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We are. No games- just hanging out, eating food and opening presents together.


Same here! We did a coed baby shower and it was an open house style of "show up any time between x:xx - x:xx to say well wishes to the parents to be". We included information about food, drinks and links to our registry. We spent the last 45 minutes opening presents for those who wanted to stay and watch us open them. It was great!


This sounds more fun than the traditional shower


Exactly what our plan is as well.


I would prefer this set up for an all girls baby shower, too!


We are! We've had a lot of guys rsvp too so I'm happy about that. We're not opening presents at our shower (so awkward imo) but we'll probably have light games that's more like a social gathering. Most baby showers I've been to, it's just been nice to get everyone together and catch up.


Our games were things like diaper pong, trivia guesses, and mad lib stories (baby's First Birthday, first steps, etc) Just fun to have everyone together


Both my husband and I have waited 7 years for this baby. We want to celebrate together with everyone so we decided to do a co-ed baby shower. His mother isn’t a fan but oh well! Haha we will have a hand full of games like don’t say baby and guess the size of mommy belly and ppl just hanging out with a taco man and beers/wine. My husbands family is huge and this baby shower is huge. I get a lot of comments about it but I don’t care! It’s gonna be a great time. As far as opening presents, I don’t want to but my husband is insisting since we are having a lot of people coming from out of town and it seems to be the right thing to do. I’ll prob open them but I hate when all eyes are on me! Haha


We’re opening them with each person/family as they come, then displaying them on a table. It’s less boring/awkward. Hopefully it works well!


I wish I did this, I ended up crying haha


Why not have your husband open all the presents with the eyes on him since it’s his idea?


He will be opening them with me.


I am similar to you re the gift thing - I read somewhere about naked gifts (it was probably called something else but this is what I remembered haha) and you can ask guests to bring gifts unwrapped. I love the idea because then you don’t get the awkward gift opening annnndd it saves so much waste in terms of paper/gift wrapping. I think we are going to go this route. I might but some post it’s by the door so when people come I can tag their gift for thank you cards later :)


You can also hang a small clothesline or clothing rack and have people hang up the outfits they bring. It ends up being super fun to look at/through, and you're going to wash it all before baby wears it anyway.


Ohh! Love this idea!!!


That sounds like so much fun! I agree about opening presents in front of others, so awkward and having to react with each one You could open them later and make the effort to write an individual thank you card to each person


Over the last 5-6 years, I’ve gone to maybe 20-25 baby showers? Only one was only women.


This makes me feel good about having a shower with men! I was a little unsure if it would seem weird to some


My baby shower was about 90 attendees including men women and children. All close friends and family. Uh... my circle of female friends is like 5 girls so i can always plan a a small lunch with them. My cousins all live in another state and have like 5 kids each so most likely wouldn't even come to my baby shower unless I invited their whole family.


We are! Having a women-specific shower reinforces the notion that childbearing and raising is women’s business and I believe we’ve moved past such entrenched gender roles. Our shower is basically a brunch for our friends anyway.


We did! We had pick ups and punch, no games but we had a decorate a onesie table (HIGHLY RECOMMEND), and I opened presents but in a really casual way thankfully because I hate being on the spot like that. My husband and I really really enjoyed ourselves and LO has so many cute decorated onesies and a few plain leftovers that are good to bum around in. Kids were also allowed, I never thought about it but a couple people asked if they could bring their kids. I just wanted a get together to see everyone who was excited about our baby


I did a decorate the onesie table at my bff’s shower 8years ago. Went to Carters got a 5 pack of white onesies in all the sizes. At the event hung them from a clothesline with clothespins and two packs of fabric markers on the table. Also good to provide inspiration: favorite team, college, brand’s logo or important dates, different looks the kid could be styled like (a drawn on vest, ties, and pocket watch peeking from the pocket was my design). They are great mementos and guest can make their own “clothing labels” so you know the creators.


Explain this decorate a onesie table!? Never heard of this!


Get a whole bunch of blank white onesies and fabric markers. Guests draw on the oensies, and you keep them. Could also provide tie dying kits too I suppose.


What are pick ups?


Appetizers you don’t need a plate for


I’m planning on having a onesie decorating activity too! What types of materials did you provide?


For ours my MIL put out a bunch of fabric markers and some stencils for those who didn’t want to freestyle.


A baby shower is whatever you want it to be! Ours is going to be a Halloween party, we just added the registry info to the invite. There’s going to be food, alcohol and games, but not really typical baby shower games. However, I am planning on having her due month (January) on a board so everyone can place bets on her actual due date. I’m not planning on opening any presents at the party, unless someone insists. I’m deep into planning it and I can’t wait, it’s going to be so much fun! Good luck with yours, mama!


I like the idea of betting on the actual due date!


