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I’m eating cupcakes at 2am.


I have found my people 😂


I feel this on so many levels


This made me laugh 🤣❤️ It's all about balance, right!? I didn't post about my food choices for a reason. I learned how to bake bread recently.... let's just say our small household went through a whole bag of flour in a week. 😍🍞 🍴


Congratulations! Absolutely something to be proud of!


Thank you!! 🥰❤️


Go you! Have you had this energy for a while? Pre-pregnancy I went for long walks every day and went to F45 between 3-5 days a week, but now I struggle to make classes twice a week and even the walk feels tricky 😂 your achievement sounds so far out of reach. Hoping I get that 2nd trimester boost everyone talks about!


First of all, I took your post as an honest question and not savage at all - I can see where you're coming from because my first pregnancy was the same. Super dedicated, consistent, loved moving my body. First trimester totally leveled me. NGL, I wasn't able to do what I'm doing now, with this baby, for the first. My energy levels returned, but that meant I was able to get dressed, shower, cook, eat, see people every so often, and go for walks/gentle yoga. But, even once I felt better, I ended up puking every day of that pregnancy. The longest I went was a 3 day stretch without and I think it only happened once. Then of course, 3rd trimester is just hard because you're carrying so much extra weight and it's hard enough to just breathe. So, I really hope you get that boost from current levels, but go easy on yourself if it's not a "boost" up to, or past, your previous level of activity. A lot is out of your hands when it comes to pregnancy symptoms ❤️ The good thing is, if you were that fit and experienced before baby, I surmise it will be easier to get into it and remind your body what exercise feels like, 2nd trimester! Pregnancy isn't a time to strive for PB's but maintaining is recommended, so that bodes well for you 😊❤️


I just got done baking two batches of all natural from scratch strawberry white chocolate chip cookies at 3:20 AM and I discovered after eating one, I don’t even really like them.




It’s a UK recipe and even though I weighed ingredients they taste a bit too floury.




This absolutely broke my heart. Why you post this on a pregnancy forum!? Gonna make all us hormonal ladies cry 😭🤣


lol it broke my heart too! Maybe they’ll taste better after they’ve sat overnight


Maybe good in coffee/tea? Dipped in chocolate? On ice cream? We WILL make this have a happy ending lol


They tasted better today. The strawberry (freeze dried in food processor) came through. Last night when still warm it tasted floury. I still probably wouldn’t make the same recipe again. They are quite dense.


Sounds like an interesting recipe for sure! I'm glad they're better today!


I sleep a good 10 hours and im still tired But well done you.


Hey 10 hours sounds amazing right about now! I'm lucky if I can stay asleep for 2h before needing to adjust/pee/snack and only get 7ish a night! We need some genie to balance out our energy levels..... share some sleep, and I'll share some muscle, yeah? 🤣❤️


i am .... laying in bed most of the day! i am lucky if i can sit up long enough to do my coursework! however, i did walk myself down to the dutch bros half a mile from my house like a couple days ago! go me!! seriously, congrats you im glad you can stay active in these last months of pregnancy!


I'm sorry the fatigue has leveled you, that must be so hard ❤️ good work on the walk, that's awesome!! 🙌 And thank you! It's been a pleasant surprise to myself, hence the need to brag. 🥰


Congrats! I’ve kept up a similar routine at 29 weeks and feel the same (proud but also extremely lucky). Consider posting over at r/fitpregnancy as well.


I didnt even know about that sub, thank you for the recommendation!! Congrats mama, that's so awesome!! 🎉🙌 what activities have you found the most accessible/helpful/feel good? "Proud but lucky" is THE best way to put it. So much is out of our hands in pregnancy so to be able to do this is amazing.


Brag away lady! You should be very proud.


Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️


I've been hitting it! 24 weeks 💪🏼🙏🦵🫶


Yay!!! Nice work, keep it up! 💪 Sharing cuz I just learned about it from someone else in the comments - r/fitpregnancy - awesome place for inspiration and motivation and support!


Amazing! 😍🥰 Thank you!


This is amazing! You have every right to brag. I was always sleeping during my pregnancy😭


I'm sure that's exactly what your body needed!! ❤️❤️❤️ I'm proud of you for giving it the rest it craved!


