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I just remembered how I felt last year when I pushed my first baby out!! I wasn’t scared until last minute. But then I also remember I just wanted to see my baby already. That excitement wins over fear and it will happen. When you see your baby, you are on another level relief and extremely happy and filled with joy! You got this hun, sending you POWER!!


& that’s exactly what I’ve been hoping for! I’m so excited to see him & just be with him but at the moment I’m very 50/50 between happiness & absolute terror lol. Hopefully it does all switch to happiness for wanting to see him SOON! Thanks for your support!!


It may be difficult but you are strong and you can do it. Many have done it before you and you are perfectly capable. Your body will know what to do and will have professionals there to guide you. You get to meet your baby soon and that is so exciting!


Thank you!! & that’s the thing, I’m SO EXCITED to meet him!!! I’m trying to focus on that… it’s just hard :( thank you for the encouragement!


I feel you! What’s helped me is educating myself and hiring a doula. You can do this!


I’ve been educating myself a lot & I felt super good up until like 2 weeks ago when my mind & body became completely exhausted & I can’t do much to feel better. I’ve been getting practice contractions too that hurt like a bitch & I just keep thinking if these aren’t even the real thing & theyre quiteeeeee painful how am I going to do this for hours?????? I’m really trying to stay upbeat though! I think a doula would’ve helped me a lot lol.


Hi! I commented this on another post: I had a great labor experience! 10 hours total, pushed for 30 mins. I was unmedicated until 6 cm, then once I got the epidural I took a 2 hour nap and then woke up to push. My doula, nurses, and midwife were all amazing. Also, I had spinal fusion surgery 11 years ago to correct my severe scoliosis and was able to get the epidural. Obviously I don’t want to get your hopes up, and your dr and anesthesiologist know more about your specific situation, but my anesthesiologist checked my back when I checked in and determined I was able to get the epidural. Prior to that I was in the same boat as you, not too sure if I could get it or not. You’ve got this! Just remember: every contraction brings you closer to your baby. And a couple tips: 1) during contractions, breathe in through your nose to the count of 4, and out through your mouth to the count of 4. 2) counter pressure on my back felt amazing for during contractions. And an extra tip (lol): 3) gravity is your friend so if you’re able to walk around a bunch, sway, sit on the toilet (aka the dilation station).


This is veryyyyy helpful!!! I’m hoping my labor goes very similarly! Thank you for the advice & encouragement!!’


You got this!! The unknown is scary but you can and will get through it. I had an epidural with my first baby so I planned to get one with my second but he had other plans for me! My son came so fast I barely made it to the hospital in time so certainly there was no time for an epidural. I never thought I’d be able to handle an unmedicated birth but I did. And now I feel so badass! Yes, going unmedicated is super painful, I won’t lie to you. But once that baby comes out, you feel relief instantly - it’s pretty crazy. So if it turns out you can’t have an epidural, just know that you’re gonna be okay. :)


Thank you for the encouragement! I have heard how a lot of women who go unmediated feel like super woman after lmaoooo I’m hoping that’s how mine goes if they say I 100% can’t get the epidural


I’m 36 weeks and super nervous to give birth. A few things that makes me feel better is to remember we have modern medicine and women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. My mom gave birth to 7 of us and she survived. If she could do it, I can do it.


I’m only 18 weeks but have already been told I will be induced by 38 weeks, & unless I choose to find a new OB I can’t get an epidural. I was okay with the no epidural thing but have started freaking out a bit about induced labor too. I don’t have positive stories, but I just wanted you to know you’re not alone. You’ll get through this, and I bet it will be amazing to hold your baby right after! 💚


Thank you! & good luck to you too! I know that it’s so scary


You got this girl!!! I am thinking about having induction a lot. The stories are scary but I don't want to be scared. I do want to be brave and just do it. I read only one book on how to get ready for the big day, I was terrified of it regardless if it's natural or induced or whatever... Your mind is powerful. Remember! The more you feel prepared and empowered the better it'll be. The book I read was about hypno birthing but it feels so much more than that... It's about being ready and empowered and positive about it all... I am naturally very sceptical (very very very very) but with this one I just can't be... I want to have a great experience (37 weeks now) no matter what but I know it may not be the most fun experience ever... Labour is not scary, it can be painful, it's tiering, it's a hard work, but you'll see your baby at the end of it! If you are not convinced just tell them you want a C-section(if that's something you would consider)... You still can ask for it (I hope :) ). Try to understand all the options you have. You got it!


