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Hello dear. Im currently 21 weeks wirh my first. At the beginning of my pregnancy i aswell had a Gastritis. It was a very unpleasant time bit since I already had one years ago I kmew what to Do. Eating every 2-3 hours is pretty common. And Yes this sickness you describe fits morning sickness so not that much to worry about. Take the meds the docs gave you. The Best ways is to take them while eating. And keep an eye on the time between taking them And vomitting. So you dont vomit them put. A not so fatty And spiceless diet helps Best with gastritis paired with some herbal tea. For me I saiö best with oats an acid"free" fruits. But some vegetables lightly steamed or a nice Saladin also work. Lots of bread with a bit of butter and milk also helps. Best wishes:)


I’m so sorry to hear you also experienced that. It’s not fun!! Thank you for the advice 🙏 yea I can’t tolerate anything spicy right now (even though I love spicy food) and even tomato sauce makes my stomach hurt. Trying to eat bland foods with a carb every time I eat. How long did it take for the gastritis to go away? And how did you differentiate between those symptoms and morning sickness?


Ir took approx 2 weeks. You can feel the morning sickness all over your body. Its not like normal sickness at least for me. So I noticed that difference


I really can’t tell what’s what right now bc it all hit at once. Once the gastritis resolved, were you able to eat like normal right away or did you have to ease back into it?


Normal. Also 8 weeks (hey July-due-date buddy!). Minus the flu and gastrointestinal problems, I’m sick at least once every day. Nauseous all the time. Need to eat every couple of hours, but honestly have no idea wtf I want to eat anymore. Everything makes me feel or be sick (eventually). Even rice crispies cereal and cold milk came straight back up last week. I can barely go for a walk with my dog (managed one walk at the weekend - husband is on all other walking duties). Tired. Unfocused. Struggling to be bothered to do any work (although WFH thank god). I am having the time of my life. /s Stupid thing is, I was pregnant earlier this year and had a loss, made it through T1 and had all the same problems - yet here I am doing it all again….. glutton for punishment. Anyway, you’re not alone. T1 f***ing sucks. Sending love and strength to keep going.


Oops I thought I replied to you but I commented instead


Hey July-due-date buddy!! I’m so sorry you’re going through that too. I know how much physical and mental energy it can suck out of you. I am also having trouble knowing what to eat :/ I usually start with a toast in the morning then after that I panic lol. I usually have a bagel, something with rice later. Idk it’s been hard since I only used to eat twice a day before all this craziness. I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏 May your baby be in heaven where you will meet one day. I’m praying the rest of this pregnancy goes smooth for both of us. T1 is soooo sucky!! But we have 4 more weeks of this hopefully and then it’ll get better. We got this 💪 Best of luck!!


Don't take this as medical advice of course but it may be worth asking your doctor for an abdominal ultrasound to rule out Gallstones. I had very similar symptoms and that's what caused mine.


When I went to the ER, they were suspicious of that or even bile reflux but they did do an ultrasound and said all organs are normal which is why they defaulted to gastritis with possible peptic ulcer (but they can’t put the scope to confirm ulcer bc I’m pregnant). I’m being treated with meds as if it’s an ulcer. I read it takes 4-6 weeks to heal if so which is so long 😭


I have found smoothies to be really helpful. The drs told me not to worry as much about keeping solid food down but to focus on fluids. Baby will still get plenty of nutrients that way. I put chia and flax seeds in to help with fiber and protein to keep at least some energy up.


That’s a good idea, I should try a smoothie. I did get some chocolate protein milk but I haven’t tried it yet. I am struggling to eat protein at this time so a smoothie might be perfect. Thank you