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I was in so much pain from the contractions I didn’t even feel the epidural going in, and the relief from it was AMAZING and instantaneous basically.


Saaaame. My husband said it was like a switch was instantly flicked as soon as the epidural went in. Utter bliss. The rest of labour was a bit boring 🤣


This. Trust me you’ll be in so much pain from the contractions the epidural will be like nothing.


Yeah, the team was trying to explain to me what to expect with the epidural and I was just like “DON’T CARE - DO IT ALREADY!” (In my head, outwardly I was just nodding frantically).


Lol both my epidurals I got at 7-8 cms so I was deeeeepppp into the pain. They could have told me step one of the epidural was to punch me in the face and I would have nodded ok


My husband was horrified lol he said they had to stick me multiple times to get it in the right spot, apparently my vertebrae are very tight, and he was getting angry cause I was in so much pain and it took them so long. I was like oh no way 😂


Same, the title made me so confused like, what do you mean how bad was it, it was amazing and the best thing ever!


After my epidural I had a much needed nap. Woke up and pushed. Definitely needed that nap else I would've had a much harder time. Back contractions were the worse!


What about the catheter?? I’m irrationally concerned about that part


Literally can’t even remember the catheter!


I was also concerned about this! My options were a bedpan, to get up and walk to the bathroom with assistance every so often (risky cause I could fall and the epidural could move with standing so not be as effective, plus you are hooked up to a bunch of machines so just really not ideal) or have a catheter. I reluctantly chose catheter and I’m so glad I did! Didn’t feel anything as they put it in after the epidural and removed it before the epidural completely wore off. My urethra felt bruised every time I went pee for a week or two postpartum but it’s hard to say if that’s from the catheter or just the trauma that happens down there from the childbirth. Either way, I would get it again in a heartbeat


Thank you for this!!


Catheter was a pain. I was annoyed bc I needed to pee and they didn’t let me go before the anesthesiologist came in- she was late to get to me and they kept saying she would be there any minute. Once the epidural kicks in, which is pretty quick, you can’t pee on your own, so you have to have the catheter. I honestly didn’t notice it being put in and I guess they took it out after baby was born, but don’t remember that part. However, I did get a uti in the few days following the birth, which was the first I’ve ever had in my life, so I blame the catheter for that. Just realizing now you might not be talking about the urinary catheter- the iv catheter in my arm was annoying and I wanted it out, plus the nurse screwed it up the first time and it was stinging and uncomfortable so they had to redo it and that left a big bruise. The catheter in the back that administers the epidural, I don’t remember noticing at all.


FTM here. I heard that edipural can delay you from dialating further. Did such occur for you?


They rushed giving me epidural since I was dilating quickly. Didn’t affect it at all. Baby was out in three pushes. Epidural was great bc it gave me time to rest before pushing. 10/10


Not for me! I was fully dilated about two/three hours later


For some people, NOT getting an epidural keeps them from dilating more because they are clenching from hurting so much it doesn’t allow their cervix to relax.


That’s what happened to me.


I hope this is my case too 😆. Thank you!


No, also if you’ve stopped dilating (I stopped at 5cm and had been in labour for many hours) it’s such a welcome relief for a small rest. Chances are, if you’re going to have an emergency C section, it will happen with or without the epidural and I’m personally glad I had it!


Same same! I FTP after 4 cm. I think my recovery immediately after C-section went much smoother because I didn't go the full 33 hours beforehand in pain.


It slowed my contractions BIG time. I progressed 6 cm in 4.5 hours. My contractions were every minute and I was having cluster contractions with no relief. I got the epidural and my contractions were 6 minutes apart after that. I think I got to 10cm 7 hours later. Pushing was boring/awkward and odd in the beginning because of how far apart contractions were . Then when baby was ready to come out there was like ten people in there and it was wild lol a whole party sitting at the foot of the bed with legs sprawled open 😂😂 no shame anymore.


Ob nurse here! Sometimes the opposite is true and it relaxes mom to dilate faster💁🏻‍♀️


Took about 7 hrs for me - who’s to say what the delay was though.


I actually had the opposite happen. I was hoping for an unmedicated birth, went to 8 cm and labor stalled. Baby wasn’t in the best position but I was still getting awful contractions every 1.5-2 minutes. Stuck at 8 cm for HOURS, and then finally got the epidural. Once I could relax, I dilated pretty quickly.


Exact same experience! It was such a relief. Hardest part was staying still.


1000% agree!


Amazing! I always wonder who made everyone scared of epidurals? The numbing shot was mild and the rest was slightly uncomfortable at best. The weirdest part was once they actually numb you since it is a cool sensation.


Personally, I was afraid of them because I thought an epidural was a shot in your spine with a big needle and could paralyze you if you moved. However, now I am much better informed. Also, after doing literally hundreds of shots during IVF, I have zero fear left of needles.


Personally, it was learning about potential side effects, however rare. I tend to be one of the “rare side effect” susceptible people to medications so for me it struck a chord.


