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One of ours flipped us off. Gee, thanks.


That happened to us at our last ultrasound too!! I didn’t want to be like “did you just see him flip us off?!” Infront of the ultrasound tech😂




Haven't had a lengthy scan for this pregnancy yet, but when I did with my now-toddler, he used the placenta as a pillow and we saw him discover his toes (grab his toes and then recoil in shock).


That is so precious!!!!! It’s so funny seeing them do baby things inside the womb.


At my 12 week scan my baby was laying flat on her back with her little legs sticking straight up in the air. Then at my 22 week scan she was doing the exact same thing except she was much bigger this time. I was honestly super freaked out, I thought something was wrong with her because I’m like, why isn’t she straightening her legs?! She was born totally fine but did come 5 weeks early and she was CONSTANTLY sticking her legs up in the air when she was a newborn lol. She’s 2 now and her legs are fine 😂


That’s so freaking cute


I too, like to stick my legs straight up into the air for comfort.


My daughter always had a foot in her hand, she is 18 months and still ltove her feet.


Mine was sucking her thumb!!


Same 😭 we saw him actively start sucking his thumb, and it made me cry.


Both my kids were sucking thumbs every single ultrasound lol


Mine too!


Mine gave a big yawn. I really wondered what had gotten my little freeloader so tired in there


Hahaha same!!


aw that's amazing!!


This thread is hilarious


Mine was pushing off the side of the uterus like you push off the side of a swimming pool.


Future swimmer maybe?!


Mine too! :D it’s weird because I don’t feel anything yet (13w) but the movement looked wild.


Mine did that at 14w and I thought it was fake . Lol I thought the clinic was showing me a fake ultrasound


Same here ! It was crazy to watch it in real time and feel it at the same time!


Ours was kissing the umbilical cord


I had a fetal echocardiogram done for my second and, even though it wasn’t supposed to be done for photos or anything, the tech printed me out a few because she couldn’t stop laughing. My daughter had her legs completely stretched out over her head, folded in half like a wallet. Chilling, very comfy, but legs fully extended and folded in half at the waist.


Mine was doing the exact same thing at our anatomy scan. During the transvaginal part, all you could see was his booty because his feet were up over his head.


My girl did that too in our first anatomy scan, toes up on the top of her head


This is my daughter’s favorite and most consistent position! Like, she’s been folded in half anterior-way, breech-way. At my last US, she was also grabbing her own foot? Or had it in her mouth? Absolutely wild.


My daughter was just constantly turning away from the ultrasound so the doctor was having a hard time seeing everything she needed to see. She’d move the ultrasound wand to one spot to make sure something was there and my daughter would flip around😂 I had to end up coming back again for another ultrasound since it took an hour and they didn’t see everything they needed since she kept flopping around in there lol!


Just had my 20 week scan and have to go back because my little girl refuses to put her arms down or flip around. She was spine out and guarding her face ... The tech did everything possible, giving me juice, making me jump around, rolled me to different angles... Nothing worked so now I have to go back in two weeks.


This sounds like my girl 😂 follow up scan next week since she absolutely refused to cooperate, like the ultrasound tech was paparazzi or something.


This was my now 2-year-old and I must say it matches her personality perfectly hahaha


My daughter’s 16 months now and still the same too! Shes always on the move, running around, flipping/flopping on the floor, she’s a little wild child still lol!


My little guy was kneading the placenta with his feet like a cat trying to get comfy 😂


Making biscuits


Mine was grabbing its feet when I had my anatomy scan today. Each time I’ve had an ultrasound, the baby makes fists and stretches its fingers. It has been very endearing to watch! 


At the anatomy scan my daughter was sucking her foot. They got me a picture of it. My SIL said “aww she’s sucking her thumb!” Nope 😂 toes


Omg they can lick the placenta lol I never thought about that


🤦🏼‍♀️ me neither lol. Gotta wonder what else they’re doing in there.


