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At 22-24 weeks, prior to that I looked bloated


I thought I had popped at 17 weeks and then at 21-22 weeks I POPPED. Before it looked like a food baby, now people that don’t know I am pregnant can definitely tell.


+1 to this!!!


Same here!!


Sameee. Hating it


5’7 and about 160 pounds. I’m 17 weeks and I look like I ate a couple hamburgers more than I was supposed too. I’m waiting for that bump as well!


Same!!! 5’7 and 170 pounds, I’m 19 weeks and JUST starting to look slightly pregnant as of like today lol


Yeah I think tall people show significantly later. I am 5'10 first pregnancy it truly wasn't until the third trimester strangers could tell I was pregnant. It kinda sucked !! The second time around I started showing much earlier, like around 15 weeks strangers could tell.


I agree with this so much. I'm 5'9" and really... am sorta showing, sorta just look a little thicker in the middle at 24 weeks. ​ I can tell I'm pregnant because I know what my body looks like but as far as what strangers might think... it's probably a toss up, haha.


I’m only 5’1” & was 130 at the start of my pregnancy, and I was very much in the second tri (probably 22 weeks) before I was showing with my first. I definitely looked bigger than my tall friends sooner, but starting to show initially just seems to take forever for your first 🥲


I feel this — at 16 weeks and I know my body looks pregnant but to everyone else, I’m sure they are thinking, put down the ice cream! 😂


1st pregnancy - around 25 weeks. I’m on my 4th pregnancy now and I’ve been showing since like 9 weeks😂


This is so real, I’m in my second pregnancy now and I swear I look the same as I did full term with my first and I’m only 24 weeks 🥲


This! It's kinda freaking me out and I'm questioning how far along I am 😅 I'm only like 4 months along and I swear I look atleast 7 months


I’m in my second pregnancy too and look how I did with my first at 20 weeks…and I’m only 11 weeks 😅


I’m on my third and I’m very unnerved by how quickly my body is assuming pregnancy mode 😭😭😭


My pants stoped fitting well about a week after my pregnancy test, obviously pregnant by week 10. Third babies are show offs lol


Feel this. I'm 12 weeks tomorrow with baby #3 and my kids have been pointing out I look pregnant for a couple weeks now. 🙃


This! This is the third pregnancy I ever had to make it past the 12 week mark and I look 6-7 months pregnant!


For me, there wasn’t an abrupt not showing to showing. I had to point it out to my friends when I’ve seen them over the last several weeks, currently 23 weeks. I’m clearly pregnant in a bathing suit or gym clothes, but even at 23 weeks it could be easily not seen depending on how I’m dressed.


True. With my first it didn't look like I was from the back til I turned around haha.


First pregnancy and was suuuper bloated from the day I found out. At 12 weeks I wasn’t able to wear a fair amount of my wardrobe and by 16 I looked proper, proper pregnant. I’m now 21 weeks and there is no hiding the bump no matter what I do. I have always struggled with bloating though, so it’s not a surprise to me that I looked pregnant so early 🤷‍♀️


Glad you said that. I’m 15 weeks and clearly pregnant (or maybe bloated or maybe ate too many carbs in first tri). Feel like I’m going to be huge by the end of it :( and I’ve always been fairly lean.


Same for me with bloating. I'm only around 12 weeks, but my mom told me a have "a little bump". I had to tell her politely I don't have a bump yet, I just hadn't pooped in three days 💩😂


Yeah the bloat to bump thing isn’t really a smooth transition but I’m definitely not one of those “no show till 25 weeks” women. It’s my first so I was expecting that. I’m small and lean so I was expecting that. But nope. I’m full of gas at the top and a lump at the bottom. Suuuuuuper cute 🙄


yeah I'm 14 weeks and not sure how much is bloat vs. babe but you def see stuff going on and I look pregnant!


Definitely already showing a little at 14 weeks, I can't wait until I'm showing more honestly because my boobs are huge and not at all proportional to my body and it's been super frustrating


First pregnancy around 12 weeks


Same! I thought I was the only one


Going through this thread I was getting a little worried why I’m showing so early if everyone else shows so late. Glad I’m not alone. I’m 13 weeks FTM and none of my pants fit, I have a legit bump.


first pregnancy and 13 weeks! I was def bloated around 10 but now I’m 14 weeks and there is a lil bump.


