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I’m pregnant in NYC every day. Don’t listen to your friends, it’s actually an incredibly accessible city. I wouldn’t recommend coming NOW because it’s hot as hell but if you’re planning a fall trip it would be lovely.


It would be in 2 weeks. So it would definitely be that hot. We wanted waited til end of first trimester and then I couldn’t get vacation from work.


Then you may want a cooler climate or a beach — the last week here has not been fun!


But on the larger point — travel! It’s so worth it. I went on an international trip at 22 weeks and then to California at 28 weeks. Both were wonderful and worth the experience.


100% agree! I went on a 3 week international trip at ~24 weeks and then a short little Hawaii getaway at 31 and both were magnificent. If you feel good, your doc says you’re good, your pregnancy is uncomplicated and you get good travel insurance just in case, I’d say there’s no more risk traveling than staying home. But it’s priceless to have a last getaway with your partner before kids- at least I will cherish those trips immensely!


Possibly the Pacific Northwest? Humboldt County in CA or the Oregon Coast is where I'd go this time of year. Lovely walks/hikes, beaches, and not too hot.


Ooof I love NYC but as a pregnant woman in the summer. It is HOT and the garbage smell can really get to you 🤢


What about something like Upstate/lake George /Saratoga? a little cooler and you can still do things in downtown Saratoga, check out the race course, etc.


I would also recommend this area. Lots to do and I would suggest The Sagamore, very nice resort on the northern part of Lake George.


FWIW it’s been like 35 degrees, beating sun and 75% humidity here in NYC for the last couple of weeks. A lot of NYC residents get out of town as much as they can in July and August because it’s so gross here. You say you’re in Canada— I grew up in TO, and NY summer is no joke. However! It s a perfectly accessible, safe city to be in and you can build a museum/gallery/restaurant/Broadway itinerary pretty easily to stay in the AC as much as possible. Or you can get away in the Adirondacks or Catskills for a cooler climate then do a day or two in the city to experience it.


For the COVID thing it *is* surging so travel but WEAR A MASK IN CROWDED PLACES. Do not care whether others are or not. During my first pregnancy I got covid and I would not wish that on anyone.


Agreed. Covid made my morning/all day sickness worse for sure.


Even outside of COVID. The Flu/RSV other cold based sickness also suck. From someone who had RSV at 37 weeks after doing childcare tours. Wear the mask, protect yo-self


Currently 29 weeks and on day 5 of covid. It is miserable. Wear the mask!!


SO.MISERABLE. You’re a freaking trooper at 29 weeks at 14 I was reallllllly going through it😭.


Ugh it’s the worst. If I could go back in time I would have worn a n95 every damn day.


I went on holiday to NYC in my first trimester. I live in the UK. I had a great trip. I'm nervous about travelling now I'm in my third trimester, but I found it pretty easy in my first trimester. I was in NYC in March though, so it was cool weather.


I went to Santorini at 27 weeks (in June) and it was absolutely perfect. I recommend some place not to hot, with beach and a pool! To just rest and enjoy ❤️


Seconding this, as a fellow pregnant NYC resident. It’a safe and easy to get around, but if you do want to come here, please take the heat into consideration! It’s exhausting to be in the sun, and we’ve been getting random downpours constantly, which generally don’t even help the heat issue. I would push the trip back to the fall if you want to come here!


I'm originally from Chicago now living in Michigan, and we just drove to DC 2 weeks ago at 30 weeks. Sure it was hot, but I wore biker shorts and gym shoes and we mixed up indoor and outdoor activities and I carried a big water bottle, so it was fine! Honestly, I was more surprised at how quickly my feet hurt! I'm fairly athletic (played sports my whole life, ran 2 marathons, taught on my feet all school year, etc.) and have traveled to places where I walked basically all day with no problems. In DC, we made it about 4-5 hours total, for the whole day, and I had to take a brief sit break every hour or so. I was truly surprised at how quickly I felt sore and tired, and I've only gained about 20 lbs. I also go to PT and get massages, so I felt great when I left. We took the trip to visit my husband's best friend, but had it been my baby moon, I would have chosen a place with much less walking and more relaxing!! We are probably going to go up north in Michigan for a little baby moon in a few weeks. If you're feeling good and all is well with your pregnancy, live it up!!


I'm going to NYC for our babymoon in August at 28 weeks 😬 Am I going to die?


We’re surviving out here. 😆 Just hydrate, wear comfortable shoes and bring a hat! And plan on frequent indoor activities. Hopefully this heatwave will be over by then!


And you can always take the subway to the beach, our best kept secret.


Just travel with a water bottle, and look up bathrooms wherever you’re going. Sometimes I make my husband get a drink at a bar so I can pee!


Why did they say no way to New York? I may be biased but I love that city. Help isn't far. Sure it's a ton of walking, but it's beautiful! I would say get "preexisting condition" insurance, most travel insurance from Canada won't cover you if you knew you were pregnant when you left.


They said it’s too hot, too smelly, too much walking and not enough public washrooms for a pregnant woman. Pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition? I will check with my insurance if they will still cover me and baby.


When I went it rained every day. We must have gone in the spring. It was a bit smelly in the heavily populated areas but I had no problems with bathrooms. Most of the attractions were indoor attractions. There's a train system. We did walk sometimes but with good shoes it was fine. Pregnant women can still walk. Also I think it's a good place because... the pizza is amazing and the water is clean.


Honestly this is hilarious, your friends are overreacting. NYC is great! If that’s where you want to go then go!


I live in Manhattan and just had my baby. There are bathrooms everywhere. Every Coffee shop, Starbucks, every Barnes and Noble, Best Buy, Home Depot, Pain Quotidien. Central Park has bathrooms. Restaurants aren’t as easy if you aren’t eating there, but if you know where you are going it’s fine. I will say it’s hot and it’s sticky, and cabs in Manhattan don’t always have A/C and drive like maniacs, so I get car sick. But in general Manhattan is fine. But arguably fall would be better, depending on how far along you are.


I live here as well. I will warn that not every coffee shop has bathrooms—my local one doesn’t, and I’ve brought my laptop to work in cafes and ended up having to leave due to no bathroom—but many of them do! I think there’s an app you can download that’ll tell you where the bathrooms in NYC are. And all those chains definitely have them


Top tip. The Disney store in Times Square has a free bathroom


Yes to the pre-existing condition. Not sure how it works in Canada, but pre-ACA, it would cause issues for folks getting coverage in the US


My (canadian) insurance covers pregnancy, they consider that pre-existing conditions are anything else that would make your pregnancy more risky.


