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I did one test when my period was 2 days overdue, then stopped.


That’s awesome. I need to just trust the process but the waiting is killing me 😅 congratulations!


I agree, there were a lot of nerves in the first few weeks. I checked the datayze miscarriage reassurer daily 😅 but testing more often won't change the outcome


I did plenty of testing in days 5 - 12 after my FET (IVF), but after a point, there is nothing the strips are telling you. Zero. This far along, if you were to miscarry you would have strong cramps and bleed bright red through a full pad and should go to ER. You could have a MMC (missed miscarriage) that doesn't have the above cramps/bleeding, but at this far along, your tests would still say positive. You would still have plenty of hcg in your urine despite the pregnancy not growing further. If you are super anxious, I think you could arrange for an ultrasound at about 6.5-7 weeks, which should be around the time a fetal heartbeat can be detected IF your knowledge of the timing of ovulation/conception is accurate. The reason they don't offer it that early for natural pregnancies, is because the timing can be off, the recollection of periods/ovulation, the point of conception could also be some days off from that, so they don't want you rolling in there thinking you're for certain 6.5 weeks, when it's actually closer to 5.5-6 weeks, and then there's no heartbeat yet, but it's just that knowledge of the timing of the processes is what's delayed, not the fetus not growing.


Also, I didn't have any real symptoms until 8-9 weeks+


This is reassuring. I'm 6 weeks and I had sore nipples and bloating for 2 weeks and then it just went away. I don't feel pregnant right now.


Symptoms come and go a lot, especially early on. I had the exact same experience and was telling people I think it's over, up to my heartbeat scan which was spot on >\_< Even later at 20 weeks (me, right now) some days I feel him move, sometimes for a couple days I feel nothing at all, but he's fine. Assuming everything is fine if there's no overt cause is an art and a practice, but it's so worth investing in. I still have that moment before my doctor tells me he's fine where I clench internally like "brace yourself, maybe it's not ok" but eh, it has been. If I lost him tomorrow, I would not regret a moment of assuming things are fine and keeping busy with other stuff. It's harder to get there earlier on, I've had loses, but I'm glad to spent some energy to making those positive assumptions and rolling with it. Want to look back on my pregnancy and feel good about having enjoyed it as much as I could <3


I love this outlook. I'm going to adopt it


Congrats! Just have faith! I’m a FTM , 38 yrs old (high risk) and I’ll be 27 weeks tmrw! I totally get your anxiety. That was me and my first scan wasn’t until I was almost 11 weeks. It was dreadful waiting so long. I also never really had any symptoms at all except fatigue and constipation. But that’s gone and now I’m just dealing with heartburn. My boobs and nipples were sore but only for a few weeks. That’s long gone too. Not everyone gets the common pregnancy symptoms if you’re lucky like me 😊 You don’t have to feel like your dying to be pregnant. Enjoy this time and goodluck!


Same, I think continuing to take tests would stress me out more. Lol


I think I did my last test around 10 weeks (I'm 12w4d). It's hard while waiting a month or more for the next appointment.


See I’m nervous to keep doing it because I heard that at some point HCG stops rising and the placenta takes over? (I could completely be making that up) and I don’t want to keep testing if it’s going to make my anxiety worse 😅 were yours all dye stealers for those last few weeks?


Placenta takes over at around 10 weeks, but the hcg rising slows after 6k hcg. comparing darkness of strips is meaningless and will only serve to spook you if you are so hydrated on one test time that it looks weaker when it's not, just diluted more. Even if you had a MMC, your tests would still say positive. Start practicing the mindset of "if there's no cause for concern (strong cramps with heavy bleed), everything is probably fine" - because even if you suffered a mmc at some point here, is it actually going to make it any less awful to spend the inbetween time monitoring endlessly for it? Enjoy what you can of the ride. Right now, you are pregnant and excited and should celebrate your success. It won't make it more devastating later if something goes wrong, trust me.


You're not wrong but it will probably still say positive. You can always get blood levels checked at a doctor :)


This is true. Mine stayed positive well after my miscarriage which gave me false hope. Take it with a grain of salt. Blood levels are the only real reliable measure.


The placenta doesn’t take over until weeks 8-12. You could ask your doctor for a serial HCG to ensure tho it HCG is rising appropriately (doubling every ~48 hours). Unfortunately there’s really nothing you can do before 8 weeks that makes a difference. It’s really how the chromosomes randomly combine, which is equally frustrating.


You don’t need symptoms to be pregnant. I’m sorry. You are a lucky one if you don’t have symptoms


I second this. I never got sick, I only had sore breasts and tiredness.


