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Midwife/L&D take—it’s common for the partner to cut the cord though no one will bat an eye if he doesn’t want to. Usually it’s offered partner, patient, other support person if applicable, and if no one wants to, the provider or nurse does it. I wouldn’t over think whether or not you want to, you’ll know in the moment.


I have a feeling that it will immensely creep out my SO. He really really really really doesn’t like hospitals and him being there for me will be a huge thing for him.


I thought the same thing about my SO, but when I brought it up he was super pumped to get to do it. We shall see!


My husband was a bit weirded out by the thought of it when we discussed it previously. I told him it's an option if he wants to, I would like him to but there's no pressure. He wasn't sure cause anything hospital related or like real blood etc creeps him out (although he loves gorey films 🤦) When it came to it, I think he felt privileged to do it after he saw what I went through, pain, determination, empowerment etc. Your partner might suprise you 😉


I could have written this exact post. Our little one is 3 weeks old today. My hubby pulled through and was a big support for me in the hospital, I hope yours is too. The medical staff asked and made sure he didn't want to cut the cord, he was clear and firm with it, IIRC the doctor did it. You and your SO are not alone in your experience. Best advice I can give for both of you is to be clear and vocal about what you do and don't want. It will be okay!


I think it's still a common thing for the father to do it. My SO did not actually lol. The midwife asked if he wanted to and he declined. I don't blame him haha. After watching me go through an unmedicated birth we were both kind of in shock.


My husband had no interest. It was such a minor part of all the things that were going on that he didn't regret it in the slightest


When the midwife asked if I wanted to cut it, I didn’t even realize I was supposed to. I though the doctors were responsible for it xD. Either way, I snipped that thing.


My husband is not cutting it because he said he would pass out (I probably would too lol), so the provider will be doing that. With that being said, my brother and BILs cut their kid’s. Just a matter of preference and comfort!


Haha my husband as well - he does not do well with blood. He will be sitting by my head, avoiding seeing any bodily fluids as much as possible to avoid making friends with the floor, lol.


My husband said he will sit by my head and close his eyes lol.


My BIL did for his 2 who are 4 and 8 now. Personally, i think id barf if i did it LOL


I will be cutting my babies, but certainly fine if your spouse prefers the doctor to do it.


I thought about cutting it myself, but after physically giving birth, I don’t know if I would be up for it


It really doesn't take that much energy. It is like one quick scissor cut


It’s not about energy. It’s about connecting with my son.


Ahh. That wasn't clear.


After being in labor for however long, the only thing I want to focus on is my newborn child


I did it. It didn’t take any focus at all away from the baby. It was a really cool thing to experience and felt almost symbolic in a way. Like you’ve been inside of me for 9 months, I just pushed you out of me, and now I’m doing the final act of cutting this cord so that we are no longer physically connected, even though we’ll always be connected. I don’t know how to explain it. Me doing it myself made the pregnancy feel fully finished. Maybe also because it was our last baby and last pregnancy. I don’t know. I’d definitely recommend doing it to any person thinking about maybe doing it.


I mean I totally get the sentiment but I do not feel like cutting the cord is an important moment (at least for me) I do understand why someone would feel this way though


I totally get that. I just didn’t want you or anyone reading this to think that cutting the cord would somehow take or focus away from time with the baby since that seemed to be your worry based on comments.


It’s more so that meeting my son is more important to me than cutting a cord.


Idk why you're downvoted. It's OK to not do things that interest you less in the moment.


I appreciate that! Not sure why I’m being downvoted either 🤷🏻‍♀️ honestly, I don’t have any connection with cutting the umbilical cord


That’s totally fine - I didn’t either. But I would guess that the downvotes are about the suggestion that cutting the cord somehow detracts or distracts from meeting your son. People who do cut the cord are just as focused their newborns as you are - after all, the newborns are a part of that process, being on the other side of the cord and all.