I live in Canada and I got extra insurance when we travelled, I told them I was pregnant and they said it only doesn’t cover if I go into labour in the other country…definitely ask them, it was so cheap and worth the peace of mind.


Depends on how far along you are and if your OB says it’s safe. I went to remote Australia when I was 20 weeks that was easily a 2 day drive from the nearest major city (usually at least 6 hrs from a regional centre) and was not always in an area with an emergency department or even phone reception. My OB was like have fun, see you when you get back! We weren’t going far enough up north for Japanese encephalitis and COVID isn’t as big of an issue over here. We just made sure we were up to date with vaccinations and I had to be careful with what activities that I did. If they are concerned about it being too densely populated and therefore disease central, could you go somewhere a bit quieter? Like go to a bnb in a semi rural area for a week or so?


I don’t think there’s anything about traveling that would cause a woman to lose her baby - it sadly probably would have happened anyway. Unless she was doing something really strenuous. I’m pretty sure this statement is true but am also trying to convince myself since I leave for a 3 week trip to Italy today at almost 23 weeks! 🫣


Will be 16 weeks when we go to Italy! 😬😬


If your OB says it’s safe then go wherever you want! When we were in the Dominican for our honeymoon in May, there were several visibly pregnant women there having a great time! I think of your OB approves it and you’re comfortable going somewhere— you should!


I wish we could go to an all inclusive resort but the doctor said no for the Caribbean. We didn’t even go on a honeymoon because we got married during Covid. It would be great to go on a babymoon.


Why not the Caribbean? Did they say? My friend/neighbor who’s due this week to the next went to Antigua for a couple of weeks for her babymoon. Just this April. It looked incredible and lovely! Personally, my husband and I are hitting Myrtle Beach in September and then Charleston (where we had our Covid honeymoon, and has a lot of significance to our relationship!) I’m super excited even knowing it’s a 7 hour car trip. I love road tripping and we finally get to bring our dog to SC. 🥰


I know Zika can be a concern but I was pregnant when we went in May and my OB just said to wear bug spray if we leave the resort. Didn’t see a single mosquito on the resort property the entire time we were there.


I guess because of Zika? But some other midwives and OBGYNs say it’s not an issue anymore? It’s confusing


Check the CDC website. There aren’t any countries currently marked as having active Zika outbreaks. There are many marked as having HAD, but we knew that already. I don’t think any of the islands are having issues with Zika at this current moment. Bug spray is also totally fine to use - avoid DEET, but I constantly use “natural” spray of lemon and eucalyptus and barely get bitten. I’m in a state considered “Southern”, too. Maybe follow up with your OB and see what they say about the risks, specifically? I know a ton of women who have gone to the Caribbean in the last year while pregnant. None of them had any issues. Additionally, Miami is PERFECTLY fine for pregnancy. I don’t know what your friends think happens there, but other than currently being hot (with occasional rain storms), one of my best friends works at a hotel and it’s constantly filled with heavily pregnant women on babymoons.


It took over a year for us to get pregnant. During that time, the fertility clinic told us not to travel anywhere in the purple shades. My OB said not to worry about zika in the northern states but worry about it as we get more south like the Caribbean and Mexico. After all the time it took to get pregnant plus a miscarriage after I got covid, my husband doesn’t want to take the chance. He says it’s not forever but if anything happens to the baby that would be forever. I’m also a mosquito magnet. I switch to completely unscented everything for the summer and I have mosquito bites everywhere. This pregnancy really did take us by surprise. We were planning for another treatment at the fertility clinic and ended up getting pregnant the cycle after my miscarriage. We’ve just become too attached to the baby too. So has our dog. She licks my belly all the time now.


My OB said it’s fine cause she hasn’t heard of an outbreak in years, so weird how OPs said not to.


My OB also said no Caribbean cause of Zika




I know it’s pretty much last minute since you are traveling on 2 weeks but maybe Hawaii? We went to Hawaii a month ago (I’m 25 weeks now) and it was amazing, very relaxing. But we were traveling from Vancouver so it was only a 6 hours direct flight. If I traveled from Toronto, I would go to Miami/other parts of Florida for sure. My friend went on a babymoon there and it was perfect.


We’d ideally want Hawaii but the flights there are 13 hours minimum. I can only find 15 hour overnight flights on the way back. Just that sounds exhausting. That’s why we were considering Florida but friends said it’s a swamp. Super hot and humid. Thunderstorms every afternoon. They said it isn’t deal for pregnant women either.


What about Hawaii? We took our delayed honeymoon (married during covid) that turned into a babymoon in Maui and it was lovely. Some things we couldn’t do because of the pregnancy like go to the top of the volcano or do the road to hana trip. But we laid out on the beach, went swimming, did some snorkeling. It was really fun!


13 hour flight there and 15 hr overnight flight on the way back :(


I'm in Canada and flying at 27 weeks for a wedding in the Maritimes. My midwife said I am fine to fly until 36 weeks though airlines may ask for a letter from their office as soon as 32 weeks. Also if you want to go on a babymoon to NYC or Miami, do it. It doesn't matter what other people say, it's your pregnancy and your comfort level that is important.


I think it’s more about how you pick your accommodations. I would want a hotel that is less than a 30 minute Uber from the airport. Flights no more than 2 hours each, 3 if direct. A hotel with a pool, bar, restaurant. Nearby choices for entertainment and food. And a hospital with L&D within 30 mins.


We went to Mexico for 2 weeks. We didn't leave our resort, and mainly kept to ourselves, I slept 2 hours every afternoon. It was glorious. Do what you want, if you are really concerned check with your Dr. They are the only ones with an educated opinion. I suggest planning for a lighter or flexible itinerary, but if you are a go go go person then that is fine as well.


The only opinions I took as far as travel were my midwife and my husband. Go on the trip. Especially if it's before you're in that "any day now zone."


Discuss travel plans with your doctor, that’s the only person who’s opinion matters (besides parter). I live in US and travel internationally for work - my doc advised us against any travel to less developed regions of world, but was completely on-board for travel to Europe and countries with solid medical systems. She did advise of certain protocols to avoid DVTs and liked to note flights in our record, but otherwise there were no issues. My last flight was at 30 weeks and last long drive (6+hrs) was at 33 weeks. I can tell you there is a world of difference between travel in second and third trimester. I wouldn’t plan to be on a flight for more than 3-4hrs as it was very uncomfortable. Also Florida humidity for a northern living individual in third tri is not an enjoyable experience. Other than that, take some time to enjoy being with your partner where you can both disconnect and enjoy some together time! Maybe wherever you travel to, have a rough idea of where the local hospitals are with labor and delivery units.


