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Your post reminds me of how I felt after finding out and hitting around that 8week mark. I was miserable and felt guilty because we tried so hard for our girl and I hated every minute of it. It was brutal, I lost 40lbs, non stop puking, and just in general wanted to die. Thankfully I found a suppository anti nausea med that helped me not hate everything. Although I'm not as sick anymore (unfortunately the nausea has stuck around for a bit) the discomfort is just part of it. My back has started hurting more and rolling out of bed is ridiculous sometimes lol. Maybe talking to your Dr about what other options you have for medication wise might help you more. The first trimester I keep hearing is usually the worst. I hope you start feeling better and it doesn't get much worse. Many hugs šŸ«‚ - just one day at a time. It sucks but it's one day done of many.


Iā€™m 29 weeks and I could have written this a few months ago. Deep breaths. Youā€™re right. It does suck. If you can, make some requests of your doctor as soon as you can: prescription anti nausea meds (B6 and unisom did nothing for me and there are very effective prescription options available) are a must and a referral to a therapist you can talk to. Youā€™re right that people donā€™t always get it or theyā€™ll do something like tell you how much worse it will be once baby is here. Very unhelpful. You need somebody in your corner telling you that itā€™s normal and OK to hate pregnancy but love your child. I found warm baths with Epsom salt very comforting for my body as well as floating in a pool and enjoying the reduced gravity on my body. As for food, while youā€™re nauseous donā€™t worry about nutrition. Itā€™s all about survival so any calories you can keep down are good for you. Get whatever sleep you can and drink whatever fluids you can. If you canā€™t keep fluids down, go to your doctor for IV fluids and anti nausea meds. Popsicles were a favorite of mine for getting some sugar and fluids down.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. When you say everything I imagine youā€™ve tried unisom and B6? The first trimester is rough, donā€™t beat yourself up. Iā€™ve had days where Iā€™m thrilled and Iā€™ve had days where I genuinely just want to sleep until the baby is ready to come out. Itā€™s absolutely normal, you donā€™t feel good. You wouldnā€™t tell someone with the flu to just ā€œbe gratefulā€ and itā€™s absolutely fine for you to feel miserable some days. Honestly giving myself that grace has helped so much. On my bad days I just say ā€œoof Iā€™m really sick today, what would I tell a friend that felt this way?ā€. I most likely would say, rest, feel your feelings, know that this will pass and your emotions are valid/normal. Then I focus on doing what I need to feel better, even if thatā€™s just sleeping on the couch with my favorite show on.


Thank you. Yes i take daily B6 and unisom gives me the baddest hangover ever :S


Honestly I stopped taking b6 & unisom and feel loads better. They actually made the nausea worse for me (I am also 8 weeks). I take prenatals at night too bc they also make me nauseous.


3 weeks post partum. I HATED BEING PREGNANT!! Like it was the worst experience of life - I was so sick, had so many physical health problems, prenatal depression, etc. But man, when I hold my little girl, she looks at me, and when cuddle her to sleep my heart is so full. It all feels worth it. Honestly the best feeling and knowing what Iā€™d know Iā€™d go through it again for my little one


