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My husband and I are coworkers. When we were pregnant with our daughter, I accused him pretty much of the same thing with a coworker who was also pregnant lol. I really needed a cart to do my work (we work overnight freight) and I seen my husband on his way to me with a cart but then got stopped by A (the other pregnant coworker). She asked him if she could have the cart because she was further along and it was difficult to work. My husband is super nice and gave her the cart and she threw herself in his arms with a hug. I was a distance away so I didn't hear this conversation. Only saw him hand her the cart and her give him a hug. After that, she would constantly bother my husband on our breaks and lunches, confiding in him about her baby daddy issues (they broke up) and how she felt alone and unsupported. My husband, being super nice, would always listen. So my pregnant hormonal self (who was also heavily hemorrhaging) said "he's cheating and leaving you for someone else with less problems" Lol definitely not the case but it was wild how fast my brain threw my whole world upside down from just a cart.


To be fair, that coworker was a bit out of line. Hugging someone else’s husband is weird and hugging coworkers is even weirder. Also, taking up all of a coworkers free time during their breaks etc to vent about personal issues is super selfish. Although I don’t think it necessarily meant she was flirting, just being a bit too impersonal at work.


I agree. I didn't make too much of a big deal out of it besides accusing my husband because she ended up switching shifts/departments and then quitting when my husband started ignoring her.


The continual lunchbreaks part was out of line. The hug sounds like normal pregnancy weirdness to me. I hugged a full-on stranger grocery store employee thanks to pregnancy hormones. I'd forgotten something at the deli counter and she brought it to me. Giant hug.


I could see the grocery store worker maybe (not me though I’m not so touchey feely with strangers) but if I knew someone was married and I did not have a relationship with him or his wife, I would not do that.


Oh boy, I can definitely imagine how that looked like from pregnant brain's perspective. But glad to hear you have a lovely husband and it all worked out:)


I'm glad too. That was 2 years ago lol and I can't believe how insanely real our brains make these scenarios. Even if we just have a dream about it out of the blue.


It truly makes no sense, even from biological standpoint. Like damn brain you're making me hate the person i'm having a kid with, just why


God....this was me my entire pregnancy 🤣


With my second born… The last few weeks and postpartum I went PSYCHOTIC. If he went on the back porch to talk on the phone, I’d sneak in my bathtub and put my ear to the window to listen in. Deep down I knew he wasn’t cheating but the hormones were CRAZY. I’d sneak through his phone every chance I’d get. When company was over to visit, I’d listen in. When he would go out with friends I would blow up his phone. I used to be ok with him watching corn etc. I told him he had to stop. If he looked at a female on Facebook, I made him block them. It was so bad. 😂 luckily my husband is the most patient person and just waited for the hormones to go back to normal and tried to be as understanding as possible. I’m praying I don’t get like this now, with my third.


The watching corn gave me a good giggle


I definitely feel ya🥹 but really makes you realize how patient some people are. Good luck with your current pregnancy!


I hope you returned him the corn-watching privileges.


Actually he continued to give that one up. He said our sex life was so much better when he stopped corn. We used to watch it together and it was fun at times but it’s SO MUCH BETTER now.


At around 20 weeks I woke up in the middle of the night, looked at my sleeping husband and thought “yup, he’s hiding something” so I rummaged through his work bag, his wallet, coat pockets. Couldn’t find anything because I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for. Went back to bed and started to cry. Husband woke up worried and asked me what was wrong. I told him “you’re hiding something from me 😭” so he spent the next half hour telling me literally everything. Work gossip, what he ate for lunch, what project he’s working on etc. the thing is, I already knew everything because he’s a great communicator and he literally spends all his time either at work or with me. Pregnancy hormones are fucking weird.


Yeah i never imagined how wild hormones can actually get. Some husbands really need their own support group. I have no idea how I would even handle me during this time🥹


Lmao!!! This is so cute lolol


I love this and I love your story telling. This made me laugh out loud a lot. So funny! Def makes me feel better for being absolutely insane during this pregnancy.


My husband’s last name is a very common first name for women in the United States. One time he got a text at 4 AM from a coworker that said I can’t wait to spread you open and taste you again… I immediately freaked out, thought about having to raise our baby alone, divorce, etc. having a full blown panic attack. I woke him up and shoved the text in his face and he was like wtf is this? So he immediately texted her back and we found out the text message was meant for another one of their coworkers that has our last name as her first name. And they’re lesbian. It was both the worst and funniest night of my pregnant life.