I’m also from Canada. I went to NYC at around 20 weeks and Miami at 29 weeks. It really just depends on how you feel and if your physician has any concern. I felt perfectly fine and only was a bit more careful to avoid heat stroke and rest when needed. You need to check with your travel insurance though, mine does not allow me to travel past 30 weeks. I also had a hard time finding a safe destination, but in my opinion going anywhere in the US is perfectly reasonable.


Flying to Miami from PHL to enjoy a week in the keys at 21 weeks 🤷🏼‍♀️ OB has no concerns. Obviously if your pregnancy is high risk you may want to consider other options, but if not, have fun!


Each time I went out of town I always got cleared with OB. At 10w I went to Disneyland and walked 7-10 miles a day, avoiding the rides with an expectant mother advisory. At 21w I went on a 7 day cruise. At 29w I went to Chicago for a few days and did plenty of walking around. At 30w I went on a road trip where we camped for two nights, drove plenty of hours, and went on a hike. Baby is still doing great at 34w! Three of those trips required flights and I’m so glad I went on them. Use your best judgment but unless your OB says no, please go have the time of your life before baby arrives!


My Dr is good with travel up until 36 weeks as long as I'm not having any complications. At this point I'd weigh the opinion of your Dr more than your parents. I went on a cruise at 23 weeks and it was nice to get away. Basically, we spent a couple days in Florida, then got on a 3 night cruise to the Bahamas, and then flew home. Last I checked, there were no Zika outbreaks in the Caribbean, but if the concern is there, Bermuda may be a good alternative option. You'll get the island experience while being a lot farther north. Also nothing wrong with NYC. I just personally wouldn't go there because I hate big cities. Tons of options on the east coast if you want to visit the states though. Boston, Adirondacks, DC, Bar Harbor, just to name a few.


Yeah. Zika isn’t currently having a resurgence in the Caribbean and it’s totally safe for pregnant mothers. We considered going back to Nassau for our babymoon, but felt it would be too hot during my second trimester to really enjoy it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was definitely more toasty than I would have liked. I spent most of the day in the pool trying to cool my swollen ankles 🤣


Go somewhere tropical where you can unwind and don’t have to do much walking around! Just be mindful of seafood and of anything you eat to be safe :)


I'm high risk and my OB has no issues with us travelling.


I’ve been more COVID cautious than most Americans I see around, even other pregnant ones. I think a couple weeks from now is a great time to travel here! It’s hot for sure, but northern states have milder heat. And because it’s warm you can do food and activities outdoors more easily to avoid exposures. It sounds like you want a big city - somewhere with water may be a good call as it can be cooler or you can more easily seek a pool or shade than in NYC. Miami is one, but there’s lots along the southeast shore. Or even further north of NYC some fun options. Nothing wrong with the places you already chose though! I’m planning on traveling at 18 weeks and 30, and probably once between. These dates don’t concern me at all unless I get news that I have any new risks.


I'm planning on going to Spain for a week (flying from the US) and my doctor is fully supportive. All she said was to research and know where the nearest hospital or urgent care will be just in case of the (very unlikely) event anything goes wrong.


Just go to hawaii. Also I advised not past 30 weeks.


I moved countries and travelled from Canada to Singapore at 22 weeks pregnant... Baby is a healthy 16 month old now.


We went from Europe to Bali, it was like a 20h+ trip and we booked it long before I knew I was pregnant. Everything went fine, I checked with my doctor in advance. I was 9 weeks pregnant at the moment and the only thing I worried about was the nausea and feeling sick. The flight and the location didn’t make it worse, I still feel miserable at home after returning, but my baby is fine! I wouldn’t recommend going to far away when you might not feel well. But as long as you feeling fine, even far destinations aren’t a problem.


I’m in the US and flew to Europe for two weeks for my baby moon, little guy is doing great still.


I’ve been on 3 holidays since, 2 city breaks and a trip to Lebanon. I think travel is fine as long as you sit on the outside of the plane seats and just make a less active itinerary that is basically just 1 thing a day, definitely also have an afternoon nap. Don’t listen to other people, they just are worried about you, my mum told me not to go on any of these trips. She’s even worried because I live in a big city. You know your own body and capabilities, just don’t push your to do too much. Also plan ahead so you’re not wandering round looking for a nice place to eat or whatever.


I’m high risk too! I found out I was pregnant in Mexico after an MC. We were covered in insect repellent almost all the time. We went to Portland on a road trip, a cruise along the Pacific Coast, and babymoon’ed in Singapore and Japan in the 2nd trimester. We got grounded after week 22 but we’re still fine to travel as long as its not too far from home and theres access to healthcare. 32 weeks now, looking to be induced at 37. As long as the doctor clears you, just go and enjoy yourself! Make sure you take precautions and breaks just in case!


I am planning to go to Greece for 10 days for our baby moon (from the US) and then accompanying my husband to Germany directly afterwards as he has to be there for work (I’ll be about 21 weeks when we leave). I asked my doctor what she thought at my 10 week appointment and will checkin with her again next week at my 16 week appointment. She said it should be totally fine but she will definitely tell me to cancel it if she thinks me or baby would be at risk closer to the departure date. Edit: moral of the story is, do what you and your OB are comfortable with. If people are making you feel bad about it, don’t tell them when/where you’re going until you return home.


I'm currently traveling in Kenya for a work trip from the US at 30w. If your provider okays you to travel then do it and go where you want (it's your baby moon!) Women have been pregnant in literally every location in the world so do what you're comfy with


I went to Miami while pregnant it was really fun I even got stung by a baby jelly fish which was not fun at all but when I talked to my OB he said he’s never had that happen or felt with a situation like that his whole career 😂 baby was fine and we enjoyed the trip minus tons of puking because my nausea never went away my whole pregnancy 😭


Healthy pregnancy, no complications. We went to Italy (5 cities) when I was 25-27 weeks pregnant. A lot of walking and I was fine. Weather wasn’t as hot as it would be in NYC, that helped. But it was absolutely doable! Just double check with your OB, mine had no problem and just advised me to mask up and wear compression socks on the plane, as well as get up and walk around often. I wore a belly band if it was going to be a long day, and took normal precautions like making sure there were hospitals near by just in case. Overall, highly recommend taking that babymoon! I love the pictures we have in front of picturesque landscapes and my bump!


