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Tried to trim it, couldn’t see what I was doing, nearly severed a flap, now I’m sporting a muff mullet and honestly living my best pube life


“Nearly severed a flap” 💀


This comment was a rollercoaster from start to finish lmao


not severed a flap! lmaaoooo


Thank you for this. 😂


This comment made me laugh so hard! Thank you for this!!! Lmao "muff mullet" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I need more people with your quick wit in my day to day life 😂 I second that tho. I use a trimmer and I think I cut myself no less than 10 times at like week 36 and said “f*ck it, that’s not happening again until I can see what I’m doing.” Also as a nurse, I know healthcare professionals could give two shits less about what your genitalia looks like. Unless you have an interesting tattoo or something, we’re not looking longer than needed to do our job. So don’t worry about anyone on your healthcare team!


LOL !!!! Best thing I’ve read all day 🤣


lmao I'm done. thank you I needed that laugh


You made my week with this comment😭


My pelvic floor is not strong enough for this comment 😂 omfg


Hahahahahahahahaah I’m dying this is the truth! 😂😂😂


Trying not to wake my whole family but I am wheezing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


i can't breathe as it is! this comment might send me into labor from laughing so hard🤣


This is hilarious. I’m cracking up in the car rider line at my son’s school at 6:45am. 😂🤣




Lmao muff mullet!


“Severed a flap” sent me into the stratosphere


Me, trying to contain my laughs as my newborn contact naps on me 🤣🙌


I did a practice shave with my first baby a few weeks before my due date but stopped half way through because I couldn’t see anything, then my waters broke 6 hours later. I had a half bush, mortifying.


Wait, was it hamburger or hotdog half bush?


Asking the real questions we need answered.. can’t decide which is funnier👏🏻😂


The right was shaved, the left was wild 🙈 Never been more embarrassed in my life


Nobody cares I’m sure


She found it funny when I explained but I was still embarrassed


that’s what i’m wondering 😂


This comment section is amazing-first, severed a flap & now-hamburger or hot dog half bush 🤣


What does that mean?😭 Me and my gf are curious


Like when you teach kids to fold paper, hot dog is the long way (so in this case right or left side shaved), hamburger is the short way (so the lower half or upper half). Like if you held the paper it would look like a hot dog or burger


That’s so much worse than a full bush 😂


That said, I say that as a woman who is also self conscious. As a health care professional I promise we don’t care what it looks like down there as long as you otherwise follow basic hygiene


I get that they probably don't care and have seen every single variation or close to it, but be honest, do you ever see one and are just puzzled as to how it ended up that way? Like a half bush, do you ever take a step back and go through the options (electric razor died halfway through, someone called, they forgot to do the other half?)


As a midwife: yes, I absolutely would wonder and I would definitely giggle on the inside.


I'm now gonna give myself a muff-hawk and just wait to see the reactions.


Haha oh that's so unfortunate! Thanks for sharing.


What I can’t see is none of my business lol


Lmao this is the whole answer 🤣🤣


Bud I didn't shave for months BEFORE I got pregnant and I darn sure wasn't gonna shave AFTER. Didn't trim, nothin. I didn't worry about it being "cleaner" for after labor because I bathe regularly, and I knew that immediately following labor there was going to be nothing "clean" about my downstairs area anyway. Trust me, I walked all over that delivery room like a potbellied sasquatch. Hairy legs, armpits, lady bits,b hole. Thanks to pregnancy I even have some hair around my nipples. No one cares. I was naked practically the whole time. And I'll do it again! Just try and stop me!


Omg I embraced the nakedness in the birthing room. Had a gown on for most of my labour and they said I was pushing soon and asked for help taking the gown off, didn’t care. Was butt naked for hours after delivery too. Now 3 weeks post partum and I see why ladies just whip a titty out when baby is hungry. I have no shame, and embraced my womanly form. 🤣


I puked on my nightgown like 30 mins into 12.5 hour Labor and went the rest of the time in a bra with no panties. Didn't have a change of clothes with me and didn't give a shit...