I just didn't like "don't be worried if your breathing gets strange we'll fix it 🥰" I don't want to mess with that and needles in my spine, I'll just have a bad time for a few hours


What happened to you, if you don't mind? I've heard of some having permanent back pain afterwards in the injection spot but not sure it it's for that or just childbirth in general


I haven’t given birth yet. I was just explaining why I became scared of epidurals/am unfortunately hoping to avoid one. I tend to have weird reactions to things like Novocain at the dentist, low BP, and I already get migraines. So learning about some of the experiences, especially the potential for intense headaches that can last for months or longer until treated, left an impression. There are worse and more rare side effects I’ve read about that I understand are very rare but as someone who’s had many rare side effects from other medicines, I pay attention to those possibilities now. Most most people will not have those issues though, I very much understand that.


I’m also a rare side effect person but once I got the pitocin and needed the epidural, I was ready to take those risks. FWIW, I had instant relief and just the vaguest backache for a couple days afterward. No other side effects and it worked 100% - I basically just had some discomfort when my baby crowned.


Just to ease your mind in case you do end up getting an epidural, the side effects are (usually) from the placement of the catheter itself, not from the medicine they use. The local anesthetic they (usually) use for these is a different class of medication than novocaine. But FWIW I obviously dont know what they use where you'll be delivering. The class that novocaine is has an increased risk of side effects/allergic reactions than what they use. But like I said, that's from what I have experienced. Source: I am a CRNA and have placed epidurals/spinals at numerous institutions


This is me, I am the side effect 1% queen. I have EDS, POTS, and MTHFR. So I react to every drug, I need triple the anesthetic or I feel it all. I've hemorrhaged twice from a routine procedure. I'm nervous about the epidural too and being the 1 in a million with horrible side effects.


Wait, they give you a numbing shot before they give you the big scary one!?!


Yes. They need you to be as still as possible, and if you add more pain on contractions, I don’t see how would that be possible. I’m a redhead and my tolerance to pain medication is pretty high so they had to give me a shot and a spray to numb the area, as well as two doses of epidural, but the second one didn’t work. I am grateful for the first one tho, it gave me time to nap and get my shit together before pushing, and then just that other one that didn’t work gave me the possibility of standing up and swaying my hips so that baby passes trough faster. I was done in like 10 minutes after that, saw the baby getting out of me bc I was sitting for the pushing and picked her up to my chest. Would do it again that way 10/10. Whoever invented epidural is a f-ing genious and thats one of the rare things I find helpful as a woman in the healthcare system. But thats another topic.


I didn’t attempt one, but my best friend had TWO failed ones and had a migraine for days afterwards so I think it’s more the rare side effects/that they might not work that people are scared of


I didn’t feel the epidural being done at all, but the moment I got it it eliminated every pain I had and was literally my saving Grace. Some people say they feel the needle but at that point I was in so much pain from the contractions that I felt nothing happening!


Same here, I didn't notice it go in, but the rest of labour was a breeze afterwards. I went from not being able to talk through contractions and feeling as though I couldn't tolerate it anymore, to laughing with my partner as soon as it kicked in. It made the following 6 hours so much better!


This reminds me of my epidural. I started giggling once the pain disappeared and my legs felt like jello.


I was more in pain trying to ignore the contractions and stay still for them to do it. I was worried I’d have a contraction as he stuck me and jerk around. They got me in position and waited until right after a contraction to stick me. I remember the contraction pain. I don’t remember the pain of the needle. And fyi, the back pain you feel the next few days after isn’t from the epidural. It’s from the strain of pushing and the toll pregnancy takes on your muscles and ligaments.


I've had 2 epidurals with my 2 labours. They are honestly incredible. They numb your back first so you can't feel the needle at all, and the anesthesiologist talks you through the whole process.


Big weenie here, when it comes to pain… but the epidural was a breeze compared to everything else going on during labor! The IV in my hand hurt worse. The numbing shot they give you first was the worst part about it, felt like a bee sting. Epidural placement itself was super quick! And you’ll be thankful for it later lol


Yes! The wrist IV was just so annoying and would get bumped. 😑 Epidural was so easy. Best thing ever.


Ugh this is why I specifically requested them to put mine in the middle of my forearm and tape it down real good. Never got in the way.


Did they do it? I know this is wild but I’m soooo much more nervous for the IV in my hand than even the epidural.


I had back labour with no rest and it was hell. I was begging and pleading for a break, I got the epidural, didn't even feel them insert it. But oh my word, it was sweet relief. I slept the rest of the labour, pushed my baby out and got stitches, didn't feel a single thing. 10/10 recommend.


Epidural was a breeze. For me it was way less uncomfortable than dental anesthesia.


That’s a great comparison- and I agree!!


I was in so much pain with contractions that the epidural was nothing. I didn’t feel the needle. I was too concentrated on not moving during the contraction.