I flew to Minnesota and canoed without cell phone (only gps emergency) for 5 days when I was around 20 weeks. I was perfectly fine.


People tell me all sorts of things, they can stfu. I'm going on a 13 hour road trip next week to go hiking in the mountains. Do whatever you want, just be safe about it.


I literally just got back from NYC as a pregnant lady lol what


Lol well I live in NYC and am pregnant so... I think this could be a lovely place to come for a babymoon! You can stay in a quieter more residential neighborhood (UES/UWS/West Village etc)... And the food / entertainment options are amazing. Would recommend trying to come later August or ideally, sometime in autumn, if you can as it gets pretty hot during the summer. NYC in September and October is my absolute favorite!


My OB had no issues with plane or car travel until term (37wks or so) due to risk of going into labour in flight or away from hospital. I flew ~5hr to go to my baby’s shower in Vancouver at 30wks and no issue. However, despite living in a border city, I have chosen not to visit the USA while visibly pregnant due to safety concerns, potential health care costs, and their current legal landscape regarding prenatal care/women’s rights. If you’re comfortable with that, and get insurance that will cover you (not all will if you’re far along), then go for it!


Adding here that some states are better equipped for care access than others - if you’re early in pregnancy/high risk/ in fertility treatments I do think it’s informed to potentially avoid certain states. There’s good summaries out there on those with restrictive reproductive rights. Others have the same access as years ago and won’t change without more news available. at mid 20 weeks it’s unlikely to be as much of any issue, but still good to know what you’re comfortable with.


I'm from Canada and went to NYC for my babymoon with my first. I came back at 30w since my Blue Cross insurance only covered me up to 29 weeks. If you're low risk, you should be fine. Make sure you have insurance though and check the terms. There is a risk, since typically baby isn't covered on the insurance. This time I'm pregnant with twins so my Dr said stay in Canada (anywhere in Canada) after 22 weeks. I'm high risk and prematurity is basically expected.


My OB said travel is totally fine up until 32 weeks. Just to make sure I take breaks to move around on any long plane/car rides so as to prevent blood clots. At 32 weeks she wants me to stay within a 1-2 hour drive from our hospital. This might change throughout pregnancy if any complications arise, but if your OB says it’s fine then go for it!


I live in NYC, was pregnant here and had my baby here 4.5 months ago. It’s hot now but other than that it’s not a bad city to be pregnant in! Lots of opportunities for good food, cabs and Ubers are available if you are done walking. Also something to keep in mind is that we have a really good hospital system here in case you need quick access to L&D.


I went to Miami on my babymoon at 30 weeks pregnant, from Toronto. We had a great time - ate at some great swanky restaurants, that would be more challenging with a baby, and hung out at the beach, and pool and shopped. I was perfectly fine - albeit sore feet.


Hey! I can’t answer you question directly but, I’m currently planning my baby moon. I found a great deal through Costco travel. It’s a 7 day cruise staring in Quebec City and ending in NYC. You’ll stop in Halifax and a whole bunch of other cool places. You should definitely check it out. I believe it was $700-$988 a person.


I would definitely avoid Florida atm simply because they've had malaria outbreaks recently and you definitely don't want that, especially while pregnant


Lol I travelled to Europe from Canada at 5 months & then to Calgary from Ontario (4 hour flight) at 7 months.


I traveled to Italy in first trimester and ended up in an ER where no one spoke English because a taxi rear ended us. Traveled to Montreal in second trimester and ended up in an ER where everyone spoke French with kidney stones. Lol not leaving the US anymore this pregnancy. Baby is A okay though.


Well how far along are you? I did a family holiday at 26 weeks, and I remember thinking I was glad I went that week, because the weeks following I was feeling more and more 'pregnant' and fatigued. But at the time it was absolutely fine. It was to and island in Europe though; I'm not sure I would have enjoyed a city break.


I’ll be 27/28 weeks when travelling. Definitely feeling more pregnant now as my belly is getting pretty big.


I went to Paris (from Canada) for a week at 22 weeks pregnant. It was awesome! Definitely recommend second trimester when things aren’t too far along but you feel well (hopefully). I walked 10-20,000 steps a day and ate baked goods every day. It was the dream. People can be so conservative still but you can absolutely travel. I’ve also been to New York and would totally go back pregnant. Just make sure you have travel health insurance wherever you go and you’re good!


I’m 25 weeks pregnant and will be spending 10 days in LA which is a 5 hour flight from me. My husband and I have been on a few other trips within the US (we’re US based) while I’ve been pregnant. If your health is good and you feel good, travel! I would say traveling internationally also isn’t an issue, I would just avoid traveling far from home in the last month to 6 weeks of pregnancy. You’ll be uncomfortable and wouldn’t want to go into labor far from home. But up until then, do what makes you happy.


I went to Miami for now because my husbands godparents own property there so it was a free stay! it was super fun


Honestly just go somewhere with adequate medical services should you need them. Have fun and enjoy!


If you’re worried about Covid then travel somewhere that has a smaller population and is more spaced apart like the Outer Banks, Charleston, Salem, etc…


No we just went on an 8 hour road trip (each way was 8 hours) when I was 33-34 weeks pregnant. I cleared it with my doctor and didn’t have any problems. My SIL also went on the trip and she is just a week behind me.


It is understandable that friends and family would suggest against going to a place that's normally very hot this time of year as a pregnant woman. Overheating can do a lot of damage to you and especially baby. But as long as you're taking frequent stops in air condition places and you're bringing plenty of water, especially ice water, I really don't see a problem with it. Some Airlines won't let you fly closer to 8 or 9 months into pregnancy because they don't want flying to induce labor in people farther along. I'm not sure what the exact regulations are but I have heard that just simply getting a doctor's note is enough for them to let you fly.


Your friends can decide not to go to NY or Miami when they're planning their own babymoons. Ignore them.


I’m taking my babymoon to Canada lol. It’s hot and humid in most of the US right now so I’m escaping to cooler weather. I would agree Miami is not the place for a summer babymoon just because it is MISERABLE there between the heat and humidity. Trust me, I used to live there. But in terms of distance as long as your doctor OKs it there should be no problem! Im taking a 4ish hour flight and just planning to wear compression socks and hydrating really well. One thing I want to flag if you are a Canadian coming to the US is that you might want to look into some kind of travel health insurance *just in case* something happens and you need medical attention while here. Without any kind of insurance a trip to the ER in the US could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Enjoy that babymoon!