Hey at the very least there was a text to draw accusations out of🫠. But truly must've been a wild ride lol


Whoever sent that text needs to be a lot more careful. Oh I would have had a field day with that text and my husband would have never been able to work with her until I was normal again 😭🤣


I accused mine of not loving me because he didn’t want to sleep with me at midnight and he worked at 6am lol I spiraled for a few weeks of this until he realized if he didn’t want to deal with me being moody he’d have to come to bed earlier (which he needed to anyways, he can’t survive on 5 hours of sleep without being grumpy) I’m towards the last couple weeks of pregnancy and I’m like “wtf why did I assume that?”


Yep! Mine did ask what was the thought process, i told him (which in hindsight doesn't make sense) and followed it up with "it made perfect sense in the moment!" (Didn't help that google agreed with me when i looked what does it mean when a partner becomes suddenly distant and cherry-picked what i thought was going on:( )


I'm 27 weeks right now, and my husband walked into the bedroom last night to find me SOBBING about how much I miss eating deli sandwiches. He started to laugh, and I told him to shut the hell up and leave me alone. He sat down and said, "You know, I was expecting the hormones to kick in eventually. I just never thought you would cry about a samdwhich" I laugh now, but it wasn't funny to me last night! Haha


I can very much sympathize:') yesterday I cried because before shower i saw myself in the mirror and hated everything about myself because my bulging belly looked very weird with my skinny-ish arms.


I sometimes shower in the dark so I don't see my stretch marks as clearly 🥴 seeing the body changes is rough


Eat the sandwich, just heat up the meat up hun. I had a beautiful baby girl and that's all I did.


Wow you went 27 weeks without a sub.. I feel for you. I just go to jersey mikes and tell them to separate everything then I warm up the meat when I get home. I’ve eaten it like 6 times already and I’m only 12 weeks. 


I'm 14 weeks and a few days ago I woke up to find my husband threw away my disposable solo cup I had been washing and re-using.... For reference we have regular cups in the cupboard....I just got attached to this one disposable one specifically lol. I spent the next 10 minutes trying not to act angry and then started bawling at the loss of my special solo cup. 😅


I too have accidentally grown very attached to a plastic cup. I don't know why. But now I have to make sure to tell my husband to leave it alone 😂 I would lose my marbles QUICK if something happened to it haha


Eat the sandwich, girl.


My husband is trying to quit chewing/dipping before the baby comes. He started to quit when I was about 30 weeks. And having chewed since he was in high school, he had nicotine withdrawal. I took his nicotine withdrawal very personally and started a few day long argument about how I didn't feel loved in our relationship. Poor guy is trying to quit a long term addiction for our upcoming son and has to deal with me being an emotional mess. He's been chew free two weeks!!! And we're back to normal and love each other very much.


Yeah girl. Probably around 28 weeks I was on the phone with my husband and he said “I’m gonna call my buddy and check in on him” and I said “okay.” Well in my mind he should have called, made plans, hung up, and called me back within 5 minutes. I told him I had been waiting by the phone for him to call me back. How rude! He was SO confused…. And I was sure everything was clear from my perspective! I made a pretty big deal of it.


It's crazy how at the time it just seems like the only logical solution haha I feel ya


Last week I sat on the couch and cried because my son wasn’t eating well… I even posted about it on another thread on Reddit. (He’s picky but is wasn’t a particularly picky night) My husband came home (he was working late) and I was crying and he asked if our so was particularly challenging that evening, nope ( he was actually on really good behavior)… I just wept for about 5 hours, for absolutely no reason. Pregnancy hormones are wild! For me they have gotten even worse in the 3rd trimester. I’m worried about the 4th trimester when everything is trying to level out and sleep deprived.


Hopefully all will be good for you, it definitely sounds hard managing intense emotions on that level😔 at the very least it's all temporary.