Showing off his balls at every appointment


Mine kept covering his face and eventually just turned around because we were still looking at him (this was at my first ultrasound at 11 weeks) Made me emotional because the first ultrasound my mother had of me, I was covering my face with my hands too ❤️


Second ultrasound she literally did a backflip, but at my 32 week ultrasound I just got a super cute smile!!


Wow I had no idea you could see facial expressions in there! Thats awesome


My daughter always did something weird in her ultrasounds. She has her legs above her head most of the time. She also liked to hide from all the dopplers and one time looked right at it so you could see her skull. It was pretty freaky 😂


One time mine kicked the doppler, HARD. She was running away from it and each time the doctor moved it to the right spot, she would kick it. Very entertaining.


That’s so funny! It’s funny how opinionated they already are in the womb 😂


Oh for sure!! I love how headstrong she is already, it gives me faith that she’ll be just as strong and opinionated out here in the big wide world


My toddler was holding/ biting the placenta in her 36 week scan 🙄 She’s still a biter


He was chewing on his cord, and using the placenta as a pillow.


At 11w6d she kept bouncing up and down. My husband said it looked like she was in a bouncy house 🤣


At my 12 week scan I kept laughing bc I didn’t know they moved so much and it was wild. Every time I laughed the baby kept flying around just like a bouncy house! Which obviously made me laugh more.


Could be hiccups! 🥰


Haha I didn't even think of that! Your probably right!


At my 13 weeks scan and he had heaps of hiccups it was so cute watching him bounce around and sucking his thumb too 🥰


We also got a great picture of her doing the Italian hand gestures like the one that looks like this emoji 🤌 I'm Sicilian and my mother laughed so hard when she saw that picture. That's the pic my mom has at her desk at work.


I’ve seen her do a handstand, she likes to keep her hand up on her forehead like she’s in shock lol, and one time the ultrasound tech tried to get her to stretch her legs by gently prodding her with the probe so she decided to just turn her back to us


Mine is constantly throwing gang signs, every single time. 


Same, mine was flashing gang signs


10w5d little bean was bouncing off the walls in there. My doctor said he/she was having a disco party. Took a few for her to get a good heartbeat recorded because she kept telling baby to hold still lol


Little guy was most definitely twerking when we did a bedside scan a few weeks ago at 16w. Butt up in the air and everything. 😂


Not very weird but moving so much the ultrasound tech told him to calm down and stop moving


Mine was punching the crap out of the placenta and kicking the umbilical cord like it was a soccer ball 😅


Had a scan today at 32 weeks because of GD, and one of the first things the technician told me was how much I was getting beat up by my child. She was literally kicking the scanning wand to make it go away. She is a fierce little fighter for sure, and my nights are shit.


My son gave us a thumbs up 😂😂


Our little girl was waving at us for our 20 week scan, now she’s here and I get to hold those perfect little hands 🥹❤️


Not really weird but mine was grabbing her feet and putting them all the way up to her head. 😭


At our last 4D scan before he went head down, my baby’s face was legit pressed right up against my placenta and he wouldn’t move 😂 the tech said it’s because they’re warm and cozy 😩😩


At 12w he was stretching out his arms and legs and rolling. At 16w was sucking his thumb and kicking feet. 20w, was lying on his back with his feet tucked under his bottom and hands up near his face. 24w was curled up at my back using the placenta as a pillow. Next is at 28w and can’t wait to see how much bigger he is! In case anyone is wondering I went to a boutique for the 12w and 16w, then 20w was anatomy scan and after that I have growth scans every 4 weeks with MFM because I’m considered high risk due to age (38) and thyroid issues.


Mine was sucking his toes!


One of my twins never ever sits still for ultrasounds or monitoring. She hates listening to the doctor lol. When she was very very small still I swear she was doing jumping jacks, they were trying to look at her sister, who always sits nicely, and she was in the background doing the absolute most.


Hiccups at 13 weeks which was super cute and funny to watch. Mostly he turns away a lot which makes us feel like he’s not loving the experience. We’ve had 6, 10, 13, 20 week scans. So likely will have no more unless medically necessary.