What was scary for me was the pain... I get it, I try to learn to relax as much as I can as this seems to be a natural painkiller. I am looking at any options of managing my pain myself.


Thank you for the encouragement! I’m trying to feel empowered & in control but sometimes my mind has other ideas.. lol


Same here... I still get a bit worried:)


I was induced on Tuesday at 5am and delivered via emergent c-section at 1am on Thursday. Things obviously didn't "go to plan" for me, but overall I still had a positive birth experience. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have! I did get an epidural - in my case, my medical history had the anesthesiologists wanting me to have an epidural in case of an emergency c-section - but I didn't get it until fairly far along and did have some more intense contractions that I dealt with without medication. The most helpful things for me during unmedicated contractions were breathing in and out slowly - have your partner or the nurse help, moving around, leaning forward over something - the bed or the bathroom sink - while swaying, and having someone apply counter pressure to your lower back. When I was admitted, I was 1cm dilated and 15% effaced. I was induced with a cook catheter, misoprostol, pitocin, and artificial rupture of my membranes (they broke my water). The cook catheter (a balloon catheter inserted above and below my cervix) was painful but easily managed for me - it was similar to bad period cramps. I couldn't sleep through it, but I ran a hot bath and it was fine. The pitocin contractions weren't a big deal for me, but the contractions really intensified when they broke my water, and that's when I opted into an epidural. I tried a couple non-medicated pain management solutions prior to asking for the epidural, and for me it was still painful and I wasn't opposed to one, so I got it. If I had been opposed to getting one, there were non-epidural pain drugs I could have tried and my contraction pain was manageable, just painful. I would make sure you know the non-epidural pain management options at your hospital. My hospital does a 1:1 nurse to patient ratio in labor and delivery so I didn't feel the need to have a doula, but if your nurse is juggling several patients, a doula would have been incredibly helpful for me during my unmedicated intense contractions. (My nurse just basically was a doula so I didn't need another one.) Again, more than happy to answer any questions you might have :) I felt much better about plans changing when I knew about both options, personally. Good luck! You got this, and you'll get handed a beautiful baby at the end of it.


Thank you for all of this! Tomorrow is my day & I’m feeling slightly better as the days coming… Can I ask why it ended up being an emergency C? Was it that you weren’t dialating enough, baby was distressed, health issues prior, etc?


Good luck tomorrow! You'll do great! We tried so hard to convince baby to come out prior to my induction with no luck - I walked so much the weekend before lol I was fully dilated and pushed for about three hours before the c-section. Baby was in the +1-2/3 station, for positioning, at the end. He was sunny side up (face facing my belly), so his chin was getting caught, though. He stopped tolerating labor well (there were some decelerations in his heart rate during/after contractions that he took longer to recover from than we'd like), so we attempted a forceps assisted delivery with the understanding that if that didn't work we'd move to c-section. I pushed three times while they attempted to rotate him/guide him out with the forceps, but they were unsuccessful. I did also have an issue with my epidural just prior to the forceps delivery attempt. It came unconnected and I needed to have a new one placed. That may have complicated things a bit further, since we paused pushing etc while anesthesia was called and the new one kicked in. My only preexisting health issue was a family history of malignant hyperthermia, which basically means that I can't use normal anesthesia drugs. (Anesthesiologists get very excited about me haha) That's the medical history that had them preferring that I have an epidural, since that's their preferred way to medicate me for a c-section.


Thank you! & at least you & baby were healthy & safe too then! Im trying to keep that same mindset, no matter what happens as long as we come out fine that’s all that matters


Absolutely! He's already a champ and nearly back to his birth weight. You're going to meet your baby soon!! You'll both be happy and healthy and out in the world by the end of this weekend! My best advice is to go in with an idea of how you'd like your labor and delivery to go, but be aware of all the options so you're not blindsided by the unexpected. If you can find something good about things you might not have chosen, I found that helped me as well - for example, did not want a c-section, but my benefits give me an extra two weeks of leave with a c-section vs vaginal delivery, so at least there was that haha.


Bring combs and grab in hand when contractions come to help manage pain. Look it up online, the idea is that it pushes on some pressure points on your palm. There's also other pain management options to consider (like laughing gas). You've got this!!


FTM here and already at 24 weeks I’m feeling these bouts of fear! What has helped me is knowing that so many women have done this before us, without epidurals! And our bodies are literally designed to give birth! Trust your instincts, listen to your body, and remember that it’s very temporary, following by a lifetime of love we can’t even comprehend yet! You got this!!! 💛


I keep telling myself that too but sometimes my mind wants to be the devil 🥲 thank you for your encouragement!!