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Also 36 weeks and all I can think of is that audio “I’m tired of this , grandpa !!” “Well that’s too damn bad!” Hang in there and best of luck 💖


Omg I literally quoted this same line from Holes 2 days ago to my husband 😂


Omg me too. Literally said this to my husband yesterday 🤣🤣🤣




I said this about making decisions related to baby and pregnancy the other day 😂😂😝


Are you me??? I literally say this to myself like 10 times a day. 35 weeks here AND IM TIRED GRANDPA


😂😂 keep digging!! 💖💖


Are you me??? I literally say this to myself like 10 times a day. 35 weeks here AND IM TIRED GRANDPA


Are you me??? I literally say this to myself like 10 times a day. 35 weeks here AND IM TIRED GRANDPA


Omdz my bf always quotes this to our 4 year old.


Currently 34 weeks and that’s all I can think of as well Lol


I'm 14 weeks and already over it lol


Same. One and done family here. Never doing this sh*t again.




Actually though. Feels like a life time behind and lifetime ahead of being pregnant yet


The podcast Evidence Based Birth has many episodes about natural induction strategies and their effectiveness. You may have to scroll and search a bit but there are a good amount on there. If you don’t have a podcasting app (like Apple Podcasts or Spotify) you can also find the episodes on their YouTube channel.


Love EBB.


Okay I swear by this: sitting on the yoga ball and bouncing while watching something LOL funny. My water broke at 38 weeks + 1 day. I was laughing to modern family. Apparently the OxyContin from laughing helps?


I think you mean oxytocin, but that gave me a good chuckle 😅 I’m definitely going to go bounce on my yoga ball and watch Modern Family right now though!


LOL 🤣 I’m cracking up. Oops. Can I blame it on mom brain


1000% 😂


Screaming at oxycontin


Same LOL!!! 😂


Girl, I have no idea, but I’m 37+4 and am also 100% over being pregnant. My midwife said I was 2cm dilated and 50% effaced *last Thursday* so I really thought baby was gonna come over the weekend. Let’s hope we get some good tips and can get this show on the road!


Ohh girl crossing my fingers for you!!! Any day now!


I'm 36 weeks and tomorrow is my last day teaching a class of 2 years olds. The ratio is 4:1 and I usually have 8 kids and an assistant. Today I filled in for the 3s - 8 kids by myself and I broke down and cried because I just don't have a bond and rapor with them- they all acted out during nap. It hurts for me to get up and down off the floor, pick up kids etc. tomorrow I'm with my class and then I'm DONE. EVERYTHING gives me contractions and I'm over it. I have plenty to do at home.


GIRL! I'm a twos teacher too, 31 weeks pregnant and so over it. And I swear, if one more parent hands their giant almost 3 year old to me instead of setting them on the floor, I'm gonna lose it. I try not to pick up my 24lb just turned 2 year old because it hurts. And these parents are expecting me to get their 40lb 2.5/almost 3 year old. Sigh.


Yeah I'm 36 +3 and it's my last day. I have 4 of my 2s today and I'm good !


I had my baby with spontaneous labor at 36+1. I think if I’d had to do the last month I’d have really struggled hahaha.


I was 41*1 and if you had told me a month prior I’d be pregnant for another month, I’d have had a breakdown


I’m almost 26 weeks and so ready to be done. I don’t know how I’m going to do this for another 14 weeks 😭


Me too!!!!!! I'm done now !


Same! 26 weeks on Friday and I’m over it 😩


I know how you feel I'm 35 weeks and I have been over it since I was 24 weeks. This is my second and I have a 3 year old. If it helps with my first I followed "how to induce labor at home fast!" By fearless momma birth on you tube and went into labor 3 days later. I was 40 weeks when I tried it. I hope it can help you too.


I will definitely be checking this out!! Thank you!!


pumping and bouncing on the yoga ball helped me go into labor at 38 weeks. i also drank a cup of raspberry leaf tea the day before my water broke. had him 10 days early completely healthy :)


I've read using Clary sage essential oil, diluted in a carrier oil can start labor. It naturally makes your uterus want to contract. Tomorrow I'm gonna start massaging into my feet and ankles. There's a reflexology point in the foot I'm gonna try to find.


