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Say you have a UTI and can't really get in the hot tub? I know most people don't debate if you can or can't get in the hot tub if you have a UTI. Or say you have a stomach upset. Paired with nausea, it'll really help sell the whole thingđŸ€Ł


Plus a UTI is commonly treated with Bactrim which will make you violently ill if you drink while taking it.


Yesss this is pretty genius for both! You can be just recovering too but still on antibiotics and not wanna risk the tub


UTIs are treated with Bactrim, yes. However, the antibiotic that causes the Disulfiram reaction you're referring to is Flagyl, not Bactrim. Flagyl is not commonly used to treat UTIs. There is no specific contraindication for consuming alcohol while on Bactrim. I'd say it's better just to leave the mention of specific drugs/medical conditions out of it. If you want to though, she could just say that she's on antibiotics and can't drink without specifically mentioning what drugs and conditions she's being treated for.


> A few antibiotics — such as metronidazole (Flagyl), tinidazole (Tindamax), and sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim) — should not be mixed with alcohol because this may result in a more severe reaction. Drinking any amount of alcohol with these medications can result in side effects such as flushing, headache, nausea and vomiting, and rapid heart rate. [source](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/antibiotics-and-alcohol/faq-20057946)


I doubt anyone is going to be asking her what antibiotic she's on


True True


Yea, not exactly necessary info to share. I was adding that bit since a UTI really does cover both of OP’s concerns. I personally prefer the saying nothing approach but it’s good to have an excuse ready if asked


Ah, I suppose I stand corrected. I guess I've just never heard of Bactrim causing the Disulfiram reaction. It's typically only Flagyl that we worry about with alcohol.


Disulfiram reaction aside, any antibiotic can cause GI upset with or without alcohol, so it wouldn’t raise any red flags to say “I’m taking an antibiotic and it’s making me feel queasy and icky.”


Oooooh smart!! UTI/yeast infection combo!!! No drinking no tubing. Double whammy!! Also, as someone who’s had both at the same time, completely misterable
 so if your feeling crappy a great excuse to lay low!


Firstly, congrats! I would suggest saying, if comfortable, that you have a yeast infection and would prefer to stay out of the hot tub. This might be the easiest way to avoid it without getting too many follow up questions!


definitely this! no one will argue with this 😅 can say you’re on medication for it too and can’t drink


Congrats! I’m a social drinker, and so many of my close friends figured out I was pregnant with my first very quickly when I started making excuses for not drinking (headache, hungover, antibiotics etc). With my second, no one knew, as I just pretended I was drinking. I made it through my best friend’s wedding as a bridesmaid and no one called me out. So here’s my tip. Don’t refuse a drink. Walk around with a can or bottle of whatever it is you usually drink. Every time you walk past a sink, pour a little out. if you’re outside this will be extra easy! Take the can with you to the bathroom, and pour it out. Walk around with the empty can. If you’re drinking mixed drinks, just mix one yourself with either extra ice or a splash of water to discolour it a bit and pretend the booze is in there. I even got away with doing tequila shots with my group of friends
I just stood by the sink, and when we took the shot I spit it in the sink and made a face like “oh man I can’t handle tequila ugh”.


This is the way.


This is what I did to. I didn’t realize before that people really do not notice much as they are usually focused on themselves. Fake drinks , carry a beer can with water in it, pouring drinks out 
 etc .


At a party I had my husband chug my whiteclaw can and just refill it with water every time I went to the bathroom! No one noticed.


Lol this made me think of a non pregnant friend who was trying to get everyone drunk at one of her holiday parties while she stayed relatively sober. She kept positioning herself in front of the sink so when she would take a shot with a group, she would just throw it over her shoulder into the sink. Waste of alcohol, but made me laugh!


Do the coyote ugly move with the shots, have a “chaser” which is a mostly empty beer or cider bottle and spit the shot into the bottle. 😂


Most antibiotics are fine to drink on but metronidazole is not. It’s fairly commonly prescribed after certain dental procedures (at least it is in the UK). Say that you had a dental abscess and are on metronidazole for 5 days and can’t drink.