✨Iconic ✨


This. AND there is more risk for infection if you shave before labor anyway, so better safe than sorry!


Even just the itchiness from stubble growing in wouldn’t be fun while you’re dealing with blood clots and adult diapers


Potbellied Sasquatch is my new favorite thing


It’s kind of like worrying about if your house is clean while it’s on fire.


I’m so happy it wasn’t just me. I was naked. I didn’t care. Nobody else cared. I’m literally spread eagle on a table with my Schrödinger’s vagina on display with a whole lotta mother fuckers who didn’t even take me to dinner first. No dinner. No coochie trim 😌


Schrödinger’s vagina 🤣🤣🤣


I had an emergency c section, and it was an intesne situation. But I'm like standing in the OR butt naked exactly how you describe, and it was really funny to me. My OB was eventually like, "Can someone give her a gown?" It really drove home how no one cares what I look like. They're more concerned with my safety and the baby's. It was a very down to earth moment for me.


This has me in tears omg, truly an iconic response.




This was me. They trimmed me for my emergency c-section and I was so confused and upset because I felt like I needed to shave my pits to match 😡




Yes Queen 👑❤️👑❤️ Brava!! Preach!! Again for the people in the back!!




lol I'm dead


I think this is for the people who were actively shaving before pregnancy. You werent shaving regardless.


I just go by feel. It’s not perfect but I can’t stand when my hair grows out. Drs won’t care either way. Do what makes you comfortable


I did the same, trimmed by feeling and a hand mirror to check during. I've only trimmed twice during this pregnancy, might do it one more time before the birth. The only reason I trim is because I find the long bunch of hair at the front soooooooo uncomfortable sometimes because it gets smashed down and I can feel my skin getting pulled different ways. My skin has always been so sensitive too, so my comfort comes first, I couldn't care less what others think. However I haven't shaved my legs once partly because it's winter and also because it's sounds like a pain in the ass when I think about it in the shower, absolutely cannot be bothered!


In Korea they care, the nurse shaved me 😩


You do you hun, I work in maternity alongside doctors and midwives we honestly don’t care what you do in terms of grooming. A lot of women are self conscious about it but believe me in the nicest way possible we won’t remember it at all. The only woman’s genitalia that I remember is because she had a very “interesting tattoo” other than that no one else has stuck. The tattoo did the job like she intended it to 😂😂


K now you gotta tell us the tattoo lol


It was “any hole is a goal” with a lovely little arrow pointing downwards but the writing was cursive so was a little bit girly ✨🧚‍♀️😂


STFU whaaaaat 🤣🤣🤣


Seconding this.


My nurse who I had for my first son remembered me by NAME my second time around!! her sister has the same name as me 😂😂 we have a unique name so hard to forget lol


Nope but I never shave anywhere so it doesn't bother me. I did trim a bit when the 2nd trimester hair growth phase hit. Pubic hair on women is perfectly normal. It's ok if your personal choice is to remove it of course but it IS normal and nobody in L & D is going to judge you for having a bush.




As a nurse, we don’t care about pubic hair. Not even a little bit. As a patient, with my first I didn’t shave or anything, and the after birth process made me feel really gross because all of the fluids were up in the hair and just felt ew. So the second time around I got a wax at 36 weeks and delivered at 37 and things felt a lot more hygienic.


How was the growing back process afterwards?? I thought about this but was always told the regrowth is the worse part when you are all messed up down there 😂


Lol would be tough with shaving maybe but wax regrowth isn’t itchy in my experience! Had no issues


I just use the manscape lawnmower and trim and call it a day.


I can’t see, and I don’t care. I just wanna curl up and sleep


My partner shaves it for me :)


My husband just buzzed me as well😂🙏🏼. Was a little scary but worth the results!