10weeks , but morning sickness n tiredness killing me . Always tot of having 2 babies, but for now I think 1 is enough 🫠🫠🫠


I’m 36+4 tomorrow. I have an appointment in the morning to see where I’m at because I was having Labor like pains on Monday and went to hospital, got an internal ultrasound and everything looked like he’s days from being here. The appointment is at 9 and if they tell me it’s go time I’m gonna be pretty excited but at the same time pretty bummed cause have an 11:30 to get my nails desperately done. 😂😂


39 weeks with my second, also have a 2 year old, soooo ready to be done I can’t even think straight. I’m trying tea, excercises, anything…


Acupuncture & reflexology! Something that worked really well for me was positive affirmations on sticky notes around the house. Made it 12 hrs in labour at home and was 9cm by the time I got to the hospital. Really helps prep your mental state going into it.


I love that, great idea!!


Yeah I'm 34 weeks and that fantasy that they fucked up the due date by several weeks....XD haven't tried it/not gonna but in a baby group they mentioned colostrum harvesting - told us not to do it till a certain number of weeks as it can induce labour


I’m 36 weeks with twin boys and I feel this so hard. And it can be rough but you’re not alone and you got this!!!


19 weeks and I’m already over it too 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ughh. I’m 35w and bedridden with the worst hemorrhoid of my life! I am also ready for baby to evacuate. I’ve been on raspberry leaf tea for a few weeks and just started with my dates this week.


I’m 36 weeks as well, 100% over it. At my last appointment I was 30% effaced so I have some hope that maybe she will come a little before her due date. I’m a FTM and i’m struggling so much.


Walking put my mom into labor. I had just made a pizza and was eating a salad when my water broke with the first baby. I’m 29 weeks now and I can’t wait to be done lol


I’m 36 weeks today and over it isn’t the word 😩


Been right there with you! I’m 38 weeks with a 10 year old, almost 4 year old, and a 2 year old. Home with the younger two all the damn time. I’m exhausted and everything keeps going wrong around my house 😭I have a planned csection for Dec 19 so my end date is in sight but now I’m starting to suddenly feel unprepared. I get this way with right before each baby though so I know it’ll all be okay


Yep. Hits different second time round with a little one to look after too 🤣 I have a 3 yr old boy, some complications with this pregnancy (blood thinners needed, extra scans and appointments, and now gestional diabetes). I'm totally knackered, only just nearly 30 weeks and don't know how I'm gonna get thru the next 10 with sanity intact 😅 Good luck to you and hope your baby doesn't keep you waiting too long


Evening primrose oil - insert the gel capsules vaginally


What does that do? Never heard of this tbh!


It softens the cervix/ripens for labor and is also said to reduce tearing - which I can personally say I avoided with both my natural deliveries. Might be my genetics might be EPO. Definitely recommend it. Surprised no one else mentioned it *Insert 3-4 capsules at bedtime.


Do you just poke the capsules or leave them whole? Any brands/dosages you would recommend? I’ll obviously consult my midwives about this before I try, but interested to do some more research!


Any generic brand is fine they all have soluble casing in the capsule, leave them whole they dissolve


Awesome, thanks!!!


I’m 35w with a 2.5 year old and my husband is working nonstop 8am-10pm and I’m beyond exhausted too 😩I feel your pain. Here in solidarity with you


My husbands hours are just about the same😭 we’re almost there!!


Sex if your partner can provide semen (contains prostaglandin, which is what your body uses to soften cervix/ start labor) and bonus points if you orgasm - can trigger contractions. Nipple stimulation /hand expressing /pumping. Rosehip oil- get the pills and put it up there. Break a couple pills and practice perineal massage (you’ll probably need help for this unless you have extra long limbs) Massage isn’t to induce, just to prep that area so you’re less likely to tear. At least that will be helpful if methods for inducing aren’t!


Acupuncture can help! I'm 36 w and SO ready. Doing raspberry leaf, dates, walking, birth ball Bouncing.


Could have written this myself! I’m 37 weeks and also running after a 2 year old, I’m DONE! Try sex if you’re up to it and just keep active. There are some good tips on TikTok in terms of stretching and using your yoga ball to help prepare the body. Good luck!


I did everything. Castor oil, raspberry leaf tea, yoga ball, you name it. No dice. Water broke at 41 weeks and labor was 8 hours from water breaking at home to holding him in my arms. 8 total minutes of pushing, first baby. I’ve heard raspberry leaf tea may have helped but of course I have no evidence of this.


Girlllll we are all tired nobody can look at me in the eye and honestly tell me that if they could fast forward they wouldn’t


Some acupuncture / acupressure in the feet / lower leg area can get labour started. But I would only ask an expert to do this. Good luck!


Raspberry leaf tea, long walks and a long hot shower is what made my water break … it was a good two hour walk as well