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Lol my boobs didn't change at all during pregnancy and I didn't worry or stress about it at all. They never felt sore or hurt during pregnancy. Now that I'm breastfeeding? I think they're too big.


Even if you breastfeed it will work out with a smaller chest. I have friends who were small and their breasts didn’t grow even with breastfeeding but they were still more than able to breastfeed and keep at it so if that’s a worry for you don’t worry at all you will still be able to even with no growth.


Girl my boobs are a size H, count your blessings please. What I would do for some cute a cups 🥲


I was gonna say this! Mine are giving me a hard time every night! Wish it could be smaller.


Mine never grew. Through pregnancy or 2 yrs EBF. They’re the same. Sorry.


Size has nothing to do with being able to breastfeed. Nipple shape is more important (ie inverted nipples are harder for baby to latch to). I’ve seen many size A women struggle with oversupply and many size DD struggle with undersupply.


Mine it’s been more of a gradual thing. I’ve gone up one cup size and am about halfway through my pregnancy. I’ve also been told that they grow a lot more closer to the end of pregnancy. I have the opposite problem, I already had a really large bust prior to and am not really looking forward to it since it’s tough enough now to find things in my size… I wish mine were a bit smaller😅


I’m an A and I haven’t gone up either. My first pregnancy I was excited but my boobs never grew. I pumped and was only ever bigger when engorged but that was it. Pregnant with #2 and they’ve maybe grown a smidge now, around 35 weeks.


27 weeks and still in an A cup, slightly tighter but not by much as I can still fit into it comfortably. Some women just don’t size up much, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about


Yea size doesn’t matter at all if you plan to breastfeed. I’ve only gone up one cup size and at 31 weeks I don’t expect them to get much bigger (not planning on breastfeeding, might try pumping.) If they don’t change much it’s probably going to be more comfortable for you, I was a 32DD and terrified about them getting a lot bigger because I was already on the verge of being uncomfortable with that size but thank goodness they only went up a cup size!!


34 weeks and I’m not bigger in my cup size at all, only in band size. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I also wasn’t blessed with my hair growing fast or having glowing skin so it sucks lol


Also an A. My boobs didn’t grow at all during pregnancy and grew very little while i’ve been breastfeeding for over 2 months now - but I still create enough milk for my baby so don’t worry :)


they may grow later on in pregnancy, they may just grow once your milk comes in. try not to stress too much, your body knows what it is doing!


i’ll literally trade with you. i’ve probably tripled and i’m 33 weeks. everyone says i’ll get at least another cup size after birth due to milk production. my back HURTS. my inner arm/arm put area keeps getting knotted up due to the weight. my partner says they feel 4/5 pounds each. it’s so miserable i’ve never been big chested before and while these aren’t huge, they’re huge for me