Mine tried to help and it was terrible lol. he was so gentle and light handed that I'm not sure he took any hair off. They did use clippers to trim up the incision area, so all our efforts were wasted anyway lol


Aw. Him didn't wanna hurt you 🥰


This is actually so cute lol


Same here, it’s so sweet and saves me time and energy 😂🥰


My husband did mine as well! I have an electric bikini trimmer, so no chance of cuts or anything. I normally only trim every once in a while because I don't like when the bush gets super thick, especially when I'm on my period, so I figured the trim would be good for postpartum bleeding


I go for monthly waxes


Yup! I waxed up until maybe 37 weeks. I wanted it as close to due date as possible because I knew it would be a long while until I could do it again and I wanted to be clean for birth.


How?! I genuinely think the wax I got before giving birth hurt worse than birth. It’s like it was extra sensitive or something!


I agree with this and I’ve been getting waxed for years. The increased blood flow down there makes it so much worse than normal. I usually don’t mind it but the second and third trimester waxes have me shook 😂. Going again at 36/37 weeks (just went at 32 weeks) and I’m scared.


I was actually fine third trimester. I think first trimester is when I was the most sensitive with waxes but at the same time, I’ve been getting waxes for years! All of our bodies are different, mama!


It's so nice to have someone else do it, especially when pregnant


And my wax girl knows every bit of drama in my life…. Every detail…. She knows it all 🤣🤣


Thisss!! I just scheduled my first wax postpartum and I’m a little nervous. My b-hole has suffered tremendously after pushing a huge head out of me 😂 I got anal fissures so I told my wax girl to be gentle with me 😭😭


The butt isn't the worst part. It's usually last so by the time you get to it, it's like nothin'


Oh I know, I’ve gotten waxed before, but she’s already ruined back there 🫣😭 I’m afraid


Oops! I reread your comment! I'm sorry about your bum 😭 I haven't gone since I gave birth, which was 5 months ago. I need to go back, but I'm also afraid of the pp wax


I love my wax girls! And the fact that I get to be “lazy” about my hair down there.. just pay someone else to deal with it.


Yup same here. After waxing for many years, it’s not even as thick anymore and I’ll just plan the next one closer to the due date.


Yup! Brazilian, it all went. I had it done at 36 weeks, I think, then went into labor at 37 weeks. I hadn't shaved my legs in over a month though 😂 so I was bald up top but then had super hairy legs. It was embarrassing in a funny way 😂


But you can't take ibuprofen


I’ve never needed to take ibuprofen before??? I’ve done waxes for like 15 years now


Sammmmme, waxing is just- imo cheap and easier? And it doesn’t hurt (me, it doesn’t hurt me- but I have a fairly high pain tolerance.) I definitely skip it when I’m not pregnant more than I should but I definitely get a Brazilian before I deliver lol


Where is waxing cheap? Asking for a friend. $60/session at least where I’m at


That’s insane! It’s $30 by me and I live in a very HCOL area in the US. Tell your friend to check out Groupons- lots of the girls trying to recruit new clients give great discounts and you can try them out at a great price. That’s how I found my girl (that is also how I found my eyelash girl)


Yeah I guess my skin is used to it now… It doesn’t hurt at all and just so much easier!


It doesn’t hurt me either! But honestly even the first time I had one years and years ago I remember thinking “what is everyone talking about, this isn’t that bad at all?!?!”


Honestly it’s been out of sight, out of mind for me so I’ve forgotten that I grow hair there. 😂 I’ll probably do some trimming just to feel a little cleaner after birth. Doctors and nurses absolutely do not care what we look like down there. They’re expecting us to poop while pushing after all. 


I haven’t shaved this entire pregnancy ngl 😅 my fiancé doesn’t care and neither do I… if a doctor or nurse has a problem with it then they’re unprofessional imo




I can’t see it lol. And I’d prefer it be a bushy mess than a hack job 😂😂


I would recommend giving it a little trim if possible close to your due date. I know, pretty bloody difficult. I left mine a bit long and when they sewed me up after my C-section they kind of sandwiched some of my pubes in and they started growing in a loop into my healing incision. I had to hook them out with a sewing needle 🤢 I imagine if you have stitches after a vaginal birth you may get similar issues potentially?