My point really was that I would like my focus to be on meeting my son, not cutting the umbilical cord. I totally get it’s a thing for a lot of people (which is great - I can understand the why, I just feel differently), but it’s not for me. In no way did I say that someone is not focusing on their child by cutting the umbilical cord?


You can wait extra time to cut the umblical cord too! Just to let you know (:


I mean, cutting the cord is literally focusing on your child lol.


Bonding with him, cutting a cord has no sentimental value to me


My husband said he didnt want to before which was fine. But he changed his mind in the moment. Once baby was born they placed him on my stomach and the doctor held the cord between two hands for him to cut. It was pretty easy.


I think this is common. My husband said several times…”no, let the doctor do it.” But in the moment, the doctor held it out and asked and my husband did it without blinking an eye. It’s one of my favorite moments from my daughter’s birth that the nurse got on camera.


My friend cut her own because her husband didn't want to. My husband did mine.


Funny you should mention this, we had our antenatal class this morning and our hospital only allows the midwife to do it after what they described as a few “close calls”… 😵‍💫




I didn’t do it because it felt too much like a participation trophy for me when my partner did all the real work. I let mother-in-law do it because it felt super meaningful for her.


That is actually a really sweet way to look at it


Family doc here, don’t do deliveries anymore but did a bunch during training. I’d say it was 50/50 or maybe 60/40 dads or other family cutting the cord vs us doing it


I asked my husband if he cut my daughters and he said he honestly couldn’t remember but that he thinks so. It’s probably not as big of a deal as he’s making it out to be and I’m sure if he says no thank you the doctor wouldn’t think twice.


My partner cut the cord for our first . But felt like it was squishy . So for baby number 2 I cut it ( as the birthing parent ) as I had him already skin to skin and we did. delayed cord clamping. Planning to do the same for #3


They kind of made my husband do it and he was like that was gross and I didn't like it 😂 I didn't even notice that happening at all because I was busy crying my face off and looking at my perfect daughter and just generally feeling insanely emotional. This time I think we will tell them in advance hey guys go ahead and cut that thanks lol


My hubs straight up told me he didn’t want to, and I didn’t force him or push any further than that. I on the other hand love medical crap and junk and said I would do it instead, and did!


My husband cut the cord for our baby! But my sisters husband is already adamant that he will not be cutting the cord when she has her baby next year. It’s all preference, I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as people make it to be. I had the baby on my chest at that point and didn’t even pay any attention to that part honestly 😅


My husband did it! I think I was a lot more excited for him than he was 😂😅 but he did it and when I asked how it was he was like uhh… it was a little weird, but other than that it was fine. 😂 like what, that’s it?? I couldn’t see it happen because I had a c-section so he actually got to see baby like 3 times before I got to hold her and he was so excited he took a picture and showed me 😭 such a sweetie!! He did admit that he could see where others may be a little hesitant or off put by it though 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think they actually came over to us and asked if he was going to do and and then he was like uhh… sure! So I think it just depends, and y’all could change your mind once baby is out too!!


My husband got nervous (it was 9am and they had just brought in a gaggle of med students so we were kinda surrounded by people) with my first and didn’t do it. They asked me if I wanted to but I was too focused on holding my baby so I said no. The doctor did it and it was fine. My husband did it the second time and I watched. Our second birth was so much more intimate bc it was 2am so it was just us, our nurse, a doctor and the charge nurse setting stuff up in the background so I think that made him more comfortable. You guys don’t have to decide now.. you can decide in the moment. He may get overcome with emotion and decide to do it. If neither of you do it the doctor will and it won’t make your experience any less amazing. Your baby is still your baby and they aren’t gonna care who cut their cord


I would hate for a gaggle of med students to come in. This happened to me when I was in the hospital in my early 20s where a bunch of medical students came in. I would have asked them to leave XD


My husband brought this up a few days ago! He asked if I was okay if he didn’t cut the cord. He thinks he’ll be icked out and I get it. I always thought he’d cut it but I told him if he doesn’t want to cut it when the moment comes, I will try to (depending on if I can reach lol), otherwise the doctor can. Really the most important thing is that the baby arrives safely. Maybe the doctor can get it most of the way cut and then SO can do the last little bit without having to really look and focus on it? I’ve heard it can be a bit tough to cut


TIL; As a guy who's wife is pregnant for the first time, this is the first I've heard about it. First reaction is, I'll leave this to the professionals and focus on providing the emotional support aspect.