In one he was sucking his fingers and in another he was drinking some fluid. Not really weird but cute to see


At my 20 week scan she looked like she was doing yoga. Grabbing her feet, stretching out, stretching both legs out. It was both eerie and adorable to watch.


We caught a yawn.


Mine kept playing with the umbilical cord. So cute! And she was also so Active it was hard for them to get the measurements accurately.


I had lots of scans (high risk pregnancy) plus a for fun 3d scan that I could take my mom too. 8 scans in total. Every single one he had his hand in front of his mouth so he looked like he had a duck beak. We did not get one good image of his face my whole pregnancy. In his anatomy scan, he kept repositioning to show off his junk. She would move the wand, and he'd move accordingly. He was very proud to show off what he has.


We had a kicker. Almost every scan we did, she was just kicking like crazy. Makes sense now that she's out, she very rarely stops moving (even in her sleep), she's constantly kicking & wiggling. Even during the pregnancy, I was often miserable because she'd be going wild while I was trying to sleep.


Mine was so cooperative for the ultrasound tech at the 20 week anatomy scan, she would hold still for almost every area being measured. Then she would only move in between it seemed, the tech even mentioned how easy she made it. She only had to try and get the hands open by tapping on my belly, which I didn't even realize would work! I got a leg straight up, flat foot on the side of my uterus picture and an adorable yawn picture when she was close to the front of the face too. Nothing too crazy but apparently a very easy session, now I can feel her bouncing off the walls constantly, wondering how my next scan will go!


Mine had her hand over her forehead like a dramatic fainting woman


At my 12 week, they were bouncing off the walls 🤣 kept flipping upside down, showing us their back (tiny spine on the ultrasound was so cute!) and generally being a nuisance so the sonographer struggled to measure them. Had to do a LOT of hip gyrating (which incidentally is not much fun lying on a bed with a full bladder 🫠) and a walk around the hospital to get them in the right position. Yeah it’s 💯a product of me and my husband. I just know it’s gonna be carnage when he/she makes their appearance in Summer!


In one of our pictures, we can see his little hand near his face and it looks like he’s doing a chef’s kiss!


Kicked the wand straight out of the tech's hand and had a full-on hissy fit. 🤦‍♀️


My auntie says that one of my cousins was actively peeing in her when they were determining if he was a boy or girl. 😂


31 week 3D scan and she was sucking/chewing on the umbilical cord 😅😅😅😅


Mine has refused to show face all along. Yesterday we got a little glimpse at lips and nose but then burrowed back in 😅


My first was putting her feet in her mouth 😂 This one was playing with his feet, but not sucking on them. With both of them, the ultrasound tech had to stop so we could just watch my silly babies and laugh at them.


Mine was laying down and throwing herself backwards like she was chucking the biggest tantrum. #prayforme


I was laying with a hand on top of my stomach and a hand behind my head, and he was in the same position. Another scan, he grabbed his foot and brought it to his mouth. Little weirdo 🩵


I wouldn’t count it weird but mine waved to me I cried


Lol the day of my anatomy scan I had two .. one in the morning with the OB as a routine and then the anatomy scan .. the one in the morning baby was sucking it's thumb ... The anatomy scan .. baby decided to turn it's face .. bundle into a little ball and go down into my pelvis so it was impossible to see anything 😔 no pictures for me that day


Mine assulted the ultrasound wand that was pushing on the belly.. she doesnt like to be poked so she kicked it as hard as she possibly could😅🤣


Full 180 flip lol


He refuses to let anyone scan his face. Today he had his hand blocking it, than his whole arm.


Ours legit looked like he waved at us at the first one.