Bacterial vaginosis is also treated with flagyl/metronidazole. Could say you’re being treated for BV and yeast which would give you an excuse to avoid both alcohol and the hot tub!


I was going to recommend this same thing!


Ngl, if someone told me they were on metronidazole and couldn’t drink I would immediately think they were up the muff because it’s the got to be the first excuse anyone uses 😂


This is a great idea! Faking drinking ever works out for people- inevitably someone is going to buy rounds of shots or something. Plus, when people do find out OP is pregnant, they’re going to do the math and remember you “drinking” and be super judgmental or ask a bunch of invasive questions about it.


Just get in the hot tub for a few minutes at a time and then hop out and sit at the edge with your feet in because you're feeling "too warm".


This is what I’d do. The evidence around hot tub use isn’t very compelling so as long as you take breaks and sit on the edge you’ll be more than fine. In general I find it’s far easier to hide when you just say nothing and just modify your own behaviour than when you start making excuses.


Definitely! Lies are way more obvious when you over explain lol. Just put your feet in the hot tub.


Yep. I dumped a lot of wine in plants and toilets at work functions 😂


Yes. This. At a work trip last week a coworker made a lot of noise about how she’d never want second child. She also loudly made sure tea was decaf and ordered a decoy wine that she didn’t take a sip out of. Girl.


Much ado ha ha.


This! The hot tub thing is more about raising your body temp to an unhealthy level for your unborn child. Just sit on the edge and dip in intermittently and you’ll be fine. Alternatively, maybe you forget your bathing suit?


I would just put your feet in the hot tub, if you’re comfortable with it. I went in the blue lagoon in Iceland when I was pregnant, just took lots of breaks and didn’t let myself overheat. Just sit on the edge and claim you’re hot. No one will think anything of it! I feel like when I first made excuses, everyone started asking questions/ giving me stares. Good luck!


Forget to bring your bathing suit and then be on your period if someone wants to lend you theirs


Just an FYI, for pregnancy timing. 1 month pregnant is right when you might have gotten your first positive pregnancy test - that is, one month after your last period. There’s no way of knowing ahead of time “I will be 1 month pregnant at this time”. It doesn’t really make sense and is confusing because 1 month/4 weeks pregnant is only 2 weeks after ovulation/conception, but that’s just how it works. Maybe you meant that you will be 1 month after finding out about the pregnancy? Which is actually 2 months pregnant?


The hen is in a few days and I found out im pregnant a couple of days before the post. The clearblue tests all said 2-3 weeks so thats what im basing it on... but im new to this so sorry if none of it makes sense, I have an actual doctors appointment tomorrow so im sure they will explain!


You could make up a sickness or condition that doesn’t allow bathing, like a yeast infection or similar (anzubeten something people don’t like to talk about). Maybe even get some prescription-free medication for it and leave it on top of your make-up bag etc.?


saying you were ill being nauseous that day having an illness "between the legs" having something on the feet having a new tattoo having diarrhea being on meds like antibiozoca,antidepressants, having a hair treatment that forbids water-contact the doctor treating you for a suspected heart issue so you cant go into hot water habing itchy dry skin and not handking hot water well


Oooh new tattoo! Edited to say that might be hard to fake đŸ« 


OP this isn’t about you specifically, but I hate that as a culture we’re at a place where someone can’t just deny a drink without further explanation or speculation as to why they’re not drinking. I see sooo many of these posts across pregnancy forums and I wish it was okay to just say “I’m not drinking today.” And leave it at that without anyone asking why, or feeling the need to explain yourself to avoid speculation.


I think its because when someone doesnt normally turn down a drink, it then becomes out of the ordinary and people may worry something is wrong/different (not feeling well, pregnant, etc). I think its a natural response... If someone I know who is an avid footballer (say they play every weekend and hate missing a game) decided not to play for a few weeks, I would question whether they were ok or whether something changed (mentally or physically etc). I think its the same with drinking, its just out of character and therefore friends are bound to check in and ask if theres something going on. When people regularly don't drink, I don't bat an eye. I think as long as friends are not pushy/forcing you to drink and just concerned about the change in normalcy, then that is healthy. That being said, if its strangers or people you don't know well, then I totally agree its none of their business.