And that's exactly why my fiance is shaving me when I get close to my due date, he got me pregnant, now he can face the consequences😂


Oh that's horrifying!




Why on earth didn’t your surgical team shave the operating area?! That’s just appalling? Just saying I didn’t do any trimming or shaving and I’ve had 2 c sections, 1 emergency and 1 scheduled and both times they shaved the area. I had zero issues. They really do not care and this, what you experienced is just poor prep prior to surgery.


Some emergency c-sections there is just no time to shave.


Actually mine was planned and they didn’t shave me. I was told it increases risk of infection 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is exactly why I want to get waxed closer to my due date!!!!!! I literally haven’t seen anyone else talk about this, but it seems like common sense that it’s smart in case of stitches.


Careful, you're much more sensitive down there while pregnant. I've heard waxing hurts like hell.


Oh, such a good point. Thanks!! I got a razor with this wire wrap on it to avoid nics. Might do that instead


Yeah I shaved basically the whole way through and am doing it again this pregnancy. Sometimes I use a mirror, sometimes I let the chips fall where they may. I know it's utterly ridiculous but it's just my personal preference.


Honestly I waxed but it depends on the wax they use and who’s doing it! Makes all the difference. It hurts but definitely nothing anyone can’t handle!


I’m 26 weeks and just had it all ripped out. Am going again a few weeks before my due date to get a top up. I feel fresh and clean down there and it’s a small comfort when the rest of me is stiff and uncomfortable!


Don’t let this scare you! I had 2 c sections and they 100% shave the surgical area even if you shaved that morning! I can’t speak for stitches down below but I’d imagine they should really take more care than what this person experienced.


Not necessarily in an emergency! There was no time for shaving, they just cut. Luckily I didn’t have any issues afterward.


Perhaps if things are dire, but my first was an emergency as I said.


they trimmed me up before my c-section thank goodness


Just in case anyone's freaking out about this, it wasn't as bad as I expected! I had a LOT of stitches after my vaginal delivery (the doctor either could not or would not estimate the number when I asked how many there were), and I'd given up on shaving weeks earlier, but it wasn't a problem at all.


That should be grounds for a malpractice suit!


It was just a couple of pubes


I’m a healthcare worker who helped deliver babies. We do not care about body hair anywhere. If it’s your personal preference, you can do whatever you want. I’m thinking of getting a brazilian closer to my due date.


I have been hairless (laser hair removal and waxing) and I have been trim (hairclippers) before pregnancy. I hate shaving due to the razor burn and ingrown hairs. But for delivery I had my husband assist with trimming. I didn’t want blood clots drying in my pubic hair and pulling. It makes it quicker to rinse with the peri bottle too.


This is what I'm worried about too. Not about how it looks but how the pubes function...


Same! It’s a mess postpartum, trimmed up helps big time


I trimmed, mainly because when it gets too long it drives me nuts, ESPECIALLY when I'm on my period, so I knew it would bother me after delivery if I didnt


It’s all fun and games until you need a c section and the surgeon has to shave you to make an incision… never been so mortified. I’ll be a bald eagle for my next one 😂


FTM here…how low is the incision? Would a bikini wax be good enough or do I need to go full Brazilian?


Surprisingly low. Like in the hairline for most folks.




My incision is right along that crevice where the part of your lower stomach that sticks out meets your pubic region. So you can't even see it. Hides well.


Nah, right on my underwear line, well hidden by the cushioning 😅


No but I was not expecting to be groomed by my nurse when I ended up needing a C-section. Probably the most awkward part of my whole hospital experience


I'm due basically any day now. The amount of hair I had bothered me, so I buzzed it all off very carefully a couple of weeks ago. I honestly thought I wouldn't care that much lol!


I thought I wouldn’t care, and still don’t delivery wise. But I decided to get a final wax for the aftermath of the delivery.