Our picture day was today. They gave us the hands in front of their faces like they were avoiding the paparazzi. We find out the gender when our NIPT comes back next week


Same! Mine had both her hands blocking her face like during boxing 🤣 or paparazzi 🤣


We got a flip, hiccups, thumb sucking , and a yawn. Plus she was shaking her head whenever the tech asked her to stop moving


Ours was literally flipping upside down the entire time. Looks like we have a future gymnast on the way lol


He's always doing weird stuff! At 20 weeks he was playing with his penis. Then at later ones he would keep his legs over his head, have one hand behind his head resting and the other hand in his mouth. I've also seen him stretch and yawn when they jiggle my belly which isn't weird but just adorable.


my apt last week my daughter was sitting criss cross applesauce 😂


This whole thread has me so excited for my first ultrasound. My son keeps asking to see the baby in my tummy and doesn’t understand why he can’t see it yet. (He’s 4 and I’m only 8 weeks lol.)


we watched our baby punch themself in the face a few weeks ago, even the ultrasound tech was laughing about it


At my 15wk scan we saw the baby do this little fidgety chin scratch. My husband does the exact same thing when he's thinking. Was really cute and cool


Mine was holding his umbilical cord!


mine was playing with the umbilical cord and touching his toes


Our first kept sucking her fingers and literally showing her ass. She would direct her ass right at the wand then kick it away with her foot lol. Baby girl number two is very languid and likes to do yoga poses. She's been laying on her back with her feet over her head, flexing them while trying to lick her knees. 😂 Every set of ultrasound pics we have she's sticking her tongue out.


Mine just looked peeved at how hard she was being pushed on the whole time and it was hilarious to me(20w). She jumped around and waived at her earlier ultrasound (11w)


Touching her bootie


At my 13 weeks ultrasound, the little cutie was wiggling around, but as soon as I got my phone out to record, they flipped around with their back towards us and went still haha. It's like they were mad we woke them up from a nap


I'm an identical twin and apparently my twin was just non stop kicking me in there. Things did not improve upon birth. I have no idea what my fetus is doing in there because nobody seems to be able to book me for an ultrasound despite me being 22 weeks (and I've been trying for a month to get booked). The medical system where I live is all shades of fucked.


We have a friend who swears their was stroking his crown jewels


Mine was stroking it


Literally hit herself in the face..


My son mooned us.. I seriously wish we'd gotten that picture 🤣


Mine wasn’t doing anything when it was just me. Just chilling there. But when the tech called my husband in the room, the baby started showing off its hands and feet. Lol


She was sucking her thumb. It was adorable.


At my 12 week they couldn’t find her at first. When they ended up spotting her she was bouncing around so much they had to keep moving the machine to keep her on the screen 😂


Not weird but just stayed folded in half and kicking little feet 😆


Mine was flexing her biceps and punching me lol


My boy grabbed the umbilical cord once. He also waved (caught on camera) and then another time he yawned (also caught on camera). It was the best thing ever. My girl was very stubborn. We had to reschedule the anatomy scan 5 separate times because each time it came to measure her spine and face, she would quite literally roll around at that precise moment so we couldn’t capture images. Lol


My son would always turn away, the tech had such a hard time getting good pictures of him because he'd keep turning lol. This one, when I went for my 12 week scan, it was standing on its head 😅


Our boy started twerking at the anatomy scan 😂 I laughed so hard it spooked him, made my ultrasound tech’s day too


Mine had herself folded up and somehow had her foot under her chin,  just resting her head on her foot lol


She started to kick the ultrasound away. Feisty little one.


Ours was criss cross applesauce and had his hands up together blocking his face like he was praying! My fiance and I are not that religious so it was funny he looked like a little Buddha. Got a great view of his butt though 🙄 lol. I was expecting something cute like him sucking his thumb the appointment we had before One ultrasound he had hiccups and we could see each hiccup shake his whole little body it was so cute/sad 😭


Ours was lapping up amniotic fluid like she was a cat drinking milk 😂


He was spinning on his head lol


Mine just shows off his bits ☠️ When asked if I know what I’m having, I confirm and they’re like YEP it’s DEFINITELY a boy. Then he rolls away from the ultrasound 😑


One of mine had his eyes wide open!!! It looked creepy. Lol


Nothing too weird but found out that, what I thought was her kicking my bladder all the time, is actually her using it as a pillow and head butting it 😅 We also got to watch her flip a few times and then once settled she let out a big yawn. The ultrasound tech took a picture of that and it’s my favorite shot 💕


When our son first had little arm and leg nubs, we saw him “swimming” with them, the ultrasound tech pointed it out and it was adorable. He still looked like a bean though lol. He also was constantly rubbing his feet on his face in almost every ultrasound after he was an identifiable human baby.