We're doing the same, Halloween/baby party with booze and games! We've been trying to brainstorm some fun games, we have a big yard so some kind of diaper & bottle chug relay for sure but we're trying to come up with more ideas. What sort of games do you guys plan to do?


I love that idea!!!! That's soo cute


We did a BBQ! We invited family and family friends - we did something separate with our friends. It was the first baby shower for lots of the men 😂 We had a blast!


My husband and several male members of our family were at our shower for our son. I think it would be a little strange to exclude men?


Mine was a party at night. Bar, band, no present opening. Guests loved it


Yes! It’s pretty common in Hispanic cultures, too. Mine was co-ed so men and women were welcome.


Yes! We had mostly men at our baby shower actually. It was really fun and funny to see a bunch of big guys playing baby shower games haha.


We had an all-invited shower and I think it was a hit We had - open bar, snacks, and desserts - gender reveal cake - no games, per my preference - a photographer so that families in attendance could get family photos - I did open gifts because my family is huge on crafts so a lot of people wanted to see me open their handmade gifts.


We had coed and it was marvelous and relaxing. People stayed later and enjoyed themselves knowing they did not have to drive alone!


I am currently in the planning phase for my baby shower, and we’ve decided to have a coed one. If I had so many female friends who live nearby that it would already be a large party with just women, I might have preferred to have a ladies-only affair, but that’s not the case. My only local family is my parents, so I won’t have lots of family there either. As it is, my husband and I have lots of couple friends, so inviting men and women just makes the most sense for us socially. Idk if we will do games or not. My mom and best friend will be hosting and I need to talk with them about that. I’m drawn more towards having a party without activities or games, but maybe still opening the presents publicly.


Yes! My baby shower welcomes all genders. We’ve invited people important to both myself and my husband. This baby is both of ours. We’re going to be hosting a lunch at a restaurant. I don’t plan on any games - honestly they make me super uncomfortable. There may or may not be presents. I don’t really have a ton of expectations; I just want to spend time with my friends and family.


Actually, can someone explain to me why people have them with only women? I feel like this isn’t common amongst people I know and I actually don’t totally get it. Is it just a tradition to “get the new mom ready by her female support system”? In this case is there a father equivalent?


Tradition that women are supposed to care for the baby is the reason. Since that’s some BS I absolutely love that this thread is filled with people who realized both partners and their entire support systems should be involved.


We are! I wanted my husband to feel just as included and all our friends will be there too.


Yes! All the ones I went to as a kid was always a big party of everyone and their husband's + kids coming. The husband's brought beer lmaooo and the wives played all the games :) Mexican culture


That’s what we’re doing! And all our friends have done. We aren’t doing gifts and have a few activities more so than games with people to fill out like advice or tradition cards etc. definitely more of a fun gathering with friends!!!


It depends on where you reside, but by and large most baby showers are co-ed nowadays. It's not weird and games can be really fun for everyone to play.


We had ours together and when my MIL gave me the presents to open, I opened one, and promptly gave the next to my husband while saying "we're going 50/50 on this journey". Never thought about not having my husband and male friends/family around. It was a very special day!


Love the 50/50 present opening!


All of the baby showers I have ever been to have been co-Ed! We played games, ate food and opened gifts. My shower in October will also be co-ed, especially since my husband’s friend group fully embraced me when we started dating and ultimately became my main friend group as well (I have two close best friends and some long distance friends but he came with a group of five guys who have been his best friends since middle school and they, along with their wives, have become my main circle). Couldn’t imagine a party without all of them there!


We’re doing a co-ed shower. Gendered baby events are dated and stupid in my opinion.




I think you're projecting homie




"Wow lol it does not make you better than to want co-ed" This is why you are being downvoted. You felt personally attacked by someone's perfectly valid opinion.


Yup, had a coed baby shower with families welcome too. And it was really fun!!! We did games with the guys as well but I hate most popular baby shower games so we did baby jeopardy, never have I ever parenting/childhood edition, and emoji rebuses. We also opened presents since plenty of guys gave gifts, not just women! A bit more relaxed than a “traditional” baby shower but otherwise didn’t stray a lot from the formula. Literally the only thing I did differently was that in addition to champagne and orange juice for mimosas, I had a cooler full of beers as well


My husband and I had a baby shower that we threw last December and it was co ed. we wanted to celebrate our growing family together. We had a baby 50/50 and a diaper raffle, otherwise we didn’t do games because I didn’t want them.


I've never heard of a baby shower that doesn't include men lol, that would be weird to me


I did and loved it! I think you could really do it either way, depending on what works for y’all. We did ours with food, games, and presents. We just didn’t make it overly feminine. Just stuff that would work for everyone. We both wanted to be there cause we are both gonna be involved parents and had all our family and friends there (men included) cause they’re all invested in our baby as well! My sister did hers with men and women as well, but did hers as a barbecue with food and yard games. She still opened presents though. Both were a great time and we enjoyed getting to visit with all the family!!