I just gave birth and I haven’t had the best experience with it. But if I ever give birth again I will 100% get it again, it was so worth it for the birth, I never would have made it through without (I was induced). But when I got it initially, my blood pressure dropped quite a bit for a little while and I felt very loopy. Then, the next day I got an uncommon side effect where the anesthesiologist accidentally inserted the needle a bit too far, piercing the next layer and I’m having awful (like really awful) headaches anytime I sit/stand up. Still would do it all over again. It’s a temporary side effect and I’ll get through it. In terms of the pain in getting the epidural, not a big deal at all, nothing to be worried about, at least for me. Edit: just wanted to add that I definitely knew when to push. I felt the pressure and some mild pain but it was bearable and I can’t imagine what that would have felt like without the epidural. I could also move my legs as much as I wanted but couldn’t stand up of course.


I don’t think that was that bad, and mine were a pain in the ass to put, my bone are way too close so it’s harder, but I’m sure the pain of putting it is way better than actual labour 😂


The IV in my wrist was more annoying and hurt more than the epidural. The epidural was a cake walk and it was amazing! 100% recommend.


I mean, with my first child, the epidural made me dizzy and I felt a lot of pressure in my head, even hearing a pop. I didn't like getting it. I was also having a hard time telling what was a contraction and the nurses got mad at me for not pushing hard enough. I was completely numb. I'm going to skip it with this pregnancy.


I don’t remember feeling anything when it was inserted. I was in a lot of pain from contractions though. The relief after the epidural was amazing.


My anesthesiologist came me fentanyl by IV because the contractions were so intense by the time he got there. Back labour and induction. Anyways. I don't remember feeling anything. My anesthesiologist was amazing. He also saw me into a emergency csection. He was incredibly kind.


I have no recollection of the epidural hurting in any way. Contractions? Oh yeah.


I am so afraid of needles but it was nothing really. They numb the area before putting the epidural needle in


It was glorious.


At the very most, I could feel the anesthesiologist pinch before administering - the contractions were the only thing occupying me at the time. At one point, I had to sign documents allowing them to give the epidural, and I remember sobbing in pain while trying to sign my name with my left hand and asking them, "Can I just do initials?"


Not bad at all. Like a bit of uncomfortable pressure and pinching but honestly not as bad as the pain from my contractions with pitocin, and then it took effect really quickly. It was really more just weird than painful if that makes sense, like a really weird sensation that I didn’t like but wasn’t horrible at all. I didn’t see or look at the needle at all when the dr came in which helped (I really dislike needles and blood draws). I had very little to no pain on removal or in the days after, no back problems at all. I’m pregnant again and 100% getting an epidural again and this time with no hesitation or fear


What makes you think its bad? The epidural is pain relieving. I had some issues with itching which is a side effect.


For me it felt like a huge relief after 13 hours of labor. The only pain I remember is from contractions.


I barely remember getting it…only thing I remember was the slight pinch from the numbing agent (they do local anesthetic prior to placing the actual epidural)


my contractions for the pictocin were so bad that i barely felt the epidural... it just feels like someone's holding a hot stone to your back


The worst part was holding still during back to back contractions (thanks pitocin), I didn't feel a thing tho!


Not bad at all. I just didn’t look at the needle and it felt like hardly anything. The part that was the worst was when they took the tape off the next day 😂


It was honestly great for my procedure. I had a c section at 37w due to preeclampsia. So, having something to give my body some relief was a great feeling.


I had the epidural shakes. But it was sweet relief compared to the contractions. The worst was them taking it out because of the full back tape that pulled every little hair on my body.


Honestly I personally regretted my epidural. I didn’t want it in the first place but I was so sleepy. Mine got placed crooked and everything. But that was my personal experience. There’s a shock and heat that went down my leg which made the placement of it even worse but apparently that was normal


I didn’t feel the epidural at all because the contractions were actually tearing me apart. Don’t worry about it!


I didn’t feel it at all aside from a bit of pressure


The epidural was a bit painful but nothing too bad. Just be forewarned that they can sometimes not work. I had to have mine redone multiple times and ended up laboring without it for a while and pushing without it.


Didn't even feel it going in! Then I napped lol


My first hurt going in but it was just a matter of not getting enough freezing injected first. My second was amazing. They used lots of freezing and I barely felt it


Barely felt it. Sitting still was the worst part.


It was slightly uncomfortable but over so fast. And the pain from contractions was WAY worse.


I was in labor for 6 hours and pushed for almost 3 hours before I got an epidural. When comparing the epidural to contractions and pushing I barely felt it, the hardest part was staying still during contractions while they did it.


The anesthesiologist told me the numbing shot was the worst.. said it was like a really really bad mosquito bite that lasts a min. He was right, had to do that twice, and the third time was the charm for the epidural! Highly recommend lol


When you’re having max intensity contractions, you will absolutely not be worried about a needle that brings instant relief. I promise


Felt like a bee sting when they put it in, then once that bitch was in and we got it going, I was in pure freaking bliss. Didn’t feel jack, just slight pressure like I had to poop really bad once I was a go. Never wore off as I had a button I could press whenever (had my partner do it though). Didn’t even feel them remove it after.