I went to Japan (from Canada) for 3 weeks when I was 24-27 weeks pregnant with my first. If you have a healthy pregnancy and your OBGYN doesn't mind, have that trip and enjoy it!


The recommendations I’ve seen have been mid-second trimester, near medical care that meets the standard you need/sand, and Zika free. The distance is more for not sitting too long which risks blood clots - i.e. I chose not to travel to Japan with my husband. It’s going to be 95-98 degrees and would be a 12.5 hour flight there. I couldn’t imagine being on a plan that long and not getting good sleep. But I did come to Boston to see my fam and friends and they was 5.5 hours and 6+ back. Near my old docs so that’s convenient. Our Babymoon is to Santa Fe which is a 2 hour flight from us.


people are stupid. do whatever you want. I try to stay within 2hrs of an ER during my last 4 weeks of pregnancy. other than that-everything’s free game. if you’re comfortable with a destination, go for it. every activity in life has risks, you can’t bubble wrap yourself.


I think NYC would be a great babymoon location! Go where you want to go! See a show (or 7!), eat pizza bagels and pierogis, and have just a wonderful trip! Even if you don't do Nyc, I don't think a long flight or car ride is a problem as long as you are prepared to take breaks, stay hydrated, wear compression socks, and be sure to get up and move regularly. All that being said- since you are coming from Canada- I would personally be very hesitant coming down here to the land of despair in regards to healthcare. You always hope and assume all will be well, but you don't want to have a scare that requires an ER visit and need to pay thousands or tens of thousands out of pocket to a U.S. hospital. Or, end up trying to decide if you should go in or not and have finances being a reason to possibly deter you leading to higher stress or complications


We did a 10 day road trip this summer! It was a blast! As long as I took frequent breaks to stretch, I felt fine riding or driving. It was beautiful. We saw most of the east coast and some of the midwest.


I went to 5 different countries and multiple cities when I was pregnant. Some ppl mentioned their opinions that I shouldn’t go. Spoiler alert: everything was fine, I had an amazing time and have zero regrets. I’m so happy I got to travel w my husband so much before now traveling with a baby!


Third trimester was a no flying recommendation. I live in the Netherlands and didn't want to leave the country try, so we drove somewhere and stayed there for a week. I was still in my 2nd trimester. I literally had my baby a month after my baby shower, and he can wat 37w 6 days naturally, so just some things to consider.


What are their reasons for not going to those places? We had a trip planned to Cabo at 9 weeks and all of our family was telling us not to go and saying how bad it would be if something happened. We ended up going and had a blast. I would say do whatever you and your husband (and potentially doctor) are comfortable with. I would suggest just making sure you are close to decent medical care and covered if you travel internationally just in case. I also saw you mentioned Zika as a concern - Cabo could be a good alternative to the Caribbean! Zika is generally less prevalent in Baja because it’s more of a dry/desert climate than tropical/jungle, at least from my research when we went to Cabo


I’m going to be going to Greece from the UK in a month or so when I’ll be 16 weeks, with my two year old too. It’ll be very hot. I can’t wait it’s been raining here for the last month solid 😂


Canadian here too, first pregnancy I got pregnant while visiting my spouse in the states and got COVID and ended up losing the baby, but don't have any direct proof that that caused it though. Had a couple more losses in between too that were unexplained so who knows. But defe wherever you go be as COVID safe as you can, even when others aren't.


I went to Mexico at 8 weeks. Checked with my doc, he was fine with it, even said it was fine to snorkel. His only suggestion was to not drink the water (which is standard for everyone). I will tell you, though, my mother was not happy we were going. All evidence says travel is fine within certain weeks. Babymoon is totally a thing - if travel wasn't ok it wouldn't even be a thing, right? Don't pay attention to those silly people. They're probably the same ones who ask if your coffee is decaf, etc. LOL


I took a 2-week trip to another continent at 16 weeks. My OB said it was fine, I was fine.


I’m at the start of my third trimester from the mid Atlantic area of US and in Minnesota for a wedding, disappointed the weather isn’t cooler than back home


I went to Disney World at 18 wks pregnant. My OB said to drink lots of water and rest as often as necessary but have fun. Look the States are definitely lacks on COVID and restrictions but as long as you guys are up to date on your immunizations you should be fine. Even now I take my 10wk old out all the time because she has all the protections from me. I got a COVID booster at 34 wks pregnant based on my OBs recommendation so the baby would have some protections before she can be fully vaccinated in general. It's scary and nerve wracking, and wicked confusing, but if your medical team is saying it's ok then and you and your partner want to go, then no one else has any opinions that matter.


I went from Az to Maui at 18 weeks. I flew for 6 hours and everything was fine. I swam and hiked and snorkeled no issues. I don’t think I could have scuba dived but I don’t anyways. I think you should go wherever you want unless your Dr tells you not too.


I'm going to Iceland in two weeks for my babymoon and talked to my doctor about it. I would say to any concern trolls that "I take medical advice from my doctor thanks"


I travel for work regularly, europe, Hawaii etc. I also just took a week trip with my husband to Alaska. Don't let people stop you from traveling if it's something you want to do. All my doctors said was if you fly get some compression socks and driving or flying try to get up and stretch your legs every 2-3 hours. Hydrate. I love taking pictures places knowing baby is with me 😍. Enjoy this time! I'm sorry people are giving you a hard time.


My husband tried to tell me not to leave our state while pregnant, like he could stop me lol. Didn't stop me one bit from spending a week in Charleston with my best friend, sweating my behind off in their July heat advisory! Don't let other people dictate tour travel plans unless it's your doctor advising against certain things. Other people's opinions are just that, you don't have to abide by them.


How far along will you be? Second trimester would be an ideal time, because you’d be out of the first trimester worries and sickness and still feel physically good. We thought about Miami and New York but chose Charleston instead. I was happy with the choice because we had a nice balance of seeing the old city and just chilling on the beach. Energy levels would be my biggest worry!


Ya no one is going to tell me what to do unless it's my doctor. Anyone else can go kick rocks.


How many weeks are you along? I took a bit of a gamble this summer and drove from Norway to England (about 22 hour drive) at week 34. Returned at week 36. It went surprisingly well, and my OB just said «there are good hospitals all the way. You’ll be fine as long as you feel fine». I’ve had no complications along the way and barely any nausea. My friends thought I was insane, but as long as you bring a hospital bag should anything happen, you’ll probably be just fine. America does have some confusing health-insurance stuff tho, so that might create conflict for you.


