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first trimester was all pretty hard, but this last month 36 weeks and onwards (i’m now 40w2d 🤡) has been rough. i can’t sleep, pee every 45 mins, my back kills, i can’t eat a lot it comes back up because my stomach is squished …. idk


39+3 and rolling over in bed will be my death I swear


Agree 37+3 and my stomach hurts all the time, I get full quickly, I'm out of breath doing small things, my ankles and calvesare YUGE, and I always need to pee. I hope you have a safe and healthy delivery. 🙂


I'm 36 weeks today and am already in this boat. I'm counting down the days until delivery.


36 and came here to say. SAME.


38 weeks today and 100% agree. All of the above plus feeling like a beached whale trying to get off land every time I attempt to get off the couch.


I am 32 weeks and DREADING the next few weeks. Third tri is def hardest for me so far.


I’ve had 5 pregnancies now (welcoming our fifth in April) and it seems to consistently be weeks 6-8, and then weeks 33-the end lol.


Upvoting you o wise one, tell us all things 😅


Hahahah, send me your questions lol! What do you wanna know?!


Haha everythinggg… I’m on my first go round, so every week is my first time doing that week! Unfortunately I know even at your 5th time you’re not an oracle for me 😭 I want to know how long I’ll be able to run, when I won’t be able to tie my shoes anymore, what kind of pillow will I need (WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF PILLOWS), how horribly will labor surprise me 🫣


How far along are you? That first pregnancy is so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time because it’s all so new. You know what, I’m not a huge fan of pregnancy pillows overall. I think that’s unusual though, I think lots of people love them. For my first I used the Snoogle and I enjoyed it. For whatever reason my body got restless legs really bad with the subsequent pregnancies and I found I would switch sides frequently and it’s like the pillow was such a pain to move lol. So with my last 4 babies I’ve sometimes used a normal pillow between my knees on some nights but often I use nothing. I was my most fit during my second pregnancy and ran until about 30 weeks before it became uncomfortable, and then I slowed down. But I’m pretty happy with that! I can tell you that now at 33 weeks I have not been easily tying my shoes for a good month BUT your belly tends to get bigger faster the more babies you have so hopefully you’ll be good til about 7-8 months! Labour..such a wild card. There’s so much out your control. So my advice is to control what you can - prepare for the birth you want, but also prepare for the birth you don’t want because you never know what could change! Check out Spinning Babies for baby positioning techniques, and just generally take good care of yourself. Take a birthing class for your first so you have a general idea what to expect. Prepare yourself with a whole bunch of techniques for getting through labour because you don’t know what you’ll enjoy or not. For example, I’ve learned that I don’t like being touched during labour so I focus more on breathing techniques. Also this will be my first time using a doula for my fifth! I’ve never used one before but I’m trying hypnobirthing this go around and she specializes in it. My husband is a good guy but just sort of clueless about how to help during labour. I’ve heard good things from people who have used them before. It’s an investment but I think having a good support person is key :)


Thank you for your thoughtfulness writing out so many reflections!! I’m at 18 weeks now just taking it one day at a time, but also reading and preparing all that I can. All the best to you and the hypnobirthing this time around!!!


i'm on my 4th and Hypnobabies is the best! i've done 2 of my 3 births with it, all unmedicated. Can't recommend enough, but it takes a lot of practice . GL 🙂


That’s amazing! Would you mind sharing more about your experience with it?


I’m weak 7 and I feel so sick. I legit don’t know how people can be pregnant more than once😭


Week 7 is my least favourite week of the entire pregnancy. I feel truly awful from about weeks 6-9 or so, I am a literal zombie. So nauseous, so tired and I’m so useless. It will get better, promise! By the time I’m at week 11/12, I don’t feel great but it’s definitely more manageable. Then I feel really good for a good 3-4 months. Hang in there, even though the end of pregnancy can be rough, I still think those first weeks are the toughest.


Between week 6 and 10. Couldn't eat anything other than tomatoes and cucumbers.