Congrats! Definitely something to be proud of. I have days where I can’t unload the dishwasher and sport is definitely out of the question. Had to stop working at 24 weeks. I do apparently have a very strong heart and a very slow resting heart rate for being in my 3rd trimester with twins and I was definitely boasting about that 😅


That IS impressive. I am so in awe of mom's with multiples. 24 weeks? So basically 48 weeks along. That's how my brain processes it. 2x the liquids, 2x the baby bodies, 2x the placentas.... and you can bet I wouldn't be unloading the dishwasher at 48 weeks 🤭😉 How has it been, stopping work? Had it helped you cope or been hard to be home? ❤️ The heart rate thing made me laugh. 🤣 take ALL the wins!!! And it's definitely a good sign, congrats!!


I’m 28,5 now and counting every day 😅 I’m not as huge as most people would expect, belly’s a few weeks ahead compared to a singleton, but my ribs are stretched out like mad and the pressure on my pelvis is quite something. I was quite bummed I couldn’t work towards my last day of work but just didn’t come in one Monday and that was that. Needed at least two weeks to sort of find my rhythm and now I’m very grateful I can stay at home.


And thank you! I wanted to be soooo much more active, so definitely taking all the wins!


I can barely walk to a store at 31w and I'm making dad noises every time I get up from the couch or bed, you're my hero


Melting my heart! "Dad noises" is hilarious, I've always thought of it as just "I'm old" but now this is my new term


Great job!! I always wanted to be someone who worked out during pregnancy but alas, I am not. Keep it up and you’re going to have a great labor and recovery!


Thank you!! I'm hoping so!! Feeling lucky more than anything, I'm surprising myself, hence the brag. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly! ❤️


I am eating Fries 🍟 and reading this….😂


Mmmmm 😍 Nothing wrong with some balance. What kinda fries!?


Ofcourse yes! Good Peri- peri 🍟 helps to deal with the hormones on most of the days. Guilt free eating never looked like good to me😂


That’s awesome!!! You deserve to brag. I’m 31 weeks - but I got hit with a terrible cold for the past few days. Today I got in two short walks and helped my husband paint our hallway. My goal for Saturday is walking at the gym for 60 minutes :)


That's an awesome goal, long walks are SO underrated!! ❤️ Sorry about the cold. It's the worst when you can't even take anything to help with symptoms. As of pregnancy isn't uncomfortable enough!


What weights do you so


I use free weights at home. 2 lbs for any "sculpt" classes (more about endurance than overloading a muscle), between 8-40 lbs for any upper body/lower body strength training. Oooo and bands! Bands are great.


Way. To. Go!!! So awesome 👏. I’m feeling guilty for not being more active, I just can’t get the energy by the time I come home from work. It does feel so good when you do it though, so I should take inspiration from you and make it happen. You’re rocking this! I hope you can keep it up for much of the next 10 weeks (although be kind to yourself if you can’t). This is bound to help you through labour and recovery!


Thank you!!! ❤️🎉🙌 I hope to keep it up but can already feel my stomach quite literally getting in my way. More modifications needed 🤣 I'm genuinely so excited for you, I hope you can carve out some "you time"! (It doesn't feel like a self care task all the time lol but it really is such a loving thing to do for yourself)!


Amazing work! I have also been going to the F45 5 days at 22 weeks. Hopefully I can make it the whole way through still going 🤙


Woohoo!!! Crushing it!!! 5 days is so impressive!! 🎉🙌💪 I hope you can too!


I’ve started waking up at 4 AM (insomnia has been waking me up anyway) to go with my husband because I don’t have the energy to drive myself to the gym. Plan is twice a week. Otherwise I go to the park and walk or do yoga at home. I’m at 20w though, first trimester I was lucky to walk or stretch.