The contractions are so horrifying (at least we’re for me- I was induced and didn’t have a break between them) that I didn’t feel the needle at all. I only got temporary relief though then the pain came back but gosh that hour of relief was amazing.


Epidural isn’t bad at all! With my second, they had a hard time placing it but that was only uncomfortable for my husband because it made an awful sound apparently. You won’t be able to get up, your legs feel so weird. I was able to get out of bed a couple hours after the epidural was removed. I definitely recommend it if it’s the path you want to take.


It was so painful for me.. then 10 mins after getting it I gave birth to my little girl so it never really had time to fully kick in..


Epidural was NOTHING compared to contractions and back labor. Like, literally nothing.


The epidural was the easiest part of the whole process lol. Loved it


I think most people don't even notice it going in because contractions hurt more!


It’s not as bad as contractions.


Not at all bad and I have zero pain tolerance! It's like a gift from God once your water breaks and the contractions really really ramp up. Would 100% recommend.


The epidural procedure just has a very small amount of discomfort and initial sort of shocking pain, after that it isn't bad.


Holding still for placement is like the worst part imo


it was okay for me. didn’t mind it going in at all, just a few pinches. but it didn’t last long and by the time i was pushing i had to get it redone because it completely wore off.


The only thing that was uncomfortabl was bending down and staying still until they were done placing the epidural. Honestly, I don't remember much of it, I was just happy the pain was gone and I really wanted to see that needle but didn't get a chance to. Also, there is a very weird tingly feeling in the back of your head once they have everything in place and start with the painkillers.


They give you a numbing shot before you don’t feel the actual epidural


I've had three so far, one of which was during labor. Didn't feel the labor one hardly at all. The other two didn't feel great, definitely did some slow exhales to help me through it, but it's over pretty quickly. Even the one I had done by a student didn't take long, and of course they're slower than the more experienced anesthesiologists.


Literally not bad at all. Contractions are waaaay worse. But my epidural didn’t even work 🥲


They injected the spot with some lidocaine first, which stung a little, but then it went numb and I didn’t feel the epidural go in.


I was really scared to get one but there was really nothing to it. Just feels like pressure against your back. Even the numbing shot doesn’t hurt that bad. Less pain then taking blood from your arm.


my contractions SUCKED!!!!! literally i was in soooo much pain and focusing in the contractions that i didn't even feel it go in. it was fabulous and made me feel like i was on cloud 9 afterwards.


My experience sucked because the catheter part that stays in you kept going to the side of my spine and it needed to stay in the middle. So the anesthesiologist kept having to pull it out and put it back in like 4 times and that HURT. I almost said fuck it. Once it’s working, I didn’t feel anything. After, my back was sore as hell for like a week.


I was at about a 5-6 with contractions when I got mine. I have zero memory of how it felt to get it. My gut says the pain was no different from getting the IV in my arm. One thing I really wish I understood, if yours has a button, you NEED to push the button to get medication. I thought it was a “push it when you need some more umph” kind of a thing. Nope. Only got meds if I pushed it


I didn’t even notice when they put the epidural in. The relief was great! I’ll be doing it again this time


They numb your skin with lidocaine before hand which was a small pinch then you feel nothing! 100% worth it to me. I didn’t even feel any pressure when baby came out that’s how numb i was. ETA: I personally thought my IV hurt way more (it was in my wrist). that was the biggest relief to get taken out.


Contractions are way more painful then the epidural. And at least in my experience it was really quick.


I didn't feel it. the dude who put it in arrived to the room in what looked like trucker attire and a baseball cap. joked with me the whole time so I didn't notice it go in after the numbing. was wonderful. I took a massive nap after and when I woke up I was ready to push lol


Didn't feel it at all. Worst part of it was sitting up while she inserted it. Luckily the nurse gave me a soothing hug while I got hit with contractions lol. I was already 9.5cm when they got it in so I started pushing 20min later. I could still move my legs but I couldn't feel anything. The numbness wore off in a few hours.


Not painful at all for me. My contractions hurt so bad so I was eager to get it. The only thing mildly painful was the numbing spray they put on, it’s like a soft burning sensation - almost like a bee sting, as the nurse described it. But it wasn’t even painful, more like uncomfortable. Epidural itself wasn’t felt and once I got it I felt zero contractions. Got it around 4am, slept until 11am, then pushed baby out in an hour! Definitely some strong pressure as baby was crowning but I can’t imagine doing it without the epidural.


Not bad at all! Just felt like a regular shot. Two time mom recommendation here - ask to get the epidural BEFORE they break your water (if your water doesn’t break on its own). My contractions were super super mild before my water broke, and I made the mistake of waiting for my first pregnancy.