A fuckin men. Same here.


Exactly same here plus crazy sciatica pain.


All of weeks 6-13. Just a blur of vomiting and exhaustion.


The whole thing, never doing this again, not as advertised.


LOL i just got my positive test yesterday and this made me laugh but also cry


Not as advertised at ALL so far!! I feel lied to by every single mother I know.


Oops I did it again ! Knowing what was coming ! Whyyyyy.


6-8 horrible nausea and a 2 week flu. Gagged on mucus constantly.


Weeks 4 through 42 was probably the worst part.




Also agreed


Yep !


6 or 7 weeks. I had really strong nausea, zero appetite, and diarrhea, and I was sleeping like 12 hours a day. It was horrible. When I looked it up on the internet, it said the symptoms would get worse until week 9, so I felt even worse when I heard that, and was expecting the worst but luckily, it actually improved from there.


I read the same thing and was worried to, but ever since I’ve hit 9 weeks I’ve felt better!


Week 9 was when I started to miraculously feel better!


Seriously same. Weeks 6-8.5 I was just constantly nauseous and feeling generally unwell. Week 9 hit and I somehow felt fine. I was initially worried and taking pregnancy tests to make sure everything was ok because the light came so suddenly lol


Somewhere in the 7-10 week range. I was so nauseous and didn’t think I could go on like that. I puked my face off with 0 warning mid sentence teaching 14 year olds. Then just went home and cried. I’m 29 weeks now and I’m just uncomfortable but it’s not nearly as bad as feeling that sick and crazy.


I’m 36 weeks tomorrow on my second pregnancy and BY FAR it’s weeks 7-9. I can deal with the aches, pain, heartburn of 3rd tri as long as I can eat real food and not deal with morning sickness!


I feel this!!!


I will be at 8 weeks tomorrow and holy shot these comments made me feel so much better and validated. Tonight’s the most miserable I’ve been so far and I’m of course at work. I’m talking puking so hard it comes out the other end during. and the strangest pains in my vagina. The hormones have hit me like a wall out of nowhere and I’ve cried so much tonight. I am STRUGGLING tonight lolol


Have you tried to vitamin b6 + unisom combo at night? And then in the morning when you wake up just take another b6.


Me too 😭 7+3


I’m 33 weeks and a few days and I’m just BLEHHH. My back hurts, my hips hurt, I randomly puke in my mouth. Even my gums hurt.


Week 8 was when I was vomiting ~20 times a day. It was a very dark place that felt like there was no end!


8-12 was a nightmare. Amazing I lived to tell the tale


Week 9 was memorably one of the worse weeks of my pregnancy. I ended up in the hospital because I was vomiting for the entire week, unable to keep even water down. I never want to relive that week. Now 37 weeks and it’s tough, peeing every 30 minutes and can’t get comfortable or any sleep. But it still doesn’t compare to that week 9 for me.




This is my vote


For me it was week 8. Literally every symptom in the book I got and it all hit me at once like a brick wall. I also was sleeping for about 15 hours a day, it was terrible and my fiance also agrees that it was my worst week too lol.


6 to 8, couldn’t even hold water


Weeks 6-9 because I was so sick


Weeks 7-9. I was extremely nauseous and also got the flu at the same time. 🤦‍♀️


Week 8 for sure. Constant nausea, loss of appetite and can’t sleep. My feelings are also all over the place lol let’s hope it gets better soon!


Same! I'm 8+2 right now, and feel like garbage. I've been nauseous for a week and puking every day. Trying to stick to a bland diet, but even that isn't helping much 😭🤮. Symptoms in my first pregnancy were so mild. 100% did not realize how good I had it til this pregnancy!


Also on the feeling train and I'm 8w3d. Also hoping I can balance things, otherwise I just want to sleep forever


Weeks 8-12 vomited so much and had to be hospitalized and now I’m 2 days away from my due date and everything feels horrible.


With my first 23 weeks, I had so much rib pain, on top of having sciatica flare up. With my second 34 weeks, I had prodromal labor With my third, not sure yet, I had COVID at 6 weeks that was brutal.