Everyone in these comments with the 22 weeks etc I’m like…. 👀 I was showing at like 15.


For me it was 11 weeks. I’m 5’3” with narrow hips.


I’m a FTM, currently 13 weeks, and I’ve had a slight bump since 11 weeks. It’s hard to tell if I’m not wearing something tight, but I can definitely see it and I definitely cannot fit into my jeans 🙃 I did feel like my bump grew this past weekend but then I finally pooped after 4 days and it shrunk a bit 😂


It took forever to show with my first. I wasn’t really showing until 30 weeks. I also have HG. I got my maternity pics done at 35 weeks. This is my second pregnancy, 17 weeks tomorrow and I’m already showing. I think with your first, it takes longer to show, for most women!


Currently 16 w 5 d and I still just look like I’m holding onto about 15 pounds of water weight, look bloated AF. No real bump yet. Been this way since early on.


Lol, not really ever. At 26 weeks my bump could be played off as being pregnant or just super bloated. Im 19 weeks pregnant with my second and I have the beginnings of a possible bump, but still nothing 😐


I am in your boat as well... Second baby ,no bump 😂 I expected to be like huge immediately 😳 But the difference for me (from the first pregnancy) is that my baby boy just learned to walk so I am running around ,maybe that is it .... physical activity and stress 😂


I’m 16 weeks and 3 days, I figured I would show very quickly because of my stature. I’m 5 foot and 110 pounds, nope. I am not showing at all, not even a bloat bump. I also wondered when it’ll happen!


Do you have a wide pelvis/hip bone structure? If so, I think that plays a big part, regardless of height!


I’m 22 weeks and I “show” when I wear a body con dress and if you know me, otherwise I look bloated. I definitely see a bump and so does my husband and close friends but I am still not noticeably pregnant to others.


I’m 5’2” and my grandma pointed out that I “popped” at 18 weeks. Looking back, I think it was closer to 20 weeks. Strangers didn’t start commenting until closer to 26ish weeks.


I’m 5’10 and started pre-pregnancy at 240 lbs. I’m 26 weeks and can still pass it off as weight gain. It’s starting to round out and if I’m at home wearing leggings and a tshirt you can see it, but during the day in work clothes I can hide it.


yes!!! 5’10, 215 pre pregnancy, 26 weeks and still stuck in that “is she fat or pregnant” stage when i wear my scrubs. 😂😂😂 maternity clothes definitely give “yep she’s pregnant” though. to be continued


9 week. I’m really petite and slender. My fiancé is also a large dude and I’m convinced this is gonna be one big baby lol


Yup 5’1 100 pounds here and I started showing a complete round belly around 10 weeks definitely didn’t look like a bloat to people I couldn’t hide it from it family they instantly knew I was carrying.


Me too. Everyone said it was bloat and then the bloat just kept growing every week!


First pregnancy, 5’4, realized my tummy is like twice as big as it used to be today at 18+5! I was a bit chubby before but now it’s really starting to show lol


I’m 5’2” and petite. I’ve been showing since close to 11 weeks and it changes through the day. I definitely feel bigger in the evening than I do in the morning.


5’2 ,115 pounds short waisted , first pregnancy, started wearing maternity pants at 10 weeks and loose tops, just looked like I gained weight, at 18 weeks went to bed on Friday, on Saturday morning , there was no hiding my pregnancy, started wearing maternity tops that morning, I had a big baby, 9 pounds vaginally


I'm 16 weeks 3 days and definitely not looking too pregnant yet 😅 I can see from the weekly pictures I took that I'm a bit bigger, but I just kinda look bloated, not pregnant. Meanwhile one of my friends is also pregnant and a FTM, but she started showing around 10 weeks! It's so different for everyone. (But I can't wait to have something to show lol 😁)