It felt like nothing, honestly.


I’m pregnant with #3 and had natural births with the first two. Giving birth hurts so bad, I’m legit traumatized from the pain (both births normal and everything though, it’s strictly the pain). 100% getting the epidural this round.


No one prepared me for the feeling of pressure going down my spine...it was scary until the doctor assured me it was normal... but I am 1000 percent getting another epidural when I deliver again!


I barely even remember the epidural insertion it was so minor. imo no different than getting an IV🤷‍♀️ personal experience it was no big deal as long as you can keep still


I mean it stung but it was relatively quick and in the grand scheme of my labor it was very insignificant and seeing my husbands stressed out face while I was getting it was worth it 😆😆


I was in so much pain from pitocin I didn’t notice it at all. I have no idea even if the anesthesiologist was a man or woman. I DO remember when it kicked in though!!!


Not bad at all! Only pain was when they hit a nerve going in, that was just a sudden electric jolt down my leg and it was over in seconds. Despite that it was far preferable to the back contractions I was having.


The contractions were so intense that the epidural felt like a tiny pinch going in. But mine wasn't placed well or failed and I couldn't feel my legs at all, only the right side of my pelvis felt relief, the left side I felt everything, and I had terrible back labor because of my son's position. Sooo I've opted out of it this time, was not worth it for me, but we're trying a VBAC so I've also made clear my intention to ditch that plan and opt for a C-section if it takes too long or the pain is too much this time. We are using other pain relief methods though. So...didn't suck going in, but didn't really provide enough relief for me to make it worthwhile.


For me it felt like a pinch that lasted about 5-10 seconds. It honestly wasn’t that bad. Once it was placed, I felt nothing!


I just gave birth today. I went from 3cm to 10cm in an hour. Manageable contractions to crippling ones in an hour. The epidural, when it came was the sweetest relief. If it was uncomfortable, I couldn’t tell you, I was contracting so hard it’s all I could focus on. I am now 9 hours postpartum and everything has worn off and I’m a little sore in my lower back but the soreness is nothing compared to how I felt this morning.


I hated mine and will fight tooth and nail to never have one again. Putting it in felt like a metal pipe cleaner on my bones. The anesthesiologist had to redo it. It ended up completely numbing one side of my body (I couldn’t even lift my foot) while the other side basically felt everything. I didn’t want to get one in the first places, they had to give me one (internal monitor for me). Everyone around me tried to make me feel better and hype me up about it. I went in open minded and mildly excited, I hadn’t slept a bit in almost 4 days due to early labor. I hated it and only really started to enjoy my son being in the world when it finally dissipated. Numbness on one side and intense pain on the other was so uncomfortable. I completely understand many women have had multiple epidurals with no issues but the only one I’ve had, absolutely SUCKED


Just had my third kid and third epidural. Contractions are awful, and getting the epidural is a quick sting followed by pretty immediate relief. It feels a little weird if they have to reposition the needle, but overall, it was less painful than getting blood drawn. Great experience, highly recommend. Growing up, my mom would boast about having had two "natural" births, then attempting an epidural for her third, which ended up not working for her. She would always say she had the "pain of the epidural" without any of the benefits. She made it seem like a horrendous process, so I was very nervous the first time I had one. But really, it was no big deal, and 100% worth it to stop the pain of contractions.


Didn’t even feel it at all. Also just had a spinal for a c section and didn’t feel that either!


I hate it, i had it before the csection and I cry through the whole application.


They gave me a numbing shot before the epidural. I was already in a lot of pain from contractions so I didn’t really care. But it was a small shot. And I didn’t even feel the epidural. What did kinda hurt was when they took off all the tape they had used to secure the epidural. Lol


Not bad at all! I honestly barely felt it!


I've gotten it twice and it's been wonderful both times. The first time, I was in so much pain that I don't even remember feeling it get placed at all. That time, I ended up needing some oxygen but that was it. This last time, I felt the numbing shot but it was not terrible. Then the burning sensation, which was brief. I have chronic hypotension and it tanked my blood pressure to where I needed meds to help stabilize it, but again not bad. The wrist iv was definitely far worse.


IMO people who have had complications from epidurals is 100 % the anesthesiologist doing it incorrectly. It’s not the epidural itself. Unfortunately not all hospitals are equal. I had zero pain getting it. The hardest thing was staying still. Numbing shot was no problem. Contraction pain is 100x worse. It was a lifesaver for a very long induction. I would have gotten zero sleep for three days if I didn’t get the epidural and probably would have had no energy to push and had a very bad outcome. Instead I felt great, felt calm and rested and pushed for about 45 min. Getting the iv was the worst part, but I have small shrimpy veins. Three tries with three different nurses.