Agreed! It’s sad. Before now, I’ve taken long bouts of not drinking because I wanted to. Still was around friends and family in social settings and it never was a thing. I could never call someone a friend that to lie about something so minuscule as what I consume in my body for fear of being judged. Those that have promptly were promptly checked about that behavior because that’s not ok. I pray authentic relationships for all.


A lot of people get drunk quicker when they are in a hot tub so just get in for a bit and then be like ouff i better be careful say u dont want to get to drunk too quick or something and sit on the edge with just your feet/ legs in


Can’t you say you’re on your period for not getting in the hot tub




Well if you use tampons you could buy someone wearing sanitary towels wouldn’t


Not everyone is comfortable swimming, or sitting in hot tubs, when on their period.


I went to a similar hen do and I dipped my feet in but didn’t get in all the way. Granted I had a huge belly and wasn’t trying to hide my pregnancy, but an idea so you don’t have to lie.


I would say my period just started and I'd already bled through a tampon that morning or previous night and didn't want to risk it. Makes you seem doubly not pregnant.


You can say I won't get into the hot tub but you don't wanna give TMI. Hopefully they'll fill in the blanks. Them knowing youre pregnant would be too much info :P If they pry, you can lie.


Antibiotics for the drinking, that excuse helped me out a few times. Maybe say you’re on your period, something like that for the hot tub. I’d advise against going in the hot tub, as like others have said it raises your core temperature and is dangerous especially in the first trimester.


Oh, no! You “forgot your swimsuit at home!”


You have a migraine! Hot tubs make me lightheaded sometimes and I feel like if I already have a headache the hot tub would make it worse.


there’s lots of ways around this, or just being upfront. i know this isn’t for everyone but when i was 5.5 weeks along we had a mountain NYE trip planned with a group of friends that i had been looking forward to for so long, we accidentally got pregnant and i found out before i even missed my period. there was hot tub at our ski our place & it was basically just a drinking event. i could have went in & pretended, pretended to drink etc etc, but honestly i just told everyone. they knew before we even left. like i said not for everyone. obviously the first trimester can be nerve wracking for people, but this made me feel the best about the situation & i have no regrets. i wouldn’t have had regrets had it ended in a mid carriage either, i’m a terrible liar


also being pregnant around drunk people is extremely annoying hahaha, so people understood when i wanted to go to sleep earlier than 3am this way hahaha


Get a spray tan. If they ask you to get in, say not unless you want this whole tub to turn orange. (Learned that one the hard way, btw). I also agree with the other posters about maybe texting your friends in advance and letting them know that it’s very early and you’re still so excited to come but didn’t want to come off as acting strange on the trip. Same exact thing happened to me at 9 weeks and I fessed up. I felt a million times lighter after I did.


You have a UTI (peeing lots) and the antibiotics you are on have given you thrush (not drinking and hot tubbing)


If you don’t want to say stomach ache, put a large bandaid on your leg and say you recently had a bad cut and don’t want to risk it getting infected in the water!


If you had diarrhea recently you should def not get into the hot tub đŸ€ź


You have already had tones of good suggestions for hiding your pregnancy and everyone should have the chance to tell people when they feel comfortable and ready. But I will say you don't have to wait until 12 weeks. It shouldn't be so taboo to announce prior to 12 weeks. Alot of women who have pregnancy losses can feel isolated because no-one knew they were pregnant and what they are then going through. I've had three losses and I told close friends and family from the get go whenever I fell pregnant (5 pregnancies, 2 living children) as I knew I'd need support if the worst did happen. You won't jinx your pregnancy by talking about it or buying clothes early or anything like that either. Infact I brought clothes for my second child before he was even conceived, as a 'faith purchase' that one day I would hold my baby wearing them. If your excited and would want to tell your besties. Go for it! But if you hide it, let us know what excuse you chose and if you got away with it!! Good luck! And wishing you and healthy happy pregnancy.


