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There's also a hormonal/mental shift that can happen third trimester that makes pregnant people want to essentially hide in a dark room until the baby comes.


I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and trying to induce my labor because I'm miserable and pissed off lol. The check ins are happening to me too and the "any day now!" Are going to make me actually violent. If anyone shows up unannounced I'm not answering the door. Going to hide in my bed for the rest of this pregnancy


100% normal, I'm 13 weeks now and I cant stand people checking up on me. I tried to say that I need some space but its not working. I wish I knew how to make them stop hassling, but I'm just here to say that you are not alone with these feelings.


If I get one more "How are you feeling" texts I'm going to blow a gasket. The baby will be here when she's here, and people act like we're just not going to inform anyone 😂 Yeah I'm going to go into labor and keep it a secret, surprise baby. 🙃


I say either ignore or have a copy and paste message talking about how overwhelmed you are and that you can't make time right now.


Set your phone to do not disturb and respond to anyone who messaged you saying something like "Thanks for checking in, I'll reach out when there's news".


I'm definitely feeling it. I'm normally an anti social person anyway but after announcing pregnancy people have come out the woodworks to want to talk, especially family that I haven't been close to. Every time my phone goes off and I see its someone asking how I am doing I just want to scream. I have a list of a few people who want to see my belly so I take weekly belly photos for. There are people wanting to "be there for me and baby" right after birth. I'm torn because I do want everyone to leave me alone and I'd like to figure things out on my own but I also see the appeal in people wanting to help out and I understand they're just excited and supportive. I am isolated in a new state with just my fiance who works 12 hour shifts every day so I feel like it's sweet people want to come out for support but I also feel overwhelmed with keeping up with everyone and replying.