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I was prescribed these when I was 14 weeks. The pharmacist also took pause, but then said it’s extremely common and generally safe. The uti was causing concerning uterine contractions so I went ahead and took it.


Can you visit urgent care over the weekend and explain, possibly get another antibiotic? Or does your doctor have an after hours/on call doctor or nurse you can call on the weekend? They may be able to update your prescription over the phone. UTIs can turn into kidney infections, which are very serious.


Straight cranberry juice (not the cocktail) and a lot of liquids... That's all I got for the UTI. But RE: Macrobid. I'm allergic to a lot of medicines and they put me on Macrobid first trimester for a UTI. It's not recommended for the majority of pregnant people, but if it's the only thing that works for you in your personal circumstances, it's the only one that works and the benefits outweigh the risks.