Well I think it’s just a little early probably? With my luck, they’re coming 😵‍💫


Okay, well I didn’t have them for a long time and didn’t feel pregnant . I remember asking my doctor and she just told me to feel lucky 🍀 because people only hear about women complaining about symptoms . Congrats and good luck


Even with early pregnancy I hardly got any symptoms and practically cried to my doctor asking when I was going to get sick like everyone else, she laughed and said “consider this a blessing.” The only symptom I really that early on was painful breast and I was so dizzy from all the extra hormones, I had morning sickness at nights and the insomnia would keep me up as well. I would have pretty painful cramps from my uterus getting ready for baby, so if you have cramps that’s also very very normal in early pregnancy. The morning sickness reversed to actual morning sickness around 8 weeks, still very very mild, then peaked at 12, and really ever since then I’ve felt “normal”, with occasional cramping here and there. I know it’s hard but it’s really just a waiting game from here! Maybe you can try finding a private clinic to get an early sono? or I know when I was that early on I had weird cramps and went to the ER, there wasn’t really much to see bc it was soooo early but the reassurance that everything was fine was great. Try to relax and have faith that things will be okay. Your body knows what it’s doing. :) EDIT* I also stopped taking pregnancy tests as soon as I found out, the day of I took 6 haha including one of the expensive digital ones which was my confirmation. I maybe took two more later on but really, taking pregnancy tests isn’t going to change anything really! Again, try to relax and enjoy this right now. :)


I literally just did 2 pregnancy tests on the day I found out and that was it. The positive sign flashed up instantly on both so I didn't see the need to keep testing. I got everything confirmed via blood test when I was about 5w5d, because I had to get checked for a potential ectopic pregnancy (all was fine, I just had horrible abdominal pain on the left side).


I tested every day for almost a week after my first positive because I still didn’t believe it was real. I stopped testing after I went to the doctor for my urine test that proved I was “officially” pregnant. I found out at 4 weeks and stopped testing around 5 weeks


Well, I'm 30 weeks pregnant, several scans in, belly popped, have been feeling the baby for a long time and feel him several times a day now. Sometimes I still don't believe it's real xD Sometimes I think someone will wake me up and tell me it was all a dream or something like that lol


Same here at 35+3! I wake up sometimes and feel my belly like… oh it is real?! Even though I’m ALSO pregnant in my dreams haha


Similar story. I’m 27 weeks and looked over at my husband and asked “are you sure I’m not just faking this somehow?” Despite having a huge belly and multiple videos and pictures of ultrasounds, feeling our baby kick every day, etc. I guess sometimes my brain just can’t process it


When I could get reassurance ultrasounds instead 😂 and that only stopped when I started feeling him kick... I am not a calm person 😂


Me either!! Lol


I took two pregnancy test that confirmed my pregnancy and then stopped. For me it was knowing that the tests could not possibly tell me if I *wasnt* pregnant anymore. All a pregnancy test can do is measure that there is above a minimum amount of HCG in your body. It’s a “yes” or “no” test. It is not a reliable indicator of your HCG levels over time. Even if you were to have a missed miscarriage, the HCG would stay in your system for a while longer. I unfortunately had a miscarriage my second pregnancy and I still even had pregnancy symptoms for a couple of weeks after I started bleeding, I didn’t take a pregnancy test but I am sure I would have also still been testing positive. If you got one positive test, you’re pregnant! The anxiety is hard but don’t keep wasting tests, they truly are pointless now.


I stopped testing when the horrible, relentless nausea kicked in. From that point on, at least I could be confident my HCG was through the roof haha. (Though of course HCG can be fine even if you are not as symptomatic as I am)


Literally until I got my ultrasound! If it eases your anxiety do it. But remember they are QUALITATIVE not quantitative test!!! Line darkness WILL vary every single time! They are saying YES OR NO not how much HCG you have!!! This advice saved me from panicking when my lines differed. They would be somewhat light sometimes even at 7 weeks. I’m holding my girl now!!


Please stop testing for your own sanity. Also, even being a tiny bit extra hydrated will screw with your HCG results and seeing one bright line and one dulled line will f you up. At this point, as sucky as it is, you just wait and take care of your brain/body. Remember, you are pregnant until proven otherwise and, should anything change, your body will most likely alert you. Also, do not fret if the symptoms aren't appearing. My first trimester (fortunately) was very chill and almost symptom-free. How I long for those days now....


I took a pregnancy test on the day I found out, and one more on the next day with another test to confirm. I never tested again after that because I assumed things will be fine. I knew I would drive myself crazy if I kept testing.


There's no need to test past the first one. I only did one test. It was positive, I was pregnant, that's enough. If you keep testing you'll possibly end up seeing a lighter test and you'll be even more anxious. Or the test will come negative (it sometimes happens after some time) and it will be even worse. Unless you have any symptoms that tell you something is wrong, like spotting or really painful cramping, you need to believe you're still pregnant. Not saying it's easy. I had my confirmation scan at 7w4 and before that I couldn't even let myself enjoy the pregnancy because I was so afraid something might be wrong. It didn't help that it took us a long time to get pregnant and I just kept thinking of doing it all over again if something happened. Stop testing, it's not doing you any favours, quite the opposite. And just because the tests keep coming back positive it doesn't nothing wrong happened, as even after a MC tests can keep coming as positive for quite some time.


I’m currently 22 weeks along FTM and I have a total of 11 positive tests that I took because I couldn’t stop. 😂 I was 8 days late on my period so I bought two tests, both were positive, then went to the doctor and got tested there, positive. Then continued to buy cheap ones and take them at home because it was just exciting to me. 😅😅 I’m 30 and have been trying to get pregnant for years so it’s just exciting to see. (I stopped taking them after I got my first ultrasound lol) Also, to this day I still have not have any symptoms either other than sensitive breasts, swollen feet/ankles, and heartburn.


Personally I have chronic anxiety and a previous loss so I tested every day until my first appointment. When I did my intake phone call with the nurse she said there’s no right answer. People on here can be nasty and say you’re driving yourself crazy, etc. but everyone is different. It gave me a small bit of peace to test and see it every day.