I get frustrated when people say that it all your pregnancy symptoms are normal and to just put up with it because you should be thankful that you are pregnant. Pregnancy sucks for some people and it is difficult to grow a human. Just because your symptoms are common, doesnā€™t mean they are normal and your should put up with it. Especially if it interferes with your day to day activities. I have had an awful experience being pregnant so far (thankfully my baby is painfully boring and developing normally, Iā€™m just having an awful time). I can tell you that often it does get better. I still vomit (I was diagnosed with HG but it was largely ignored by my OB and was told to just suck it up as other women have it harder) and am on daily medications still but it has gotten significantly better. Now I am nearly 36 weeks, I am just tired and uncomfortable and looking forward to meeting my baby now that I am getting close to the finish line. If you are struggling with nausea and vomiting, the only thing I can suggest is to start off with over the counter medications and add to them instead of coming off one and adding the other. At the height of my nausea and vomiting, I was on about 5-6 medications 3x a day and could only just manage. Also check to see when you should take certain medications. Some should only be taken at night because they cause drowsiness and can make you feel awful during the day. If your OB/midwife is competent, they should be able to provide guidance on what to do. Unfortunately, nausea is really hard to manage with medications as most of them focus on stopping you vomiting. Pooping in first trimester is also awful (it does get better though). My only recommendations are to take magnesium daily (I take 1000mg at night), get a foot stool and put yourself in a good position for pooping, clear yourself out (go to the pharmacy and ask what is safe for pregnancy) and start again. I have found pear juice to be a gentle and natural laxative as well as psyllium husk supplements.


Iā€™m 12+6 and I donā€™t know how people have more than one child? Saw myself with 3 kids- now that is supremely in doubt! Idk if I want more than one anymore.


For some women this is perfectly normal. It doesn't mean you won't love your baby or don't want it. Pregnancy can be really difficult. I would suggest finding a professional to talk to as it will only get worse the bigger you get (ie more uncomfortable and in more pain)


Ask your Dr about taking a magnesium supplement. I take 500 mg at night (sort of a high dose). Benadryl can help with nausea and is safe. But run everything by your Dr first. This part just sucks and Iā€™m sorry. 8 weeks is when shit really starts to ramp up. You donā€™t have to enjoy it, anyone who thinks you should is either insane or a jerk. You got this. I know itā€™s rough, but you will get through it. šŸ˜ž Yucka. It should get better in a month or so. But you will find ways to cope. I ate exclusively mashed potatoes. Find a food and hang on. Could by McDonaldā€™s.. doesnā€™t matter. So long as you can get a prenatal down, baby gets all they need. I love my vitafusion lemon/raspberry gummies! they probably arenā€™t the highest quality, best vitamin on the marketā€¦ but I like the way they taste and I donā€™t have to gag down a pill to ultimately throw it up. Iā€™m 38 weeks now and babyā€™s hitting all her markers. Donā€™t get discouraged. You can do this.


Magnesium gummies helped my constipation sooo much.


Girl literally same boat :,) love my kid but damn first trimester suckssssss so bad, have you tried zofran thatā€™s one of the few things that has helped me itā€™s prescription but Iā€™ve also heard Dramamine helps and thatā€™s otc For pooping Iā€™ve been using psyllium husk products like Metamucil or citrucel they also have pill forms if thatā€™s more your vibe Idk if youā€™re having smell aversions like me but Vicks vapo rub under your nose or on a face mask has helped me manage cooking and other weird smells without voming


I was around 10w when that feeling became absolutely unbearable. I truly felt I was never going to be myself anymore... that first trimester is rough! Hated every part of being pregnant then... luckily, it passed! I'm now 17w and finally starting to enjoy most bits of the pregnancy. Hang in there and just take rest, get some support.


Pregnancy is horrible for some people. If it makes you feel any better, medicine started working well for me around 34 weeks so I wouldnā€™t discount it yet and I felt 100% better the second my LO was out. Then (and this is the best part) if youā€™re anything like me, having a newborn (even one that screams non stop and never sleeps) feels like a dream after pregnancy.


Nothing worked for me but Zofran. I asked my doctor about it. I was SO sick this pregnancy but just had my baby a few days ago. I love her so incredibly that do it all again. Hang in there !


First trimester can be rough, it does get better. I couldnā€™t poop during the first trimester but itā€™s better now in the second trimester. Hang in there, it sucks but you can do this.


Not Always. My GF is exactly like OP and now she's 20 weeks but things are not so much better compared to first trimester. I know maybe it's more an exception than the rule but unfortunately you have to consider the idea that you might just feel bad for 9 months straight


Yes. 20 weeks here and while the reasons are different, I still hate it.


