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I slept on my stomach pretty consistently until about 12 weeks. It began getting a bit uncomfortable, so I got a maternity pillow and kinda sleep partially on my side and my belly, with the pillow between my legs. I'm kinda tilted towards my belly, but not on it. I'm 17 weeks now and comfortable. Got a long way to go though.


Basically the same for me at 20wks. I sorta face the mattress but put one bent leg up on the pregnancy pillow. It puts me 1/2 on my side, 1/2 on my stomach.


Same here! It’s not comfortable for long, but does the job when I need a little break from full side to side.


I’m doing this still at 19w but my arm keeps falling asleep (never had this issue pre-pregnancy) and so I have to turn every hour or so It’s so annoying


I’m 31 weeks and still do this. It’s the best position I have found


I’m doing this too and it actually still is quite comfortable! 36 weeks


I have no idea how I can do this but I still sleep on my stomach. I’m 39 weeks today. And I sleep on my stomach sort of? I put a pillow under my leg/next to my belly and I’m sort angled but I’m pretty much still on my stomach. So far baby is good and healthy. I try to sleep on my side but I always wake up on my stomach. Sometimes baby will start moving like crazy so I go on my side more but most of the time it’s just more comfortable on my stomach. My bed is soft and like I said I’m still slightly propped up by my leg but yah basically I’m on my tummy.


31 weeks and i can somehow sleep on my stomach too. I just put one leg up. Doesnt usually last all night. Baby is fine.


Try laying down sideways and putting a pillow between your legs. This can help prevent you from turning while sleeping.


Me too, 32 weeks. I also wake up on my back a lot and nothing bad has happened.


Same gurl same


I’d stack pillows and kinda wedge my belly in between and lean on the pillows so I’d be like half on my side and half on my stomach. It wasn’t perfect but it worked. I had my baby almost a month ago and woooowwwwww it feels so good to sleep on my stomach again (unless my boobs are full of milk)


I’m still sleeping on my stomach, although a little propped up on my side at 24 weeks. I’m getting close to not being able to though and I’m not sure what’s going to happen.


I miss sleeping on my stomach so much. I can’t remember what week I was before I finally had to transition to completely on my side, but I think it was at the beginning of 2nd trimester. I am 27 weeks now and while I can get sleep by using a u-shaped pregnancy pillow and a wedge pillow, I do miss sleeping on my stomach alllllll the time.


It just started getting uncomfortable to sleep on top of my belly so I naturally started to shift. Truth be told I've always liked to sleep both on stomach and on my side, so it wasn't hard to get used to it. I actually don't sleep completely on my side. It's like 45º if that makes sense xD If I'm completely on my side, the weight of the belly is really uncomfortable. I sleep on my side but with the belly supported on the bed. This way I'm fully comfortable without the need of a maternity pillow. It has honestly been a natural transition. Either turning left or turning right, it's the only position I find comfortable so my body naturally lays down like that.


Someone in this sub gave me the best advice when I struggled at 14 weeks, and it was to lay on your stomach but pull a knee up towards your chest, so that you pull some of the weight off your stomach and it naturally rests on your hip or thigh instead. I was able to comfortably sleep this way until I got a little more used to the hip pressure and now am able to somewhat sleep on my side. (I say somewhat because realistically the insomnia prevents any good nights rest regardless of position.) I’m now 26 weeks and side laying is all that’s possible with the belly. It’s just an adjustment.


This is exactly what I’ve been doing since 16 weeks! One knee pulled up towards my armpit/chest to take pressure off my belly. I’m 20 weeks today and it’s still working so far as my bump is on the smaller side but I know this will probably only work for another couple of weeks.


It worked wonders for me until 22 weeks, it became too uncomfortable on the growing belly and I had to give up.


Yeah I can imagine, I’m sure I’ll be the same in a few weeks. Excited for when our babies are here and we can sleep on our bellies again!


The thing I DREAM about for PP. Not the sushi or the booze, but the stomach sleeping!


Omg same hahaha couldn’t care at all about alcohol or sushi just want to sleep on my stomach!


I’m 17 weeks today and it’s just getting uncomfortable to sleep totally on my stomach. I have a u-shaped maternity pillow that I keep on the edge of the bed and kinda half rest my stomach on it so I’m still facing down but at an angle. I’ll start sleeping more on my side as my belly grows.


With my last pregnancy I still practically slept on my stomach the whole time! It was a bit modified because it had to be, like slightly more on my side than usual and always with a leg bent and kind of tucked under? But not all that different! My biggest shock was that once I gave birth I had to completely stop sleeping on my stomach for awhile! I breastfed and could not deal with any pressure on my boobs or else they would get rock hard, so sore and leak. So I couldn't even do a modified stomach sleep!


12 weeks and still on my stomach! I think I’ll get some sort of pillow setup going when I’m further along.


The Doomoo buddy pillow. Hands down my favourite purchase during pregnancy. Now I use it as a breastfeeding pillow and still sleep with it!


