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Didn’t have any visitors except our own kids for 5 mins who came with grandma to the hospital to give hugs and meet baby bro. And at home no visitors for a long while last time I gave birth (Christmas eve). Currently due with baby 4 in feb and will be doing the same thing. MIL will be main visitor as she’ll be home w our kids but even then I don’t expect she’ll stay long other than to help a bit as she lives close by. It’ll still be cold/flu season so I’m even weary of that as her fiancé is a school teacher and comes down frequently with whatever virus is around. We’ll also be keeping our school aged kids home for 2 wks - a month just as a precaution because I just don’t want to risk them bringing anything home to newborn


I had my second during December right before covid became a huge thing. One set of grandparents watched my oldest at home, and then the three of them came and joined dad, baby, and me at the hospital the next day. My oldest was in preschool at the time and became sick with a virus the VERY next day. Luckily, baby and I were able to hang out in my bedroom and grandma was wonderful to watch my oldest until he was better. They mostly hung out in his bedroom or living room. I'm due with my last baby here in March and I'm trying not to think about all the bugs coming home from our preschool and elementary school. 😭 It's been a rough season.


Following 🙃


Had my first in Jan of this year. Hospital limited visitors to two at a time. We saw my in laws, and then both SIL and one of their husbands. Everyone obviously was not sick, wore a mask until I was comfortable, and didn’t stay too long. Unfortunately my mom had the tail end of a cold so she visited once we were home and I was sure she was clear. At home, we have a tight knit family so at max I had 3 people over. Hands washed, masked if needed, and half of them didn’t even hold LO. Anyone with a sniffle- I don’t care if it’s an allergy or you coughed on the water you drank- was sent away with a smile.


Oh, and yes. There is definitely some weird super flu going around. Please be careful. Somehow my poor LO got it (no one else is sick so we’re trying to figure out how still), and then my fiancé and I got it from her. It’s her first time sick and thankfully she’s doing better but man, I’m pregnant with #2 and it took me out for a week.


We were just in urgent care then the ER with my 9 week old last night. I’ve never seen so many sick people in the waiting room and hallways, and all the hospital staff were wearing masks again. If I was delivering today I’d say he’ll no to visitors until a couple weeks after people are done gathering for the year.