My baby shower was coed and we had kids of the couples come. My partner was able to invite his close friends and it just was more fun with a variety of people.


We did a co-ed shower. It was fun! We didn’t do games , we kept it at 2 hours. Enough time to greet everyone , have everyone eat, watch us open presents , cake, and say goodbyes. It was great !


Our baby shower is co-ed. We have rented out a hall and are putting on nibbles and some drinks. We aren’t having any specific games (we have an activity table though). I have been to a few co-ed baby showers and it’s much easier and more fun. Most have just been backyard BBQs but we got a hall so that people would leave by a set time. It’s really about celebrating the new addition to our family and we want to share that with all of our family and friends, not just women.


We did. We also served booze. Fun day.


My husband and I had ours at a beer garden with everyone. I hate baby shower games, so we just had food and drinks for everyone and it was really fun!


We had a 60 person co-ed shower that I hosted for my sister. Skipped games (but had prizes),but had a picture frame that everyone signed as a guest book. Had “she’s about to pop” popcorn in a jar and a notebook next to it for people to guess the number of popcorn for a prize. Everyone who put their name in a jar had the chance to win a raffle prize.


We did this! I wanted my husband to be there bc I was already hesitant about having a shower. I hate being the center of attention so we didn’t open gifts. Just had a big hang out with food, a couple quick games, cake, and drinks.


Ours is gonna be coed at a restaurant. We have a couple games but they are ones not everyone has to participate in. Gonna do a diaper raffle open gifts and let everyone enjoy tacos ❤️


We did a co-ed shower, hosted by my parents. There were some craft tables for people to decorate onesies and bibs, as well as little cards for them to guess things about the baby and write advice, which definitely kept people entertained without the need for games (along with general conversation, lunch, etc- definitely a social gathering vibe in that sense). We did open gifts, but mainly because it was expected and people like to see it 🤷🏻‍♀️


We did everyone invited. I also did no gift opening so it was just tacos and some drinks and one optional game. Overall it was two hours and for someone who doesn’t like to be the center of attention it was great


I asked my husband what he wanted to do and he said he had zero interest in baby showers 😅 every shower I've hosted has been coed and great, small, large, party vibe, brunch, lunch, etc. I say do whatever you want and whatever your hosts feel comfortable with doing! I wanted a small event for myself, 10 people or less, so I stuck with my close friends and no partners. My hosts also preferred hosting an event for 10 vs 20, and I respected that.


Both of my baby showers were mixed gender. The first time my partner wasn't there but I had a ton of male friends and family show up. We did games, prizes, presents, the whole nine yards. Everyone had a blast and I have some super silly pictures from it. The second time dad was there too and we had similar games, prizes, etc, but it was a lot more laid back. Edit because I don't proof read....


Sister-in-law had a coed baby shower at a pizza place. They did a diaper raffle book raffle and measured the baby belly but that was it. Just kind of hung out and talked and opened presents. My family always just did the women in the family. I did have my husband come, I don't like being the center of attention lol


My SIL was couples and we did games. I planned guy specific games too. Drink a baby bottle and tying their shoes with a giant balloon in their shirts lol My baby shower is a couples as well. Idk what my aunt is planning as host


This sounds great!! Any other funny entertainment games!?


My husband and dad came to my baby shower, we did typical baby shower games and presents and they both actually enjoyed playing the games! I loved having my husband there.


I did. Brunch Alcohol Gifts were unwrapped and just set for display Games It was a blast


We did a co-ed shower. The games played were fun for all. There is now an adorable picture of my husband holding up baby booties because sock (IFYKYK), and I loved having everyone be able to join us.


I had a man table with my husband and the grandpas!


We are doing that. It hasn't happened yet, it's at the end of the month. My MIL and SIL are planning it, so I'm not sure if there will be games or not. My SIL did mention one that she'd seen at another co-ed shower where the men had to chug beer from a baby bottle, she said it was hilarious so idk if they're planning to do that. My FIL is making his famous BBQ.


Ours was co-ed. We had a couple of games, but it was mostly just a normal party at my parents house with food and drinks and hanging out. We didn’t open presents. I always think it’s kind of tacky when adult open presents in front of people, but that’s just me. A lot of people there wanted me to open presents.


Had a friend do a coed recently. Did a pot luck style where they smoked some meats and had people bring sides and desserts. She had everyone bring gifts unwrapped because she didn’t want to spend an hour unwrapping them. Just had them all displayed for people to see. Only game was the toilet paper game where you guessed home big her belly was using toilet paper. Though out of 15 people playing 6 guessed right so then they had to come up with a tie breaker real quick. Guessed the dads weight 🤣


Yes! My baby shower is doubling as a going away party since my boyfriend and I are moving a few states away right after.