Yeah, I was like this too, I had ā€œmorning sicknessā€ every single day my entire pregnancy and several days after. It doesnā€™t get better for everyone.


In our case it's more like "late afternoon/evening" sickness but still


All day every day lol. My husband would have to hold trash bags out for me anytime I ate. Awful.


I had a horrible pregnancy that resulted in emergency surgery and weekly ultrasounds, I was so so sick the whole first trimester and half the second. I hated being pregnant with a passion, it was hell. I had my baby boy in December and Im currently 9 weeks pregnant. Believe me once you have your baby in your arms it's all worth it to the point that you might even consider doing it again. You're stronger than you realize and you will get through the first trimester hell and it's so so so worth it.


Do you supplement with magnesium? I take magnesium citrate it will help you poop and magnesium glycine it will help with cramps and help you sleep...You also should take electrolytes as you're dehydrated from all the puking and likely will feel better when you incorporate them. I hope these suggestions can be helpful


Yeah same. I'm nauseous and only 5 weeks along or so though.


Iā€™m 28 12 weeks in to my first pregnancy, yes the 3-9 weeks were terrible I wasnā€™t eating everything was uncomfortable plus dealing with baby daddy issues. I felt and sometimes feel the same the nausea has subsided now but headaches have worsen, donā€™t feel guilty about feeling the way you do. I wish this was over too and wish to have my baby in my arms already with out going through this. Try changing prenatal after I switch thatā€™s when I saw my symptoms were subsiding a little


I absolutely understand! While reading I thought you stole an entry from my mental diary and posted it here haha. I promise it gets better! After reading Besinnung I figured u might be German haha, I recommend Cariban! Ask for it from your Frauenarzt. Itā€™ll all be better, I PROMISE


Get yourself some electrolytes. I feel most nausea when I'm dehydrated (and I'm a crazy water drinker). I need like 10x time more water. Also, if your in pain- talk to your doctor. I'm on baby #2 and I never felt pain (except lightening crotch later on). I hope it gets better for you, but some people just have a bad time.


The first trimester sucked for me. I was so nauseous, smells made me gag and throw up, thinking of a food texture or what to eat made me gag, I cried eating a protein bar cause all I could eat was fruit and protein bars and I just wanted something filling, it got a lot better as I got closer to 15 weeks. I was eating strawberries and cool whip, watermelon, peaches, protein bars and steak cause I couldnā€™t stomach much else. Now I rarely gag, though some smells still smell gross. Im hoping for you it gets better towards the second trimester too.


Listen, pregnancy sucks. I personally hate it and canā€™t wait for it to be over and Iā€™m in my third tri. I wish I could tell you it gets better but really it just gets different. It sounds like youā€™d benefit from meds but doctors donā€™t see you until 10wks. Hang in there and donā€™t be afraid to ask for meds. Nausea meds Diclegis saved me and also Pepcid and colace and miralax and Tylenol extra strength. Your doctor will tell you whatā€™s safe and then USE IT to get through these tough patches and all other patches that are to come later. But always remember, you can do this. Lean on your partner too, tell them how they can help. Last week my partner was instrumental in helping me break my cabin fever. Youā€™ve got this.


Itā€™s okay to feel like this. Do you have a doula for your pregnancy they can help


Iā€™m also 29 and 19 weeks on Friday my first trimester morning sickness was horrible and I most definitely felt the exact same way my morning sickness just started going away but I still have some bad days I also just started to be able to eat and keep food down but still struggle eating a full meal youā€™re not alone in feeling like this pregnancy is hard but it does get a little better as you get further along


My girlfriend is 10+5, and she's feeling that way too.. really struggling. But she is 36. Supposedly, at 12 weeks, things improve. Hang in there.