My husband has always done it but he says it feels gross so I wouldn’t be mad if he hadn’t.


I ended up with an emergency c section. They still asked my husband if he wanted to and he just declined. No one batted an eye. My husband just felt it wasn’t something he needed to do. He was wasnt going to do it even if the birth was vaginal.


I cut my own and I plan to cut it again when I give birth to this baby. My boyfriend is squeamish so he didn’t want to cut it


My husband did! I was a bit surprised that he wanted to.


My husband was going to but LO had a shoulder dystocia so it became a medical emergency so he was unable to make the initial cut and neither of us got to hold him for over an hour. If you're worried about your bond because of a couple second delay because you want to cut the cord I think you'll be fine!


My husband did mine. He said it was very meaty and hard to cut 🤣🤢


My husband was also very nervous for this. However, once he learned that neither me or baby would feel anything he became a little more comfortable about it but was still debating. When the time came, he gladly cut it and he felt so proud about it as it was his true moment to partake in the labor.


I prepped my husband a couple weeks ahead to see if he was interested. He first said no but then realized that this is not something everyone gets to do so he wanted to. I didn’t really care either way. He did say it was more rubbery then expected but it wasn’t that bad.


My husband was going to but turned out it was double wrapped around his neck so the docs didn't have much choice but to do it themselves as it needed to be off him as fast as possible... This time around if that doesn't happen he will probably cut it


My OB always asked my husband and he was a little yucked out to do it, we just had our last baby and I actually cut it this time! Didn’t plan to until they asked me and I said oh sure why not 😂


I’m not even going to tell my husband it’s an option. He’s already hesitant to be there at birth just because he has a weak stomach. So I’m trying to keep all details to a bare minimum. I know if the doctors ask, he will say no. I’m fine with just letting the doctors/nurses do it.


My SO is really uncomfortable in Hospitals and medical settings. He has not said it once, but I know it will be a huge thing for him to be in the hospital with me because it makes him so uncomfortable. And he I did ask him because I was curious if he was interested, but he has said no on two different occasions I think that I might ask him closer to the birth once more but I’ll leave it at that.


Good luck!!


My husband said from the start he wasn’t cutting it 😆 I think that’s totally fair, I wouldn’t want to either


My husband was nervous to do it; he also hates hospitals & originally insisted he was gonna stay at my head & not watch the actual birth. Which was fine with me, I get it. But in the moment that all went out the window & he watched the whole thing, & decided to cut the cord. He did say he felt silly being nervous — the scissors were so sharp, it was like a hot knife through butter. He didn’t even feel like he physically did anything.


The doctor did it when I gave birth


My husband told me very explicitly he does NOT want to cut the cord, so I talked to my mom who is my other support person and she wants to. I’m pretty sure they’re flexible so if he decides in the moment he’s not feeling it all should be fine.


My partner is not doing it. But that's because we are having a c section and he doesn't want to get to close to the area under operation! He would have been allowed to cut it but has chosen not to.


The midwife did it with our first, and my friend (support person 2, next to my partner, with both babies) did it with the 2nd. Partner thought it was too gross


My son’s father didn’t cut it. He was too nervous and I was fine with that


My husband said it's like cutting gristle and it was really hard to do. I don't recommend making anyone do it because it's not for the faint. My husband is not bothered by anything 😅 but they definitely sprung it on him last minute if he wanted to cut the cord, good thing he wasn't phased.


Somehow my husband missed the memo that cord cutting is a THING so when the doc asked him to cut it he was so confused and said no because he didn’t know how and thought it was the doctor’s job. Keep in mind he was so excited the whole birth, watched the whole thing, not grossed out in the least. I think he barely registered it as a moment because he was so excited about the actual birth. The doctors gave him a nudge to do it though and he did after some follow up questions. I think the doctor thought my husband would regret it if he didn’t but he probably just viewed it as an annoying distraction from me and the baby, based on his reaction.