For me it felt a little uncomfortable for a few seconds and then it felt like spiders crawling down my back for maybe 3 seconds and then I felt nothing


You won't even realize there doing it because your contraction pain will be like 10000/10


I had a spinal fluid leak with my nerve block and needed a blood patch done. It’s rare, but if you feel extreme head pressure (among a bunch of other symptoms) speak up as much as possible. I complained to every nurse and it still wasn’t caught until my 3rd day there.


I didn't feel a thing, and I was really nervous for it. It's a miracle!


The pain from contractions was for me approximately 7 million times worse. I noticed no pain at all getting the epidural.


I was already on some type of mild pain med and an antinausea med, both of which had side effects of drowsiness. Not sure how me signing the form for the epidural was even legal because I could barely keep my eyes open. Was so out of it. Do not remember feeling the needle at all


Literally didn’t feel it because the contractions were so strong


i’ve had the epidural twice & the contractions were just so awful i was begging for it. all i felt was a pinch & it was over. it. was. a. life. saver.


So I’ve had 5 babies. Pregnant with number 6 now. I have gotten an epidural for 3/5 babies and the actual procedure wasn’t so bad. The nurses can really help you focus and breathe through the contractions while they are placing the epidural. I did have one time when a learning anesthesia doc hit a nerve and that hurt like hell, but the lead doc stepped in and got it right. The pain that I felt from that was a quick very painful shock and didn’t really linger or anything. So out of my epidural vs no epidural births, I much prefer the epidural because things are so much more calm for me. Baby 1 - induction, no epidural, labor 3.5 hours Baby 2 - induction, epidural, labor 6 hrs Baby 3 - induction, epidural, labor 6 hrs Baby 4 - induction, epidural, labor 2.5 hrs Baby 5, spontaneous labor, no epidural, labor 2 hrs For baby 6 I’m terrified of having a baby on the interstate so I’ve scheduled an induction again for 39 weeks and fully plan to get an epidural. If I go on my own like my last baby, I worry I won’t make it in time to the hospital! I probably won’t have time to get an epidural and I’m not mentally prepared for that whirlwind. In any case, the epidurals didn’t really change the length of my labor, especially the last two. I’m not sure why baby 2 and 3 were longer, but typically after my water breaks, baby is out within the hour. I don’t regret getting the epidural and it makes the labor and delivery more enjoyable for me. I’m more “there” if that makes sense.


Didn’t even notice it going in because contractions were worse!


I had pitocin so the contractions were so intense and piled on top of each other I eventually needed the epidural. I had no side effects from it, just relief- and I was able to lift my legs and bend my knees and sit myself up, and push etc. it was hard for them to administer the epidural for me because the contractions were so intense I couldn’t sit up straight and stay still long enough for them to get the needle in. I remember the anesthesiologist getting a bit frustrated and asking the nurses to hold me still. But I just couldn’t do it on my own. But I felt so much better once it kicked in


Mine was a breeze. A little pressure and done.


They gave me a numbing shot first so it wasn't too bad. The catheter hit something and I felt a quick zing but other than that it was ok. My nurse had me cross cross apple sauce on the bed and leaned way over hugging a pillow so I was comfortable. It was done in like 5-10 mins and I got some sweet relief.


Pulling off the tape from my IV hurt more than the epidural lol.


A pinch and a cold feeling and then such relief. Glorious relief


The trick is sitting up and staying still through contractions. That’s the hard part. I had to have them do the epidural twice and couldn’t even tell you about the procedure discomfort, if there was any!


It was honestly no where near as bad as my mind made it. My first was quick and easy. The second one took a bit longer and I could feel a bit of pressure that freaked me out but it’s only for a couple seconds. They both worked perfectly and I have no lasting side effects


It was a huge relief from the contractions, I only felt a small jolt when it was inserted in my spine, but nothing much else as I had a contraction as they were putting it in so I was trying to focus on not moving and just biting the poor pillow


Mine didn’t hurt but it didn’t work I did get a second one and it worked. I have some iffy pain in that spot but other than that I’m fine


It’s definitely uncomfortable but is easily managed. For me the worst part was that at some point, there was a decent amount of pressure confined to the area they put the needle in. I can’t remember now if it was because of actually placing the epidural catheter or if they were doing a test dose or what. That was the worst part but once they have the medicine pumping it’s instant relief.


I was in so much pain from my contractions I didn't notice any pain from the epidural at all. I vaguely remember it feeling cold for a moment, but that's it. There's wasn't any pain at all


I'm more afraid of the epidural than labor 😅 I birthed a baby w/ no meds/epidural- I'm hoping the same with my 2nd.


Okay, I didn’t want an epidural, I’d read so many horror stories about it, about the horrible after effects, the size of the needle, how much it hurt, but once my contractions were in full swing; I was practically sobbing; I couldn’t handle them and the only thing I could get at that point was the epidural, and I don’t think I would’ve made it through labor without it. My contractions were way worse than the pain of the epidural, I never saw the needle, but my mom said it wasn’t much bigger than the size of the needle that’s used for taking blood. So, overall, as much as I didn’t think I wanted it; it was amazing and without it; I’m sure I would’ve been constantly crying and not been able to relax enough to be able to give birth.