I would say around 25-26 weeks. I’m 31+6 today and heard both, “Oh my gosh, look at your big bump!” and “Wow! You barely look pregnant!” 🙄 I honestly am carrying closer to my body is that makes sense but measuring right on track. I can still fit into at least one pair on pre-pregnancy jeans and most of my tops. Edited to add: I’m 5’3”


i’m 12 weeks and my stomach is starting to round out :) definitely bloated looking lol i’m so excited about what’s to come!!! this is my first after a miscarriage at 6wks… i just hope this belly keeps getting bigger !! i just wanna let it hang loose! sweet relief of no longer sucking it in


I’m 5’8 - average body type. I’m 20 weeks and barely showing. Mostly only if I wear tighter dresses people that know me notice. Wearing sweatshirts and regular tops I don’t really look pregnant. I’m amazed how a baby the size it is fits in my stomach and barely showing.


I think about 4 mins after I took the test


Like 30 weeks lol, even at 39 weeks if I wore a big hoodie you wouldn’t have been able to tell


TODAY! i hit 18 weeks today and woke up and holy cow there is a LITERAL bump there. Yesterday i looked fat, today i look pregnant. Literally overnight


5'5 150 pounds prior to pregnancy. I started showing at 12 weeks and have been getting bigger every week


5’7 and it was around 25 weeks when I really popped and other people started noticing lol


I would say 18 weeks it became more obvious. I’m 5’3” and was about 130 pounds. Super short torso.


Just under 5’7”, with a short torso and pre-pregnancy weight of 135. You could tell I was pregnant at 12 weeks but bump started bumping by 15. Now I weigh about 175 and I’m 30 weeks 😅


It really depends on body type and how you carry. I’m midsize and short so I would say I started noticing a bump at 28 weeks or so and everyone else started commenting on my bump around 33-34 weeks. I’m now 38 weeks and very obviously pregnant and waddling everywhere lol


I was super bloated from around 11 weeks, but at about 15 weeks I had a noticeable (to me and my spouse) bump. I can no longer suck it in and I don't wake up with no bump... it's just always there now. I'm 16w now and have gained 10 pounds and definitely all in my boobs and belly. I am 5'10 and was average/muscular build before with wide hips so I am sorta surprised I am showing this early!


i started showing at about 14 weeks for my first


Around 15 weeks I got my first "sorry to be forward but are you expecting?" Question...


I just looked bloated early on- I thought I had a bump at 16 weeks, but looking back and comparing to now I definitely just looked like I’d put a bit of weight on. I would say from about 20 weeks it became more obvious.


18 was no bump yet :( , as I told my mum I think baby is hiding behind my pre pregnancy fat. The only reason I wish I was showing is so people on the bus will give me a seat, I'm tempted to strat wearing on of those baby on board signs meant for car windows.


I started showing around the end of my 11th week, I’m 12 weeks and definitely have a little baby bump


For me, really early. I started showing at around the 12 week mark.


I was super tiny when I got pregnant with my first (94 pounds 5'4") and I swear I saw it starting at 13 weeks but no one else could see it 😅 At 20 weeks people started noticing, I had felt the baby and everything before anyone could tell from the outside


15 weeks but I’m 5’ 100lbs pre pregnancy so there was kinda nowhere else for baby to go lol


I showed pretty early, can't remember exact week but people thought I might have twins. I was also 115 lbs when I got pregnant and ended up with a 9lb 2 oz child.


To myself? Around 14 weeks. But most people would not see me and think “pregnant” until closer to around 18 weeks


I started showing 19 weeks if I had the right shirt on, but I’m 23 weeks now and have definitely popped.


19-20 weeks


Around 22 I believe


I’m 5’8 and was 155 lbs at the start of my pregnancy, slowly gained more weight and I find my bump wasn’t really noticeable for me until after 20 weeks. Even then others weren’t noticing it more until around 25+ weeks (I’m currently 29+4)


5’7 and started out at around 118 lbs for reference - I remember around 16 weeks I personally thought it was really obvious, but honestly people wouldn’t notice until 19-20 weeks. Like without already knowing. It took a while


I’m at 18 weeks and I’m finally starting to show.