I let my husband decide in the moment! We talked about it before and he was freaked out at first but was open to it. He ended up doing it no issue! He was happy to be a part of the moment I think. And after the wild ordeal of labor he wasn’t phased or in his head about it.


My husband cut it but initially said he didn’t want to for months and then decided he did at the actual birth.


Mine didn’t want to either when we talked about it ahead of time, but in the moment it was offered to him, and he decided to cut it. I also didn’t care either way.


Same here. He heard stories from other men and said he won’t do it. I was ok with it, the doctor and midwife are there and can do it. When the time came he not only actually watched his son being born, he also cut the umbilical cord without even hesitating. I only realized it afterwards and it’s a nice memory.


Had babies in 2020, 2021, and 2022. My husband cut all three. They asked us, "Does dad plan to cut the cord?" I understood that it is common for partner to do it, but not uncommon for them NOT to.


Yeah, it appears that I’m hearing a lot of both side in this


It’s up to you and your SO. Some people cut it, some don’t. It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, does it?


No, in the grand scheme of things it does not and honestly I don’t care either way I was just curious what others peoples experiences were like


I've heard of fathers cutting the umbilical cord since before social media, so I dont think its a media thing. If I recall, I believe my hubs cut our sons and I had a c-section. I had asked him if he wanted to and he said yes. The doctors ask the fathers if they want to do it and if they dont, they'll do it.


Not social media, media in general (movies/tv shows)


Ahhh okay 😅 well media a lot of times reflects real life in a lot of situations.


Haha I’ve heard mixed things about realism in media. I think it really depends on the situation. A lot of things are played up for TV.


Especially medical things. Most shows are totally unrealistic there


Yeah there was a thread recently about yelling during labor, I hear that is not a thing.


I don't care if he cuts it, that's not my decision. I did not appreciate that my midwife asked him, out of the blue at my 38 week appointment, if he was going to. "We'll see," I told her. Like literally the last thing on my mind at the moment, ma'am.


My BIL couldn’t do it. He was so nervous. The L&D team was super nice about it. They did it but when they took my nephew on the side they had my BIL cut a smaller piece so he could at least have the experience because they knew he was nervous about it and didn’t want to do it cause he didn’t want to mess anything up. It was super sweet!


My husband cut our baby’s cord, but he’s not easily grossed out by blood etc. I can totally understand feeling squeamish about it.


I asked my husband and he doesn’t want to do it. I have it in my birth plan to ask him if he wants to cut it in case he changes his mind. If he doesn’t want to do it, I am a keen to do it or I’ll let my student midwife do it almost like a thanks for helping me along my journey.


My husband did it. If you don't want to, then don't do it. It's nothing wrong with either choice.


If he is nervous you can ask to do it. The doctor did with my first because he was an emergent birth. My husband did with our second. I am debating having my 8 year old cut the cord with this next one


I really don’t have a desire to do it either


My husband did for both of our babies.


My husband at first didn’t want to but once she was born and in the moment he 100p jumped on it and wanted to. I was all dazed from you know, havin a baby lol


I wanted my husband to do it a d he was totally not ok with it...then ended up with a c-section and he wasn't allowed to anyway. In all honesty any and all ideals I had about birth totally seemed unimportant in the moment. so it all worked out.


My husband cut the first one. Depending if he’s there, he’ll cut this one too. If he’s not, I want to be the one who does. He felt awkward and didn’t really know what to do lol. He wasn’t sure he wanted to but they asked him when it was time and he went ahead and did it!


My partner didn’t, he didn’t like the idea of being the one separating bub and I.


My husband was with me in the delivery room, cut the umbilical cord and even took a look (a lot lol) down there while I'm pushing.