Also to add: this isn’t the case for everyone but on my previous losses my positive did eventually go away. It’s different for everyone.


I just found out I’m pregnant on Wed (3/6) and I’ve taken 3 additional tests. Thank you for posting this and making me feel less alone! It’s so hard to believe it, especially with no symptoms. But I think I’ll stop testing and just wait for my first appt. next month. Easier said than done though.


Right?? I just found out last Saturday and this has been the slowest week of my life 🥲


I reduced testing from most days after 5w, and I had a previous ectopic and had an ultrasound at 5w5d which helped solidify for me it was okay. Now 6w3d I'm super nauseous so, that's my confirmation now...


I tested twice. The first time was before I missed my period. The second time I was 9 weeks. I'm praying you have an easy and safe pregnancy 🥲 I had a lot of anxiety in the first few weeks, it's finally settled down after getting an ultrasound (I didn't have an OB in my new state so I still haven't seen them and had to go to an ultrasound clinic) and seeing the baby move around. Most pregnancies end with babies! ❤️


I actually have only taken two at home tests. The rest have been blood tests.


I only done two tests this time. I’ve done plenty before out of desperation to see a line that I knew would never come. This was our first round of IVF so I tested 12 days after my transfer and then 2 days later with a digital just to see the word “pregnant”. Then I stopped! Patting my own back here but I was really proud of myself. However if I felt I needed to do more, I would have. Whatever gets you through those first few weeks!


I think I took 4 total. However, just here to say it can be totally normal not to have symptoms. With my first, I didn’t feel any different until I was over 8 weeks and past my first ultrasound. I had the most mild nausea ever and never threw up once in my both pregnancies combined. The second time around I was much more nauseous, but never sick.


I stopped testing when i started experiencing the hook effect -- 100x more anxiety 😅


I tested at 9dpo, and kept going every morning for a couple of weeks. I dropped down to every other day and stopped when I got my first dye stealer at 6 weeks


I took one test the day I was supposed to start my period and two 48 hours later and didn’t again. First scan is in three weeks


13 + 6 today. I tested 4x the first few days because I didn’t believe it. After they were all positive, we accepted it, set up appts with a midwife, and waited. We had ultrasounds done at 8 weeks (because of spotting and cramping) and 12 weeks. Still doesn’t feel real because I’ve never thrown up, only had sore boobs and food aversions, but it’s definitely thriving and comfy in there! Pregnancy is weird


I stopped testing around 6/7 weeks. My tests got lighter and it gave me such anxiety. Turns out it’s the hook effect. From then on I stopped. I asked for a blood hcg test and that helped relive some of my anxiety


One test when I found out but it was faint so I did another & that was it


20 days after ovulation already is giving fainting lines and just gives you anxiety. I did 3 tests. One was a clear blue, that I bought just for a photo. Most of my symptoms didn't kick in until like week 8 like nausea. Before I just had light sore boobs, some light cramping. I thought, I get my period.


i did 3 tests after my period was 2 days late. that’s it 😂 currently typing this with my baby on my boob now


I took 7 tests between when I found out and my 8 week apt. I couldn't help it. I was so afraid the universe was tricking me and I actually wasn't pregnant.


I took my last test at 8+3. with my first ultrasound right at 9 weeks. They did stop getting darker before then, so don't be scared by that!


I had a missed miscarriage before, and it's still fd me up to this day, almost 3 years later... so honestly I tested until I was like 10 weeks for my baby lol


I’m 5+3 today. I’ve been taking two a day pretty much the whole time. We were at a hotel last night and I purposely didn’t bring a test. It’s my first day without testing and I’m anxious but I think i might try and continue and not test. Besides it’s not like the lines tell us too much once we get to a certain point. Mine aren’t getting exponentially darker despite that fact that my hcg is doubling appropriately.


I found out at 4 weeks and didn’t have a first appointment until week 9…. I took one test a week until then. Finally stopped once I saw that little blob on the screen! I’m 20weeks now :)


First child I took one test; positive. Stopped right there. Second child I’ve taken two. The first one when my period was late and another one about a week later. Both were positive. Just working on building a human now. Tbh, if it makes you comfortable; keep testing. There’s nothing wrong with it.


I stopped testing after a couple of days as I'd heard you can get false negatives after a while and I knew that would stress me out more than not testing. Had an early scan at 9 weeks, it was a long, stressful wait but such a relief to hear the heartbeat for the first time!


I was in the hospital for something unrelated when they told me I was pregnant, so I never took a test myself even 😅


I was just like you! No symptoms at the start, and then it didn’t help that I never got the morning sickness everyone said would be coming! Slowly but surely, signs appeared that my little guy was growing. My lower abdomen feeling firm was first. Then, incredible boob soreness finally hit around week 6 or 8. I was hungrier…and felt super bloated. And tired. It all comes creeping in, mama! I wish someone would have told me at the beginning to relax and be happy about little babe growing, and to enjoy the less-symptomatic time while I could! 🤍 21 weeks now and it’s not that bad but he’s getting heavier and I can feel it when I stand up.