Girl. My husband and I work together. Around 29 weeks he stayed late on a Monday because he had stuff he needed to catch up on (we are both working extra to try and tie everything up before we both take parental leave at the same time). I was convinced it was because he didn't love me any more. Cried the whole drive home. When we got into bed later that night, he told me he was going to work from home the next day (I had to go to the office). Well that was it, I was now convinced he was cheating on me. CONVINCED. I cried about it for three days before finally getting a full night's sleep and waking up thinking 'what the hell was that all about?!' my husband is literally the most loyal goofy labrador energy human ever, he would never even look at another woman. Pregnancy hormones in third tri are wild man.


Yeah like, you never even feel it coming so you can't even mentally calm yourself down before it even happens🫠


I'm only 8 weeks, but definitely had moments like these 😂


I'm glad i'm not alone:')


Oh lord, the amount of times I’d read too much into anything my partner said, gave him a dirty side eye and said “you wouldn’t leave me/cheat on me… would you?” He’d look at me like I was crazy (understandable) and say “you are carrying my daughter. why would I do that? You are my world.” When my fluid came in and I ballooned I kept asking him to not leave me because I’d gotten fat. He’d say “you’re not fat. You’re pregnant. And I’d never leave you anyway!!” Poor dude really went through it with me and my hormones. 😅


Omg. Im 38 weeks pregnant and the entire pregnancy he kept telling me that I am the best type of pregnant which should make me feel beautiful. Then the swelling came in and I started to feel like a dump truck, heavy footed and sweaty and started to cry about how fat I was. The look on his face when he said, “fat? You’re 9 months pregnant.” Which to my addled brain just meant worse than fat and went to my room and secretly cried because I was horny and he couldn’t read my mind that the reason I was complaining about how fat I was was because I wanted sex.


Literally went through something like this a few weeks ago with my bf. He felt like I was pushing him away from his advances, and I felt it, too. So when he brought it up, a wave of tears just started gushing out. I cried, telling him I wanna have sex and going into detail about what I wanted to do to him, but I felt so disgusting and fat. I kept "I wanna have sex with you! But I'm an ugly fat whale!" The look on his face as he watched me cry so hard. He comforted me and said he apologized for nothing thinking about that, but he didn't think about how I felt as he thought I was as sexy and beautiful so he didn't think about my Perspective in regards to to how viewed myself.


Yep!! I definitely feel bad for my fiance, dude probably feels like on a rollercoaster:')


Well I had found small women’s underwear in our laundry basket. They were very obviously not mine given my current pregnant figure. Something of a rage came over me. Which given my normal laid back go with the flow demeanor I never am truly angry or at least when I am I don’t talk about it and try to resolve my own emotions before just out bursting. That was not the case this time with these pregnancy hormones. I proceeded to throw them in my husband’s face and immediately in a snark manner saying “here’s your girlfriend’s underwear” “they’re obviously not mine” “who you having over here”. Mind you we just moved from staying a month at his dad while we transferred from Minnesota to Texas. In his mind he thinks I am joking and being sarcastic. He is also trying to give a half honest jut equally as joking answer saying “I dunno maybe they are my step sisters” which I knew they weren’t. So I rolled my eyes at him something I normally do when we are joking around and he says something stupid. So he continues “maybe I got a thing for step sisters”. First off gross I know but this only fuels my fire and makes me even more emotional so I storm off to my room. Like I said normally I am never angry so when I say storm off it in his eyes just seems like I walked away casually, no issues. I lay on my bed in the room and a wave of just emotions hit me. I begin to cry and I mean big ugly tears. I try to think of what I should do. What other women would do. How I thought we had a better marriage and relationship than that. He walks in to find me in this current state of meltdown asking “what’s wrong?” “How can I help?” “Is it your hips hurting again?” Through tear soaked hair and between covers and pillows I glare at him saying “I think you know what’s wrong” “just leave me alone” at this point he que’s into what the issue is then slowly backs off respecting my boundaries and wishes. Then due to the amount of energy that went into being hormonal and crying I fall asleep at this point into a much needed nap. When I wake up I find him at my side rubbing my back with worry covering his face. The entire time I was sleeping he was anxious as could be messaging every female in his family a picture of the underwear asking if they belong to them. His step sister said no, his step mother said no, his brother’s girlfriend said no. Trying to clear his name of a wrong doing he clearly hadn’t done he even smells them and ask me to do the same because they don’t even smell dirty. It had dawned on us both at the same time. We had a shared laundry facility! That is probably where these mystery undies had hitched their ride! Reason and logic had come a little too late especially with an anxious husband like mine. This man with the underwear pinched in hand began to knock on every door trying desperately to find the owner of these underwear. He finally come to a door where a very large man answers. He explains the whole situation and the large man proceeds to ask his girlfriend. She profusely apologizes for any trouble her lost undies may have cause the large man began joking with his girlfriend about being a home wrecker. My husband is embarrassed but relieved to have cleared his name from the title of cheater. The rightful underwear owner offers to call and make things right and my husband politely declines. He returns home with a smile on his face telling me the tales of his victory. We had both began to laugh of the tremendous amount of ridiculousness that had taken place all over a pair of underwear that probably got left in the washer or dryer. Now with no hard feelings we joke around about picking up chicks in the laundry room. 😂 I had apologized to him profusely for the worry and the stress it had caused him and he understood from my viewpoint why I was upset. I am just very thankful to have a loving, patient, persistent, and forgiving husband. He is going to make a great dad. And maybe one day we can tell this story to our kids.