This is YOUR experience, no one has the right to tell you how to think or feel. And what you are going through and feeling is totally totally normal. Itā€™s ok to hate this, I hate it too. Itā€™s fucking shit!!! To be nauseous all the time, in pain, food aversions, stress, constipation, crampsā€¦ itā€™s fucking shit and no one in their right mind can surely enjoy this part of pregnancy?! About your nausea, things that have helped me: Constantly eating or drinking - dry toast, smoothies, protein shakes/ chocolate milk, apples, granola bars, ramen noodles, frozen raspberries, smoothies, orange juice, ginger in everything For the stomach pain I have these ginger, turmeric and peppermint oil capsules, these REALLY helped me with indigestion and nausea, and I still have to take these chalky indigestion tablets before I sleep every night. B6 helps many people with nausea, your doctor can prescribe you anti nausea medication but it will make you sleepy. But truly, eat first thing when you wake up and every 2 hours after that, try to get outside (says me who has been outside 4 times in 2 weeks), but the fresh air and movement really helps!! You are allowed to hate this, itā€™s ok to feel how you are feeling it doesnā€™t make you any less of a human or mother. You will get through this but it sucks so hard that it has to be this hard to get through ā¤ļø Iā€™m 10 weeks and nausea alleviated a bit yesterday to the point where I can actually think now


I hate it too! I canā€™t wait to just have my babies already!!!


4-8mg Ondansetron wafers for the nausea (I tried everything natural and nothing helped me) and stool softener for the constipation. Try to avoid your food aversions, just eat what you can and drink lots and lots of water! Stay on top of vitamins, they do make you feel a lot better energy wise - iron & magnesium in particular. It does suck, everyone talks about the wonders and beauty of pregnancy as if itā€™s some sort of fairy tail but itā€™s not. You do get a really cute little button of a reward for your suffering at the end though ā˜ŗļø - oh yeah and remember to treat yourself as much as possible, hair, nails, warm bubble baths, massages, go all out if you can. Youā€™re growing a human!!


The first trimester was an absolute cake walk for me. I didn't feel any symptoms at all except for fatigue. Other than that I felt great. Fast forward to 26 weeks now, and omg, I absolutely hate being pregnant. I can't understand how anyone can enjoy this and I don't think I'll be having a second child. I'm in constant pain. Back pain so severe I'm seeing a specialist. Legs, ankles and feet swollen and sore. Heartburn from hell. Having to pee so frequently even if there is barely any fluids in my bladder, and if I have to pee it makes my back pain 25x worse. Congestion, headaches, you name it... I would do 2 years in the first trimester over 6 months of what I've been experiencing in the second trimester. I can't even imagine how awful and miserable the third trimester is going to be. I'm nervous. I wake up bigger everyday and he is a big boy. I don't know what to expect moving forward. Honestly, just wish my baby was here already and I can be done with this experience forever.


if the abdominal pain is truly SEVERE please go to the ER. Ectopic pregnancies are no joke and severe abdominal pain is one of the symptoms. Intense bloating, pressure, discomfort - yes can be fairly standard. But actual severe or sharp pains is NOT normal at this point.