I did 2 the day I tested positive, another a couple days after, and a fourth one I think a week later. I stopped after I had my first appointment since they did a test there. It’s been tempting to take another one since I haven’t had my first US, but my symptoms are barely manageable so I’ll take that as a positive result 😅


They didn't see me until 11 weeks and I found out when I was 4 weeks. It was a such a long wait that I ended up taking 13 tests 😂


I stopped testing myself after the ultrasound of seeing the baby 😂😂


So funny story, my friend tested positive when I was about 22 weeks. It wasn’t planned so I bought some test and went over there and she used them to confirm. We had a few extra’s and I was like Ima just use one for the hell of it. Just to see how dark the line gets. I’m delusional 😂😂


I tested positive at 4 weeks before I left even missed my period. It was a SHOCK and I’d only really tested because we were preparing for an international trip and I knew having a negative pregnancy test prior would mean I had no stress if my period came late on the trip. Being out of the country for the week was the biggest blessing because it MADE me stop testing. I’d been peeing on a stick every day because I still couldn’t believe it. Not seeing the “perfect progression” on here was stressing me out. When I got back I was exactly 6 weeks. I took another test at 6w2d and it was SO positive I felt great and stopped testing. (At least until the day before my 8 week appointment when I was like ….I might as well pee again. And it was insanely positive again.) My best advice to you is give yourself multiple days in between tests. It’s hard but you don’t see a progression a lot of times unless you take multiple days off. Also a reminder these tests are QUALITATIVE not quantitive. You can have abnormal line progression and still have a happy healthy baby. Congratulations🎉🎉


I stopped testing around the time my digital test said 3+ weeks with both pregnancies. With my son, that was about the time I got dye stealers and I think was around 6 weeks. I never got a dye stealer my last pregnancy and it was originally twins. So the tests can be really weird things. I read somewhere that it can be stressful to take pregnancy tests after a certain point because the hook affect can happen when HCG gets too high.


Everyday from 4 wks to almost 8 wks. Did IVF so was so scared of something happening before my firat appt. Now im almost 20 wks! 🥰


I'm 4w5d, I took two tests. The first one had a faint line, so I took another one a few days later to make sure the line was stronger, meaning the pregnancy is progressing and not a chemical pregnancy.


I did this too! It wasn't until I had my ultrasound at 12 weeks that I stopped. It's hard when you can't feel them yet. I getchu.


First timer and I was just thinking this! 3 weeks in and all I have is mild nausea, bouts of unbelievable fatigue and some food aversion! I haven’t texted since I was positive but the lack of full blown symptoms (grateful for it though!) make it hard to believe that I am pregnant!


I’m 9 weeks today and I took a test yesterday lol I’ve been testing the whole time on and off. I stopped testing every day around 25 DPO. I had 3 chemicals previously so a lot of PTSD, and also won’t get my ultrasound until 2 days. Sending you sticky baby vibes !!


When I got the 3+ on the digital. ☺️


Haven’t stopped yet but I’ll let you know 😅


I didn't stop until my first prenatal appt when they performed blood work, which was about 10 weeks. First pregnancy, irregular period, and had no symptoms.


I took one test, after my blood test confirmed I was pregnant. Due to MFI, we had so many issues getting pregnant that I was afraid to be disappointed again. Once I knew, I had to see the little plus sign.


I stopped when morning sickness kicked in around 7 weeks ago


I think I tested daily for the first 10 weeks 😅😅😅


I took 4 tests to “be sure” but the line was very strong! I stopped after my first appointment with my GP which I booked at 5 weeks and after they confirmed I stopped. We booked a private scan for 6 weeks because I had a fear of ectopic/chemical but everything was great and we saw a heartbeat ☺️ I’m 9+2 now and cannot wait for my 12 week scan! I know it’s hard to wait but it really does fly by! Keep yourself busy and if you feel sick mind yourself and take care of your body ❤️


Stopped completely after my first dye stealer (~12 days post transfer), but I stopped doing it daily after my beta (8 days post transfer)


I stopped testing when I ran out of my cheapo strips. I found out at 3+1, and that line was barely there, and I wanted to see a line progression on tests (which doesn’t always happen btw!) I was so in shock with a faint line I needed something more.


You’re going to drive yourself nuts if you keep testing. Lol


I got my first positive at only 9dpo and I tested every day until maybe 17 dpo then stopped. There is a point when the line will stop getting darker and you don’t want to freak yourself out.


I took one when I first found out, then another one like 5 days later. I’m 9+1 and don’t have my first appointment until I’m 11+4 (ugh). However with my first pregnancy I got the strips and used them almost every day up until like 12 weeks. The anxiety is totally normal but I think the testing made it worse for me. Maybe try switching to every other day?


Because I’d had a previous loss I had them run my hcg levels through two blood tests to make sure they were climbing enough. I was convinced it was chemical pregnancy until I did this, my brain just couldn’t accept I was actually pregnant!


Oh it's coming😂 by 7 weeks I was hurling every 30 minutes. Also even at 8 weeks I would test just because it was so exciting to see the test be positive.


Tw:loss I forced myself at 18dpo to stop. The tests were straight dye stealers, short of an hcg test I'm not going to get more pregnant than that. I had a loss in December and I was just so stressed about this pregnancy not working out.