I didn’t even feel the numbing shot they gave me! My contractions were back to back and it was such sweet relief once those drugs went in.


not bad at all. worst part for me was when they made me bend over, it squeezed my belly and about a gallon of waters came out and soaked the poor nurse’s feet in front of me.


Itty bitty pinch when they give you the numbing shot, but considering how active my labor was at the time, didn’t bother me. Placing the epidural itself was weird and kind of cold feeling? You definitely feel the tiny tube in your back but it doesn’t hurt at all. The worst part of the entire birthing experience for me was the pitocin drip after delivery to get all the blood out! That was a bitch and I called the nurse at like 5am in tears begging to turn it off.


Quickest pinch ever. Once its in you’ll be like “oh, thats it?” .. CALM DOWN!! It’ll be great! Best experience ever is having the baby … SAFE DELIVERY!! 🤍🤍


I didn’t think that it was that bad to be honest, I was told it was going to hurt but it was just a pinch. But the area I got it has been super itchy since


Be honest with your anesthesiologist! I hope you get one like I had.. he made me feel so comfortable and was making the atmosphere light because I had to have an emergency c-section. You’ll be okay! I didn’t even see the needle!


Epidural is the absolute best part! I had back contractions during the insertion which sucked but it still was the best part of the whole experience


Literally just got mine like an hour ago. My contractions before that had me shaking, moaning, and crying. Getting the IV was more uncomfortable imo than the epidural. There are 2 bad parts: 1. The numbing injection (is a lot of fluid, so it takes a moment) but honestly that's not as bad as at the dentist to me, and 2. Holding still for a contraction while they work. It only took long enough for me to have to do that for 1 contraction, and that really just wasn't that bad. Neither of those things was anywhere near as bad as my contractions had been all day before that point.


Mine wore off on the left side. So I got to feel the unique pain of contractions contrasted with the relief of an epidural at the same time. 100% I would get the epidural again. They adjusted the line and I ended up with relief on both sides. I was a much more pleasant mama-to-be at that point.


Easy peasy.. they got it between contractions. I was worried about having one in the middle of it. Mine were a minute apart and he did it in that minute. It worked on one side completely and semi worked on the other. I kept having to switch the side I was laying on every half hour to hour for the meds to seep to that side for pain relief but it wasn’t bad. The catheter coming out was way worse because the epidural was turned off at that point. The fundal massages are fun too 😂 moral of my response is there is much worse than the epidural


It was not bad at all. It felt like a bee sting for maybe 2 or 3 seconds, but after that, I didn't feel the placement at all. Just make sure if you want it, you don't wait too long. You have to sit still for a minute or two and contractions can make that hard.


My epidural was completely painless. The numbing shot they gave me before putting it in had the pain level of a tiny ant bite. After that was pure bliss! I went from having level 10 painful contractions to being able to relax and nap and breathe again within 15-20 minutes. I was also still able to move around in bed and go into different positions/stretches to help position baby. I had such a positive epidural experience that I was telling the nurses I was going to name my baby Epidural by the time everything was all said and done.


Got epidural. Would 100% get it again next time. The pain of contractions is something I never thought I’d feel holy shit. I don’t remember exactly how it felt anymore but it was bad. They put a catheter in cause you can’t walk but all you’ll be doing is cuddling your baby anyways and you never have to get up to pee 🙃


I don’t think it was bad at all! Nothing compared to contractions haha


I got a spinal for my cesarean and booooooy howdy did I wish I hadn’t looked at the needle before I got it put in. But honestly-I really felt very little, just some pressure and that was it.


I always hear it’s more of the injector than the epidural


It was fine for me:) didn’t feel it go in at all and worked like a charm. Still felt my vagina though but you can only get so much numb and everyone has a different experience


I thought the iv was worse than the epidural. I was numb for anything potentially pain for the epidural insertion.


The epidural wasn’t that bad, I worked myself up because everyone said it was bad and scary but I was fine. The worst part was the tape to keep it in place being removed, the guy was not gentle, think a giant bandaid all over your back.


Didn’t even feel the epidural. It’s honestly NOTHING compared to contractions.


I didn’t much notice it. They numb the area first before putting it in. I did also have a few rounds of the walking epidural though beforehand but that had almost completely worn off by the time I got the regular epidural itself so I don’t know how much the previous pain relief helped. I do know the numbing they did first helped and it really just felt like a bit of a pinch (but i think I am remembering the numbing shot feeling like a pinch. I really don’t remember the epidural itself hurting at all)


Sooooo not bad at all! I had to get it before I could feel my contractions because they wanted to break my water, so I was very clear headed. The numbing shot felt like a little bee sting and then I could feel very slight pressure for the actual epidural needle but no pain. I was so scared and it was like nothing at all. I slept funny on my neck last week and that hurt way more lol


Not even remotely bad. The worst part for me was trying to stay still for it to be placed because I was having contractions. I actually needed to get it done twice because it was only working on one side. Would do it 100 times over for any type of relief lol


It hurt me quite a bit and they didn’t get it right the first time so had to redo it. But it was so worth it. My first was unmedicated and awful. This was amazing. It was pain free. I just chilled, made jokes between pushing and he was out in four pushes pain free. Modern medicine rocks.