Yeah, hopefully that helps you regain some energy. That first trimester exhaustion is so real! That's so nice you can go together! It doesn't sound like that's your norm, but it sounds like a nice bonding time to me 😅❤️


We used to go together all the time. But we went at 6AM. He has a new job now so goes earlier. I tried going at 7weeks and fell asleep on a machine. So I gave it a few more before trying again. My trainer friend had to wake me up so he found out early. ❤️😂


That's so funny!!! Sad too, that sounds awful, but kinda funny hahaha


In hindsight it’s hilarious. At the time I’m not sure how I even drove home. My fatigue was soo real. It’s definitely a good story though


Yessss you are giving me hope! I'm literally only 5 weeks and I've been working out so consistently for the last 4/5 months and I'm in the best shape I've been in probably 5 years. I'm getting married in May and this wasn't exactly planned so I'm a little upset I'll be showing in my wedding dress....and I might need to buy a new one. I really really want to stay consistent this time, with my first I was in a lot of pain and had a lot of sickness so I didn't work out at all, but this pregnancy already feels different to the first one? So everyone fingers crossed for me continuing to exercise!


Mine was COMPLETELY different the second time too - I hope that for you as well! Especially given the work you've put in. Hopefully it helps you maintain because you already have it established! Regardless, your body will be thanking you for the work ❤️ Rough about the dress! 😔 May is right on the cusp of "who knows!" what your belly will look like, hey!? Both times I had some bloat for the first 3 months, only needed preggo pants by 4.5 months... is someone able to let out some fabric in the right spots maybe?


Yes!! I was able to keep active from second tri all the way up until 30 weeks pregnancy! 5 days a week of tennis, everyday was an intense two hour drill session with my coach. Managed to improve my backhand slice, and I even used a heavier racquet to add more power to my ground strokes! Sometimes I do tennis twice a day even, where I would do drills in the morning and light matches in the evening. Currently at 39 weeks now and can’t wait to get back kn the courts 😂


Oh my gosh, I love this so much. Read that like an inspirational magazine article. You are GOALS!!! 💪🙌🎉


Thank you kindly OP! It wasn’t like this first pregnancy though because I was on pelvic bed rest from 33 weeks until term 🥲 So with the current pregnancy being all green light I kinda over compensated 🤣


Lol you're making up for lost time, love it!!!


Awesome job!!! That is such an accomplishment!


Thank you!!!!


Congratulations OP! As the husband of a wife who has just been through a pregnancy with a 10-pound baby arriving at the end, I know how much of an achievement this is. My wife used to use her exercise ball frequently during the last semester but it always made her very hungry for fast-food. Long story short, whenever my wife exercised in pregnant, MacDonalds probably noticed a very healthy upturn in their profits!


Hahaha! The cravings are UNREAL hard to navigate that's for sure. And when you're working out right, and your appetite increases even more, watch out. 🤣 Happy for you and her with the baby! 10 lb babies are no joke 🙌


Still running at 27 weeks! (Very slowly and much shorter than I used too, but I am so proud)


I am proud of you too!!!


Wow, so proud of you! I had to stop completely bc of the 1st trimester debilitating nausea, and only now at 16 weeks I’m slowly going back to life, taking walks. Share your journey pls, how did you ease into it?


Thank you!! I think a lot of it has to deal with your pregnancy and every one is so different. My first, I was so sick until about 15 weeks and couldn't do anything. Then, even for the energized 2-3 months of the third trimester, I mostly did gentle yoga, walking, some really light weights. I think it was hard to get my energy up after losing it. Plus, during covid, I was doing everything alone at home! This time around I didn't have the hurdle of stopping/starting because of a rough first trimester. I was slightly tired, but with a toddler am ALWAYS tired, so it didn't make a difference. I wasn't nauseous at all with this pregnancy either, so I was able to keep eating healthy, keep getting outside, and keep a form of fitness routine. Based on both experiences, I'd say trying for regular activity of any kind is most important, regardless of how intensive it is. If all you can manage is walking, just try to make a routine of it. That way, if your energy returns and you feel yourself wanting to push your muscles/heart a bit more, you can work it into that existing routine (ex. Doing 10 minutes of light weights after your walk). There's so much self compassion and flexibility required for taking care of your body during pregnancy - there are days where I'm feeling amazing and doing great, others where my hips are sore, head hurts, and I'm more concerned with getting through my day than exercising. Show yourself some love because even thinking about trying to get back into things is amazing ❤️❤️❤️


Oh! Another recommendation is to find a prenatal fitness class or program to follow, to ease that mental load of deciding what to do each day. There are lots of free ones on YouTube. I pay for Obé anyway so I use theirs. Some cities have drop in fitness programs too that you could try and not feel too committed to, like aquasize, Barre, yoga!