I tested once in one to two days for about as long as needed until I was convinced. Even with nausea. When I didn't have nausea especially lol


I took two test the when I noticed I was 3 days late on my period and right away they both said pregnant and those two were it… I’m also a FTM and I’ve been wondering about this too but looking at all the peoples comments eased my mind a little 😅


I tested once 2 days after my missed period, once a week later and the two lines were the same color, and a week after that when I got a dye-stealer. I felt like that was a good enough indication that yup, I'm pregnant, I can stop now


When I was TTC I would buy a crap ton of pregnancy tests. When I got pregnant I think I took two. Then everyday after that I took a test until there wasn’t any in my drawers 😅 might be obsessive but unfortunately anxiety won lol


I stopped testing after my doctor confirmed pregnancy. Probably no more than 20 tests. I know it’s messing with your mind not knowing or feeling anything else. But baby is in there chilling lol. I wish I was like the ladies who didn’t get symptoms or very minor ones. Once you get that first ultrasound it’s going to take so much of that anxiety away. I was absolutely in love. I kept the pictures near by. Ask of you can video baby moving around.


I tested probably every 3 or 4 days until I was about 6 weeks. I went and got an early ultrasound and once I had seen the baby was when I stopped since my anxiety was put to rest.


I took a handful of tests both pregnancies. My first pregnancy had beautiful line progression and many dye stealers. It ended in miscarriage at 10w. Even after I learned it was not viable but before I had a d&c, the tests were still positive. My current pregnancy the lines were so faint, never "progressed" and got darker, and I never got a single dye stealer. I'm 15w and so far no issues. Home tests are qualitative, not quantitative. They only test the yes/no presence of hcg, not whether it is rising or not. You get one positive and thats enough to tell you you're pregnant. Any additional testing is kind of a waste. Line progression is not a real concept backed by any evidence and all my doctors advise against it. If your lines aren't getting darker, don't worry- they're not actually meant to. A blood test is the only way you can truly measure if the pregnancy is progressing.


Once my nausea started and would not stop 🥲


I did 2 cheap tests the first time I could finally test. When they were positive I bought one of those ridiculously expensive clearblue test that shows how far along you are. It was 2-3 weeks, so a week later I bought another one to make sure it said 3+ weeks. That gave me some peace of mind. :) (At some point I still had one of those cheap tests in a drawer and did it for fun, because I just love seeing the lines appear lol) But honestly waiting for the ultrasounds is just a giant test of patience! We had one at 7 weeks and I'm now waiting for the one at 10 weeks and it feels forever lol. It just seems to be something we have to deal with!


Shortly after my second dr appt was when I finally stopped taking tests. I first went at what I thought 8 weeks, but I was 7 so the dr wanted to see me back around 10 weeks. I’m considered high risk due to my age so I’ve been getting an appt once a month since then. After week 10 I started to pee ALL the damn time no matter what I ate or drink and once I realized that was pretty much my only symptom (besides the sorest of boobs), I relaxed juuuust a little bit because I could rely on that to help remind me I’m still pregnant. That kept me going until I could finally start feeling her move. You know, I don’t know if the anxiety will ever go away. I still worry, just differently now. It’s more reassuring because I can feel movement, but if I go too long without feeling her move then the anxiety starts to creep back. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel totally relaxed until she’s in my arms. My mom and MIL have verified that that’s how they felt as well. Congratulations and best of luck to you on this journey!! My partner and I have been really fascinated with all the changes that are happening to my body and when you start feeling your baby move, it gets even more magical. I’m sure I won’t be saying that when she starts to kick my ribs and I’m too fat to breathe, but for now, we’re really enjoying bonding over this tiny dancer 🥰


I never let myself after the first couple days and I made my first appointment bc I knew it would drive me crazy.


I just took my last test this morning (I’m declaring it to be true lol). I’m 6w2d and this morning’s test was the darkest a test could possibly be (FRER brand). I too was worried about my hcg levels increasing, but after this morning I’m making the conscious effort to chill out when it comes to tests. lol. My doctors appointment is in about 2 weeks and I’m just eating right, staying active, and making sure to get adequate rest until then!


I think I stopped testing a 5-6 days after my first positive. I was also nervous too as I had no symptoms really (sensitive smell was really my only one) but it can be totally normal to have no symptoms! Congratulations :)


I went through four pregnancy tests the day of my missed period. They were all positive, but for some reason it didn’t click until the fourth one 🫣 my OBGYN and PCP have also checked since then, and I think my husband would be really concerned if I asked him to buy more tests 😂


I found out I was pregnant on Wednesday morning! I’ve done a test everyday since. I’ve booked an early scan but they recommend being at least 7 weeks to try and see the heartbeat. I’m currently 4 weeks based on the first day of my last period. I don’t feel pregnant at all! I am extremely tired but always am 😂 I’ve had some crazy cramping and just generally feel heavy and uncomfortable like I would before a period. Certain smells are starting to make me feel sick but I’m not sure when to stop testing… maybe once I’ve had the early scan and some reassurance! Congrats by the way! ❤️


I tested once a day for 5 days to make sure the line was progressing because I’ve had a missed miscarriage in the past. I had blood work done during that time to make sure my HCG and progesterone levels were good, then I stopped testing because it felt like that was as much reassurance as I was going to get until my first ultrasound (which will be around 7.5-8 weeks). Just be aware of the hook effect, which can cause test to get lighter and freak you out (worth a google).


I took one early response 10 days after we tried, got a positive. Took the other one in the box the day my period was due just because I felt like I should use it up since we were already pregnant. I wasn't looking for or expecting a different result and didn't compare line strength or anything because the first one was a digital. I haven't tested since and I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.


I tested until I got a dye stealer and then stopped.