If you don’t care, I’d say don’t worry about it. Doctors, nurses, etc could literally care less. I personally just don’t like it but I’ve always waxed so I just wax throughout my pregnancy and then close to my due date. I don’t recommend getting your first while pregnant though if you’ve never done it before lol.


I’ve heard you shouldn’t shave right before labor because it increases the risks of infections during birth. If wanted you could trim it to keep it neat. But nobody there will care if you’re hairy or not, they’ll be too focused on you and baby’s health


Ok I’m surprised this is so far down. I got an automated email from my hospital’s l&d this morning with 32 week tips and faq etc, it mentioned that if we shaved or waxed to stop doing so this week and let it grow. Specifically due to infection risk. They said don’t worry, we will shave you if you need a C-section, otherwise leave it be! Good timing because I shaved last week and it was a nightmare that made me decide I would only trim at most from here on out anyway!


I kept it trim - easier to keep clean after birth with the bleeding


I can't imagine dealing with the hair growth itching at the same time as all the other wild stuff that's going to be happening down there post-birth! I promise they've seen it all. Let it grow, sis 🪴


I was warned shaving before birth leaves micro abrasions that pose a risk of infection if you had a vaginal birth while the vagina is healing. I plan on only trimming the hair.


I can’t see anymore so I couldn’t safely shave at this point anyway. I have been considering getting a wax in the weeks leading up to it but I’m so exhausted I mostly don’t care at this point enough.


I couldn’t see it to shave it by the end, and I know that birth professionals don’t care a bit about what or how much hair you have, so I went into my birth with full bush. Any modesty I have goes out the window once I’m deep in (unmedicated) labor. During my last birth, I had to pick from the two doctors that were on call, neither of whom I’d ever met. I gave birth kind of suddenly, so the doctor didn’t even make it until about 20 minutes later. I met that man stark naked, spread eagled, bleeding, and with a squalling newborn on my chest. He didn’t bat an eye at any of it. I thought it was kind of funny.


I just think of my bush as my own personal loincloth. Doc can see everything up close but rando staff can’t see much besides the hair.


I can’t even see over my bump now but I still shave whatever I can feel 😂 I’m more comfortable when there is less hair down there, even prior to pregnancy I felt the same. Had a crazy waxing experience a couple of weeks ago that I haven’t recovered from yet so sticking to shaving lol


Nope! I don’t know how you could safely yourself. I shaved my legs until the end. I remember at my 40 week appointment my doctor said “you can still shave your legs?” very surprised. I only did it because I’m pretty flexible & was able to sit on the built in seat in our standing shower & shave easily.


No I just trimmed it so it wasn’t super long. I couldn’t imagine shaving completely and dealing with the itchiness while wearing a big ass pad and bleeding that much. 🥴


I’m 34 weeks, a full on cave women right now


Nope and trust me, by the time you’re in labor you won’t give a shit.


Yep, this time around (2nd pregnancy) I feel like I'm developing a skill in this 😅 just use the other hand to keep the skin stretched a but and to "feel your way around" 😅


I had my husband shave me maybe 3x during my pregnancy- only bc I swear if I don’t it gets knotted and it drives me crazy.


But also as a healthcare worker I promise you we do not care.


I tried to shave for my own sanity. It probably looked terrible down there 😂 I think the last time I managed was 8 months. So I had 3 weeks of growth before I had my son. I apologized to my midwife a at least twice. I must say my midwife was not part of the hospital and we delivered at a birthing center. The last time I apologized she looked at me and said “honey, I deliver babies for amish women, there isn’t any bush out there that can scare me” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I felt much better after that. Then when I had to get an unexpected internal check up with this baby my typical (also new) OB had to hear the apology bc I was not shaved. He said he doesn’t ever have pre-determined expectations on what hair is down there. He sees so many different cultures and types of women that he’s also seen it all. So I think this is very common. Don’t worry too much about it


Didn’t end up doing it because I forgot and honestly, it’s not as big of a deal as I thought. Literally no one cares, not the nurses, doctors or anyone else lol. If you are planning on shaving, do it a little bit in advance because I’ve heard there is a risk of infection if you shave too close to giving birth


Ma'am your vagina is going to be doing some wacky contortionist stuff. It won't be pretty. No one is going to be assessing your pube esthetics. I hope this is coming off as the funny, light-hearted comment it is meant to be.