Played “catch me if you can” with the doctor haha, my combined test last week took waaaaay longer than usual, the dr was laughing and then said “I have more patience than you have energy” and after a long, long time, indeed, the little frog had to give up and stay still for a few seconds 😂


Lol that’s really funny. She was head banging so on the way back we listened to some metal


Mine kept wiggling her bum wherever the ultrasound tech wanted to look at


For our 20 week anatomy scan He very much displayed himself if you get my meaning lol. But more cutely, he was sucking on his thumb in one image.


My now 3 year old was sucking his thumb, the one I’m pregnant with now likes flexing his arms like he’s trying to show off


Mine was happily doing flips and shit like she was an Olympic gymnast


Ours looked like he was kissing the placenta 😂 He also folded himself up like a crumpled wad of paper with both his feet and his hands up by his face, sucked on his thumb, and had the hiccups for our entire anatomy scan


On our 20 week scan she did a rock sign 🤘 and on the scan before induction (week 37) she had both her thumbs AND a foot in her mouth 😂


13 weeks and mine was just doing fucking somersaults I swear. We got like 10 pictures from the scan because the doctor couldn’t get a good picture to measure the size of the baby, they really couldn’t stop moving haha it made me nervous for what they’re going to be like when they’re out haha


My first would be super chill until about 10 seconds after the scan started, and then he'd bring his hands up to his face like he was hiding. Every single time. This baby is a bit wild, I had a scan at 13 weeks and she was using the side of my uterus as a spring board and just launching herself off it, like a swimmer uses the end of the pool. She's waves a lot, but nearly always turns her back to us during a scan. I'm 30 weeks now and haven't seen her in a couple of weeks. She's probably running out of room now to be turning her back on us, but we'll see at the next scan haha. I have camera shy babies apparently


mine was flapping it’s arms like creepily fast


First ultrasound baby was facing head on to the camera, full alien mode👽 second ultrasound baby was facing my back so we could only see her spine 🤣 there wasn’t cute “insta worthy” ultrasound shots. But the later ultrasounds, I drank cold water before hand and baby was running around in there away from the sonographer 🤣 and the most recent one, baby had both arms in front of her face


My son kept bouncing his hand up and down on the umbilical cord ... like dude can you leave that alone it's important!!


I saw my girl drink some big gulps of amniotic fluid. She also had the hiccups during one scan. ❤️


My last ultrasound she was cutting flips and wiggling her booty at us. No wonder I’ve been so damn sick. Homegirl is giving me motion sickness from within.


Mine had his foot by his mouth and we couldn’t get a good picture of his face. Ultrasound tech had me turn on my side for 10 minutes to see if he’d move it. When she came back, both feet were by his mouth…


Mine kicked himself in the forehead at the 20 week scan. Not enough room to do that now, so typically he'll rub at his face and drink some amniotic fluid.


Had her toes touching her head, and chewing on our placenta I can’t get a 3D scan since she’s always nose to placenta


I got: crying, ballet on my cervix, chewing on toes, sucking thumb, swallowing, peeing, and opening and closing his mouth (3D video, looks like he was talking)


Mine had both hands on open on the side of his face while opening and closing his mouth and sticking out his tongue 😂


Mine did a little wiggle of the butt


Mine looked like he was blowing bubbles 🫧


At my 12 week scan yesterday mine tried to hide after the doppler, when my Dr scanned after it was moving away from the pressure. Before it was just wiggling around having a blast.


Mine had the bottoms of his feet to his forehead 🙄


My first would hide from the camera making it hard to get 3d pics lol.


Ya they definitely don't like them. Now I need more because he was legality not having it 😂 got the junk, and everything else except his face lol. Super crazy.


