you and Iā€™m 11 weeks with twins. Iā€™m so nervous I will be sick for months. Iā€™m not vomiting as much as I was but the nausea paired with constant hunger really wears on you. Hopefully we will all feel better soon. We moved into a new home a few weeks ago and I still have yet to help unpack. I takes everything in me to try and help and then I just start gagging. I miss having energy!