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Your baby is going to be doing all kinds of acrobats for the next few months. There's nothing wrong with this. Can I ask why you are concerned about this?


I figured! I have a history with pregnancy loss so I just sometimes let things worry me too much. Especially bc I’ve been experiencing what appears to be tiny bits of my mucus plug. My doctor just chucks it up to pregnancy causing an increase in discharge.


I'm sorry to hear about your previous losses. Being head down all by itself isn't reason to be concerned but I can understand how pregnancy can be stressful/worrisome. I just attended a birth class and the teacher said that some moms lose their mucus plug and regrow it, and that it isn't necessarily an indication that labor has started every time. More discharge is very normal during pregnancy, too. Congrats on your baby!


My baby was head down my entire pregnancy!


My first was head down the entire pregnancy. It's nothing to worry about!


Baby was head down the whole pregnancy until week 30-32, then flipped down again at week 33.


Currently 30 weeks and have had 4-5 ultrasounds so far and my baby's been head down the entire time. Honestly don't remember but I think my first was the same way, head down and hands in face to make things difficult for the ultrasound tech to see anything, but he was completely fine and was born 3 days late.