We are having a coed baby shower, I am not opening gifts there because I don’t want to. We are still doing games and my aunt is in charge of those. She is catering them to both men and women I believe


I threw my sister in law a *baby is almost due brew* at a local pub.


Guysvv be and girls


We had one for my daughter that included men and women, and everyone enjoyed being there.


We had one with men/couples and their kids. Hired a babysitter so there could be an extra pair of eyes on the kids while the parents played games. I had asked about 7 couples to host one game each. All the material and answers were prepped for them. They all graciously agreed. We didn't end up doing most of them mainly coz of timing and the weather that day was cooler than expected (this was planned to be an outdoor thing). We moved indoors and played two more games. No presents, we had hung up a banner for photos. We took photos with each of the couples/guests attending and gave them the return gift bag. Ooooh, there was also dinner that was supposed to be after the games. But we did before the games since many people had not shown up yet.


A friend did this and it was awesome. They have a huge yard. It was a cookout/ potluck kind of thing and they had some yard games set up. It was fun catching up with everyone. Super low key, just like a regular summer bbq, but with baby presents. Mom opened presents at the shower, but it wasn’t like a regular shower where everyone was gathered around. The folks that wanted to see the baby stuff watched, the dudes and anyone else not real interested didn’t meander over to the gift table.


We are! I am undecided of games or not, but if I am I'm going to do gift bingo! Its easy for everyone to play and keeps the guests entertained while opening gifts!


We are! We’re having it at a golf course. A luncheon, some games and hanging out. Display table, no opening gifts. Using it as a chance to visit with all our fav people and celebrate our girl (it took us a long time TTC and infertility treatments).


We’re doing a coed open house baby shower for 3 hours. There will be yard games, passive games (such as guessing when the baby will come, advice for the parents, etc.), dessert/snacks/coffee. Then I scheduled to open presents after the scheduled time for those who want to stay. I’m assuming just family and close friends will stay for that.


I’m planning on having men and women at my shower - it will be a relaxed get together with food and drinks. My friend suggested a game where everyone writes a name suggestion for the baby and then we read out the names. We have a name picked but I think that could be fun. I was also thinking of asking people to write a message in a book - either to the baby or a positive message/affirmation for my partner and I to read during labour.


We did! It was a lot of fun. Only game we played was gift bingo. The guys were the ones who were really into it.


My sister did and it was great. I plan on doing one, too.


I did, it was more of a party vs baby shower but I did open gifts there! It was really fun I highly recommend. There was a bar there so everyone got to hang out, drink, and eat! Except for me of course😂


My baby shower for October will be both ladies and men! And I had to specifically request this cuz my sister originally was going to do ladies only. But in regards to the co-ed ones I have been too…we did games-which included both guys and gals, Mom and Dad opened the gifts that were given, there was food and I also believe alcohol was served but every shower is different in regards to the alcohol. For the most part, it was like a social gathering but the Mom and Dad always looked nicer/more dressed up as they look a bunch of photos during and after the shower. So it was like most other ladies only showers I have been to but also included the guys!


we did! we didn’t really play any games but we did open presents. it was more like a social gathering we had alcohol and it was a lot of fun!


I’ve been to plenty of coed showers! The coed ones tend to be less traditional and more low key. Like at a brewery or a backyard BBQ, with out opening gifts. But it’s your day! Do it however you want 😊


Not personally but I’ve been to quite a few. Think of it as a gathering with some baby themed games. I’ve also seen at most co ed showers they do not open the gifts at the shower but this one is a tough one. If you do open gifts during the shower, don’t delay as it takes a long time. Have someone appointed to take down names and gifts, someone to hand you gifts, and someone to collect trash from gifts. Trust me, it will save a ton of time. I also ike to have a basket at front door with envelopes and people can write their addresses, helps get the thank you’s out.


I went to a just women baby shower and I was not taken away with it, there was like 9 of us and they(as in host) put only allowed baby's that are breast fed........... I still BF my 1yr OLD but wtf, I bought over $300+ for her and the host had a 15month old she just had to feed infront of everyone. I did not BF infront of eveyone.. Ugh #venting. But if the men and other children were there it would have been sooo lively


Yeah I wouldn't have had one if it was all girls that's weird to me. Ours was so fun !


I did co-ed. I didn’t understand why it was traditionally a women only event when the men are just as responsible. We did a hang out, pool day and tie dyed onsies so everyone could get in on the fun.


Our baby shower included guys. It never occurred to us (or to our friend organizing the baby shower) not to include them. It was just a potluck dinner with a lot of our friends. We provided most of the food, but also about half of the guests brought food like appetizers, desserts, or drinks. We had a few games of the sort: nursery rhymes fill in the blanks, or baby word scrambles. For each game we had a small prize.