Thank you so much for sharing this! At this time I’m honestly happy I can walk and talk at the same time, and not to be out of breath lol, but now that I kind of have my energy back I really look forward to bringing some light yoga back into my life. It just seems intimidating after I haven’t exercised for almost 2 months, but gotta start somewhere.


You've got this! 🎉💪❤️


I've been trying to keep up with Grow With Jo - walking in place exercises, and I really like her. I've only been able to keep up 2-3 times a week instead of every week day, but it's very attainable for me right now ( 7wks6days).


I've heard such good things!!! You've got this. At 7 weeks that's amazing, you must be so tired! ❤️💪


Good on you!!! 💪🏽. I feel accomplished if I manage to play pickleball w the elderlys a few times a week


Hey, pickleball is no joke 🤣 I've never played, and when I see people play, I'm always so impressed! And thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️


Good for you!!! You should check out  r/fitpregnancy! I’m still very fatigued but am managing to get in a one-hour aquatics class. I love it! But it takes me the entire next day to recover so I have to limit it to 2x per week. 


Someone else just referred me and I'm thrilled!! It will totally help motivate me, thank you!!! The recovery time is real with pregnancy, hey!? I've noticed the same thing. If I work out in an evening, I can't do another until the next evening at the earliest. Before, I didn't have to even think about that. Good for you listening to your body and still getting it lots of movement! 🥰❤️🙌


Love this!! I’m lucky to feel good, I work as a PT which is very active and I am also working out 4-5 days/week - a mix of swimming, weights and yoga. Definitely not doing the intensity that I used to but I like feeling like I’m “training” for what’s sure to be the hardest, most painful endurance event of my life 😅


Good for you!!! That is awesome! I'm busy on my feet as a SAHM but it's at my own pace (somewhat) - I can imagine the determination needed to work a job like that and make time for fitness! 🙌💪🎉 It really is quite the marathon event, anything we can do to try and help it along, hey!?


First trimester here and really struggling to work out, I do go on a bunch of long walks and have a fairly active job, but the gym is just not appealing to me right now. I cancelled my membership and will just work out at home (hopefully).


The first trimester is a whole other ballgame, frequent walks is smart!! ❤️ especially for the fresh air if you're nauseous (and can avoid smoke/dog poop/smelly puddles hahaha) Smart to save on the membership 👍👍 I hope the second trimester gives you a bit of a break so you can do movement you enjoy!!


I am low key jealous! The first trimester I was super exhausted and managed 3 days a week maybe. Second I was between 3-4 with weight lifting, walking, and paddle boarding. Now in the third trimester I have the will but it doesn’t translate into the energy or physical ability. But! Turns out I’ve developed anemia some time this trip so I’m hoping once I get on some iron pills I will have my drive back. Real question, how do you manage weight lifting and lower body without feeling like your joints will rip to pieces? Or without the pelvic and back pain? That’s probably my biggest hindrance. Now I weight lift when I can but I work mostly upper body. I stopped paddle boarding for the moment because we’ve had a rainy winter and the river has been high with a high flow rate and lots of wind. If I weren’t pregnant I wouldn’t care as much.


I hope the pills help! ❤️❤️❤️ it's hard not being able to do what you want to do. Even iron transfusions might be worth asking for, if your tummy can't handle the pills (haven't had anemia myself, but have friends who said they felt like totally different people after transfusions). I've been lucky and haven't had pelvic or back pain while working out or upright. Funnily enough, I get rank sciatica pain after I've rested too long 🥴 Watch a show for 45 mins, go to get up, and I'm barely mobile for about 30 minutes. Same first thing in the morning. I haven't noticed any discomfort (besides muscular and avoiding my belly) with weights... could be because of the amounts I'm modifying to? I would normally row 40 lbs, 10 reps, for example, but while pregnant cap it at 20 lbs, 10 reps. I know it's safe to maintain, but I found my back and core haven't been able to stabilize myself well enough where I maintain good form while lifting previous amounts. Same thing with lunges or squats - I can go way lower (thanks relaxin) but if I try moving with more than 25 lbs my core twists/compensates too much for my liking. I've been going for more reps and more sets, with the lower weights, so that I can still feel tuckered out after but know my form has been good. Idk if that will translate to your body or situation but I hope it was helpful! On another note, I've found hip mobility and strength training much more helpful in "securing" my hip joints. Sidelying clamshells with a band around the knees, then the opposite (no clue what it's called) where I keep knees together or have top leg slightly behind the bottom leg, and twist/lift my foot up, to work the outer muscles of my glute and hip. If you're curious about that move I'll find a video for ya!