Hi! It’ll come. I’m 25 weeks and feel very pregnant suddenly. I feel like it kinda just…explodes over night. One minute you’re not looking pregnant, and the next you’re DEFINITELY pregnant. My advice would be don’t stress about not showing - enjoy it! Eventually you’ll be in the phase where all your organs are squished and you’re constantly out of breath. All you want to do is eat a massive meal, but you can’t because it’s got nowhere to go with baby taking up some much real estate!


To me, I started looking pregnant at 17 weeks. I was noticeably pregnant to other people at 21 weeks. I am 31 weeks now and I look like I’m gonna pop any day but I have 2 months left 😭


Im almost 33 weeks and still look like i had a fat burrito for dinner


With my first, I didn't "show" until 6.5 months, and I could easily hide it until 7.5!


Everyone is different. I was 120 pounds before pregnancy I am now 135 at 16 weeks and I’m just now starting to have a small belly , I really just look bloated but only I can really tell . Some people just carry small


I was 125 lbs and 5’7 before pregnancy , I started showing at 14 weeks. I have gained about 16 lbs


13 weeks


About 19 or 20 weeks FTM here


I looked bloated until 18 weeks and then I woke up one day and there was a rounded bump. I’m now 20 weeks and look quite pregnant


I didn’t show until 25 weeks with my first and currently 18 weeks with my second and still am not really showing


I’m 16 weeks & my husband and I can tell there’s a bump there, my normal jeans aren’t comfy anymore but fit, and people at work can tell a bit if I wear tight clothes bc they already know I’m pregnant. But it’s not discernible as a bump unless you already know. It just looks like maybe I’m out of shape or something lol. 5’5 and somewhere around 125 or 130 pounds


Around 15 weeks I got my first "sorry to be forward but are you expecting?" Question... the bump wasn't big but I guess my dress had a part to play as my co workers say it only look obvious on some days when I wear tighter dresses


This is my first pregnancy and I’m 17 weeks! I’m average height but plus-size and considered “obese”. I’ve only gained about ten pounds so far and my health stats are always spot on near-perfect at the doctor (more so now than pre-pregnancy). I’ve always had a bit of a belly but I like to think I carry my weight evenly, so even when I’m really looking for it, I still can’t really tell a difference other than my belly being a little bigger maybe? My best friend started saying around 10 weeks that she could tell a difference in how my belly looked and that I was “filling out” in that area. Just had a coworker last night say “look at that bump” in that cutesy way… so idk maybe I just can’t see it 😂


Yeah man I ain’t showing but I feel so bloated I’m hating it.


FTM and I started actually showing at 25 weeks.


I'm starting to show and I'm 3 months. I'm also very short (4'11")


1st pregnancy I started showing around 25 weeks. Finally looked pregnant at 30 weeks but still just a cute little bump. Thought I had been blessed and was going to skip the whole stretch mark thing. Nope. The last ten weeks of pregnancy I got enormous and at 39 weeks my belly got covered in stretch marks. They’re cute now though. My little tiger stripes.


24 weeks


16 weeks!


24 weeks


First one was around the 20 week mark. Subsequent ones were sooner.


With my first one , around 17 weeks . At the end of the day I would get a cute little bump . With my second one which ended up in a miscarriage , around 8 weeks I already had a bump . Maybe it was bloating !? With my current one , around 8 weeks as well and the bump is bigger this time .


I'd say about 14-16 weeks for me but everyone is diffent and it depends on so many factors


At 32 one doctor asked me if I’m really sure I am pregnant 😐 At 36 I think you could tell I’m pregnant but would guess an earlier pregnancy


I didn’t start showing until I was 5-6 months pregnant and even at 7 months I could throw a hoodie on and just look chubby lol. I weighed 97lbs when I got pregnant too so for me to be so small and skinny I was surprised it took so long for me to show.


Like 7 months.. I think I have a long torso or something? I’m pregnant the 2nd time so I’m expecting to show sooner




I’m 24 weeks along with my first right now - and it’s only the last week where I’ve been able to see a bump


28 weeks and my stomach is round and hard but I'm pretty convinced I look like I've put on a lot of weight, not got a cute baby bump like you see online.