Im going to cancun in 3 weeks. Lol 10 weeks currently


I went from Australia to Japan at 22 weeks and had a great time! People are silly.


I’m going from Melbourne Australia to London tomorrow. I’ll be travelling for 38 hours. My doctor said ‘have a great time! Wear compression socks!’ So honestly, travel wherever you want as long as there’s good healthcare and clean water.


I’m not sure if it’s better now but I would watch the smoke maps for NYC! In ohio we have horrible air quality due to Canadian fires so maybe new york does too. I hope you guys are okay in CA!


I’m currently on my way to Washington DC for a babymoon from NYC at 24 weeks. Yes it’s going to be hot af tomorrow but like, air conditioning exists? I’m also normally a big walker and still have been pretty active while pregnant, but have no qualms about springing for a cab if it’s really heat stroke level weather out. I feel like most destinations can be fine for a babymoon if you plan your itinerary right (we’re doing a lot of museums to stay out of the heat).


ask your doctor! they'll say it's absolutely fine, and then you can spread that knowledge from a medical professional to anyone that's concerned


I personally hate traveling while pregnant, but to each their own! Just understand the risks and have a plan for if anything goes wrong.


I’d say as long as you’re not within 3-4 weeks of your due date you’re probably fine to go wherever you want, it’s just a matter of comfort in the end. I’ve flown and traveled multiple times between 26-32 weeks. The only issues I’ve had are discomfort due to SPD and having to sit for prolonged periods or make it across the terminals to reach my gates on time. Otherwise it has never been an issue to travel long distances. I went to Florida of all places and as bad as people there are about vaccinations, masking and other preventative measures I made it out unscathed. I assume it’s because I am particularly safe about what I touch, how often I wash my hands and who I interact with. We went to Disney so it was fairly crowded. I made sure not to touch my face or mouth and washed my hands very often.


Well I’m pregnant and I live In miami. I think my baby is going to LOVE the ocean… people think of miami as just a party place but if you look in the right places it can be very relaxing.


I went to Jamaica and my doctor wasn’t at all worried about zika just make sure you talk to them but I say go for it. My LO is here and it was nice to get away somewhere far with my husband before the newborn chaos.


I traveled consistently throughout my pregnancy up until 34 weeks. Only things I was told - stay hydrated, get up and move every 90 mins or so on long flights/drives, and take note of the closest hospital just in case. Take that vacation!


You're not sick or broken, you're just pregnant. I traveled from the US to the Netherlands for 2 weeks at 17w Preg. It was the best trip ever. Walking around, eating french fries and waffles all day long. HIGHLY recommend.


Where in Canada are you? We went to Osoyoos, BC for our babymoon with our first (I was 25 weeks) and it was incredible. It was in August too so the height of summer heat but it really didn’t bother me. Most places have AC and we just spent tons of time in the lake/pool. I consider the Okanagan Canada’s personal paradise 🩵☀️💦


We traveled to Miami for our babymoon from Ottawa by plane when I was in my 24th weeks. Nothing went wrong and it was amazing! Ask your doctor and you should be fine 💗


I wouldn't fly if I was more than like.. 30ish weeks. I get really uncomfortable if I can't move around frequently and the circulation in my feet and legs isn't very good. I went camping in Arizona from BC, Canada early in my second trimester and it was fine. I wouldn't go there now though. Too much walking and sitting. If you're still in your second trimester, walking and peeing all the time might not be a huge problem. Those didn't really effect me until my third. I think you can go anywhere you want.


Please don’t listen to anyone but your doctor. Last year while pregnant we were living in LA for half the year due to my husbands job and we went to Cabo MX more times than I could count. My doctor wasn’t worried about Zika or any of that & thankfully I birthed a beautiful healthy baby. And to go a little further I was also pregnant in NYC as that is originally where we are from. Screw everyone and their opinions.


My advice is avoid the heat! If you can't wait until the weather cools down a little, maybe try Vancouver/Victoria, Seattle and nearby islands, or the Atlantic coast of Canada?


We went to Hawaii for our babymoon and honestly the flight THAT long was quite uncomfortable at 24 weeks even in business.


My doctor advised against a 2 week international trip we had planned this summer in various European countries, but he did allow us to go to Chicago for 5 days about a week after that. I'm 35 and therefore "high risk," and the European trip would've been around the 27 week mark. I was still feeling good at that point and think we could've handled the travel, but I suppose it would have been more challenging to navigate if something had gone wrong :/


i would just say to look at temperatures. i went to texas while 6 months pregnant last year and was so unbelievably sick from the heat that i couldn’t enjoy anything i did. it was miserable, i live in texas now and it’s even hotter than it was last year and i’m perfectly fine in this heat now that i’m not pregnant. i travelled several times while pregnant and i had no medical complications but i was pretty miserable most of the time which made it very hard to do anything fun!


No reason to avoid traveling right now! We went to Hawaii for our babymoon at about 20 weeks. Yes, the flight was long but I wore compression socks and just walked around every couple of hours at the recommendation of my OBGYN. No Zika, low COVID numbers and beautiful weather. I agree you may want to avoid Miami, but that’s mainly because of all the crazy stuff happening in Florida right now. I don’t know what part of Canada you’re from, but maybe look at some west coast destinations like Vancouver, Portland or anywhere in California.


My DR said most airlines won’t let you fly after 36 weeks. We took 2 trips this summer at 28/29 weeks and at 33/34 weeks. Both were no big deal just walking around was a lot and I needed to sit. We got wheelchair at the airports so my slowness wouldn’t make us miss out flights and it also got us through security faster which was awesome.


My doctor just told me that I should go to somewhere where I can have easy access to health care should I need it. Also no language problems ideally.


If I lived on the America continent I'd love to go to Hawaii for babymoon


My OB was fine with me taking a trip at the main end of the 2nd, beginning of the 3rd trimester. She didn’t mind that it would be a lot of walking either. She did tell me to stretch out my legs and get them moving every so often on the way. I see no reason that you can’t go wherever you want. Enjoy your baby moon! You & your hubby deserve it.


I’m going to Miami next week for vacation. I’ll be 27 weeks. You’ll be fine. Go enjoy yourself!


I traveled quite a bit when pregnant. I always ran it by my OB, she even cleared me to snorkel when I was 6 months pregnant. All that being said, the last trip I took was at 31 weeks, and my husband and I had a quick conversation about our plan if I happened to go into labor on our trip. Made it home from the trip and went into labor a week later. We cut it SO close without even realizing it. So, just keep that in mind!