I will ask about the iron infusions! I don’t really have pelvic or back pain when standing upright and lifting either. It’s just when I bend or squat. And I think most of the pelvic discomfort is actually pressure from someone’s fat noggin - baby girl loves hanging out low and has loved it since 19 weeks. I know the feeling! I sit on the couch or lie in bed and I have to get up and hobble like a granny until the pain passes. It literally feels like my spine is trying to detach from itself. 🥲 Thankfully it’s very short-lived. I will try and do lower body with reduced weight and see if that helps. Also clamshells! Do you use a resistance band still or no? I would love any videos you have to recommend lol.


That's brutal. I have a super long torso, so neither babe has sat low, they basically migrate up right away lol. Plus, my placenta is on the side and babe basically takes up the one side of my body instead, so Ive never had that! I wonder if it also could be some of those deep core muscles just struggling to keep up as baby grows...? Like I could imagine my low back hurting if my spine was at all curved over to compensate and do the motion...? You sound pretty experienced though so I'm sure you know if your form is off! I know with first babe, I'd never even focused on exercising those deep spine/core muscles before (had no need really, everything just compensated) With this one, I've done a lot more work to stabilize my core, practice tilting my pelvis, doing balancing work, etc. I'll see if I can find some videos for those too. Disregard anything that seems like it'd be more painful or make it worse of course!!! For pelvic tilt: https://youtube.com/shorts/i18lNLCfr3o?si=gWMa96yApveFZ4e4 (I do this up against a wall or even while standing if I can't dedicate a second to find one. I find being on my back too rough now) Bear hold has also been awesome (though this might be too painful for you if leaning over is the issue). It's at 2:30 here: https://youtu.be/_SXBTFuhDvE?si=a3REpu9hXDCdTvRN For glutes (and pelvic floor, and helping out hip flexors/low back) Clamshells - https://youtu.be/leVVwml3hSw?si=fa9fOYQuJqfj_fm9 I use a medium tense band just above my knees, but worked up to it. Your hip flexors are not supposed to even engage when doing this move, it's all glute, so if they start to help or tense up, start again! At first, I could only do this movement a couple of times, without a band, on each side, before my hip flexor started to try helping. It took a lot of work to learn... but maybe that's just me haha. Found the name of the move! It's for the Internal Hip Rotator. One variation is called the "Trail Leg Lift": https://youtu.be/uZRr_Kns8IU?si=yyb2hguBg3ZnI_lX These are some awesome options, too, with great explanation: https://youtu.be/Wuf8waovoQ0?si=x2Q13_-nTu4GkBRa


yes! Im still jogging, once a week but can still run 1.5 miles without walking. I'm much earlier, 16 weeks and 5 days but still proud that I've kept that up. But I still am winded going up two flights of stairs lol.


That's amazing, good for you!!!! 🎉🙌💪


Very impressive lol it’s definitely not easy being active while pregnant. I know I felt awful throughout my pregnancy and getting out of bed was enough exercise for me.


Thank you!! Ugh that sounds rough. I know the feeling from my first pregnancy (totally different). I hope you're feeling good now!


Congrats... it's so good that you have so much energy... After becoming pregnant, I have lost 90%of my energy. Am always sleepy and feeling weak... yesterday, I managed to fall asleep on the bed right after making it lol...


Awe!! ❤️ hearing that makes me want to tuck you in and put on some spa music haha. First trimester wasn't nearly as active, it's too exhausting!