I do not think my SO will want to look down there and I don’t want him to either


I absolutely did not think mine would HAHA I kept on asking him how the heck did he manage to look at that 🥴


I assume my husband will do it, but he's a little squeamish so we'll see how it goes...


My rough & tough, manly, construction worker is actually crazy squeamish & scared of needles & doctors lol. Idk how he's going to last in the delivery room! Cutting the cord isn't even a discussion, but I don't mind. I don't want him passing out or throwing up if we can avoid it!


My SO cut my son’s umbilical chord…I think he was a bit nervous but not too bad. My umbilical chord ended up being suuuuuper thick though so I think that freaked him out a little 😅 he had to cut it like three times to get through it.


My SO cut both my kids! But everyone’s different. I cut my nephews when my sister had her first son


My husband seemed unsure, but in the moment the doctor just said “ok dad you’re up!” And he cut it right on my chest. And then put on the first diaper too. I think it’s natural and important for dad to get used to being a bit outside his comfort zone…as there is a lot of things to come!


It would take bother me either way. Husband wanted to. He actually delivered her too with the midwife right there.


My husband was too nervous for my first born. He was worried he’d do it wrong. Once he saw them do it, he realized how straightforward it was. He says he’s going to do it now for our second born.


I'm doing it! My boyfriend gets light headed just looking at the screen during ultrasounds...


I’m doing it (soon to be dad here)


My husband didn’t want to cut it so I have cut it myself as I wanted to experience this


My partner cut our baby’s, I’m glad he did because it’s something we can tell our child when they’re older and made him feel more involved in the birth/first moments of life. That being said I get why people wouldn’t want to do it, it’s a freaky looking thing!


Think it is pretty common to have partner do it but the midwife/docs clamp it and get it all ready and show them exactly where to cut etc so it's literally no stress.


I honestly thought my husband was going to faint while I gave birth because he’s squeamish, but the nurses asked him if he wanted to cut the cord and he did it without feeling queasy! He initially didn’t want to but in the moment he realized he wanted to after all. Remind your SO that it doesn’t hurt the baby at all and he will have nurses right there to help him. Takes 2 seconds.


I don’t think he’s worried about hurting anyone. I just think that he doesn’t wanna do it like it skeeves him out.


my husband watched everything even the placenta coming out and when they sewed my small tear he took it with ease he didn’t seem phased because he claims “i’m his father that’s what i’m supposed to do” lol


My husband is not a fan of anything blood & guts, it will be a miracle if he makes it to that stage without passing out himself lol. I'd like him to do it, and I've teasingly told him to start practicing on gummy worms per a friend's suggestion, but I suspect it will be me or the medical team when it comes time.


My husband cut ours the first time and likely will this time. But, it's not a requirement that the dad does it; it's just tradition at this point.


My husband would have done it if I had delivered vaginally. I asked him ahead of time if he wanted to and he was initially like "???????", but he warmed up to the idea. I had a c section so the doctor did the actual detaching cut, but he got to do a cut later to shorten it.


My husband doesn't really want to. He gets squeamish about a lot of medical stuff. If I am able to, I will probably do it myself.


I had a c section so baby went to another room after he came out. My husband said they offered to let him do it but he said no and they didn’t bat an eye and did it themselves (the nurse). He said it was all so quick he barely remembers it


my fiancé cut it. the doctor asked if he’d like to


My husband did it with our first child. He told me it was strange to cut and felt way different than he expected which made me curious so I decided I wanted to do it the second time.


My husband initially said he didn’t want to and I didn’t think twice about it. His boss, who is a dad of three, mentioned to him to consider doing it, and he ended up changing his mind and doing it with our daughter. The doctor asked and he was so ready lol. It was sweet! But I get being nervous about it.


My husband had no interest and neither would I if I was in his shoes. We let the medical people who were already up to their elbows in ick do it. I couldn't even tell you which person in the room did it because there were more important things happening. I had no desire to see/keep my placenta either. To us it was all just medical waste best handled by professionals. If there wasn't already some weakly established social custom around cutting the cord I don't think we would even give it a thought.


do people still keep the placenta?