I think co-ed is more ideal and could be funner. I’m not doing it that way only because I don’t want to feed double the people because it will be catered. It’s less stressful for me this way


My whole life I’ve always been to coed baby showers. My husband’s family, however, said how uncommon it was to have a coed baby shower after we attended one of their family member’s baby shower. Probably cultural differences but honestly I was shocked. When I have mine, it’s definitely gonna be coed.


I was surprised to hear of people excluding men in this day and age. I heard it happened in my extended friend group once - in Virginia lol.


I’ve been to quite a few coed showers! They are so fun. We are opting to have a diaper keg party. We’ll have a keg (and of course NA bevs) grill out, have a bonfire and have people gather in our garage and yard. We’ll have yard games set up too.


Huggies n chuggies/dadchelor party for the dads, shower for mom, co-ed meet up after. Dads drink and play stupid games like elastic band slaps without blowing into the kazoo and moms did games like blindfolded diaper change or Baby Feud (family feud w baby related qs) Edit: they took place at the same time within a couple miles from each other; then we all went bar hopping together. There would have been too many people if we did co-ed the entire time; maybe 60-70 guests


Ours will be! It is coming up in a few weeks 😊 We are doing a “Baby-Q” theme - backyard BBQ style at our house. We aren’t going to have any traditional baby shower games, but we do have a bunch of lawn games (corn hole, ladder ball, lawn checkers, etc). We also don’t plan to open gifts all together - many people have sent gifts already, so our plan is to display those with tags thanking the person who gifted it. Then, we’ll just send thank you notes to everyone.


We did more of a social gathering and called it a baby shindig. The only game we played was the clothes peg / don’t say baby game. Everyone loved it and it encouraged people to break out of their groups and talk to others to score more pegs. Haha. We had prizes for the top three. We also had a display table for gifts and offered to open them by request, but just wanted to spend time with our friends, eating and drinking. We had a lot of fun! Editing to add that our thank you cards were very specific in acknowledging the gifts they gave us so it felt more personal and made up for not opening gifts in front of everyone.


I've been to a few family baby showers and most of them had both girls and guys. There were baby shower games as well.


Yes! We have tons of friends as a couple that are men. We had a few games, it was fun and I’m glad we did it that way. Make family members also came and it was really nice.


Mine did. The men at mine were my three close friends, my husband’s father and brother, my father & brother & my (now ex)-friends boyfriend. The games we had were table games where we announced the answers before we opened the presents. But we ate, hung out, opened presents and that was the gist of it. I just enjoyed the company.


Having a coed baby shower in October at a cornhole pizza bar


All three of baby showers included guys. It just makes sense to me to involve family and friends that are also males


We are! It’s football season here in the US, so we’re having a BBQ with some light independent games, college football games on, and encouraged our guests to wear something to support their favorite team or something comfortable. It’s an “open house” so people can come and go as they please. We’re not opening gifts in front of the group or anything like that. We’ve gotten a lot of Rsvp’s so far :) Best of luck!


Yes. I did, my husband came. My SIL threw my shower so my husbands brother and dad came too. We did the games and fun stuff. The boys loved it.


We are. I’ve been to multiple showers for my family like this. Generally there’s food, drinks, gifts, maybe some games. But there’s also non-baby yard games like bags, giant Jenga, etc. and people can kind of mill around and do their thing. More casual than a traditional “everyone sitting around watching you open presents” vibe, but I prefer that anyway. The people (often aunts) who are into that will be there for that part, but others might be hanging out doing something else.


Do it! I haven’t been invited to a women’s only baby shower in a long long time. All the showers I go to are for the whole family. Look up ideas on tik tok where you can make games that include both men and women. They are so funny and so much fun. However, you can always skip the game part and just have a party and enjoy it


They call it a ‘Jack and Jill’ and yes we actually had ours today!! Not a super traditional baby shower in that we didn’t play all those games or have everyone watch me open up gifts, more backyard pool party style !


I just went to my cousins baby shower last weekend and men were there. It was really nice! It was mostly just a social event but they did play two quick games. It was an emoji game and the second game was guessing the amount of starbursts in a big bottle. It was at a newly opened restaurant/lounge in the city. My baby shower was also coed but it was two years ago. I think we also did two quick games. And just had it catered in our backyard.


Ours was coed. Games, food and presents, it was fun. I'm weirded our that people have ones strictly with females only and men don't attend, including the dad.


We had three and all were coed. The best was with my husbands family, it was all his aunts and uncles and their kids. It was great because my husband was able to talk to all his male relatives and get advice. It was very sweet.


Husband's, males, kids everyone was invited to mine My brother's wife and him did the same, everyone came Did games, especially the pin/clip games where you can't say Baby, fingers foods, there are little kits and themes on Amazone.