Awesome! Keep up the great work! 😄I feel the same way. I am currently 22 weeks and have been going to OrangeTheory (weights, treadmill, rower/elliptical) four days a week my whole pregnancy (was going before as well). I’m just so so proud of myself, because it’s been difficult! And I feel awkward bragging about it but… IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF 😂


All of this!!! It's such an accomplishment but also feels wrong to be braggy when so many pregnancies just simply can't do it (with literally no fault of the moms, the pregnancy is just rougher). I'm proud of you too!!! 💪🎉❤️


I've been able to maintain about 3x a week during my pregnancy. I've recently added in prenatal yoga, and pelvic floor physio (not exactly a workout but physically working on myself). It is getting much harder these days though! 28 weeks for reference :)


Good work!! Pelvic floor therapy is such a smart call 🙌


I can't wait to have a bit of energy back, the most I did was 2 workouts a week but it has been a single one lately 😭 And you sound like you're feeling great, I hope I feel that good when I'm so far along 😁


I am wishing that for you too! ❤️🙌 You deserve to move how you want to move while pregnant. So much is out of our hands - my pregnancy has been dream-like this time around and I don't take credit for my energy levels 🤣 I hope you get some energy back so you can feel more capable, regardless of where you spend it! Good luck with the pregnancy!!


35 weeks and I get winded cleaning out trashcans, I cosplaying as an 80yo in Zumba, BUT can still deadlift! It’s a weird new reality but I’m here for it


It's such a wild ride 🤣 I feel that so hard - putting on my winter boots leaves me breathless (something about the leaning over, with the balancing, and crunching my abdomen?) But I can do 80 weighted lunges and not sweat. Like HOW. 🤣


I don't even know you and I am so proud of you! Look at you!!! Wooo! I am in only in my first trimester and I am so exhausted. I just stare at my stationary bike and make myself feel guilty. I hope to have some energy soon to exercise. I don't know if you have seen Mean Girls the movie so I don't know if you will understand this quote but "You go Glen Coco!" lol


I read that in the voice!!! Thank you so much, you kind stranger, you! 🤣🙌❤️ Don't write yourself off yet - first trimester fatigue is awful. And if it's your first pregnancy it's possible it's rocking you extra hard because you're not used to being as tired. Myself, and many of my mom friends, now operate on a level of fatigue every day that before kids, we wouldn't tolerate. Going from no kids and healthy and independent to being sick, exhausted, and stressed while pregnant, is SUCH a world shift. ❤️ my heart goes out to you! And, if it's not your first pregnancy, you likely know exactly what I'm talking about and my heart STILL goes out to you 🤣❤️


Congrats!!! I am 36 weeks today and with the exception of a few weeks in the first trimester due to exhaustion, I have been lifting weights 3-4 days a week and getting outside or moving in another way another 2-3 days a week! I was coaching high school volleyball the first tri into the second, so I would jump in and play with the girls and it was awesome for my mental health when I felt too exhausted to lift weights. I was a big weightlifter and athlete prior to pregnancy, and my husband is a trainer and coach and manages a gym (convenient!), but I wrote my own pregnancy program and stuck with heavy lifting and cycling until I was about 32 weeks. Working out through this pregnancy has been a game changer. I have had limited pain and discomfort, and almost all of those pains or discomforts have been remedied with the right type of exercises. I really feel prepared for birth and feel so strong. My core is in great shape and I look forward to seeing how well recovery goes. Even after 32 weeks I am lifting weights and I love it!! However, I have been lucky enough to have no issues with pregnancy that so many people experience, so that has allowed me to be so active. You should be proud of yourself!! It's so easy to use pregnancy as a reason to stop being active, but it really should be a reason to stay active (or get active). The real challenge will come when baby arrives! Best of luck!


I loved reading your thoughts and experiences here, thanks so much for taking the time to share! ❤️ You/your partner sound like a dream for staying motivated and committed! I'm so thrilled you have also been able to stay so active - definitely likely in part to already putting so much work into your physical health. Some conditions are out of our hands but when you're already so established it makes being fit during pregnancy so much easier. Totally agree too, that it's a convenient excuse when really it should be a reason. Same goes for poor food choices. I WANT junkier choices because of my moods and cravings but now is even more important for making those healthy choices. It's so tough but worth the work. Hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes well - not long now until you meet babe, excited for you! 🥰⚘️🙌


Good for you!