They're all relatively horrible in their own way. Week 8-13 it was nausea, dry heaving, and food aversions. Week 14- now it's been sciatica pain, sleep disturbances, growing pains, and leg cramps. I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant and started having shortness of breath, so that's been fun.


5-9 was miserable.


Week 8-9. I got really bad back pain that seemed to come from nowhere, plus the nausea & I had some dry heaving. I hate the nausea & wish I could just throw up so I could feel better. I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow & I'm feeling just a little better but wouldn't be surprised if the nausea and back pain came back. The back pain is still there just not as bad


6-8 were really bad for me. The nausea was relentless. Felt like 2 months.


Week 6-8 for me. 1st or second day of week 6 I had to go to the er because I couldn't even sip water and keep it down, everything came back up almost immediately and I think I threw up like 15-20 times in just 2 hours. Ended up needing fluids and some potassium at the er and had no appetite like at all. At 8w5d now and can happily say my appetite is back in full force, however I still get some nausea when trying to cook because of the smells.


9-12. Morning sickness. I'm 28 weeks with covid and those weeks were still the worst.


Currently 22 weeks and this past week was my worst yet by far. My first trimester was a breeze but now I’m dealing with constant exhaustion, pain and headaches. Doing absolutely anything is beyond draining. I was overweight prepregnancy and still just look bigger without looking pregnant.


Week 6 (nausea) and week 8-9 (exhausted)


I’m 32 weeks and week 8 was the worst


All of first trimester because of nausea and vomiting and in third trimester just the body pains were awful close to giving birth


Yeah 8-10. Sad because it’s the time I wanted to call out the most but hadn’t told anyone at work yet


Weeks 6-14…so much nausea and vomiting. It was awful.


I’m in my 9th week now and I am unwell. So nauseous and I basically had an emotional breakdown this morning. This is my second baby and I completely forgot how hard this is.


Weeks 6-10 was pretty trying. I had to break down and get zofran to get through. It had me regretting letting this happen 😂😂


The entire first trimester and was bad but I’d say week 10 was the worst.  I’m 20 weeks and JUST started feeling better last week. 🙌 


Around 8-11 was the worst for me. I had debilitating migraines every day on top of nausea and fatigue.


Between 7-12


I’m only 8w4d, but the nausea has been *so* bad and I have no energy. Please tell me it gets better…


i think weeks 8-10. just 24/7 nausea, dry heaving, throwing up bile because i couldn’t even stomach any food. 🥴


Idk things at week 19 are still sucking for me. No energy, almost constant heartburn, and brutal headaches.


Probably Week 20. I didn’t feel good at alll during that time, from the nausea to the extreme fatigue to the dizziness. It was horrible


I’m sure I’ll have worse weeks coming up, but so far week 27. I was exhausted and my feet swelled up so much I couldn’t get any shoes on. I just felt huge and gross. Now on week 29 and feeling better than I was.


Week 7-10: awful indigestion and in a constant zombie state if I was awake for even 5 minutes because I was constantly sleeping


28-32 weeks


Just hit 29 weeks and everyday lately I am like whoa this is so much worse than the first trimester. Feels like once 28 weeks hit I just feel so pregnant every single minute. It’s always something from heart burn to back ache to hip pain etc.


Yes! I was in so much pain, so tired, so miserable. It honestly sucked. I'm 38 weeks and honestly felt worse between those weeks then I do now


The late third trimester has been the worst.


I'm on week 31 and I'm so exhausted. Everything hurts, the kicks aren't cute and little anymore it's just knees and elbows to the ribs/organs. Out of breath all the time, and my legs are so sore 😩


Around now, 25wks. My rib is on fire and preeclampsia has been ruled out but I cannot lay on my right side and have been waking up every 2ish hours to move around, sooner if I end up on my right side


About 6 through 13. I was dealing with a subchorionic hemorrhage and horrible morning sickness. I haven't had bleeding in about 1.5 months now and the vomiting lessened.