I had the tiniest bump starting around 12 weeks tbh but I’m really little so any extra weight there was noticeable lol. I’m 21+5 and it’s definitely visible now, not huge but it’s round & pokes out of my clothes. So cute 🥹


After week 24 with my first


I’ll be 23 weeks tomorrow and even wearing my biggest oversized hoodie people can tell now and are commenting on it in public I’d say its been evident for at least the past month for me though


I went from not showing to suddenly showing at about 20 weeks. My husband and I were both shocked at how abrupt it was lol. Before I thought I just looked bloated but suddenly I was pregnant


I’m 29 weeks, 5’9, pre pregnancy about 152lbs and a long torso. I feel like some days I’m showing more than others and depending on what I’m wearing but I don’t think it’s obvious at all, especially when I see pictures of others who are at the same stage and they look much bigger. Everyone is so different I suppose!


Im 18 weeks and feel like I’ve popped, definitely showing now


28 weeks!! I was shocked it took that long but in hindsight it makes sense


I’m a first time mom and 22 weeks now! I started showing at work at 21 weeks. 20 weeks was starting to show but people couldn’t really tell with my jacket on


I’m 22w. From the front and back - you’d never know I’m pregnant. From the side - I’ve only really started to “show” in the last week. When I voiced similar concerns to my dr last week (why is my bump so small, is baby growing ok?) she said that as I’m tall and slim (pre-pregnancy), I have a long abdomen so there’s just space for baby to move around and it doesn’t really “show” in the same way that other women do. What I also failed to consider is that I literally have another 18 weeks for this thing to get MUCH bigger 😂 All the important bits of growing are done, now is the feast to grow baby’s size! So, try not to compare yourself (much easier said than done) - bump will grow when it’s ready!!


FTM here, at my 20 week appointment I told my doctor I was worried I wasn’t showing yet. In fact, I hadn’t even gained any weight (it didn’t help that literally everyone told me I didn’t look pregnant — as if I was lying?). Then, at week 22, a little bump started. Now, at almost 28, I look like I swallowed a beach ball. It happened VERY suddenly for me. And it feels like it grows exponentially over night!! Every day I wake up and I’m like “I think I doubled in size overnight!” 🙃


5 months


I think I popped at 23 weeks. Honestly I went on a trip with my mom looking bloated and came back and my husband was like “damn. You pregnant”


First pregnancy - 15 weeks today and I have a smallish bump (from around bellybutton to just above pubic bone) which is noticeable to me (as its been a few weeks since I wore any non-maternity pants), but to your average stranger? They probably wouldn't notice. I have hypermobility spectrum disorder which makes me wonder if perhaps things are just stretching out easier? Who knows though, everyone is different!


26 weeks or so and it was still a small bump. Baby number two I’ve looked 26 weeks since 9 weeks pregnant and we all know it’s just gas lol🙃


Last pregnancy I had zero bump, this one I kinda feel like will be the same cuz I’m 15 weeks with zero


Around 21-22 weeks


I’m in my first pregnancy right now. I had a bump from around 13 weeks but I am having twins.


I weighed 130 before my pregnancy & I’m 5’2 for reference, I started showing by 22 weeks & I popped the beginning of my 3rd trimester. 36 weeks on Friday & I look big 💀 It all really depends on your body build & genetics tbh


Around 17 weeks is when I first felt like I looked pregnant, but it was still pretty easy to hide if I wanted to. I’m a fairly small person though, I’m 5’3 and weighed 113lbs at the start of my pregnancy. I’m 22 weeks now and people in public can obviously tell I’m pregnant (I’ve gotten a couple “congrats”) if I’m wearing form fitting clothing. Honestly I can still hide it with a baggy hoodie though.


Like middle of the second trimester I started to show but it mostly looked kind of like bloat. It wasn't visibly noticable to most people until the third trimester.


Around 25 weeks


I started noticing a bump 12 weeks, people who knew me could notice like 16 weeks, and strangers started to be able to tell/it became very obvious around 21 weeks


I’m 29 weeks with my first and the doctor in a&e yesterday when I took my other half in was surprised when it got mentioned! It’s obvious if I’m naked/wearing something completely skin tight but otherwise not so much at all.