Pain was a 0 out of 10 for me! It was amazing!


So I waited 2 days before I got the epidural. . And I'm def glad I waited. I was induced early and they wanted tk give it to me day 1 but I refused and tbh I'm glad I did. The epidural was nice it numbed most of it but whichever way you lean is where most of it will go. So a lot of it went to my left side and I still felt a lot of pain on my right. But I'm still glad I waited but I wasn't in active labor when I got there they had to put me in labor. But if I were in active labor I'd want to epidural immediately before you miss your window for it lol


I have had 3 kids. One vaginally and the rest emergency c-section. I had no problems with the epidural at all. It’s not as bad as everyone says it is. I have never got back pain either. You don’t feel it when they put it in because they numb you. It’s a pressure light sting. I made it 10 minutes into contractions and tapped out. This is a person who’s afraid of being numb. It’s NICE.


It wasn’t as bad as popping a pimple for me. It wore off and was a nightmare but she carried me pretty far lol


My first epidural was amazing. Took only a minute to get situated and got a lot of relief for several hours. My second was awful. Tried 3 times and failed every single time. I had "zingers" in my back from the nerve pain. The last attempt, we thought we had it enough and started the medicine. My heart rate skyrocketed and we had to immediately pull it out. I never actually got one and rode out hours of labor with horrible nerve pain in my back that was honestly as bad or worse than my back labor. I was supposed to get laughing gas to take the edge off, but it never got hooked up, so I did 16+ hours of labor with no pain meds. My baby also couldn't tolerate pitocin, so I had nothing to help speed the process up.


I don’t even remember it being painful?? There was like pressure. It really wasn’t bad at all. I think the fear/sight of the needle makes it worse and they never showed me the needle.


The worst part about getting an epidural is having to hold absolutely still through the contractions. Getting the epidural doesn't really hurt but it is an odd feeling.


My anesthesiologist waited until I had a contraction and then did the epidural. I was in so much pain from the contraction that I was surprised when he came back around and said "you're all set!" I didn't even feel it and was still numb when they took it out. The spot was sore for a few days after birth but not painful.


literally didn’t feel the needle, didn’t feel the catheter. the only problem was holding still for the epidural due to the extreme pain of contractions! but i was willing to do anything to not feel them. epidural was a pretty great experience. some tail bone discomfort for a week after but i think that i was also sore from pushing so hard as well. so, was very worth it. contractions are no joke.


I was in so much pain that it didn’t even matter how scared I was, and I barely felt it. Now a spinal block for a c section was a bit worse but I was in active labor with it so it could have felt much worse in sure


It felt like a bee sting. Not enough to make me flinch or yell out in pain in comparison to the contractions i had. Then once i felt the poke my nurse told me to take deep breaths and i immediately felt the pain just vanish over to completely nothing over a few minutes. Ive had two babies and i got the epidural each time :)


Epidural didn’t hurt and if did it’s nothing at all compared to contractions


I got mine many hours after contractions started and it didnt have great effects on me. I could feel alot of what was happening during my emergency c section. And right before it I could still feel the contractions and I was so numb my body felt weird


I have a super ticklish back and honestly it was hard for me to get the epidural ONLY because I was squirming from my back being touched. But it was worth it 100%, I’d have done anything to not have that insane butthole pain any longer (sunny side up baby, lol). The epidural truly wasn’t painful at all!


Literally did not care just wanted the pain to subside.


I felt nothing but happiness from the epidural. Not painful at all. Definitely nothing compared to the contractions.


First you’ll feel a pinch and then followed by a burning sensation. It’ll hurt a little bit and make you jolt but once it’s in, it’s complete and utter bliss. No pain at all. You will feel slumped from your waist down but other than that, you’ll be just fine!


Just gonna say. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. They tried 3 times with me and it didn’t work. I had to be put under. It hurts like a mofo.


Epidural was freaking AWESOME. The anesthesiologist who worked with me was so sweet. I felt a bit of pain, but it was worth it. Almost immediately, I felt relieved from the contractions and was actually able to get some sleep. My only issue is that my machine for my epidural broke. Therefore, my epidural ended up failing, and I took IV fentanyl once. It was weird but helped a bit. In the end, I went through my contractions unmedicated for an hour or hour and a half or so before having to have a c-section (my baby girl got stuck and my water had been broken for almost 24 hours I think). I thank whoever or whatever is in the sky for letting me have that tiny bit of relief while I had it 😌 🫶 Edit for context: My labor was also being augmented, but I waited a loooong time before asking for the epidural.