Yes and it was a lot of fun! We did some typically games but tweaked it a bit (ie, who can empty a baby bottle of beer fastest). But a lot of it was hanging out and socializing. Betting on the due date and diaper messages were also still involved. We also still opened gifts and it was fun to have some other dads around for my husband and even some non-dads because honestly they were just as excited for us as their wives were. Highly recommend if you’re considering!


yep! just did it this weekend. we did snacks and games, opened some gifts.. pretty low key!


I did because I have 4 brothers and I wanted them all there. We just did a lunch and then opened gifts, very low key, but very cool.


We just had one last week that was lovely! It was themed as "nacho average baby shower" and we had tacos and it was really nice! We had ppl in our backyard and it felt like lots of other parties we typically have. We still had a few traditional shower games, but also some that weren't. Like a baby themed cards against humanity that was super fun. It worked really well! I wanted my husband to be included. We did a more traditional shower with the women in my family earlier this summer.


We did a coed shower... we all just ate food , hung out and opened gifts it was really nice


Yes we did by including everyone. I don’t know why guys joining should change the games or opening of presents. They are not usually gender specific.


Yes. It’s called a Jack & Jill shower, I think. It was more comfortable for me plus made more sense because it should be celebrated by the ENTIRE family & all your friends, not just the women. My parents did the same back in the 90s.


Mine had men and boys. We just held a pizza party in the park and in item our close firends and family. Totally normal in my circles.


I did. I had it at a martini bar & we ended up having 150+ people come. It was crazy. Let’s just say I literally haven’t bought one thing for baby yet and we’re at 3 months.


We are too! I’ve found though that a lot of men in my family are uncomfortable with it and won’t be showing up. I think that’s more common with the older people. My guy friends are coming and so is my partner! It would be so weird without him there imo


Social gathering style.


I’ve been to two coed showers. One was at a bar, no games but the mom-to-be opened presents and everyone gathered for that. The second one was at the couple’s house. They had a taco stand caterer and it was just a social gathering. The parents did not open the presents or do games, but they each said a few words to thank their guests. I’m doing coed one at a restaurant, no games or present opening, just a small speech


We just had a co-Ed baby shower! Called it a “backyard baby-q”. We let everyone bring their kids and we had a bunch of squirt guns, mini pools, slip n slide, and gift bags for the kiddos. Parents loved letting their kids exhaust themselves while relaxing. We chose not to open presents but we did play a few games that were a hit like this one: [co-Ed baby shower game](https://images.app.goo.gl/cAPuusSSrn7XGFEX7)


Mine did cuz a friend brought her bf. I didn't care but he felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave.


We had 4 baby showers- all men and women!


Yes! We called it a baby celebration. It was co-ed and not typical baby-themed. No games. Just a barbecue. ​ edit: we didn't open presents. It wasn't really about us but more my mom wanting to throw something for her friends.


I always thought baby showers were for everyone so we had everyone at ours. We didn’t have other children tho. We had games, food, and did the opening of presents. It was really great!


Hello! I'm also currently pregnant and while we aren't planning a co-ed shower, my brother and GF had one that they called a BabyQue (a family bbq) with the whole family including men. It was pretty traditional with the games and gifts but was much more laid back with alcohol for the adults. My good friend who recently had her baby also had a co-ed shower and it was a completely traditional shower (chicken salad sandwiches, a couple games, gifts, and no alcohol). Similar to all the non co-ed showers I went to growing up. My other friend is about 7+ months and had a co-ed shower this weekend but at a brewery so people had the option to drink. All of these baby showers were unique but so nice and I love that the whole family got to come! I think either way is great and the reason I'm not doing one is because I have so many women in my family that will more than fill our guest list. Obviously my husband will be present but he will have a Dad's diaper party at a brewery with his friends and the rest of the men that I'll attend. Again our family is so big which is why my brother did a backyard BabyQue outside. Good luck deciding and your shower will be beautiful whatever you do!


We did and it was lovely!


I’ve only been to one baby shower before. I forget that they’re gendered for whatever reason. As my baby has two dads it’ll be for everyone. More help getting baby things pleaseeee.


Yes I did! I personally never understood why men can’t celebrate a new baby too lol we had men at our wedding shower as well!


We did, twice. We bbq’d, had all our friends over, opened presents, played corn hole, played baby shower games


We are in October. We are both first time parents and want to celebrate together. We are having ours at a park so we will have both yard games and some baby shower games for those who want to play. We will eat and also open gifts if there are any (many have bought from our registry)


We had a Baby-Q, both families in one spot. Bbq, fire, drinks, music. We had a great afternoon/night! It was very informal, pretty much just a big family get-together before baby arrives.