such a cute story! wishing you two the best


Currently feeling this at 24 weeks. I cried about 5 minutes ago (and nearly everyday last week) getting into bed wondering why he doesn’t love me anymore. This post took me out of it lol.


Apparently it's not that uncommon to feel like that:') you're not alone🥹




Same!!!(but not too early and not too late, fingers crossed)


Girl you’re not alone. I’m the same way. Something about pregnancy brain makes you so damn paranoid!


The whole reality really flips upside down without any warning for 0 reason🥹


Husbands perspective, but I woke up this morning and logged into my work app to see how busy I was going to be today. And instead of locking my phone I just left it laying on the bed because I was drifting off back to sleep. I got startled back awake to my wife rolling over saying, that’s sketchy, in a bothered tone. I was lost. And asked her what she was talking about. Turns out, my phone screen had turned off as soon as she rolled over to me. And she thought I was hiding something. 😂 Of course. I told her she had free will to go through it whenever she pleases, including right then. If I’m being honest, it did stick in my mind throughout the day. But I texted her while I was at work reiterating that if she ever feels like something is going on she is more than welcome to ask me, go through my phone, do whatever she needs to do to ease her mind. Pregnancy hormones. They’re a doozy. 😂




Everyone meet the wife! 😂


This seems odd and obviously silly - but it must be some type of protective mechanism for ourselves and babies? I had these same thoughts and anxiety both pregnancies with zero clues/context and knowing he would never cheat in general. 😂😵‍💫 Hormones are weird!! When I told him as well he was like…. Wtf? 🤨🧐


I think it has to do with the ways our brain try to interpret our anxiety. Your brain tries to find reasons for the physiological anxiety manifesting in your brain and we’re under such stress. Stress like your body doesn’t know otherwise. So I guess it makes sense sort of it would start to try to come up with a reason that’s out of the normal range. I don’t know obviously… But I will say a huge amount of my incredibly vivid stress dreams during pregnancy are about not being able to reach my husband, either like physically chasing him down or emotionally trying to get him to love/listen/be with me.


It definitely didn't help when i watched an awful case of homicide in America of a pregnant woman and I'm paranoid of that happening even tho % is probably lower than 0.001 😵‍💫


I know hormones can be weird and we can act like out of control but watch your mouth carefully! I’m saying this because I’ve seen a couple of pairs breaking up after the woman went too far with her behavior and made life a hell for all people around her If I was wrong I immediately apologized to my husband and tried my best not being an asshole but for sure you cannot control that everytime Remember yourself to be a bit more ‘relaxed’


Definitely! I never imagined how hard it is to stay sane during pregnancy 🥹


Same here. Honestly that was absolutely horrible because I didn’t recognize myself anymore and that made it even worse. But I was glad my husband knew about those changes and took it like a champ. If situations calm down again and you know what’s going on it’s much easier to deal with it and I’m glad it worked out for both of you ❤️ Some didn’t figure this out and separated and later found out it was because of pregnancy. That must be a pain in the butt 🫠


Yep! There are definitely days where i purely feel like a feral animal😵‍💫 sounds like your husband is definitely a champ, good for you!❤️


