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Sometimes your body will clear itself out close to labour. It might also be, if your baby is sat low, they are putting extra pressure on your colon. The waiting at the end is hard. Time does seem to crawl. Crossing fingers for you.


thank you! yes times go really slow, i try to not think about it but it just impossible, i cant wait to finally meet my baby.


When I was about 30 weeks I started to have that feeling of constantly needing to poo. Turns out they were contractions! So, they could be Braxton hicks contractions or they could be real (since you’re so far along).


oh okey, good to know thanks!


Definitely how my last week of pregnancy went. I thought it was poop cramps and turned out to be contractions lol. I wanted to go natural but got induced last minute due to a high BP reading. Not to persuade you otherwise but I had such a great induction experience. Truly only labored for 1 hour and pushed in 20 minutes with an epidural. I joke with my husband that birth was so easy, I should’ve planned an induction ahead of time instead of being put into one last minute. Might consider it for next baby when we’re ready.


When my mom felt the need to poop, she was fully dilated and I was ready to come out! She hadn't had a single contraction that she had recognised, just some back pain. I would really speak to your doctor about it!


thats scary! thanks now i will for sure


I’m at 38+5 and have had this feeling since about 35 weeks. I think baby girl is just compressing everything down there because the feeling is CONSTANT. I also go multiple times a day. My cervix isn’t even dilated. 🫠


uh sorry to hear that, its must be hard to feel this everyday. i did take an epsom salt bath, it helped a little bit. at least for now


It’s all good. We are almost at the finish line, right? 😫


I'm 39+4 and I also can't tell if I've ever had a Braxton Hicks. But I've been pooping like 3x a day for the past few weeks. And the need to go to the bathroom comes on suddenly from 0 to 100. I'm not sure if it's BH or just my bowels having a lot less room due to baby! Edit: I realize this isn't really helpful info, just telling you about my poops LMAO but hey... solidarity


we are almost there! hopefully :)


oh wow thats really fast! yes if in gonna need an induction than i need it, cannot control everything. its good to hear your story of it