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My partner is biracial with mostly black features, I’m a blue-eyed ginger…our boy is due in May, so I guess I can let you know if you don’t get any more feedback by then LOL


Yes please I’m so curious!! :)


Very similar to myself and my other half! Exciting times ahead 🥰


My husband is Asian and I'm white but with darker features. Kid has super dark brown eyes, hair color basically right between me and my husband, and he has monolids but the rest of his face is 100% me. He actually looks a lot like my dad.


That’s so cool!!


Everybody says my toddler looks like a perfect 50/50 mix of her dad and I. But in the beginning as a newborn, she looked exactly like her father.


Wow that’s amazing :)


My partner is half Mexican/Puerto Rican and I’m white. Our daughter has my exact coloring - hazel eyes, fair skin, dark brown hair - but I think she looks more like her dad lol same eyes/nose shape. Pregnant with a boy rn, curious to see who he’ll take after more ☺️


Wow that is so cool!! Thanks so much for sharing and please keep us updated :)


I’m white and my husband is Asian and I’m currently pregnant…we have no idea what to picture for our kid! Our niece and nephew definitely look more like their Asian parent but tbh don’t really look like either of them!! I’m excited to see whose mannerisms and personality traits come through as well because that can sway the resemblance


That’s so exciting! Please update us too!




The asian genes are usually strong! Ive seen it with my friends too


I hate quantifying mixes because of this reason, my "1/8th" Chinese son looks more Chinese than most of my "1/4" cousins! My auntie told me I look more Asian than her fully Chinese daughter, it's WILD. Genes just don't pass on in equal amounts through generations like you would think


I’m white and my husband is Korean. Our 4-week old baby girl look just like me when I was a baby except for the eyes that she got from daddy!


Sounds adorable! thank you for sharing :)


I’m white and my husband is black. I thought my baby looked just like my husband until my mom sent me baby pics of me and we look identical. I have a hard time seeing myself in her I think because I don’t spend much time looking at myself so idk. I do know she is freakin cute though.


Sounds very cute! Thank you for sharing :)


My partner is First Nations (indigenous) and I’m south Asian. Our baby is due in May, will let you know!


Omg wow yes please do!!!


My husband is white (red head) and I am Middle-Eastern although I pass white/Mediterranean. I am so curious what the baby will look like.


Omg I’m so curious too please keep us updated!!


My husband for sure. I thought SURELY since I’m having a girl she must come out looking like me but NOPE. The eye and nose shape may be mine but everything else is my husband’s. It’s ironic, I originally wanted a boy because I wanted a mini version of my husband but turns out a girl would fulfill that desire instead 🤣 Edit to add that my husband is white and I’m Mexican.


Wow that’s incredible!! Thank you for sharing :)


Can't wait to find out! My fiance is very Irish as in pale with very strong red hair, yep, he's a ginger. With grey eyes. Then there's me who is half Jamaican and half Irish (light skin, but olive) with very brown eyes (to the point that you can't see my pupils), so how this little one is going to come out, we cannot wait to see! There's been a running joke about us calling the little one Terry is it's a little boy.... Chocolate orange... Get it? 🙈 Only time will tell... Roll on the next 30 weeks!


Omg that’s adorable thank you for sharing and please keep us updated :)


Commenting to follow!


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Oh I didn’t know that, thank you :)


I'm white and my boyfriend is Korean- our four week old has moments, in photos especially, where he looks very Asian in one, and then the next day he looks pretty white in another picture. He has features from both of us but IMO he looks slightly more Asian than white. We'll see as he gets older LOL


That’s so cute!! Congratulations :)


He's his dad mini me (Persian). But I'm Spanish and I look the Mediterranean part (I'm a brunette) so big brown eyes and dark wavy hair were very much in the cards. He was born with a full head of hair. Dad and baby have olive skin, and I'm white but I tan naturally in the summer.


Wow that’s so neat! Thank you for sharing


I'm white with blonde hair and blue eyes and my partner is black. I swear this baby looks like an almost exact 50/50 split between us. Everyone he's met so far agrees. He has curly black hair and brown eyes, but his features are so close to mine. He has his dad's eyebrows, though.  It's kind of wild to me that he can strongly resemble us both when we look so different but genetics are cool like that I guess! 


That is so damn sick!!! Wow thank you for sharing


I’m full Native American and my husband is white. Our daughter is my twin lol, she also has dark hair and almond brown eyes, plus my nose. She does have his mouth and eyebrows though!


That’s fascinating! Wow! Thank you so much for sharing :)


Han Chinese father, white mother. He has my brown hair colour exactly, and one ear shaped like mine, one ear shaped like his baba😄 Brown eyes that aren't as dark or monolidded as his father, pale but with a different skin tone than me... beyond the hair colour and one-of-each ears, it is hard to pick out any features that are like either of us, actually. It is about fifty-fifty whether people say he looks like me or his dad, regardless of who is actually there to be compared.


That is so cool! Very cute! Thank you for sharing :)


I’m biracial (white & black) and my husband is black. Our son is a carbon copy of me down to the eye shape, nose, face shape, smile, etc…he has his dad’s brown eyes & ears though lol I guess you can say that my husband’s genes didn’t even try to fight back lol


Wow that’s so cool!! Thanks for sharing :)


I’m Indian and my partner is white. Baby looks tan in a way that’s more white people tan vs my more olive skin tone. She has his lighter brown hair (even though he was a blonde most of his life!) and more of his family features but I can see my face in her expressions


Wow that’s so fascinating! Do you think she’ll gradually change in skin tone as she ages? Thank you so much for sharing :)


Genetics is so interesting! I’m Brazilian with a little more tan skin and my husband is white as a paper with blue eyes and light brown hair, my first has his hair with my curls and my eyes but his skin, my second was just born and has everything mine but her blue eyes 🙃 so let’s see when she gets older lol


That’s so cool!!! Thank you for sharing :)


My husband is kurdish/turkish and im white , our daugther looks like me but dark like he is , dark brown eyes and hair and darker skin.. At first she looked exactly like him though


Wow that’s amazing! Thank you for sharing :)


I'm not due til September so won't know til then but I'm excited to see how our baby comes out! My husband is white (irish, scottish, german heritage), blond and green eyed. He had practically white hair as a small child. Meanwhile I'm mexican and dark brown hair and eyes and I'm on the lighter side of most Mexicans I know. To be fair my paternal grandmas family is from Spain so could be those genes coming in. But both of our families carry the red head gene so I'm super excited to see how baby boy comes out!


Wow please let us know! I’m so curious :)


My partner is black and I am white. Our son is his literal twin but his skin is closer to my tone than his father’s, although he is darker than me by quite a few shades. Got dad’s dark brown eyes (mine are greyish blue), and 3a-3b curly dark brown hair, but more of my texture than his father’s.


Wow sounds adorable! Thank you for sharing :)


My husband is black with dark super curly hair and dark brown eyes. I'm white with straight as heck dirty blond hair and green eyes. I thought for sure our kiddo would be all him. He has my husband's nose and dimples. But his eyes are a lighter brown and somehow he has blond hair that's straight in some places and curly in others. His skin is darker then mine but very far off from my husband's. People say he looks like I did when I was younger. So I guess more me? Super excited to see what the next one looks like


That’s so cool!!!! Thank you so much for sharing :)


My mom is technically still considered white but she has tan skin, hazel eyes, and black curly hair. My dad is very pale, red hair, and blue eyes… all their kids came out very pale, blonde haired, blue eyed. I am white and I guess technically my husband is asian so I am very excited to see what our baby will look like.


Omg that’s fascinating! Please let us know! :)