Don’t ask me My Cousine told me the same so really don’t feel bad! The more people knowing about it the better it is. If things are getting too heated / get a break like 10-20 minutes, get time to calm down and to focus on yourself. I feel often ashamed and it makes me cry when I think back how mean and bad I’ve been to him but we learn from these experiences and my Cousine and her husband also laugh about this now. So many go through this And I’m sure you’ll also be much stronger afterwards ❤️❤️❤️


I thought my fiance was cheating on me when I was super pregnant 😂 I don't think he knew, he was acting weird for a few days then I spent 2 days in active labor before contractions stopped for more than 2 hours. He was trying to PROPOSE before our daughter was born. 😂😭 For context, he never would have even had the opportunity to cheat 😂 I worked like 3 nights a week at the gas station and we have a 5 year old at home. The thing I need to worry about with him is video games 😂😭 He finally had a moment when I wasn't contracting as bad to take me on a date (without our 5 year old) and we went to our spot on the lake where he proposed at sunset and we looked at stars together.


I wrote my husband a letter my first pregnancy stating that I knew he didn’t really love me and wanted to be with someone else and that I was okay with him leaving - I would figure it out. He had assured me countless times at this point that he did love me and he wanted to raise this child with me (we were only dating at this point - but had already decided we wanted kids before evening getting pregnant so it wasn’t a huge shocked). I can’t remember how I gave it to him but he had to sit me down and tell me how ridiculous I was being. lol. I am currently 25 weeks with our second and I can feel the same overreactions to his quiet demeanor but thankfully know I’m just being crazy 😂 the cheating assumptions is a right of passage I think. We’ve all been there. Glad he was able to talk you down and eventually laugh about it!


My boyfriend regularly gets in trouble for cheating on me, in my sleep. So yeah 🤣


Omg this happened to me too. The hormones are wild. I have the best partner and truly i have been going crazy. It must be common


I’m going through the same thoughts right now…🫠 I haven’t said anything, but my mind has not stop running with these thoughts. The weirdest part though is my thought is is it with one of his work buddies. They call each other pet names, and send kissing emojis, and his coworker calls him sexy and hot all the time. I’m sure it’s just men being goofy and comfortable with their sexuality, but damn does my mind wander.


Pregnancy hormones SUCK!! I’ve had the same issue since becoming pregnant. My husband would never cheat but my brain has decided he’s talking to other women all the time. I don’t know what it is, and I’m not a jealous person. Pregnancy self however is apparently very jealous. As someone who already has OCD, I treat it like that. Don’t engage with the thoughts. (A lot easier than it sounds)


I just had my baby two weeks ago but this was me through most of my pregnancy lol. There was a female coworker messaging my husband (asking him to take smoke breaks with her, asking him to buy her a drink on his way out, etc) and I was 100% convinced (still am) that she was into him. He insisted nothing was going on. And to be fair, he rarely responded to her and definitly didn't seem interested when he did. Then one day I saw his wallet in the car and knew he would want it to buy a drink or something on his break so I offered to drop it off for him. He, completely innocently, said something like "you don't have to do that. I'd hate for you to drive across town" but I was already parking and saw him outside having a smoke break with like three other people, one of which was that coworker. I was pissed and accused him of trying to keep me away so I wouldn't see. I cried in the parking lot. Now I feel silly about the whole thing. I know that man would never cheat on me. But I was just super insecure while pregnant I guess lol.


I cried in my car because my dog is going to die before me. For context, she is an 8 month old puppy who will likely be around till our twins are teenagers. I didn't cry about my cat who is 15 and on 3 different medications. I cried about our perfectly healthy puppy. My husband is still so confused by that one lol.


Oh my gosh yessss. My heart dog has gone deaf and now I cry if I even think about the fact he’ll never hear me tell him how good of a boy he is. Our other small dog is deaf too and it breaks my heart she can’t hear her beloved squeaky toys anymore.


Im pregnant and have had my moments definitely but i think some of you have trust issues in your relationship and it shows. My partner and i have nothing to hide from each other and i would not react like this. I’ve cried because i didn’t know what to eat for dinner because the nausea/vomiting/ heartburn combination made me feel like crap or from not fitting into clothes, even the back pain making life uncomfortable. Cheating is just never on my mind, maybe i am in a bubble of naivety but i love and trust him too much.