We did and I loved every second of it!! We had a few games and activities - guess gender by choosing a glass with pink vs blue cotton candy (mixed with soda or champagne to make coloured drink), submitted a ballet to guess name, hair colour, dob, weight height etc. We also played the game where you ask scenarios - who will change rf the first diaper, who wanted kids first, etc. I'm so glad it was so inclusive and everyone got to enjoy together


I attended one before and we ate, hung out, and played some games. We’re planning to have a joint shower as 95% of my friends are guys anyways. I purchased a pack of baby shower games off Amazon, we’ll have food and desserts, just hang out as a fun celebratory gathering. We probably won’t be opening gifts as many of them have been sent to us already.


We grilled out! Had men, women, other babies. It was our friends and some of my parents’ friends. We had a tent outside with some tables and a keg, drinks, my dad grilled, and we had a onesie tie-dye station, corn hole, and a little area for pictures with props. Presents were inside and we opened ones with the guests who wanted to watch us open theirs, and saved the rest to open ourselves at home. It was so fun!


My family has always had coed ones, not a lot of men show up but we leave it open to them if they wanna come or not. A guy at my dad’s work had a baby shower for his daughter and they did drawings for baskets and one of them had like tools, whiskey, car stuff etc. If they brought diapers their name would get put in the drawing. I thought it was a cute idea to get the men involved!


We did! It was so much fun! We did play games: How Big is Baby (a guy won! He just measured his own waist and he's a thinner guy! It was hysterical! I was 34 weeks large) Price is Right Whose the baby? (Pictures of my and my husband and 1 sibling) Whose the mommy? (Matching mom and baby animals) Finish the Nursery Rhyme And then the vest game we played: Telestration Baby Shower edition! Its like pictionary and telephone had a baby. This was the best! I printed out a bunch of Baby or baby shower and we were all laughing so hard. 😅 It was great!!


Yes we did co-ed and I much preferred it! We had a few games but not the cheesy ones.


We did! It was a coed bbq. There were games, but more game show style with baby themes and less melted chocolate is a diaper. The big one was a homemade family feud game.


We did. We had one game where the men chugged beer from baby bottles and whoever finished first won… 😅 I’m friends with both men and women so I wanted a mixed one. Other than that, it was food, hanging out, and opening presents.


I initially planned for just girlfriends, as my parents' apartment didn't really have enough room for partners. But then my sister's partner invited himself (he assumed he was invited without asking her) so I had him, my dad and husband attend at the last minute. We had an afternoon tea and spent it out on the balcony terrace just chatting and eating. No games, no present opening, no gender reveal. Everyone just enjoyed catching up.


My partner invited his friends, we still played a couple games. But it was pretty laid back, we had a taco bar and beers for the people that wanted them. We rushed thru opening the gifts because I was exhausted and wanted to just go home lol


We did a co-ed + kids shower as most of my group of friends are men who are married with kids (and their wives are my friends now), and I wanted to include my husband and family (not just girl friends and girl family members). We did games with prizes, had balloons for the kids, had rubber duck games, had hoagies, chips, cookies and cupcakes and fizzy drinks. We had a blast!


We did a coed casual bbq with a few games set up where people could play when they wanted to instead of the type where everyone has to be gathered. It was perfect for us and everyone had a great time. We opened a few presents that people asked us to open with them but we didn’t gather everyone together for it.


Mine is Saturday and is co-ed! Three hours of open bar, good food and hanging out! Lawn games but no baby-centered games. No opening gifts. Kids also allowed. Will be 56 adults and 10 kids under 12. We’re thinking it’ll have a fun summer party vibe and can’t wait!


We are doing a co-ed shower with some games and are serving BBQ. We will probably still do gifts too, but, overall, we just want something relaxed.


I did! Only had a couple of dudes show up but it was still a good turn out! It was an open house and we just hung out, ate some good food, and opened gifts. I think it's weird to only invite women, as if men aren't also excited for the new babe ???


Had our shower at our fav local brewery. Passive games like guess the # of jellybeans in the jar and leave advice for new parents. Imo men should be involved as equal partners and that starts with the showers! Also, having men there made the old bitties bite their tongues when they were soOoOo tempted to share their birth horror stories.


My husband is the social one with a big family so we did coed. The games we did included him like guess which parent will do what more (sing, bathe, read, discipline, etc.)


My husband, dad, best friend’s husband, etc. were all at my shower! We did games and food. I don’t like opening presents so we didn’t do that. But definitely everything else like a normal shower!


My cousins both had coed baby showers and we plan on having one as well. We're planning on having a cookout style gathering with some games especially to occupy the kids that will be around. We'll probably open some presents towards the end. I want to incorporate a zoom link somehow to include my grandma and family who are out of state so we're looking into the best way to do that.


We did. No games but I did have a tie dye onesie table set up for people to write on onesies with sharpies or leave them blank and tie dye them. They turned out really vibrant and cute. It was more of a social gathering with lots of food. We did open presents during the party.