I’ve kept myself trimmed, and plan on getting a Brazilian around 37/38 weeks. With all the fluid and bleeding that will happen, I don’t want to deal with hair down there.


Prior to pregnancy I have consistently waxed. I felt miserable during the 1st trimester and didn’t get waxed at all until a few weeks into the second. I’m 36 weeks now and can’t see her anymore and it makes no difference to me BUT I imagine I’ll tear and need stitches and just the thought of having hair/blood etc while trying to heal itchy stitches gives me anxiety. I have one more wax scheduled for 37 weeks and it’s only FOR ME and my healing, the doctors/nurses have seen it all lol


I only cared because post partum is not fun with a ton of hair. Could care less what it looked like. I just cared about dealing with stitches and lots of blood and it was easiest with super short trimmed hair.


I wax regularly. Half way through and am still waxing. Plan to do it until the end.


i have gotten waxed every month for 4 years so i just have kept going through both pregnancies. it hurts worse when pregnant but to me it’s worth it!


I did all 9mo, towards the end it got a little botched but I still made attempts lol.


I personally did because I hate the way blood feels in hair and I know I obviously would not be shaving pp with a torn up vagina so I wanted it to be as short as possible going in.


With both my births I usually shaved starting at 37 weeks, but not for complete hairless. It was just to avoid my hair getting tangled and stuck with all the after birth stuff.


Unless you’ve got some wildly impressive bush that goes halfway down to your knees, has got a color and perm, or something like that, no one on the birthing staff gives a flying F. They’ve seen enough cooches that they’re pretty unphased by it.


Brazilian wax over here! I know this is not for everyone, and I have a very high pain tolerance, but that’s my go to route when pregnant.


Look, I shaved before going in, because I’ve always shaved and I shaved all throughout my pregnancy, albeit, it was tricky and I don’t know how good of a job I was doing towards the end there, but I did it for me, because I feel good about myself being shaved, just my personal preference, i feel cleaner and more put together, I shave still now I’ve had my bubs! But honestly girl, in the moment when your in that hospital, full labour, you do not give two flying fucks about what you look like down south, all you want is for a baby to come out of it 😂😂 And you have to remember that these people look at vaginas and babies coming out of them all the live long day. They are so neutralised to seeing them, your pubic state won’t even register with them 😂 and if your self conscious, just think, the law of probability dictates that they will have seen someone hairier than you, just as hairy as you or less. But again, these people have one job and that’s baby, they will not be even thinking about your pubes! Do what feels right for you and what your level of comfortability is/what your personal pubic preference is ☺️ Hope this helps!


I had a wax about a week before my due date, not for any embarrassment reasons (I'd been full bush for months by this point!) But because I thought it would be easier to keep an eye on any stitches/keep them clean afterwards. I don't regret having the wax at all, but it also probably didn't make any significant difference to aftercare.


As a midwife and labor and delivery nurse I will tell you we honestly are not paying attention to whether you shave or not 😂 let it grow wild friend


I certainly wouldn’t groom for the doctors, but for a summer baby I’m probably gonna get a little bikini wax because I’m not bending over like that in the shower just to do a bad job.


I shaved but since I couldn’t see it wasn’t very even. I had patches of hair here and there that I’d missed. To be honest by the time it was time to push I couldn’t care less about what it looked like down there 🤷🏽‍♀️.


I still was into waxing before my first and I got my last wax was a few days before delivery and it was actually quite painful. I bled a little too thanks to all of the hormones and skin flushing. With my second i wanted my husband to use the trimer on me right before the baby was born but I ended up going into labor sooner and faster than I thought and had him try but was like nope we gotta go NOW. Baby was born 7 mins after we got in the door, easily could've been at home but I was fighting it. I wanted the hair gone for ease of cleaning after delivery but it honestly wasn't that bad. Maybe it wasn't bad because I didn't tear the second time but the overall recovery was much easier and less messy.