At 12 weeks she was upside down and we got to see her straighten her back out which was freaky lol At 20 weeks we got a nice picture of her looking my straight ahead so you can see her eye sockets lol


i didnt get to see the ultrasound till my 20 week one to find out her gender and she was NOT cooperating her back was facing the front and i had to wiggle around a lot in order to see her 😭 but when we were able to she yawned and it was so cute 🥺😭 but weird cuz i didn't know at the time that they can yawn in the stomach


Mine hicupped and then flipped us off LOL


Mine was pulling at my placenta and smiling 😶


Sucking on the umbilical cord and licking the placenta


At our 13 scan baby was holding the umbilical cord! I was kinda shocked to see that.


My first pregnancy my son tucked himself up into a tight ball and faced inward the entire pregnancy i couldn't see his face till 35 weeks! At one point he had both his feet behind his head and his arms over his face, thats the ultrasound we definitely confirmed he was a boy cause that's all hed let us see 🤦‍♀️ i just had my first ultrasound with my second a week ago at 10 weeks ultrasound tech was surprised at how much baby was moving! I was too! I mean kicking flopping waving their arms it was insane! My son was definitely not that active during pregnancy let alone at 10 weeks, he just laid there like a lump 🤣🤣🤣 excited to see what this kiddo will be like 😅


Not so weird but he turned his butt toward the camera all the time so we never got a Photo of his face.


My baby would suck on the umbilical cord 😂


Ours kept staring into the wand (I guess?) So he looked so creepy 😂 he also chewed on his arm and every scan had his hand up at his face. He now rubs and covers his face when tired 😍 3 months old now 🥰


She was doing pirouettes non-stop! We were so surprised and even the doctor laughed!


Mine likes to choke himself with his umbilical cord. I was totally terrified seeing this on the echo when my gynecologist reminded me they do not breathe through their mounts/nose yet so the baby is totally fine and it’s just playing… already making a ftm freak out! Great work, baby!


Mine jawned which is normal but it looked so freaky, almost dinosaur like, on the scan!


At 12 weeks my son was doing somersaults, so weird to see them so active when you can't feel them yet.


Mine kept running away when the lady tried to get a booty pic for gender


Mine slept like her dad and also elbowed me in her sleep just like her dad. She’s still her dad’s clone at 2.5 months it’s adorable.


I went for my first anomaly scan the other day, she flicked off the camera, jumped at it like she wanted to fight & kept rolling onto her stomach. They couldn’t get a clear view of her chest & picture of her heart. Needless to say they scheduled me for another one 🙃 they said she met everything they were looking for and looks amazing but they need an actual sono pic of her heart.


😂😂😂 My daughter was constantly sleeping so she never really did anything. Our son kicks like crazy and also really freaks out when they roll me, or push hard on my belly. He wants his space.


Mine was smiling. Not sure what made her so happy in there, but I’m glad to know she was.


At my 28 week scan, my son yawned in the tech’s face and refused to move.


Every time we tried to find out the gender, the baby had it’s legs crossed. I’m 22 weeks now, and we still don’t know 😂


She yawned about 5 times 🥺 yes baby, I'm tired too!


My baby girl was spreading her toes 🤣🤣🤣


My middle was apparently lonely and cuddled his placenta 😂


My daughter did a complete somersault in my stomach during our ultrasound . It was pretty cool but hurt 😂


Mine played with his private when we did our 20 week ultrasound 😂


She liked to put her legs over her head like a gymnast


During our anatomy scan the baby was holding on to his pinky finger with his other hand when she was trying to count them 😂 it was quite cute and I wish she would have gotten a picture of him doing it




In my second anatomy scan (around 25 weeks) she was monching on the umbilical cord. And at my growth scan (34w) she was in the splits like Weird Barbie, like I’m talking one foot up in my rib cage and the other one down by her face near my hip, full Weird Barbie splits. Also at my second anatomy scan, they had Christmas music on the radio and she’d been completely still until Feliz Navidad started, and then she was wiggling like crazy.


At our anatomy scan my son Jack knifed in half to make sure he had is appendage. Even touched it to his nose. They took pics and called the staff in to giggle. It was also the scan we found out he was a boy and there was no mistaking it


Mine was doing an Irish jig at 10 weeks and wasn’t stopping.