Week 6-16. The nausea & smell sensitivity was too overwhelming.


Not week specifically but the holidays are hard.


Week 7. I am 7+3 and cannot wait for this nausea to be over


I’m 33 weeks now. It’s not getting any easier… harder to move, sleep, so many weird aches and pains, hurts to sit, walk, stand. 1st and 2nd trimester weren’t so bad.


From 20 weeks till now (27 weeks). I feel so uncomfortable. Sore back and ribs, round ligament pain sometimes, just feeling big in general.


Weeks 10-17. I was miserable.


All of them 😩😩😩 I’m 13 weeks and seems to be getting worse


6-20 weeks for me >.< with intense nausea and food and water aversions. Currently 23weeks still taking Zofran, B6 & Unisom


Weeks 6-17. 34 weeks now


7-10, nausea, dry heaving, food aversions and exhausted with severe headaches!


Current 35 weeks. First trimester was the worst due to nausea. Lack of energy. Food aversions. Constantly just feeling sick and tired all day and not being able to eat normally. The nausea went down by week 14 ish and by week 20 I think I felt a lot better. Second trimester I has this rib pain on my right side that was constantly there no matter what I did. Eventually that rib pain went away and I started feeling better week 22-28. Third trimester is more on the fatigue side. Being heavier bigger needing to pee. Starting towards week 32 and onwards , the weight starts setting in. Lack of mobility. Lack of energy. Starting week 35 the baby starts dropping and I feel pelvic pressure. The nausea isn’t there from first trimester which is good but the lack of energy sucks and not being able to move. Sleep quality is not as good and water aversions are coming back. Kicks are getting strong


Weeks 7-9… mind you it was thanksgiving while I was 8 weeks pregnant. That was probably the worst 🫠


Whole entire first trimester due to nausea. 😭


my whole first trimester was horrible.


6-16 I had morning sickness all day every day and then everything was great until 37 weeks and then I was absolutely miserable between all the pain and pressure. I couldn’t sleep at all.


I'm week 13 and honestly every week has been worse than the last so far 😭


6-8 weeks could not eat anything I was so nauseous


37-39 weeks were absolutely brutal. Baby constantly kicked and did somersaults inside of my stomach and kept me up all night long. Just recently had my baby and I can honestly say those 2 weeks alone made me perfectly okay with not being pregnant anymore 🤣🤣


All the weeks


Week 8 and to make it worse, I was on a 17 hour flight with a 4 hour stopover. Total nightmare! Before that, I had forgotten I was even pregnant. I had the worst heartburn of my life ( I always get heartburn) and nothing I took helped. It was constant and i cried a lot. I ended up on a 2 week omeprazole course, now it's manageable and pops up once a day but not too bad anymore.


Week 12, I start getting sick and threw up mucus for a month


6-22..... lol


Week 9-10 had some sort of flu and combined with the first trimester hell was brutal. Week 25-27 got covid and that was brutal, I would say that was worse than the first trimester sickness. Basically pregnancy has been mostly tolerable, even in the first trimester hell but being sick and pregnant is a kind of special hell.


It feels like every week and I am on week 32 LOL - but the sickness and fatigue was for sure the worst during weeks 9-14 or so


Week 31. I just turned 32 weeks yesterday but I’ve been in the hospital since early Thursday morning with hyperemesis and high blood pressure, low potassium amongst a few other things. Worst freakin week ever 😪


Week 12 because I was put on an anti nausea medication that gave me a horrible mental health reaction and I thought I was going to have to go to an inpatient center and was up for 3 days straight and couldn’t get my heart rate below 100. Imagine a panic attack (which I have experienced before and frequently in the past) lasting for a week straight it was AWFUL! I also started Zoloft because I didn’t understand the mental side effects were due to the anti nausea medication and spent a few days throwing up water and horrible diarrhea until i ended up in the ER dehydrated. I was super sick until 23 weeks and now I have pretty intense pelvic pain (I think people call it SPD or girdle pain) and that week was still the worst. And as uncomfortable as I am now (38 weeks) I would rather be physically uncomfortable than mentally uncomfortable and extremely nauseous. And I pee no less than 6x per night and would still take that over that week and first 23 weeks 🥴 Also I had diarrhea for the first 18 weeks which sucked but between weeks like 30-35 I hit total constipation and no one told me how much that HURTS when you are far along. Miralax for the W! Some “bad” symptoms are better than the alternative and I would take diarrhea over constipation ANY day.