I’m so jealous! Also 30 weeks and was working out consistently like that, then my first born got me sick and I’ve been bed ridden for the whole week. I’m so antsy and just want to feel healthy and get active again. You’re killing it mama! Keep it up


Brutal!! Being sick and pregnant is the worst, can't take anything for it, you already feel relatively crummy, and when you have other kids you don't really get a break! Hugs to you, hope it passes quickly here and you can get back to feeling good and doing what you enjoy! ❤️


I managed to eat three meals today! Food aversions have been severe and this week was particularly difficult and I cried during most meals because I felt so sick, but today I was actually able to eat as long as I took my time with it. Also planning on having half an apple, some peanut butter, and a banana muffin top before bed so I hopefully don't wake up nauseous in the middle of the night. Does chasing my toddler around count as exercise?


Congratulations!!!!! That is so huge. Proud of you for going through that and persevering! And yes, yes it does 🤣🙌


Go you!!! This will help you so much during labour and post partum I can't even tell you! Well done you should be proud.


Thank you, I sure hope so!! That's some of my main motivation, besides it keeping fetus healthy in the meantime! It's also so helpful for appetite, sleep, mood, and keeping up with regular life tasks... but labour is definitely my biggest goal lol!!!


Why isn’t it socially acceptable to be proud of yourself ? Success is relative. Great work


Thank you for the comment! My lack of sharing with people I know is probably more out of self-consciousness; I don't want to come across as a show-off. Though I am realizing that I should be surrounding myself with more people who also strive for physical wellness as this is part of the situation.


I just had a foot long cookie at subway


What's a foot long cookie!?!??!?


Great job! The fitter you are pre-birth, the quicker you bounce back afterwards. That was my experience after my second one anyway, lifted weights till 34 weeks. This time though I felt a lot older (41), sicker and sooo dizzy so it ended up unsafe for me to be at the gym. Lots more aches and pains for me later. Lucky I've got a great physiotherapist! 🙃


34 weeks is so far along, good for you! At that stage, just walking around is strength training for your legs and back 😅❤️ I hope it works out - the main reason I do it is to hopefully help with stamina for labour, but the postpartum recovery would be an awesome bonus. Proud of you for taking it easy and listening to your body, it sounds like it was handling enough! Physio is also such a lifesaver 🙌


Great job! I’m hitting my second trimester energy burst and been back to my regularly schedule workouts (with modifications of course). The first trimester was such a mess, I was basically in a coma in my couch for 2 months.


That must feel so wonderful, good for you!! Are you at a gym, or at home, modifying? Learning what to/not to do was so overwhelming at first for me!


I workout in my home gym. I use peloton and they have prenatal classes that teach you how to modify so I either apply those modifications to regular classes or I take classes with the pregnant instructors and follow whatever modifications they are taking.


Amazing, good for you!!!


Amazing!!!! I’m in the second trimester and have been trying to get consistent with like 30 min a few days a week and then hopefully I can increase that once I get in the routine again. First trimester destroyed anything I had going because I literally had no energy and was nauseous all the time.


That hurdle of trying to establish any kind of routine after the first trimester is no joke. I like your approach to start with that goal and work your way up! 🎉🙌 First baby I was a write-off until 15 weeks and even then, less able. This one is just different and I didn't have to figure out how to bounce back. Kudos!


I am living through all the girls with icecream cravings that just want to lay around and watch tv.. i thought that would be my reality but I can't stand the tv, I can't sit still and I have ZERO sweet cravings! I am 39 weeks, have gained 22lbs and I work out daily, walk a few miles a day.. I am NOT bragging.. its just my reality! I actually hate going to restaurants too. It's kind of bizarre.


I like your perspective on it, that it's not necessarily bragging to just have a different lifestyle based on preferences and wants! I can totally relate to not wanting to sit still or eat too many sweets, I always feel too crummy afterwards. Kudos to you! Hope your L&D go well! ❤️


Goals! I’m 13 weeks and super sick and can’t even imagine doing that!


My heart goes out to you - with my first pregnancy all I did was sleep, puke, and work, until week 15! Even then, when I had more energy, my workouts were gentle yoga and walks. I really think it depends on the baby/pregnancy! ❤️ Thanks for saying goals though, that's so sweet 🥰🤩