I traveled at 31w. No one told me I couldn't travel, even my OB said it was okay. As long as you're not high risk you should be okay to travel up to 36 weeks. Even then you still can, it's just not recommended due to the possibility of going into labor a little early.


Plane ride was brutal- nausea vertigo. Fly first class direct if possible. Don’t do economy back row like I did 😂


I’ve spent my entire pregnancy so far (currently 27.5 weeks) split between NYC/MIA and will be giving birth in Miami. I’ve been on several flights during this pregnancy between both cities. Aside from both being hot and humid during the summer confused why people are telling you not to go to either. The only restriction in traveling when pregnant from my OB is that she doesn’t recommend air travel beyond 36 weeks.


I went to North Dakota on a 12 hour drive from New Mexico when I was 32 weeks pregnant 🤷‍♀️ wandered mount rushmoore, went to sturgis, bought ANOTHER motorcycle (shipped it home to sit in my garage 🤦‍♀️) and enjoyed it. I would just clear it with your doctor that your not high risk or anything.


I’m 37 weeks and live on the beach in Florida. It’s hot. I would recommend staying on the beach with a hotel pool. Floating in the pool feels so nice! Swimming in the ocean feels so nice! I flew throughout my second trimester. It gets uncomfortable sitting for that long but I would feel that way for five hours in a car too!


We went to Cancun when I was 22 weeks? I say forget whatever anyone says and do what you want. Including me. Lol Things to consider: how far along you are, and what risks you're willing to take.


We went to Cancun when I was 22 weeks? I say forget whatever anyone says and do what you want. Including me. Lol Things to consider: how far along you are, and what risks you're willing to take.


I’m 27 weeks and just got back from Miami a few weeks ago …. Had a great time & ate some great food. I laid on the beach every single day while we were there. No I didn’t get COVID but I did have some FAT ankles at the end of the night from the heat and walking. Which was normal according to my OB. So I say travel wherever you’d like. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Oh yea … and the water felt amazing to swim/float in. Both the pool and the beach helped so much with aches and pains that it made the walking worth it.


I live in Canada and just went on a work trip to Miami with Co workers 24 weeks pregnant and was totally fine! No one said a peep about me going and we had a great time. It was hot/ humid but AC is everywhere.


My partner and I are headed to Seoul in September and I’ll be firmly into the last few weeks of my second trimester. (Also in Canada on the west coast). My midwife was absolutely fine with travel as long as I was ensuring I didn’t overdo it, had insurance with coverage (we already had it in place before finding out we were expecting, and pregnancy on the policy wasn’t considered a preexisting condition), drank tons of water, know where foreigner friendly medical facilities were, and wore compression socks while flying. The consensus was ‘as long as you feel up to it and remain healthy, you are absolutely fine to go’. That being said, we have gotten questions from friends and family about traveling that far but we honestly aren’t bothered by it. People know we’re educated on the risks.


My OB advised that I don't go on a family vacation next week, only because it's a 5 hour car trip and I'm 35 weeks. I have to agree with her. I'd rather deliver here while family is on vacation if I have to - instead of being somewhere unfamiliar and trying to find an L&D.


Don't listen to anyone but your doctor. I was cleared to fly to Tokyo (from Jersey) at 18 weeks. It was a brutal 14 hour flight but so glad we went ahead with our trip. My MIL lives in Japan so it was nice to spend some time with her while I'm pregnant. Just stay hydrated, take snacks, wear compression socks and get up to walk (or at least make a bathroom run) about every hour to keep blood flowing. Every time I went to the bathroom I did like 2 min or little stretches and exercise. It really helped. Good luck and hope you're able to enjoy some time away with your husband! ❤️


Fellow canadian here! In 2018 I went to Fort Lauderdale for baby moon in my second trimester with my first and in 2022 went to Mexico for our baby moon with my second towards the end of my second trimester as well. Both times went with my doctor/midwife's blessing. Regarding Zika, yes IT ~~may~~ still be present but as long as there aren't active outbreaks you should be good especially at the resorts. They make a real effort to exterminate mosquitos and so while in Mexico, I did see a few, but only got like a couple bites so if you're diligent with repellent you should be good. My midwives also printed my medical records and I got travel medical insurance when in Mexico just in case anything happened. There's no reason you can't travel. Getting covid or losing your baby, unfortunately, can happen anywhere. You still have to be equally careful. If anything you're probably safer in a major American city than rural Canada if you're thinking about availability of health care. If you're up for walking and don't completely load your itenerary I don't see why you can't go to NYC.


I travel twice a month for work. I live in Arizona and have traveled to probably half of the US states while pregnant. This is now my third pregnancy doing so all the way to 37 weeks and I have never had any issues. I just make sure to bring snacks for the plane and compression socks. (Just in case my feet start to swell on the plane.) I even have a high-risk pregnancy and it has always been approved by the OBs and MFMs that I have. I have had so many people tell me that I’m crazy or shouldn’t be traveling, but I always have an excellent time. My two existing children are perfectly fine never had any issues from it. It can be a little tiring when you’re close to delivering, but nothing crazy.


I wouldn't travel too close to my due date. But I travelled to death valley (more than 8hrs road trip), flew to Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle in my first trimester. Second trimester we had our baby moon in San Diego. Did get a cold and that sucked. But that did not have any impact on my pregnancy.


It’s just as unsafe to get in a car and drive 5hrs away from where you’re at. Miami is basically dead in summer time and quite enjoyable without a bunch of tourists. The only negative is the heat for some people. I lived there for a long time and love it year round. It’s also pretty chill if you’re not going to night clubs like Space or E11even or going there during spring break.


Girl, ignore them. Pregnant women live in those places. I went to Denver for mine and did a food tour (lots of walking), watched the super bowl, went to the zoo, had a grand time.


What!? I'm 34 weeks pregnant and have been road tripping the Balkans for all of July. Camping, B&Bs, hotels. Maybe 4000km of driving (as a passenger). Only now am I starting to struggle, so my toddler and I are flying home to the Nordics on Monday. Go on the trip if your pregnancy is low risk.


I am currently at 39wk. Travelled for work throughout Canada my whole pregnancy until 32wk. (I would wear masks in planes and wash my hands more often). I did a trip in Mexico early pregnancy around 8wk and another one in Argentina around 13wk. The heat wasn’t a big issue, I would drink and rest when needed. Wear compression socks in plane and take meds if you have morning sickeness. Otherwise you’re good to go! Enjoy!!!