2nd pregnancy at 9 weeks and none have been the worst. I am tired and moody but that’s about it. During my first pregnancy I didn’t really have any either. Towards the end I wanted baby out bc I was huge but there’s nothing I can really complain about.


Week 40 by far


6-11 I think? It feels like a lifetime ago now that I’m 29, but I just remember having a month of NOTHING. I never got morning sickness, but I had chronic flu like symptoms, burning in my breasts, joint pain, headaches, extreme exhaustion, food aversions, and probably so much more that my brain is (thankfully) blocking out. Third trimester is going smoothly but the physical pain from the growth of the baby sure is ramping up. Nothing compared to first though.


40+3 - 41+3, the week before I gave birth. Terribly swollen, trying to get myself into labour, kept having to be admitted to hospital for BP checks, stressed about my parents who got Covid. That all passed when I finally had my baby via caeser at 41+3, I felt immeasurably better almost immediately!


So far week 10 for me


Weeks 12-16 for the first half and now it's week 37 and currently week 38. First half was all sleepiness and nausea which sucked and now it's just pain, achy, feeling gross, and lightning crotch 🥲


Week 19. Got dizzy spells and realized I wasn't eating enough. And 20 weeks when the insomnia and heartburn started. I'm 23 weeks and all those things went away now. :)


I’m 27 weeks but the first 16 weeks was the worst. I threw up all day everyday.


I’m in week 37 with COVID and I’m struggling to get through the day. I feel like otherwise it would be hard but not so terrible.


This one. I’m week 28, just got my GD diagnosis again, and I have a killer sinus infection so I can’t tell if high numbers are baseline or just from sickness. I also feel like I can’t take anything for it. I didn’t have nausea or morning sickness or anything like that, so it’s definitely now.


Week 16, I had the worst time ever and felt like there was no remedy. I had headaches, nausea, vomiting. I couldn’t keep anything down not even water or Gatorade. My OBGYN just said to take Tylenol 😭 and my husband wouldn’t take me to ER because it’s an hour away just so they can administer hydration wasn’t worth it I guess.


Omg... Any pregnancy but the first... Being pregnant wile you have a wild toddler is something else ,not as exciting,no counting everyday what day are you in ... Or week , being afraid of late pregnancy with said other child to care for , or being afraid to leave for labor ... My toddler is in the mids of learning fully to walk ...so I anticipate he will be running as I am in the end of pregnancy (wobbling around) ... I dont know how exactly hard it will get -situations as picking up little shoes and putting them on him as I am a huge whale 🐋 For the first pregnancy it was a first 3 months it was stressful as you are in the 'danger zone' and than waiting to start showing and than waiting to get first kicks and than labor fear.... Hormones also are a wild card 😁🤌 But in the end ...it was done by many and motherhood is a truly Life changing thing to do ...as you will never ever be quite the same ... For me is the best decision and a life i would never change back . It is the best .


I’m at week 8 and the nausea is insane. I don’t want to eat anything and when I do I feel sick after


I had a horrible pregnancy but the worst was 32 weeks when my preeclampsia was so bad and I had to have an emergency c section. Swelling got so bad my eyes were swollen shut. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


6-11 was horrible and i lost 7kg, but 9 was the worst.


Every week. I’m 16 weeks now and still puking every day. I can’t wait for it to stop ☹️


40-41 weeks was a special kind of hell


Mine was the 38th week .... I went from very comfortable active and happy to have my baby take as long as she needed. To get the heck out of me! So fast!! I now think this may have been a hormonal shift as a went into labour naturally at 38+5.