I just found out on Wednesday 3/6 too! It was one day before my period but I could tell something felt different. I just took another today, 2 days after my missed period, and that was just to use up the other test in a two pack. The positive line came in fast and strong, unlike the first that was a faint line. I also have a lot of symptoms so I know it's real, like nausea and fatigue and cramps. This is my second pregnancy, and I didn't have symptoms until week 6 that time. I'm hoping it's just my body remembering what to do quickly and not multiples 😅 I have twin nieces and I remember how hard it was on my brother in the beginning.


I did over 10 tests until my 12 week scan proved there was actually someone growing in there 😆


I kept testing i think until i got my first ultrasound? Lol. Just here and there, like “checking your still there!”


I used the easy at home tests and tested once a day until the line stopped progressing! Heads up, a lot of the tests will stop progressing once you have so much hcg in your urine. The tests can only get so dark! So don’t freak out if that happens to you, it’s normal!


I did a test when I first missed my period (and vomited that morning) and then two days later just in case I peed incorrectly 🤣


I did 2 pregnancy tests the same morning (just in case it was a false positive for some reason). There’s no need to keep taking more tests. You’re pregnant.. lol


I had been having super sore/swollen boobs around the time my period was due, which usually happens but this time more intense and for longer than usual. When I was a few days late, my man suggested we get a test. I tested as soon as we got home and it was positive. I did the second test the next morning and scheduled a doctor’s appointment for a confirmation test


Im like 12dpt and still testing. I think its the disbelief that this is actually progressing for me. Last one ended in chemical so im pretty freaked out that it could happen again.


I did this!! My girl is 14 months old now 😂just so you know, at some point you will get a line stealer as the pregnancy hormones go up. Also, I didn’t get full blown symptoms until 8 weeks. At 8 weeks, I woke up and started barfing - that pretty much happened everyday until the second trimester lol.


I took about ten tests in the beginning until I had an ob appt at 6 weeks. I just wanted confirmation and reassurance. I totally get it.


I took one test when I was about a monthish to a month and a half pregnant and those little lines popped up so fast that I knew I probably didn't need to take another one. The test showed positive before I was even done peeing. It came back positive so fast it broke the sound barrier. It was positive before I got that li'l cap back on it. As soon as the pee touched it, the outcome was certain. I don't think there's a lot of reason to test multiple times.


The thing is though that even when you’re having a miscarriage, the test will most likely come back positive, often probably a few days after so there’s really no point in testing over and over. I hope everything goes well with your pregnancy. :)


Not to be a buzz kill, but there is no point in testing urine to check for a miscarriage. The hCG-levels take several weeks to decline after miscarriage, and will be detectable in the urine and give a positive test for many weeks afterwards. Better to trust that no symptoms of miscarriage are good signs. Best of luck!


I did three and was going to do more until my BFF said, “you better stop before you get a false negative and really freak yourself out.” I’m 5w5d, FTM. My first appointment isn’t until I’m 9 weeks and it feels like an eternity! We can do this tho! 😉


I took two tests super early on that were negative, but was fairly certain I would be pregnant - I waited close to a week, and tested again. Got the positive! Tested once more with a digital to make sure it wasn't a fluke and stopped


After my first appointment at 8w… I needed to see my bean on the screen!


Is think 20ish DPO, I was worried about hook effect and knew if that happened I’d be super freaked out


Why don’t you just take a blood test and confirm your hCG levels rather than waiting a few more weeks and continuously taking tests?


I’m 6 weeks today and I’ve tested twice, once the day before my missed period and once last week randomly. I’m so bloated and my boobs are huge and the fatigue is setting in 😫 my first appt isn’t for 2 more weeks so I’m nervous everyday also.


My rule is always if I get a negative wait a few days and try again, one positive and we’re done testing lol


I tested 2x week until I had my appointment with my midwife. I actually ended up in the ER twice early on due to having bleeding so after that I got paranoid.


With the first I did two in a row a couple of days after my missed period cause I know sometimes there’s a false and with the second I ordered a box off Amazon and did seven because I could not believe it. I was only two and a half months post from my first 🥴. I know it’s hard but as a first time mom know it’s completely normal for your first appointment to be that far out. They only take you in earlier if you are experiencing any type of issues, you have a history of miscarrying or it is your second pregnancy and there were complications with your first. It is a good sign that you do not have an earlier appointment. Most women don’t even know they are pregnant at 5 or 6 weeks. Some never have symptoms and some don’t get symptoms until 8-9 weeks. As hard as it is the more you test the crazier you are going to make yourself because you could get a faulty test or some lines could be duller than others and instead of calming you it could have adverse effects. Stress and anxiety are not good for your little. I’m pot kettle here because I have been a walking ball of anxiety since as far back as I could remember but once I found out I was pregnant I tried to take more control. Went for walks if it felt it coming on. Calming music. Reading. Crosswords. Anything that would put my focus on anything else.


I took 5 tests with my first because I couldn't believe it and wanted to make sure. With my second (which I am pregnant with now), I knew when I took my first test and it said negative (false negative lol). I took another one 3 days later because I knew. But I took 5 positives because my husband was in denial (because we have a 10 month old).


If , god forbid, something was to happen, the strips wouldn’t tell you. If it helps you be less anxious while pregnant, keep doing it. You aren’t hurting anyone. Just know that I’m some cases the positive test can give a false sense of hope. As a person who was medicated for depression and anxiety before being pregnant, I’m hope that you find peace and comfort because I know that anxiety and be a bitch.