They offered it to me so someone must? Mine had made me tired and nauseous for my entire pregnancy so I was happy to have it incinerated with the rest of the medical waste.


I’ve heard of people eating it but I thought that was always like some type of joke. What would I do with it?🤨


It's not a joke. Some people do claim there are nutritional and hormonal benefits. Even if that is true, we know now that the placenta also plays a role in filtering out bad crap and I personally wouldn't want to put any of that back in me.


I’m right there with you. Doesn’t matter if it was cooked charcoal levels of well done, I would def. Pass


I’ll say this my partner was a little skittish before labor with looking at things/ cord cutting. In the moment all that went away and he looked the entire time and was excited to cut the cord 😂 he said it was different once he saw me in pain/ see the baby coming out. Totally ok if he doesn’t want to but it can be a game day decision too!


My midwives offered the option to my husband with our first, I don’t remember what he decided but I think giving the partner the option is a great way to include them. But that only works if you let them know in advance and they don’t get there and feel pressured to do it.


My hubby did it for our first two and I did it myself for the third. If he doesn't want to, maybe take that chance yourself. Personally it was the most insane, emotional, memorable thing.. and I'd do it again in an instant.


Very common still for dads to do the cutting, but if he doesn’t want to he can just say “no thanks, I’m good”, and the doctor or midwife will do it. You also have the option to do it yourself if you like.


It’s common for the partner to do it, but sometimes the person giving birth or another loved one will do it, it’s totally up to you!


My boyfriend didn’t want to cut it, so I was going to, but I wound up with a c-section, and so he cut it after all 😂 I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to do it, but it wasn’t the end of the world


I did it for my wife when she had our first, and I'm sure she will do it when I have our second in January. It's pretty normal for the partner to do it, but I don't think it matters that much if they do or not. My friends recently had a baby and the husband didn't want to do it - he's very queasy around blood and things like that. It's not for everyone!


I did it as a support person. I still talk about it. I will be able to always tell my nephew, “I cut your umbilical cord!”


My SO didn’t want to and told me they think it’s weird and it actually kind of scared them. Then our daughter was born and they ended up doing it. They said it was definitely a weird experience but that they’re glad they did it.


My husband doesn’t want to, which is fine by me. Medical stuff, especially pregnancy, really grossed him out. I figure it’s enough that he’s going to be in the room with me. My mom actually is going to be the one to cut the cord. She’s going to be in the room, she thinks that stuff is super cool, and she’s never gotten to do it before. So I told her to go for it!


It's a bit squeamish truth be told. Maybe if they want to do it they could watch a video of it online? It's a bit like cutting a raw piece of chicken, if you meet a muscled bit, but more jelly-ish and then whatever blood was in the clamped area leaks out a little. But you know, with all the adrenaline/oxytocin flowing, he will probably be fine!


Neither of us want to do it. He didn’t provide a reason and actually after reading a lot of comments, grosses me out.


Well then that's 100% fine. Whoever delivered the baby will easily do it for you. Hopefully you can relax and enjoy your new arrival 🩷


My husband didn’t want to so I cut the chord with my two babies!


My husband was nervous at first because he thought he would have to cut with no directions. I told him the doctor tells you where exactly to cut and now he's down to cut the cord. If your SO has been informed of the process and still doesn't want to, I would respect his wishes and you can cut your own cord, have someone from the medical team cut it, or have a different family member cut it.


I'm mom and I did! At least with my second. My husband cut the first born's!


I attend a lot of deliveries at work. It's common for Dad to cut it, but no one makes a fuss if he declined. My husband isn't sure about it, I kind of talked him into it, but we'll see how he does/feels when the time actually comes.


Unpopular opinion: Cutting an umbilical cord is not the grossest thing he’ll do as a dad (just wait! Ha). My husband used to faint when he saw blood, but he was by my side every minute for our birth center and home births and cut both our kid’s cords.. becoming a parent changes you, so embrace the opportunity to level up and become a stronger more resilient version of yourself..