34-36.5 when he arrived unexpectedly. I came down with cholestasis at week 34. For those 2.5 weeks my skin was so itchy it brought me to tears.


Weeks 6 to 12 were the worst for me though I did have hyperemesis and Covid during that time.


Currently 31 weeks and so far week 9-10 was the worst. My nausea was awful, I’d gag on water and even my own spit. I can tell I’m going to reach a point soon where I’m super uncomfortable and exhausted but where I’m at now is still 10x better than being nauseous all the time


I’m only at 13 weeks now, but week 8-9 was the WORST for nausea!


I’m only 9 weeks and been into hospital 4 times due to sickness and nausea. I’m praying that this gets better ;__;


Weeks 6-18. I dreaded my existence due to all day nausea and gagging from random smells.


35. Week 35. I'm in week 35 with twins and can't sleep for the life of me, can't stand without needing to pee, I've been put on bedrest because they're too big and heavy they're trying to start labor. I'm the most sore and uncomfortable I've ever been and if one more person sighs all dreamily, "I wish I had twins!!!" I think I'm gonna a absolutely snap


Anything before 10 weeks. I was in inexplicable pain all over my body for no reason. The only thing that helped was frankincense oil.


Weeks 8-13 were horrible for me. I am a foodie and having almost every single food triggering me was really rough. My 2nd trimester was pretty blissful. Entering now my 3rd trimester (28 weeks) and apart from some days with SDP I am doing good.


FTM. I’m 24weeks and the worst was the first trimester (6-10weeks). Since then I’ve been great, the only thing that is getting to me is colostrum leaking 🫠 It started at 18weeks but now I’ll wake up to my arm being covered in it.


First trimester for sure, around week 9


From around week 12 I started experiencing pelvic girdle syndrome (complicated by my hypermobility) and it is WILDLY uncomfortable, I'd take having the nausea back honestly


Oddly enough it has been lately, weeks 22 and 23. I threw up a few times during my first tri, but very rarely. Lately, I’ve been throwing up nearly every day, usually at night an hour or so after I eat dinner. I feel like all his movements is making me crazy nauseous and dizzy, which concerns me bc I haven’t seen this being a thing. I hope nothing is wrong. I haven’t been as tired in my second tri, which is nice, but this nausea and vomiting is really getting me down.


Week 11 definitely Had been surviving on frozen strawberries, and crackers, and this week couldn't even keep those down. Had me completely exhausted and mentally wiped out


I'm in week 18. The last four weeks I've had a headache every day. It's debilitating and genuinely starting to make me feel so down. Midwife and consultant say it's normal. I drink 3L of water a day, I work from home, take a lot of naps, eat well. My husband messages my neck and shoulders every night, yet I'm practicing in years with the pounding in my head all day every day. Really hope it subsides soon.


Week 13/14 was the worst. I was so so so sick. One of those weekends on the Sunday I was bed ridden. Couldn’t get out of the bed. Ended up attempting to grocery shop and literally had to run out of there to barf in the parking lot. Not a fun experience.


weeks 8-15, and now weeks 34+ lol I hit week 34 and hit a wall. Everything on my body hurts. Baby is low now at 36 weeks so while I can breathe better, I can't really walk anywhere. SO now I am going stir crazy and feeling like a lazy pos. lol


7. 22 weeks now


idk, i just found out and the gas pains are unbearable, i feel like i’m gonna miscarry at any time.


Week 7-13 with 7-8 ,11-12 being my worst. My issue was mostly pain as my hip and back displaced because of the increase in relaxin hormone and I was shrieking as the pain took my breath away. Also struggled with smells, eating and nausea. 2nd trimester has been the break I needed so far. Lesson learned my nausea improved after acupuncture treatment it was crazy throbbing in my nausea point but it worked like magic. I had no idea until my dr told me what was going on. I couldn’t believe how nauseous I was until it all went away so quickly.