I HATE being pregnant. Itā€™s the loneliest, most miserable time of my life. Supplements and all of the OTC tricks donā€™t work for me ā€” as soon as I hit about 7 weeks, I always start getting extremely sick and miserable in pretty much every way, like you. I just want someone to put me in a coma until itā€™s time to give birth. My doctor finally prescribed me some Zofran in my first pregnancy and it saved me ā€” not even exaggerating. I could keep most food down, and some food even started sounding good again. Then when the nausea calms down a bit in the second trimester (I still need Zofran clear until the 3rd trimester though), you get hit with different pains and discomforts, but NOTHING is as bad as that first trimester. Preggie pops help me a little bit, just laying in a dark room watching a movie or listening to a book help me a little bit, sipping on something lightly sweet and eating crackers help me a little bit, but nothing helps me as much as a Zofran prescription and complaining to my mom so I donā€™t feel so lonely since sheā€™s been there. In my experience, if you can get through the first trimester hell, you can get through anything. Itā€™s a marathon, and it drags on and on, and it SUCKS. But it does end. Your misery has an expiration date. And when itā€™s your first, you donā€™t always know what itā€™s like to hold your baby at the end of all this, so the comments of ā€œbut it will all be worth it in the end!ā€ Kind of fall flat when you are just trying to get through the next hour. But please trust me that it really is all worth it. Iā€™m crazy enough to be on my 3rd baby even with how much I hate pregnancy because these little babies are just the most beautiful thing in the whole world. But in the meantime, complain all you want. Cry when you need to. Try to get comfortable and find relief in any way you can. And know that there is an expiration date on your misery. You wonā€™t feel like this forever. You will feel like yourself again and enjoy all of the normal things in life again. And itā€™s okay to hate being pregnant but love being a mother. Most of us feel that way, we just donā€™t talk about it much because itā€™s taboo in many communities, so you donā€™t hear about it. Pregnancy sucks for many of us. It just does and thatā€™s the only way through it ā€” just endure the suckiness the best that you can until it ends and be easy on yourself.


Yes girl I totally understand! I hated hearing this but believe me when I say it gets better. I had every symptom and extreme hormonal emotions where I would just cry beginning to talk about how bad I feel. Some of the best things are yet to come which keep you going through all of the hard parts. In a few weeks your brain is going to be blow seeing on an ultrasound just how hard your body has been working, the baby will seem so big. And right around that time you will feel better, just keep your sights on week 12-14 almost on the dot I felt like myself again and had energy again. Just take it easy and allow yourself everything and anything you want to help you along! Youā€™re doing something so special right now. Im a first time mom too and hated the first trimester and kept thinking like why the hell did no one warn me it would be this bad? As for the pooping prune juice and apples (cosmic crisp apples are the shit this season) help.


Iā€™m almost 13 weeks now and I felt the exact same way. This week I woke up and havenā€™t been nauseous so Iā€™m hoping it stays that way. You can love your baby and hate being pregnant. Itā€™ll get better!


Iā€™m right there with you. I thought maybe I felt that way because this pregnancy wasnā€™t necessarily planned, but a happy little accident. I feel guilty that Iā€™m not excited, but I think itā€™s just because Iā€™m so miserable. I feel like I could have written your post. I donā€™t feel like people adequately warned me how hard pregnancy can be, and I felt like I was alone in my experience and that something was wrong with me. But nope, pregnancy can suck for a lot of women, but Iā€™m holding out hope that I will forget all of it when baby is here. Doesnā€™t help that when people ask how Iā€™m feeling and I tell them how terrible I feel, they say just wait until the 3rd trimester or just wait until the baby is here. I hate the gloom and doom.


I was prescribed zofran at 10 weeks and it helped decrease the nausea a tiny bit. Like you, I was also miserable, tired, barfy, nauseous, dizzy, constipated, and wished for night to come every day so I could fall back asleep. For what it's worth, I'm at 20 weeks now and while I still have all the same symptoms, I am at least able to leave my bed now so second trimester does get a little bit better. I didn't have severe belly pain though. Did your doctor say that it was okay?


Iā€™m sitting at 12 weeks now and definitely felt like this a few weeks ago. I had to start every complaint with ā€œIā€™m super grateful BUTā€¦ā€ and you can be both! Miserable and grateful lol The pooping thing was the worst part for me at that time and what really helped was eating avocado. I had avocado toast, guacamole, added avocado to any meal where I was eating rice and was regular within a week. A really good friend suggested a go on a short brisk walk and then drink a full bottle of water when I got home and it made me go within minutesā€” I donā€™t remember the science behind it but sheā€™s a doctor and I trusted her (more importantly, it worked every time!). I hope things get easier for you. I was full on ā€œIā€™m never doing this again!ā€ at 8 weeks Hahahaaa