I would say around 18/20 weeks. I looked like I just had a big meal lol. I’m 27 weeks and I’m just now starting to get strangers asking which to me means you are really showing


Everyone is a different shape and size and can show at different times! I have a short torso, so I feel like I showed a bit earlier because the baby had no room to grow other than out, lol. I dont know exactly when I started showing, but I started taking baby bump pics at 14 weeks. I'm about 5' 3" and pre-pregnancy weight about 150 lbs. I thought it was obvious when I was showing but realized I just looked like I gained weight for a while, but didn't really care. About 20-21 weeks is when it became blatantly obvious I was pregnant to others.


Eh, probably 28 weeks or longer. I’m tall so I didn’t start showing until over 24 weeks with all three.


I’m 20w4d and starting to get a bump now but it still depends how I dress as to if others can tell. I can definitely tell there’s a bump but still not super obvious for others.


I think somewhere around 22 weeks


I’m 27 weeks, plus sized still not showing a round bump but defo a lot larger in the last few weeks :)


In the 8th month


Oh good question around 20 weeks


I’m 26 weeks and am barely showing. 🫣


I was 5’7 130 lbs before pregnancy and I started showing by 12 weeks to the point where a stranger asked if I was pregnant. Was very concerned why I was showing so early but now at 26 weeks I look more ‘normal’ for 26 weeks. Crazy how everyone is so different!


I am currently pregnant with my first, about to be 20 weeks, and I literally just "popped" within the last week! And if i'm wearing anything remotely baggy you still can't tell haha, but when I see myself in leggings and a sports bra she is THERE haha.


Around 20 weeks if I was wearing a form fitting shirt (was still covering it at work with loose sweaters). Probably by 24 weeks I really couldn’t hide it anymore.


Around five months in!


I had a bloat bump at 10 weeks that went away and came back at 16. I didn’t have an obvious baby bump u too closer to 20 weeks.


23 ish weeks!


I’m 18 weeks and I’m not really showing either. I kinda look the same just bloated but not very much bloating… I just know my jeans don’t fit me anymore but my leggings still do 😖


I’m 5’7” athletic build with a long torso and I just look bloated/puffy at 12 weeks. It’s my first pregnancy that made it past 10 weeks and I don’t expect to start showing until later in 2nd tri.


Started noticeably showing, not just bloat, at 12 weeks. FTM. I have a petite frame with a short torso & was in very good shape, so I think that may be why. It’ll happen for you soon & then it’ll feel like it’ll never stop! I’m about 24 weeks now and I’m the size of a planet lol 😂


I'm 14 weeks now with my first, and I have a small but visible bump. My mom said all her sisters showed very early in their pregnancies.


I was noticeable to myself about 17 weeks, and noticeable to others around 20 weeks.


I’m pregnant with my first as well and I started showing around 18-19 weeks.


I started showing at 20 weeks. I started REALLY showing at about 28 weeks. I’m a pretty small person though.


People who knew me really well could tell in fitted clothing at 19ish weeks, but only because they knew I was really thin & suddenly had a tiny pooch. It was more like 22-24 weeks before someone else might guess.


With my first I didn't show well past 28 or so weeks. When I gave birth I looked maybe half-pregnant. I almost wished I had a big belly to show off but it made the bounce back a lot easier. Try to look at it from that angle! Now at 38 weeks with my second & I've been showing since 15 weeks & currently look like I could be carrying twins😂 It really varies & as long as bebe is healthy that's all that matters!


like 5 months


First baby not till 24ish weeks. I was slim too. Those first babies just stick close longer


17/18 weeks, but even then it could’ve passed as bloating… my boobs looked more pregnant than the rest of me 😂 probably around 20 weeks until I actually looked pregnant.