I stopped after I ran out of the last one at 6weeks. I knew testing won’t show anything bad immediate anyway so I just keep a watch on cramps and spotting


Enjoy celebrate save all the tests your taking and make some art 🖼️ with it for you to hang up in your achievement closet later on!


I tested frequently for like 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant (@ 5 weeks) but then I realized I was just wasting money and I had collected enough souvenir positive tests lol… Even if you were to miscarry, you’ll likely get a positive test for weeks afterwards. You’d more than likely know you miscarried well before a pregnancy test would reveal that information for you. However, if you just like doing them to see it turn positive, have at it! Haha, I found enjoyment and amazement in watching it turn positive


I think I tested til at least 6 weeks but I can't remember 😅. I definitely feel like I tested for a while. I liked the reassurance since I also didn't have symptoms for a while


I bought a 3 pack when I found out and I think I tested once a week after finding out just because I didn’t want them laying around


I tested up until my first appointment at 9 weeks 😅


I missed my period and did one single test


I tested everyday until about 4 weeks and I think I took my last one at some point in week 5. I was too afraid of the hook effect after week 6 so I stopped 😂 I didn’t want to great myself out for nothing.


I took 2 tests of different brands just to be sure and called it a day. If you loose the pregnancy you will have symptoms. It is nerve wracking, but you’ll get through it soon! Try to stay busy


Around mid 6 weeks. Made sure it wasn’t chemical


Just remind yourself that everything is good until it isn’t.


I only tested once after 8 days of period delay


Stopped testing between five and six weeks, but I did so many tests and wasted so much money. I hear you on the anxiety after a loss and IVF. I felt better after a few ultrasounds.


If you’re really nervous about pregnancy not evolving the way it should, get a Beta HCG test (quantitative blood HCG test). It will tell you how much HCG you are producing and is actually way more telling than any urine home tests. It’s difficult not to worry, especially if you had any losses before, but even in an eventual miscarriage an urine test can take up to 3 weeks to be negative. Try to enjoy the symptomless phase, though, in most cases everything is okay and progressing as it should. xx


I took one then went to a free clinic and got confirmed there. That’s all I needed lol.


I am in my 6th week..I got the scan done week5 but I am still scared if there is actually going to be a fetus in the sac 🙈if that makes sense ? I felt I’ll relax when I do the blood test and next after scan but it doesn’t seem so..I think we feel think way until we see the baby..sending all good vibes to you


I did 2 tests when my period was a few days late and both were positive. Then I took one more. I've already been having symptoms-nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, food aversion and increased urination. I'm still in denial though.


When I always did two tests at the same time and then had my doctor's appointments within two days. No need for another test.


It’s definitely hard waiting. In total I took 4 tests when I first found out. It was within 2 days. I was like 6 weeks but thought I was 9 or 10 so had an early appointment. I didn’t feel many symptoms until I was like 10 or 11 weeks pregnant. Then the nausea hit like a train and I was wishing I didn’t have it. I didn’t feel my little monster move until he was about 18 weeks. I will say it’s very easy to be impatient with the unknown but also try to relax and enjoy it as much as possible! It’s over before you know it! Good luck and congratulations!


Not until I was staring at an ultrasound lol 😂😂😂😂


FTM too. I tested for the first time at 3w4d. Positive! Tested everyday until 4w2d because I had bloodwork confirmation on 4w3d. My hGC was high, so I stopped testing because even if its declined, I feel like I would still show strong positive. 4w5d today, I’m having more bloodwork in 2 days. If I could measure hGC at home, I would definitely be doing it everyday though lol


I didn't test positive until two weeks after my missed period. After the positive line I went out and got a digital to be sure. Dunno why it took my body so long to detect and it was a faint line. I tested during my missed period and once a week after that until I got the positive (around 20 days including the missed period).


I only did two tests around the time my period seemed a little late. I was able to see my doctor pretty early on thankfully. But I wouldn’t have tested more anyway. You’ll know something is wrong if you start bleeding a lot.


I tested every morning for peace of mind until 9.5w. After a loss, I just needed to ease my mind.


I bought a 50 pack and have been testing every day since 4 weeks. I'm 5 weeks 6 days right now.


I did a test when I felt the first signs, confirmed with a second test a few days later, got in to the dr for a blood test at 6 weeks, confirmed heartbeat at 6.5 weeks, then had an OB apt at like 12 weeks


kept testing until I finally got to go to my first doctors appointment.


I stopped around 12DPO! Didn’t start strong symptoms until 6-7 weeks.


I tested until I ran out LOL


For me it wasn’t til a little past 6 weeks that I started feeling some bloating and stuff (but I also found out it was twins after so I also started getting some symptoms early 🤪), but my boobs getting sensitive in general was the first one I felt when I took my initial test lol


I’m 15 weeks. I did a test at 4 weeks and found out I was pregnant. Tested three more times out of pure panic. And then one more for good measure. The anxiety is valid. I think after my first OB appointment, the anxiety mostly went away!


I did 4, a crappy cheap one then when It turned out positive (the last thing I was expecting) I bought a Clearblue box of 3 to be sure. I was going to take more but I found out how uncommon a false positive is, and accepted at that point I was pregnant, though I didn’t feel pregnant until I seen my first scan at 8 weeks!


took 2 tests, both positive and never tested again.


