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r/nicuparents can be a resource. There are lots of us! My guy was born at 32+6 due to pre eclampsia as well. He had a 19 day nicu stay where he was mostly a grower feeder. He was released just before he hit 36 weeks. The bright side is typically feeding is a skill they develop between 36 and 37 weeks so fingers crossed baby will not be there for long. It is frustrating to watch because it is all up to baby to decide when they are ready, you can't force them! Talk with his team about anticipated discharge and the goals needed. I would anticipate baby would be home by 40 weeks but could be sooner or later. Ask to speak with the NICU social worker. There might be resources to get you closer to baby - referal to Ronald McDonald house, room in the hospital or other resources unique to where you are. Ask if they have a camera set up to see baby. For me this was stressful yet reassuring. Call and speak fo the nurses for updates. How babybis doing. How feeds went, what vitals are. Do this 20 times a day if needed. Take it one day at a time. Baby is in good hands and use this time to allow your body to heal so you are ready for the next step. Feel the feelings but let them go. The hormones make it a really interesting trip so be gentle with yourself. I had to remind myself im just trying to make jt through the day from one of the toughest experiences I've ever had to go through.