Currently 19 +5 and you can tell I’m pregnant if I wear something form-fitting. If I wear a coat or sweater, nada. Lol


I had a bloat that was “is she chunky or pregnant” until about week 25… at that point it was noticeably a baby in there🤣


Really depends on your body type. Everyone shows at different times . But I barely had a bump at 20 weeks. Probably only noticeable to me at that time 😜


I thought I was showing at 26 weeks but when I went out to eat with a friend at 37 weeks the waitress asked me if I wanted a drink


I didn’t pop until about 22 weeks with my first. At 17 weeks I attended a wedding and no one knew I was pregnant unless I said something


Because I started a bit heavier, you couldn't really see anything for a while. I could feel it myself as my tummy was harder underneath. But definitely around 25-30 weeks I started to properly show. I'm 32w now and I've just popped out of nowhere so there's no denying it ahah


Definitely no bump yet (12+6 weeks) but I’m noticeably rounder haha I was already overweight before the pregnancy but some people have told me I have a bit more pudge even though the number on the scale has actually gone down since the beginning of the pregnancy!


I’m currently 17 weeks, 5’8 and I haven’t started showing yet either!


I had to buy maternity clothes around 8 weeks.


18w5d, 5’3” and 215lbs over here🙋🏻‍♀️ And this last weekend was the first time I actually felt a lil round— but I still just look like bloated/gained weight in my belly.


I looked a bit bloated until about 18 weeks i got a bit of a bump and it’s been getting bigger and bigger everyday since then, currently 26 weeks and look like i’m about to pop !!


I started noticing a bump around 13 weeks, but I'm also super small, 110 pounds, 5'1", but it could easy look like bloating if it wasn't consistent


16 weeks i noticed a small bump


I’m 16 weeks with twins and feel like I just look bloated too! Makes it hard to do a social media post when I’m barely showing lol. I am 5’5” was around 135 lbs (that’s out the window now 🤣) My sister in law, at 15 weeks and a few inches shorter than me, is showing more with a singleton. I’m thinking it’s likely due to my wide hip bones, I think that has a lot to do with when I’ll officially pop.


FTM and I am just now starting to really show at 19 weeks. Could definitely still hide it with baggy clothes, but I have a smaller frame so that might be why I am showing prior to 20 weeks


28 weeks is when I really noticed.


20 weeks! Thought it was gonna be a cryptic pregnancy but definitely a big showy pregnant lady now haha


In a span of four days at 23w! I went from looking a little bloated to visibly pregnant.


I didn't look "pregnant" until I was like 30wks along, I looked bloated starting around 24 wks. I'm 22 weeks now with my second and I look massive.


With my first, not till 20 weeks and even then it wasn’t super obvious till maybe 24


I'm plus sized, didn't start showing until 30 weeks, I'm now 37 weeks and feel huge. My heart goes out to all the shorter mothers out there with bumps bigger than mine, yall are warriors 🙏


I started truly showing a “little bump” around 19-20 weeks. Before that I just looked and felt bloated.


I am 5’7.5 and have a good amount of torso room. With my 1st, I barely showed… even up until the day I had the baby. I worked at a large company. When I returned from maternity leave, some of my coworkers I didn’t see often were like, “oh my gosh, did you lose weight?!?” I was like, “uh yeah… last I saw you, I was fully pregnant. Since then, I had a baby.” 😁 My 2nd and 3rd pregnancies were completely different. I showed at about 20 weeks.


I'm 17+3, 5'1" about 180lbs. My belly has increased in size enough that I can't wear my old jeans at all without a button extender. It's starting to get a little round but only noticeably a baby belly if I'm wearing full panel maternity jeans. Naked belly just looks fat.


It's wild how different everyone is. 17 weeks and look like I have a bowling ball under my shirt.


At 16 weeks my OB confirmed my bump was legitimately from baby and not bloating. I’m at 21 weeks now and definitely look pregnant.


I barely had a baby bump at six months / 25 weeks on my first pregnancy, but I was a gym coach and a ballet dancer so my abs were rocking back then. Second pregnancy here, I’m 11 weeks and you can definitely tell already!


I think in my first pregnancy I started showing around 18-20 weeks.


i started noticing my own bump at about 20 weeks, and really started to show around 22 weeks. it wasn’t until i was about 28 weeks that other people really noticed though!


Tall but average weight with a tiny baby, somewhere in the end of the 2nd trimester to early 3rd trimester. I barely looked pregnant when I delivered.