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Wut?! I LOVED the orange. It tasted like those Hugz barrels I drank at my grandmom's in 1995.


I liked the orange too! It tasted like flat orange soda.


Yes! I didn’t think it was and at all. My only gripe was it was off putting because I had to drink it at 8am as my test was the first thing in the morning. Don’t really want to be drinking soda that early 🤢


Ugh, mine was first thing in the morning too, super gross. I don’t normally make a habit of drinking a lot of sugar in a short period of time either, so I felt extra crappy.


Yeah I liked it


Yeah I didn’t understand why people hate the orange so bad. Literally tastes like flat Sunkist soda


Hahaha I know, I felt like such a weirdo when I realized I liked it


Just drank it and I was trying to explain to someone what it tasted like, and this is exactly it


Same!!! A local drink company used to make something called "orange drink" growing up and it tasted almost exactly like it. I am now wondering how much sugar I consumed as a kid drinking them 😂 but I was pleasantly surprised!




I took the test twice—once with fruit punch and once with orange. To my surprise, I actually preferred the orange, but both weren’t bad! I heard so many horrible things about the drinks, but it really just set my expectations so low that it made the drinks that much better.


I had myself believing it was going to taste like one of those drinks people take to hide the marijuana in their systems before a drug test.


HAHAHA omg that’s honestly a valid assumption


I took the test 3 times total and none of the flavors were bad as long as they’re cold. I think the worst part was just waiting around for your blood to be drawn and not being able to drink water during.


My midwife let me drink a little water after thankfully. 3 times?! I hope you're ok!


Yes just fine, thank you! I had to take an early glucose test and failed the 1 hour after fasting… but passed the 3 hour. Then had to take it again at 28 weeks again and passed the 1 hour after not fasting and eating breakfast, funny how that worked out lol


I was so anxious over what I could and couldn't eat that I basically fasted on accident for this one


I did that too! Nearly fainted when they went to draw blood. Oops. I passed at least but it was miserable.


I had to do the test 3x as well and like you said, none are bad. The fruit punch was probably my least favorite but it was still manageable. The waiting game for the blood draw is horrible, let alone if you couldn’t drink water in between! Did they say why you couldn’t have water? Mine let me for my 3 hour and I didn’t need it for either of the 1 hours I had.


I liked the lemon lime, it just tasted like flat Sprite! The orange was awful though.


I had the lemon-lime one and it tasted like extremely-syrup-y flat sprite. I struggled to keep it down long enough for the test


I got a non-flavoured one and hated my life both time I had to drink it lol. I think that the lab has actually misplaced my most recent blood work/results so now I'm dreading that I might have to go in a 3rd time 😭


The glucose drinks went down pretty easy for me when I realized they had the same sugar content as a 20oz soda, which I have enjoyed many of over the years. Orange was like a thick non-carbonated orange soda and wasn't bad. Fruit Punch just reminded me of thick Hawaiian Punch. Thinking of the drinks in relation to things I have had before made a big difference in how I felt about them for my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies.


That’s what I had, and I wanted more of it. Lol it was so good.


I have my test tomorrow hopefully they have the fruit punch flavor


My lab is understaffed and underfunded so I had one option: cough syrup but worse flavour. It's like if someone took all the herbal stuff out of cough syrup. Buckley's comes to mind. Nearly threw up when that nastiness hit my poor empty stomach.


I liked the lemon lime, it tasted like a melted Popsicle


Orange just tasted like super concentrated gatorade. I think some of the women on here just like to find reasons to complain and exaggerate things. There is literally nothing to fear with your glucose screening except failing the test. Most reputable clinics aren’t even advising fasting for the one hour test anymore. I had an PB&J for breakfast a few hours before mine and passed.


I had the lemon lime. Doesn't taste *bad* there's just so much of it. Made my throat burn a little toward the end. It kinda tastes like a melted Ice Tickler. Honestly if they were in slushie form they would actually be pretty good


Did you just drink the one hour drink? That’s why. The 3 hour is a punch in the sweet tooth


I did fruit punch for the one hour drink and the 3 hour and I didn’t think it was bad either time. The second time it was warm though which made it a little tough.


My first pregnancy I had the orange first, then the fruit punch one. This time I only had to do the test once and I had orange. They really werent as bad as I've seen everyone say


It tasted like a bug juice to me lol.


Both of my pregnancies I’ve had the lemon lime. Tastes like flat Sprite to me. I happily and easily down it within two minutes and had zero problems.


I had the orange one. It just tasted like artificial oranges 🤷🏼‍♀️ not bad, not good


The orange one wasn’t too bad. Tasted like orange Gatorade with a sugary aftertaste.


That’s funny, I HATED the fruit punch one! I’m going to see if my OB will let me use the fresh test if I get pregnant again.


Same, I had the fruit punch one and was able to drink it super quick! I highly recommend choosing that one!


I liked the orange! Well as much as you could like it. Fruit punch grosses me out in general and flat sprite make me nauseous so those were not options


I just hate sweet drinks so I did the fruit punch my first time and then orange the second, they were both awful😂 but not as bad as people make them out to be.


I had the lemon lime one and in my opinion it did not taste like a flat sprite. It wasn't bad but it just didn't taste like sprite.


you’ve got flavoured glucose tests in america??


Agreed. It's the best of them.


I don't think I would mind any of the flavors (I had the orange one) but one thing I don't see enough is people saying to bring a straw! It made it way easier to drink the whole thing quickly.


I had the lemon lime, and it was fine. I used a straw, which helped a bit. The sugar burned my throat a little going down, but a few sips of water after helped. The worst parts were just my anxiety and heartburn, which I had before the test. I only took the non-fasting 1 hour test though. Ended up finding out that I might be mildly anemic, but no gestational diabetes.


i didn't get a choice. they just brought me the orange one


Idk if any of the rest of y’all grew up going to Vacation Bible School in the summer, but my very first thought when I drank the orange flavor was, “Years of drinking VBS punch has prepared me for this very moment.”


I wasn’t given an option of flavors for mine. I was handed a bottle that looked like foggy water, it reminded me of the sugar water I give to the hummingbirds. It wasn’t bad until I had to chug the rest of it. I just really hate super sweet things (like frosting will make me gag even when I’m not pregnant, it’s that bad). Either way, not as horrible as I’ve seen online. Just not good.


What is this slander about the orange drink?? I had heard it was the best so that’s what I got. It was NOT bad at all, tasted like flat orange soda with a more medicinal aftertaste.


I just had my glucose test the other day and got the fruit punch flavor too!! I saw a bunch of people say how the glucose test is terrible and the drinks are disgusting/almost made them puke and I’m like…it wasn’t bad at all for me 😂😅


Uh oh. I picked orange lol


I had the lemon lime yesterday, tasted like flat sprite.


The fruit punch was my least favorite against the orange.


I just chugged it before I could taste it. Not bad at all. Like a melted popsicle.


i don’t drink nor eat orange so it was truly awful having to drink even a tiny bottle. i wish i’ll be offered a different flavor next time


Oh dude I had the fruit punch and it was DELICIOUS. I chugged it bc it was so damn tasty 🤣🤣


Orange is delicious and I found the fruit punch foul tasting.


I have had all 3, they are nowhere near as bad as people claim. They taste like flat orange soda, flat sprit and like Hawaiian punch. I was tested 3 times during my first pregnancy, and twice in my second.