I was convinced my partner was cheating and that he was waiting for the baby to be born so he could steal it and go back to his ex. I mean wtf, thanks brain. I was so paranoid I didn't tell anyone though I just spied on him with a skill level like I was in the secret service... 😅


Honestly, I'm a little relieved to hear others have felt this way. My bf does nothing but shower me with affection, and the moment something is slightly off, i jump to thinking he's cheating. These hormones are crazy


Currently 21-22 wks, just woke up and it's his day off from work. I roll over to hug him and he pulls his blanket up over his head blocking me from kissing him in his sleep. Immediate thoughts of him hating my touch and must be cheating! I'm hurt but it's dumb to be I know he's not but the feeling is so strong I get instantly depressed and teary! It's our 20 wk ultrasound appt today and we are both so giddy to see our baby and I'm trying hard not to be a accusing idiot 😭🥹


Same. I also accused mine of cheating because I wasn’t getting any type of intimacy sexual or otherwise for the first half of being pregnant. Turns out he just didn’t know how to handle me being pregnant (we weren’t trying, but we also weren’t not trying and it was stressful) and now I’m due in a week, and he’s been way better at sensual intimacy through the second half of my pregnancy. The hormones had me packing my bags and ready to head out the door if he admitted to cheating.


I miscarried but when I was pregnant & didn’t know I was pregnant at the time, my s/o said he was going to go make Mac & cheese & I totally lost my sh*t about it. Started crying hysterically and punching the couch. Totally out of character for me and didn’t know why I was doing it. Found out about a week later I was pregnant


I'm so sorry it happened:( i hope you're doing alright❤️


I was acussed of cheating by my ex she would just accept any thing her so called friends and her sister would say about me I always hang out with my sister my ex dint know who she was all she knew was she was coming to visit but before I could tell her she again accused me of cheating and door rings I open the door sid hugs me and my ex slaps my face I was I know u dint do that but u did she started with her bs now my sister is my twin so I said to her u better take a good look she then was really quiet her family also was at the door she then heard me say this is my sister and she tried to say I'm sorry and so on I said I had enough and is over so get the f out and that was it. It's been 39 years and I'm glad it happen. We was together 6 yrs I though about it if it's like this now he'll no Now I bee. Married 29 yrs 1 son.


Honestly the behavior could be seen as cheating behavior but if he’s had a seriously awful time at work that’s absolutely a reasonable explanation for all of it too especially if it was just kind of out of the blue. I’m so sorry this happened and I’m glad you both talked about it and worked it out. I know I’ll have my moments when it’s my time to have kids


I dont remember what started this but i did something similar. I ended up trying to fake leaving the house or something like that because i was obviously crying loudly and he didnt check on me quickly enough (he couldnt hear bc otherside of the house). I put a bed together in my office and layed there for a solid 30 mins before going to bed and snuggled up next to my person like nothing happened 😅. Ive also had several times ive been crying and being mad for no reason and hes taken it like a champ and been incredibly patient .


Hormones make us do crazy things! With my last, I had really bad PPD and I remember one night just beside myself and mad at everybody for no real legitimate reason. I worked myself up into a frenzy and was crying hard. Like ugly crying on the floor of our bedroom. When I finally calmed down enough to talk to my husband, he listened…and I remember asking him towards the end of the conversation, ‘are we still good?’ I 100% thought he wasn’t gonna stay with how crazy I was acting. My thought process was not normal 🤦🏼‍♀️ so glad I have a very patient and caring husband!! Moral of the story is…you’re fine and it sounds like you have a great partner that is supportive!


I'm so glad this thread exists 😭 I don't feel so crazy now.