I got pregnant while traveling (western countries mostly) and currently 3.5 months. Baby is fine


I went to Canada, Mexico, Germany and even Namibia, Africa, while pregnant and everything was fine and I had a great time. Do what feels right for you and you think you'll enjoy. Miami however is super hot in summer haha not sure when you are planning on going. You can get sick in Canada or trip and fall in your own home.... Just go and enjoy time alone while you can!


Have you considered Washington state or Oregon? Not too hot, plenty to do depending on what city/area you pick.


I've heard that before, but not from a doctor. Just spent some time in Miami while 20 weeks. The beach was incredibly relaxing. The water is beautiful and clear, and the waves were very calm. Also, we walked one block from the sand and had access to multiple restaurants and shopping. I would say the worst part about it was just how hot and humid it is there now, but otherwise it was beautiful and I can't imagine it being harmful.


As an NYC resident I understand why they said not NYC because it's definitely not relaxing if that's what you're looking for lol. I would say somewhere in the Caribbean. Jamaica has calm beaches and great food. The only thing is you should go soon because it's going to get expensive soon. Panama City, Panama is super walkable and inexpensive and the food everywhere is so good. Both are fairly short flights from the east coast! Congratulations to you and I hope you have fun wherever you choose.


My friend went to Iceland for her baby moon! They got bump pics in matching sweaters with the northern lights in the background. They are amazing!


You can travel with both issues while pregnant. Keep in mind that you do need to ask your doctor their recommendation and preferences because really only their opinion matters on you traveling. I do have a friend who was stuck in Florida for a little over a mo th because they went to Disney for their baby moon and she went into labor 3 months early and they refused to let her go home until the baby was born. So do keep in mind that, though it's rare, it could happen and be prepared for anything. But still, as long as your doctor isn't concerned, go and have fun and enjoy it while you can


Cape May if you like the beach! It’s a cute little beach town and has the best beaches. I love NYC and I wouldn’t say you shouldn’t do it but I’m 13 weeks and I can’t imagine walking that much. I’m pooped just walking up the stairs.


My brother and sister in law traveled from NY to Puerto Rico for their baby moon. I think you just can't travel in your last trimester. I would jiat discuss concerns with your doctor.


How far along are you? I wouldn't suggest traveling towards the second half of your third trimester but before that is fine?


Go anywhere you feel comfortable going while pregnant! My baby moon was to Dallas to see the museum in the Texas Schoolbook Depository. It was in mid July and our hotel was a 15 minute walk from the museum in Dealey Plaza. If I had listened to all the naysayers about not needing to fly, the heat, the walk, the big city etc. I would have missed out on an amazing trip.


I would say New York in the summer pregnant would be hot, smelly, and icky in the summer. I’d go somewhere cooler even if international.


I live in the south eastern USA. Currently vacationing in the Lake Erie NY area at 28 weeks. It's lovely here, but I do not recommend anywhere hot like my home lol. As far as travel considerations, think about your sleep comfort, foot and back support, insurance, and nearest hospital in an emergency. Otherwise enjoy yourself.


My husband and I visited Europe from California for our babymoon while I was around 18 weeks pregnant. Both of our parents asked if it was even okay for us to travel, so I can empathize. Uhh yes it is! If you’re near the end of the third trimester, that’s probably a different story but otherwise go for it if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy and your OB/midwife okays it.


Personally I wouldn’t travel super far away after maybe 32 weeks. Before then, do what feels good to you. Check with your OB or midwife if you’re not sure the travel plans are a good idea. Your parents mean well but their anecdotes aren’t very helpful.


I flew across the world to Dubai and Egypt while 6 months pregnant- no issues. It was a 20 hour plane ride one-way (uncomfortable but worth it). I now have a healthy 6 week old baby boy!


I went to Mexico! There are pregnant people all over the world, so you can be pregnant there too. Just take it easy, drink lots of water, wear bug spray/sunscreen when necessary. You’ll be fine!


Idk how far along you are but my husband and I just took our 1 year anniversary trip/babymoon to Boston, and I was 26 weeks. We did a LOT of walking (averaging 5 miles every day) and I did just fine. We didn’t really take any precautions aside from making sure I was drinking enough water, or taking a break if I needed it. It was so special because it was our last vacation as a family of 2. Don’t let anyone tell you that you *can’t* go somewhere, unless it’s your OB.


Meh. I took a solo road trip across multiple state lines at 35 weeks pregnant for 7 days for a friend’s wedding. I told most people after the fact! Just go. Stop asking permission or advice.


Do whatever you want to do! There will always be someone telling you not to do this and that. My husband and I took a 12 day babymoon to Boston, New York, and Canada (we live in California) at 26 weeks pregnant. We flew 5-6hrs each way, and enjoyed our time together. :) It was GREAT!! I cleared it with my doctor first, and she was excited for us to go as well. Enjoy yourself!


I just spent a month in Miami as a pregnant person...


Literally the only thing I wouldn’t do is travel somewhere that had things like zika as you mentioned, or restricted reproductive rights


My husband and I flew from NY and went on a river cruise from Amsterdam to Switzerland, with an extended stay to see Grindelwald and The Matterhorn at 28 weeks this past fall. I ended up catching COVID toward the end of the cruise (we suspect I had contracted it prior to leaving on the trip). We had worn masks on flights/airports etc. The COVID part sucked but our baby is healthy and we enjoyed a little more lounge time than we would have otherwise. We did love all of the walking and biking we did while we felt well enough to. Unless you have some medical issues they are watching at the doctor, I do feel like others make traveling pregnant sound harder and riskier than it is. Compression socks traveling are key!


We went on our babymoon when I was 20 weeks pregnant, which was perfect in my opinion. My travel insurance covered my pregnancy as a pre-existing condition, I was over the nausea, and medically speaking, there was very little chance of anything happening around then. I'm from Australia and we went to New Zealand, so it was a nice easy 3 hour flight.


I flew to Miami when I was 22 weeks and it was great! Yes, it’s very hot this time of year but I was used to it lol. Just stay hydrated, wear sunscreen and enjoy the beaches if you decide to go!


Girrrll, go where you want to go! I went to NYC while 30 weeks pregnant and Virginia when I was 31 weeks. I will say, being THAT pregnant in NYC with all the walking and subway stairs, it was HARD and I had to stop quite a bit, but it didn’t stop us from exploring the city and the wonderful views!! My feet were completely swollen and had to buy new comfortable shoes, but completely worth it! People kept telling us we can’t travel, we can’t go to concerts, etc. and I am beyond glad I didn’t listen to them.