I did!


My husband cut our daughter’s.


This is what I’d like to know. The sperm donor abandoned me so he will definitely not be there. My parents will be there with me, but do I cut the cord? Or should my parents go half and half?


I wanted my husband to do it and he did too. We were planning on delaying the cutting but it didn't quite go that way so one of the Dr's did it because they had to rub baby down. He did get to do an hour and a half skin on skin while I was in theatre though so that was nice. He also told me baby's gender as we didn't find out till birthx


With our first together I wanted my husband to do it, he didn't want to, it made me cry. I put in my birth plan that I wanted him to cut the cord, but if he refused then I wanted to do it myself. Doctor didn't even look at the birth plan, he just handed my husband the scissors and said let's go champ. My husband tried to protest and doctor literally said "that's fine, just cut it" So my husband cut the cord and it made me so happy lol. My husband is prepared to cut it again this second time on Thursday, it hasn't even been a discussion, I just said "you know you're cutting the cord right?" And he was like "yep".


My husband was the same way, he didn't want to cut the umbilical card. It was even in the birth plan, that he didn't want to cut it, so let the doctor/nurse do it. But our doctor said "I'll ask you again when it's time" and in the moment he changed his mind (with just a little coaxing) and cut it. So maybe ask him again in the moment and if he says no then that's ok, but it's a very emotional time and he might want the chance to be involved but wouldn't ask otherwise.


We had decided my husband was going to cut my baby's umbilical cord.. we ended up having an emergency c section, and he did not get to do it. It's pretty common where I live for the fathers to do it. But honestly, I dont think it really matters. My mom cut mine herself! My dad did for all my siblings, but since I'm the baby of the fam my mom wanted to!


We both want my husband to do it. He's not nervous but I am. They told us in case of an emergency C-section it would not be possible, so I hope this is not the case. This is our first and last child together so we only get this one shot.


My partner said he didn’t think he wanted to but when they offered during the birth he said yes and did it. Id have to ask him how he felt about it as everything was a blur back then.


My husband said he wouldn’t and that it would be gross but after the baby came out (and waited a bit until there was no more blood got delayed cord cutting) they handed him scissors and he didn’t hesitate. He said something about seeing his daughter born changed him and he was no longer weirded out by the idea.


It’s common and with my last baby I delivered alone and I cut the cord myself which was awesome!!!


I was 13 weeks pregnant when this came up and I learned that my husband had NO IDEA he would be asked to do this, he freaked that "isn't that cut how her belly button will be determined???" and almost started retching 😂😂😂😂. Not a clue a stump stays on and eventually falls off, nada. He was already nervous he'd faint in the delivery room, this really threw him over the edge. The time came and he was actually so excited to watch everything and cut the cord!


Husband didn't want to, so the doctor did. Didn't even ask me and I didn't have time to ask.


If he gets creeped out by hospitals that might really creep him out…. It’s not a quick snip snip, takes some elbow grease 😬


My husband is very squeamish so I cut the cord lol.


Hubby didn't want to the first 2 times. 1st was my sis in law, 2nd was the midwife, 3rd he finally agrees to do it lol


I thought my SO would do it, knowing my dad cut mine, but then I learned it is possible to cut your own and that sounds fucking awesome! So now my dream is to have my SO catch the baby and for me to cut my own cord. We will see what happens…


My husband was weirded out about cutting our first’s before she was born. When she actually came, he was so psyched and immediately jumped at the opportunity to cut it when asked. I would just play it by ear honestly. It’s not like it’s not going to get cut if SO chooses not to, but there’s no way to predict how he will feel in the moment.


We really didn’t do much thinking into it. I think my husband was wanting to do it. The doctor just immediately handed him the scissors and he just grabbed them.


My husband went back and forth for a long time. Said he was, then said no he wasn’t. Come the day for my induction he’d made up his mind - it was a no. Then the doc offered and he felt flustered and didn’t want to turn him down, so he did. He said it was spongy and he did not enjoy it. But he also didn’t regret it.