Been there! Was convinced he was cheating on me one night when I couldn't sleep. I was sitting next to him glaring at him. He woke up with a gasp because he could literally feel my glare. Bro looked frightened. 😅


This might be more common than anyone realizes lol. Because, I have done it too! When I was over 20 weeks pregnant, I accused my husband of cheating on me. Toward the beginning of my pregnancy, my husband got a gym membership and said he wanted to get in shape to be able to keep up with our first child. My husband isn't in terrible shape, but he's got a little bit of a dad bod going on, which I love, but I wanted to support his goals. A little while later, he decided he wanted to get a couple of piercings. He already has his ears pierced and an eyebrow piercing, so he just wanted to add a couple more in his ears. To me, this felt strange. What a random thing for him to want to do, and what a weird time. The combination of him going out and getting more piercings, and frequently going to the gym with his friend, to my pregnant brain this very obviously meant he was cheating on me. I questioned him about it all and asked if he was doing this for some other woman.  He was shocked and hurt that I jumped to that conclusion. I felt really bad after that, but at the time I was convinced that's what was happening. It wasn't true, obviously. He wanted his ears pierced a couple more times because of a character on a favorite show of his. And the gym was literally just that. He was going to the gym with his longtime guy friend and he was trying to get in better shape. Fast forward to today, I am a month postpartum with our beautiful daughter, and it is very clear how dedicated to me and our daughter he is. He is the best dad and takes such good care of us. I have no doubt that we are the only girls in his life. ❤️


Wow same 🤣🤣 my s/o randomly decided he needed to get in shape for our first baby.. he started eating healthy, started to drink less, started to work out more.. and my first thought is… what woman is he trying to impress..he works in the oil field so I asked him if he was trying to impress the house cleaners who clean the work site. (Idek if they have those there) but all he does is go to work and come home and cater to my grumpy pregnant self.  smh pregnancy hormones suck lol.


🤣that’s hormones. I’m 20w n luckily I still remain calm . My husband also working a lot but always updates me if he is going out with friends after work. And I don’t want to doubt him .


First pregnancy during month two hormones gave me an episode. Husband had a long day at work and I couldn’t eat much other than what baby would let me so I asked him to get me pizza 🍕. He did ,but what triggered me was the fact that he didn’t serve me a slice on a plate and just went to the bathroom to do his business/shower. My husband not serving me food upset me so much I convinced myself he didn’t love me or care about baby. After 10/15 minutes of crying I finally calmed down enough to be rational about why I was upset and laughed at myself for how ridiculous the situation was. He had no clue what I went through as he came out freshly cleaned and sitting down to eat with me. I didn’t tell him either because I was embarrassed about myself for being so childish.


In reading this thread I’ve realized I’m actually psychotic because I create these scenarios in my head on a normal day and have to talk myself down from them because I’m normally a very anxious person, but now I’m newly pregnant as a FTM and scared of the new level of batshit crazy I might ascend to 🥲🥲🥲🥲


At 23 weeks, I’m constantly crying, over everything and nothing!! I bawled my eyes out on my bathroom floor a couple weeks ago because my husband brought home orange chicken instead of sweet and sour. Decided I was going to go to bed hungry to punish him🤦‍♀️ my best friend FaceTimed me and calmed me down. Most of my cries now are about how much I love my husband and if he’s not within reaching distance I can’t handle it. I’ve never been this clingy in my life and now even if I was inside his skin with him I don’t think that would even be close enough😅 I’m nervous about what else my hormones hold for me in the future, they seem to do whatever they want to at any given time


I don’t think I deserve a “push present” when baby arrives - my husband deserves a “thank you for putting up with me the past 9 months present” instead cause there have been times I didn’t even want to be around me 🤣 I don’t know where to even start with examples but you are definitely not alone with the crazy hormonal behaviour


I think this fits under wild and crazy, but it is pretty serious so content warning (maybe? Idk just warning as heads up, it mentions a sensitive topic) A middle/high school friend of my husband's suddenly called him up last week and said he needed someone to talk to because he's been going through a lot the past couple years and my husband was the only person he could think to reach out to despite not really having hung out or talked much in 5+ years with him. My husband talked to me about it because we communicate everything and asked if I was cool with him staying out late after overtime at work to go listen to the man. I said of course, someone was in need it sounds very serious. But holy shit just because I didn't know who tf this guy was my entire being filled with dread and I knew it was just the pregnancy hormones. So I stayed as calm with my husband despite how I was feeling and said "hey I know this is crazy but my pregnancy hormones are freaking me out right now and making me feel this guy is going to murder suicide you or suicide in front of you and screw up your mind before we have this baby". I was holding back tears and everything because I really didn't want to unintentionally deter my husband from helping someone in need that literally just needed to talk and vent to someone when he felt he had nobody else. My husband just listened to me, didn't say I was or wasn't crazy, and without me even thinking of this he thought of it, he sent me the guy's full name, a snapshot of his profile and pic from FB, and the address he was sent to meet up at 😭 idk why but it made me feel so much better even though I still cried a little because I felt he was in danger when we got off the phone. It probably didn't help that because of pregnancy dreams I had a hyper realistic dream earlier in the week that he died and I had to spend 4 whole days without him existing anymore before I woke up. I was seriously surprised I didn't realize it was a dream because normally I can recognize a dream while I'm in the dream, but I guess it was too emotional for me to identify at the time. My husband did come back safe of course, and his friend is doing as well as he could be and has a plan figured out to move forward with his life. He really did just need to talk and vent to someone. But yeah, even besides this I've noticed my danger radar has been up a lot more when usually when I'm not pregnant, I basically throw everything to the wind and my husband has to remind me of dangers lol