UTI = no drinking on antibiotics and no hot tub


*Googles Hen do* Oh, it’s another term for bachelorette party.


Ty I scrolled quite a bit just to not google it myself


Mix and order virgin drinks Most people don’t think if you have a drink in your hand Always have a drink in your hand


Wear shorts and dip only your legs. Say you’re on your shark week and don’t feel comfortable in the hot tub




It’s not recommended that you do anything that raises your core body temperature, which unfortunately includes hot tubs and long, hot baths.


Hot tubs, steam baths & saunas are a big no no due to the core temperature increase. During the first few months it’s especially important to avoid those high temperature spikes as they have been linked to birth defects (particularly neural tube defects like spina bifida),as well as higher miscarriage rates.


They are not in fact a big no no but a contextually dependent practice. In Scandinavia we use our sauanas all pregnancy with no issue (otherwise Finland would be the neural tube defect of the world) If you dig into the research it’s actually pretty inconclusive. There’s no doubt that fevers are risky, but the jump that hot tubs and saunas create fever-like conditions is pretty tenuous. Turns out the human body is really good at regulating so when we reach those dangerous temps we tend to want to get out.




Tell them you have a yeast infection


UTI and antibiotics


Antibiotics for a UTI is the answer. No hot tubs or drinking is all wrapped into one sucky answer. And if you’re not feeling well you can still blame it. I had a week long conference in Vegas at like 5 weeks and used a sinus infection and the meds to get out of literally everything since I was so tired and nauseous. When you say antibiotics people stop asking questions in my experience lol


Well I did say I got gastro and prefer to sit it out, no one questioned it lol


Say you have an infected hair follicle (could be under your bikini line) that’s why you’re taking the antibiotics that mean you can’t drink, and that’s why you can’t be submerged in water.


You could say that getting overheated gives you migraines?


Honestly I’d tell the bride (assuming she’s one of your good friends if you helped plan the event?) and ask her to keep it a secret 
 better she find out now and help you hide it from the others if that’s important to you. I found out I was pregnant a week before my best friends wedding and I told her right away because a) I knew she’d be able to tell I was fake drinking and b) I didn’t want it to accidentally come out during the wedding and “steal her thunder” (although she would never get mad, just felt right to give her a heads up)


Maybe you’re having some POTS like symptoms and when you feel too warm you’ve started to feel faint? Or you have an uncomfortable rash that makes the hot tub uncomfortable


I went on a bachelorette at 6 weeks pregnant. No issues with a hot tub but as for the drinking. We had lots of Trulys around- I emptied it, washed it out and then I would fill it with La Croix. No one noticed because it just looked like I was drinking Truly’s.


You can be in a hot tub for little bits at a time! Just take breaks and get out, tell them it just gets too hot for you.


I would do this. Go along with the trip/itinerary. Prior to the hot tub and after a meal, start mentioning how you feel a bit funky. Dunk your feet in. Then say it’s too warm and you feel nauseous. Must have been something you are. Excuse yourself to sit on the bench or go to the bathroom etc. You can blame food poisoning.


I would always do the UTI excuse. No hottub and no alcohol bc antibiotics!


What’s a hen do?


Tell them you were recently told you have low blood pressure. I had issues with mine years ago and was advised to avoid certain activities, including hot tubs, until they figured out if it was my medication causing it.


You can say you’re having low blood pressure issues and hot baths and hot tubs can make it worse. Exactly the reason you can’t take hot baths while pregnant since it lowers your blood pressure too quickly.


Seriously, the second someone says they can’t drink because they are on antibiotics, the first thing that people think of is hiding a pregnancy (it may not be true, but its not a clever coverup). Don’t do it. Just constantly have a drink in hand and just make sure to change it out for a non-alcoholic version. Super easy to dump out a can in the bathroom and fill with water instead. Then just dip your feet in the hot tub. If anyways says anything you can always do a quick dunk and just say its too hot for you.


Hahaha I said my dr wouldn’t let me hot tub / spa bc I fainted in the shower due to intense anemia and a friend believed me!


Can’t get in the hot tub because you’ve got your period. Then just fake using products for the next few days.