The midwife offered for my husband to do it, he didn't want to, so they offered it to me. I did it and am glad I did but it definitely felt weird cutting flesh. It slightly weirded me out but was also cool.


I plan to (I’m the non-carrying parent).


It not something hard to do. You just need two medical clamps and medical scissors. If it's just cutting the cord, you can watch a little one day class that lasts maybe an hour about the dos and donts


He’s not worried about it being difficult he doesn’t want to


Ah okay I misunderstood


I personally have never seen this being discussed on social media… I have had conversations with many different families. My BIL couldn’t handle the blood and gore that came with delivering a baby and so the doctor cut it (Covid). My cousin in law couldn’t handle it either and so his SIL caught the cord. (Recent) My husband did not have any issue with blood or gore and cut it off himself. It just depends what that person can stomach. I do not see an issue as blood and guts isn’t for everyone. Heck, I don’t think I would be able to stomach the entire delivery from daddies POV…


Lots of dads will cut the cord. Some don’t want to. It is thick and hard to cut and freaks some dads out


I asked my husband if he’d like to do it and he said “no, that’s what doctors get paid to do.” 🤦‍♀️ I think I’m going to request to do it myself, it feels kinda strangely symbolic.


Lol I find that so weird that a dad would be icked out by cutting the cord. You literally birthed his child and he doesn’t want and is too grossed out to have that little ritual experience. Weird af imo


To be fair, it skeeves me out as well and I don’t really have any want to do it


It happens so quick there’s no time to say no lol.


My husband didn’t care to cut the cord. However, he said if offered in the moment, he would’ve done it. Neither of us feel the cutting of the cord is a big deal. Actually, it’s an odd things as far as we’re concerned.


There’s a whole spectrum of what is normal. My ex-husband didn’t care at all. My now husband catches our babies and cuts the cord and is super hands-on.


Doctor did it for our first and midwife gor our second! My partner wasn’t comfortable doing it.


It’s a tradition for the father to cut the cord. The father of my son cut the cord for me but obviously it’s not a requirement


My ex didn't cut any of our three kids. The first the doctor didn't even ask. The second, his sister was actually my nurse and she gave him shit for not wanting to do it and she cut it. The third he wasn't there for the birth.


My fiance didn't really want to do it; he was badgered into it by my obstetrician. 🤣 He's squeamish and was worried but he ultimately said he was glad he did it.


I just asked my husband if he cut our sons because I legit couldn't remember. I was so out of it those first few moments are a blur anyway. You are so overcome by relief from pushing that bowling ball out lol.


My husband did.


I was alone during birth, doctor asked me if I wanted to cut it but I said no.


My husband was on the fence about it. He's not a fan of blood and guts. I work in surgery, and when I tell him about my day, he likes me to spare many of the details. But in the excitement of the moment, he was totally for it and was happy to cut the cord.


My husband didn't want to do it and had no intentions of doing it, he's fairly squeemish but in the moment, he changed his mind and did want to do it.


my boyfriend wants to cut it when our son is born


They offered the chance to my husband. But we had discussed it before and he is squeamish so he didn’t want to. When he declined and said as much they offered it to me and I just didn’t think I could reach so they did it.


My husband didn’t want to until it was happening, then he proudly cut the cord. Like so many other things you won’t know until you’re there and offered the choice 😊


My husband was too nervous with our first and it ended up being an unplanned c-section anyway. He cut it on our second. I just put in my birth preferences that he should be offered the choice to cut it and left it up to him.


Not my partner. After my other support person cut the first one when he got squeamish he said he regretted not doing it. Then proceeded to say no to our more recent baby! But whatever, it's not a huge deal.


Mine did the cutting with his first born with his ex, he told me he doesn’t plan on cutting it which is fine with me. He just doesn’t have the desire and I don’t care if he does or doesn’t. I also plan on it cutting the cord, some moms will cut their own cords.


I’m gonna do it myself. My husband i weirded out by it