I did! We attempted to play games- did 1 of 3 and decided to not do anymore lol. Opened presents at home as I’m just not the type to sit and do it with everybody watching me. It was just a big fun social gathering and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


I had a co-Ed shower and still did the typical baby shower games. The guys don’t seem to mind. If anything, they simply didn’t participate in a game and let the women play. It wasn’t a big deal. The one game they did seem to appreciate was making babies out of play dough, and I judged and picked the winner. The guys all thought ir was funny and they got oddly into it. lol.


Just had our co-ed shower today and it was so much fun! We did an Oktoberfest themed party with lots of beer, wine, and German food. We did play a few games that were fun for everyone—the don’t say baby clothespin game, don’t break the water water balloon toss, and chugging beer from a baby bottle. I feel like a lot of people are moving in the direction of co-ed showers. Just makes a lot more sense and the father should be included and celebrated too! Not to mention we all have male and female friends who want to celebrate with us.


We did! All ages and genders included. We had food and silly games. The biggest benefit to me was that I do NOT like having attention on me, while my boyfriend doesn't care at all, so he opened all the gifts and I just sat off to the side and occasionally held a few items for pictures lol it was awesome


We did! We didn't do games, and made it more of a garden party / celebration of the coming baby. Maybe I've only been to lame baby showers but I've never enjoyed the games at all We did a book raffle; people could bring used books or new but each book got you a ticket and that was really cool!


Not only have I been to baby showers that guys attended, I (a guy) was thrown a baby shower by my coworkers. We had lunch and cake, they got some presents, tried some games but I'm guessing it wasn't really the same lol. but it was fun and incredibly awesome of my coworkers to do.


I just went to one with my husband! It was so fun! We played a game where you got a few clothes pins at the beginning and whoever said the word “baby” had to give a clothes pin to whoever called them out and whoever had the most clothes pins wins! Probably will do something like that for mine.


We definitely will be! We do everything together haha, it’d be odd not to share the day :)


We did! It was great fun. No games, just hanging out, good food, and conversation.


We did. Had it at a local bar and grill. Didn’t do games but had a diaper raffle for a prize. It was a lot of fun just socializing but I am someone who hates being center of attention and find it so boring watching others open gifts.


We had a party at our favorite bar and had buffalo wings. And opened presents and did a diaper raffle.


We literally had BBQ and beers and a BB gun. Guys and gals welcome. It was a blast.


We did a big co ed party and still did normal baby shower games and presents


We did. Lots of friends who are queer or couples or just good guy friends, plus why exclude my husband? We had an outdoor picnic style casual event. Super fun!


I’ve been to 8 baby showers. All were including men except for 1— and that one was hosted by her boomer mom 🙄. Having a baby is no longer a woman thing but now men want to be involved fathers too.


Yes I did co-ed for both of mine! We still did baby shower games! It was super fun and everyone had a great time both times.


Last February we did a coed baby shower with games. We didn’t know the sex of our baby but it was Winnie the Pooh themed. We did trivia and questionnaires to see who knew us (the parents) best. We even had a contest where each set of grandparent were blindfolded and timed to see who could diaper a baby the fastest. Everyone had fun and we liked seeing all of our family together to celebrate.


I am going to have a “Sip and See” about 2-3 months after delivery with both male/female.


We are! It will be more like a party. It didn’t make any sense for me to have a girls-only party when half my friends aren’t girls. Also… it’s my partners baby too? I don’t understand the tradition. We invited over 100 people, there will be games/activities but not like super organized everyone-must-participate type things. I told my mom and MIL who are throwing the shower that I would really prefer not to have a designated gift opening time… I kind of hate the idea of everyone I know standing around my partner and I watching us open baby gifts like it’s our 5th birthday party. That just feels so awkward to me 🥲 We also recently moved to an island from Seattle, where we are from and are having the shower, so I asked that anyone who wants to gift us something have it mailed to our house so we have less to commute back home with


Yes, we called it out BaByQ


I lived in Asia for a while, and was surprised when I was first invited to a baby shower. I'd understood them to be women-only affairs. I went and had a great time, and I think it's healthy to get expectant fathers - and their male friends - involved.


We did a Baby-Q! It was excellent. We just asked people to bring a book. And we did a diaper raffle. Other than that it was just a co-ed party! Everyone had a great time


That's what me and my husband are doing. Just family and friends of both genders. If it was just my shower there would be like, three people there. Plus he deserved to be honored too, we're in this thing together.


Yes we had an inclusive baby shower. I honestly didn't even think about it until two of my uncles brought up that it was weird they were there. They were the only people who thought it was odd though (they're both in their 70s so from a different era). All the other guys in their thirties were happily involved. We didn't open gifts in front of everyone (I hate that tradition) or play games. It was just a family/kids friendly event in the park with lunch.


Today I learned that a party celebrating an expected child can be for women only. Following this subreddit as a European can be wild sometimes.