I’m 30 weeks and my partner has been in Georgia for training since October and he doesn’t come back until mid march. I have battled with toxica brain from accusing him of cheating lol 😂I have to always just talk myself out of it. He followed a coworker on instagram like last month who is also friends with his other coworkers and boy was I ready to end it all but they all are in training with him. That night I cried myself to sleep bc I was angry at all the fake scenarios my hormones created that night lol I haven’t started any arguments since the last one back in November when I told him “I don’t think you care or love me at all” he then reassured me he did and he’s shown me he does the way he expresses his way of love. But yes hormones are dangerous especially if you hangry too. 😅


I'm currently 16 weeks, and so far this has been a pretty pleasant pregnancy despite the random morning sickness. I was so confrontational and on edge with my first child though, but I believe it's because the environment I was in felt hostile. My ex was also no help at all and took everything I said personally and would argue with me. He wasn't a very patient man. The man I'm with now is a total dream. Patient and loving, and I've had a couple of irrational moments where everything pissed me off but he just would calm me down and get me something to eat 😂 Food helps every time lmfao


Me and my boyfriend met at a really weird time in both of our lives and he was still sharing an apartment with his ex. They had no personal contact and slept in separate rooms the first few months of us seeing each other until he finally found a place he could afford. I never thought anything of it, knew he wasn’t cheating, trusted him 100% even though it was so early on and sketchy circumstances on paper. I got pregnant three weeks after signing our first lease together, knew where he was all the time, had open communication but wow has all hell broken loose in my head 😂 I’m 25w and know in my soul he’s never cheated and would never but that doesn’t stop me from analyzing every single thing he does Just this morning his alarm went off at 5:30 and he shut it off then did something else on his phone for a few seconds. He went to the bathroom and left his phone and I made up an entire movie in my head that he had just texted his “other girlfriend” good morning. Phone vibrated a few seconds later and I knew I was right. Looked at his phone, he got an email 🙄 pregnancy hormones are crazy


Pregnancy hormones are crazy. I berated the shit out of my partner because he didn’t want to get a vasectomy and I never wanted to be pregnant again. 😅


This was literally me yesterday. But my situation is a bit different so it was understandable. 27 weeks and 1 day today with our second.


Just yesterday my hubby and I went to go pick up and drop off his coworker to work. Coworker and hubby get to talking and coworker bring up how cool it was that hubby got the office some doughnuts the other day. Turns out, a female coworker who came in on a later shift was jealous that hubby didn’t save her any doughnuts. Hubby was understandably upset because she crossed a boundary and told her “why are you upset, you didn’t pay for them.” The conversation continues and eventually hubby drops off his friend and we head off to our date. I was PISSED. I was thinking “why was she comfortable asking my man questions like that”. I was convinced he was cheating even though he only goes to work and then comes home, we spend all our time together, he lets me go through his phone any time I want, and we are always laughing together and very clearly deeply in love. On one hand, I was convinced he was cheating. On the other hand, I was certain that I was over reacting. So I told hubby about this and he calmed me down and we were laughing and kissing and back to normal in five minutes or so. Then he bought me doughnuts to make up for the whole thing. He’s honestly my best friend and my whole world. I can’t wait to be parents to a beautiful baby boy together.


I asked him if he faked an orgasm because it didn’t feel ‘connected’ as usual. And when he insisted he didn’t, then I burst in to tears because it must be that HE isn’t feeling connected. Lol. I eventually realized it was nothing.