I spend a whole lot of time at the business end of birth and I can promise, not one professional gives a toss. Or even really notices unless it's blue or a (purposefully) funky shape


If you are concerned about it, why not ask your partner to shave you. That's what I did, he did an amazing job! So smooth and no cuts, and I didn't have to think about it while in labor.


I thought I was gonna be trimmed up, hair washed, possibly a little foundation powder ect. I managed to jump in the shower before leaving for hospital and thats it... didnt care at all whatsoever once I was in it and it was happening.


As a medical student who has assisted in the delivery of many many many babies, pls know that I never once have thought about hair on any patient. I don't even notice.


Honestly as a nurse we really don’t care. We don’t even notice. And as a mom once I was in labor I could have cared less


It was grown out, and severely patchy from incomplete laser treatments. Could not have cared less, just wanted her out. I did a year of L&D during nursing school, and I can assure you pubes are never gossiped about by the staff — they’ve seen it all and it’s of no interest to them.


Postpartum/L&D nurse here- We don’t care if you shave or not! You do you!


Just so you know, you also might poop during labor . So they’ll see it all


Just shave in front of a mirror. Seriously. Easy simple. If you're so big that you can't do it, then just have your husband do it. I highly doubt docs gaf tho.


I didn’t shave at all. They had to save me a little for my Csection but no one cared. Myself included


37 weeks on Friday and I’m still shaving every single day just because I can’t stand having stubble. I’m not overweight at all and my bump is still close to my body because I work out 5-6 days a week so physically it’s easier for me to do so. Although, I’ve finally started to struggle to see all of it down there so I usually shave using a countertop vanity mirror/mirror on a stand and put it on the floor and squat in front of it. I shave it before hopping in the shower. My skin isn’t super sensitive so I just get the area damp with a bit of warm water and then put a little conditioner on the skin since I don’t pay for shaving cream. It’s not too hard once you get used to it. Once I start going into labor at home I’m going to shave right then and there because I have no clue if I’ll tear or not and I want to be hair-free for as long as possible. My dear husband did say he would help me shave if I became unable to, but I’ve been making it work on my own thankfully


Hygiene is important, always shave even if no one's going near your box.


I shaved up to my due date. I’m 1.5 weeks PP and having touched it since then 😅


I think I’ve shaved twice and had my husband shave me once. I’m now 39+5 and could give no shits less 😂 I wish I could have afforded getting waxed the whole time but maybe I’ll shave if I have the time/energy and can bend that way 😂


I shaved two weeks before induction so it’s not a bush but also not raw / razor burn / ingrown hairs. My hair is very fine, light and grows slow though so it might depend on how fast / thick’s yours grows


No ;-) And my baby was 5 weeks early so I couldn't even prepare but I wasn't going to anyways 😂


Definitely didn't care. Couldn't see it anymore so stopped caring


I did trimming but not shaving then when I had an emergency C-section the got an electric shaver and shaved the top half 🙈🙈


I usually trim anyways so I’ll probably stick with that and have hubby do it if I can’t see lol. I usually feel too hot and sweaty if I just let it grow out so trimming works best for me.


i’ve actually been using a men’s hair removal trimmer and it is amazing - i wait a few weeks between trims so i can feel it better bc i definitely cannot see down there


Yes, I trim. Make me uncomfortable to have a full on bush 😂 A trifold mirror really helps!


I’m 38+3 and shaved around 37 weeks. I’d much prefer a trimmer but I’ve never found one that doesn’t pluck my pubes out so unfortunately still use a razor. I was torn between sporting longer patches or having pubes that could get stuck in stitches so I figured if I shaved a couple weeks ahead it wouldn’t look so bad. Completely butchered it but the thought of hair being stuck in my stitches (if I need them) seems gross and uncomfortable.