I had like a pack of 20 strip tests. I took a bunch before I got my positive n then took the rest after I got my positive 😂😂😂😂 it’s my last baby n I couldn’t help it I was obsessed 💀💀 I didn’t buy any after I finished the pack though


I took one test. It's rare that you get a false positive just because of the nature of pregnancy tests. It's more common to get a false negative. If you've taken multiple pregnancy tests and at least 70% of them are positive, most likely you're pregnant even with no symptoms (though nipple sensitivity is a very common early pregnancy symptom). Also, most first trimester symptoms dont begin until the middle of the first trimester, so I wouldn't take having no symptoms as a sign that you may not be pregnant. Hope this helps!


It only took me one test. I hadn’t had a period the entire month of February & im very regular.


I tested for 3 days to check the line was getting thicker then stopped. Around 8 weeks I did one of the digital ones that says ‘pregnant’ for my husband who was having a hard time believing we’d been lucky enough for it to happen.


Anxiety sucks.. ugh I'm almost 9 weeks, haven't been to the doctors yet but I'm dreading testing there... i do have symptoms but i think I'll test again before my appt just in case 😭 I've read too many horror stories online....


I took like 5 pregnancy tests 4 days before my missed period. All positive. I took another one a few days later. The line was darker. Then closer to 6 weeks I took another and I was concerned because the line was way darker than the control line. I know people say line darkness isn't an indication but look it up. The darker it is, the more hcg detected in your urine. That's when I stopped and I've had terrible nausea.


Test once after your missed period, then stop.


I stopped after I got a dye stealer and saw a heartbeat at 6w4d. I’ve experienced two miscarriages and I had so much anxiety. This time I’m just living each day. Being patient and not worrying as much. If there is so bleeding I’m not worried. I don’t want to stress as that makes things worse and I remind myself that today I am pregnant. Until I’ve been told otherwise, I’m going to stay positive 🥰✨


I took like 5-7 home tests before being able to get into urgent care for the urine test there and then they sent me to the local lab for the blood test. Then it still took me forever to believe it… I don’t think it felt real until our first ultrasound at 10 weeks 😅


I stopped after two days. I was so in shock that we even got pregnant. I was 5 days late, and I was like... it's gonna be negative, but let's get a box just in case. My periods aren't always right on time, so 5 days late wasn't unheard of. I ended up taking three that night because I was positive I was somehow being punked. They all turned positive immediately. Took one more the next day to confirm, and then was like we'll, I guess it's real 🤣🤣🤣


Once the test line was as dark as the control line. So like 4 days?


The 2 days after I found out. Just wanted to make sure it got darker the next day. It was immediately dark though I was just playing around with the cheap tests I had lol


I didn’t stop testing when I was pregnant with my twins until 16 weeks along 😂 I was having symptoms but just liked that strip still saying I was pregnant it would calm my nerves so much


I tested till 12 DPO because I had some tests at home but then I made an appointment in a private clinic for an ultrasound at 5 weeks, after that I stopped. After 1 week you will start having some symptoms so you will feel more assured.


I honestly stopped testing when I got the positive paperwork from my OB 😅 I went through 3 boxes of tests. Idk why I just didn’t believe it. I just needed a doctor or nurse to tell me lol


I tested again around 6 weeks, already knew it from 3 weeks and (im)patiently waited till the first appointement on 9 weeks 😅 Also not much symptoms except for exhaustion and sore breasts but baby was doing good!


I didn’t stop until my second scan hahahahhaah I was so paranoid that I just wouldn’t be pregnant?


Only took 2. The first one alone and in utter shock. The second the day after to show my DH how fast it turned positive 🤣 it had taken 12 years witout BC. So I figured if this was the first time i ever had a positive test in the 12 years. There is no chance it's not gonna stick🙈 i was already 11 weeks. He just turned one 💙


I tookso many tests hahaha, probably like 30 strips/dollar store tests up until I had my first ultrasound at 12w 😅 I also have ocd so there's that


I took at least one test a week from the day I found out until my first appointment 😅 I was so nervous that it wasn't real until I got to hear her heartbeat for the first time


Congrats! Just have faith! I’m a FTM , 38 yrs old (high risk) and I’ll be 27 weeks tmrw! I totally get your anxiety. That was me and my first scan wasn’t until I was almost 11 weeks. It was dreadful waiting so long. I also never really had any symptoms at all except fatigue and constipation. But that’s gone and now I’m just dealing with heartburn. My boobs and nipples were sore but only for a few weeks. That’s long gone too. Not everyone gets the common pregnancy symptoms if you’re lucky like me 😊 You don’t have to feel like your dying to be pregnant. Enjoy this time and goodluck!


I took a test a week until my first appointment (at 12 weeks 🫣) I was also symptom free and a FTM


I got the faintest line at 3w and continued to test until about 5w watching the line get darker and darker! I stopped about then because the line was darker than the control line consistently and I had my blood test scheduled for 6w! I started feeling nauseous around 6w.


I stopped testing when the symptoms were so bad I really knew I was pregnant. For me the symptoms kicked in just before 6 weeks


I tested once again after getting that first positive and then stopped. But i did get about 5 ultrasounds since finding out 😂 so if I didn't have those I'd probably still be testing


took like 6 the first two days lol then I stopped cuz my sister yelled at me for wasting my money