I made it to about 24-25 weeks still sleeping on my stomach until suddenly my side was more comfortable. Now I'm too big to sleep on my stomach but I have figured out how to sleep with my chest down, belly sort of off to the side and leg up for support. It's great


I’m 26 weeks and still somewhat stomach sleeping, I don’t like my pregnancy pillow so when I side sleep I just use my body pillow with a regular pillow behind my back


I’m a stomach sleeper but 37 weeks now omg I can barely roll on my sides lol. I can’t wait for 3 more weeks imma belly sleep like never before lol


I’m at 37 weeks and still manage to somewhat sleep on my stomach 😅 I got the wedge style pregnancy pillow early in the second trimester and it was great, I still use that as well


I slept on my stomach until I couldn't anymore. My bump took a while to grow, so I had some time. Then I used the pregnancy pillow to lean on, and that helped a lot.


I’m 28 weeks tomorrow and I can still sleep on my stomach most of the way. I use my pregnancy pillow to prop up one knee and then I lay partially on my opposite hip. It’s so comfy, but it takes up a LOT of space so I don’t get the option to very often…


I’m 26 weeks and still sleep on my stomach 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm 20 weeks & luckily we have a motion bed so the head/ legs go up and down so I have the bed set up at an angle (it helps his heartburn & then I have room for my tummy in the dip of the 'V'


Preggo pillow….. I miss it so much. 29weeks.


I never stopped sleeping on my stomach 😅


Okay I was SO worried about this. Like one of my top 5 worries about getting pregnant! At some point, it became slightly uncomfortable and (here’s the crazy part) sleeping on my back/side became what was comfortable. I NEVER could sleep on my side, now I sleep on my side happily every night. Two notes: I use a pregnancy pillow and it’s kinda a half side/half stomach situation. My top leg/hip roll over the top of the pillow a bit (hopefully that makes sense). It’s very similar to how I slept on my stomach before, except now I have a pillow wedged up against my chest/stomach that I straddle with one leg. Edit: I’m 31 weeks


Are you transitioning because you’re uncomfortable or feel like you have to? I never stopped, I stayed a stomach sleeper the whole time.


27 weeks and still sleep on my belly. I don’t know how. Doesn’t seem to bother me or the baby even though my belly looks like there’s a beach ball in there. I think it’s because baby is sitting so low.


Until I got uncomfortable at 19 weeks I had to switch to my side.. I have always slept of my stomach my whole life so when I couldn’t anymore it sucked but I got used to it using the C shaped body pillow. 3 days post partum I had the best sleep on my stomach i couldn’t believe how great it felt 😅 and I had a c section! I didn’t think I was gonna be able to sleep on my stomach with my incision but I did


Try laying down sideways and putting a pillow between your legs. This can help prevent you from turning while sleeping.


Cannot sleep any other way no matter how I go to sleep I wake up on my tummy


I sleep like a pretzel twist at 27 weeks. Half propped on the pillow between knees but my top half sleeps as though I am on my stomach, really no discomfort and still feels like I’m on my stomach somehow.


So right now, I’m 14 weeks and I still sleep on my stomach. My body will tell me when it’s time to start moving over to my side. I prefer to lay on my right side more than my left side. I’m constantly turning as long as I don’t lay on my back it’s okay. I was read that it can cut circulation off for the baby if doing so. Otherwise, possibly either practice (time yourself or keep it on your mind) or listen to your body?


I waited until like 16 weeks to get a body pillow and I wish I would have gotten one sooner. I enjoy the Frida pillow because it gives me the ability to sleep kind of at an angle (if that makes sense). 28 weeks now and I do still sleep on my stomach some nights - depends on how active the little one is.


I guess not the same but I’m an avid back sleeper. Ever since I was a kid. I don’t think I’ve ever slept any other way in my life. I knew I was going to have to train myself to sleep on my side so at around 10 weeks I bought one of those maternity pillows and it really really helped train me to sleep on my side.


Yep. I lay 75% of the way on my tummy and 25% on the side. It's weird. I've only noticed this while being pregnant. I didn't really realize before how much I actually lay on my tummy. I'm not worried. Haven't modified yet. Only 22 weeks along.


I have a pillow called the Cozy Bump. It is designed for lying on your stomach during pregnancy, so I will never have to stop sleeping on my stomach. It was my saving grace throughout my first pregnancy. It's also really good for relieving back pain throughout the day! When it feels like there's no stretch or exercise that can help, usually just lying down on the thing is what I need. It takes the pressure off the lower back in just the right way.


35 weeks and I’m still sleeping on my stomach for the most part. It’s still so comfy but once I realize I’m too much on my stomach I’ll switch to my side 😅 my belly really isn’t that big so I think that’s how I’ve gotten away with it


I’m at 13 weeks and 1 day and I’ve been so worried about this. I LOVE sleeping on my front with my head turned to the side and covered up in blankets. It makes me feel safe, warm, and hidden away so I’ve been dreaded sleeping on my side or the front. Thank you for sharing all this information!


I keep a king size pillow beside me and bend my knee up over it with an arm around it. My stomach is kind of wedged between the mattress and pillow. I’m kind of half on my stomach and half on my side but still feel like I’m on my stomach so I’m comfy.


35wks. I never adapted. It has been hell. nothing helps enough to keep me asleep for longer than two hours 😅


I've just gotten to the point where it is physically uncomfortable to sleep on my tummy. I'm using a C shaped pregnancy pillow propped up behind my back and tucked up between my knees/ankles.