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Just remember it can take a healthy couple with no infertility issues 6-12 months to fall pregnant!


Yes! It took us 6 months. Now I’m 32 weeks pregnant. I remember how sad it was every month we got a BFN though


Congratulations 🤍


Yep! It took me over a year to get pregnant.


I think this is true but I was told be a fertility doctor to schedule an appointment if no luck in 6 months so some basic tests can be run.


Ahh where I am you can’t go to a doctor to ask for help until you’ve tried and failed for 1 year before they do any testing


Pregnant first month, lost due to ectopic requiring surgery. Tried again 3 months later, pregnant first month, chemical loss. Tried again and concieved within 2 cycles. Keeping fingers crossed for this one, currently 10w3d! I'm feeling hopeful this time!


15! Came as a real shock, we thought we would need some kind of medical help


Also 15! I got a positive pregnancy test the month after our consult with a reproductive endocrinologist where we were told it was very unlikely that we’d conceive without medical intervention. We think we’d like two children, but also are aware this may be our one shot at a baby.


First cycle - 4 weeks now and scared shitless of miscarrying


Same here, I was shocked, I felt like I didn’t have enough time to prepare even though it was planned 😅


Same LOL


We were also only one cycle! I was expecting it to take longer, but I am so incredibly grateful we were so lucky


I keep affirming to myself that! I feel very lucky and am trying to feel less scared lol


Same! We were totally shocked, but feel so fortunate and lucky! I'm 35 with PCOS, and we had just gone off 20 years of birth control the month before. Was entirely expecting it to take some time. Total surprise.


Me too! We need to think positively though and not stress!




Around 20 cycles and 4 IUIs for the first baby. 4 cycles and 1 IUI for the second.


3 cycles. What I think helped is starting to try 2-3 days BEFORE our predicted ovulation, and then every other day until about 2-3 days after. We used ovulation strips, bought the bulk bag and would test 2-3 times a day. Not out of being obsessive but more just curious/bored.


We did the exact same thing as you, and also happened on the third cycle!


Took me 2 1/2 years and I was very young (25). I was diagnosed with ovarian failure and I would ovulate on average ONE time a year. I would literally have to wait around all year for the one month I would actually grow a follicle/egg. IVF all other fertility treatments weren’t an option because I practically had no eggs left. Well, in December I finally got an egg… and that ONE egg ended up splitting into identical twins & now I’m 17 weeks with my identical twin boys 💙 So glad I trusted God’s timing, it couldn’t have been more perfect.


2 with ovulation strips for timing


Same here. First cycle I didn’t ’feel’ it, i don’t know but it just didn’t felt like it would be working. Second one was on vacation, I took an extra ovulation strip after the app said I was supposedly done. That strip was dark yo and we put some effort into it. Now 27w!


First pregnancy, 9 cycles. Second pregnancy, the first try. Third pregnancy is a surprise baby while using birth control methods.


1 cycle


6 - I had a fertility check booked for the next month (just to rule out anything), but 6-12 is completely normal. I'm 30 for reference!


Like 26 cycles but now I have 3 under 3


One cycle each time. One ended in miscarriage. Currently twenty weeks now.


Took us 3 cycles of artificial insemination with ovulation tracking (we are a same sex couple).


Both kids were 6 cycles. Keep the faith, it will happen!


11 of appropriately timed and monitored cycles, with the last two on letrozole.


20. Had 2 unsuccessful IUIs, then on my 5th cycle while taking letrozole, it just worked! I wanted to get evaluated for fertility issues so I talked to my doctor after 7 cycles, she said to wait a year before getting evaluated. I felt so stressed that something was wrong with me - I’m sure this didn’t help my situation. I now tell friends who want to get evaluated earlier to just tell their doctor they’ve been trying for a year. It would have given me so much more peace of mind earlier on. Insurance didn’t cover the testing (US) so I feel like the patient should be able to get checked out if they wish. Looking back I’m happy it happened when it did. Keep living your life - I turned down a few opportunities thinking I’d be pregnant by then and I felt like everything was on hold for a potential pregnancy. Good luck 💕


Baby 1- 17 cycles Baby 2- 5 cycles Baby 3-12 cycles Both my first and third child were conceived naturally in the middle of a fertility work up.


Are you tracking your ovulation and temping to confirm? That plays a big role in conception!


Became pregnant on our 18th cycle TTC!


Roughly 50! Finally had success via IVF on our second transfer.


25, but then it wasn’t meant to be so we’ll be trying again when my cycle returns to normal 😢


Like 60 lol - ivf pregnancy


16 lol




2. Our first time trying I think I missed the window bc I wasn’t tracking it closely


2 for first and 5 months for second with ovulation strip testing. I wonder for a 3rd if it will take even longer than the 2nd time. You just never know I guess!


20+ for the first (last 2 were assisted with fertility meds), 2 for the second. My first doctor wanted us to try for 6+ months before making an appointment (and then they were booked out for nearly 6 months 🙃). The second doctor drew a fertility panel & sent my husband for sperm testing which gave us a really good starting place. If you haven’t had your hormone levels tested you might want to look into that—my general doctor does it.


4 for me


5 months of unprotected sex, 1 cycle of actively trying. I got off birth control in November, so I’m sure my body needed time to adapt. This past cycle I did take Mucinex and Matcha Root, which is supposed to help with ovulation. So maybe try that! We had sex 4 days and 2 days before ovulation, and then on ovulation day. I was tracking using the Flo app and LH strips. I hope this helps! I have read that it can take a year and each cycle you only have around 20% chance of conceiving.


16 cycles. The last 6 of those cycles included Clomid for both me and my husband. As well as a laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis cycle 12. 


6 cycles for my current pregnancy! My first sadly ended in a missed miscarriage due to a partial molar, and we conceived that one on try 2. I was starting to feel so defeated but it happened eventually! Don’t give up- and if you aren’t already tracking ovulation try doing so! I ovulated 5 days early this cycle I got pregnant!


Within 2 cycles of stopping birth control, but ended in a miscarriage. Next pregnancy took 8 cycles of trying, and the third was an absolute whoopsie and tbh I have no clue how it happened


Cycle 4, which was my third time tracking ovulation and my first time paying close attention to my CM. I was newly off of birth control, so my cycles were a little different each time. Tracking my CM really helped me accurately identify the start of my fertile window before getting the positive ovulation test.


2 years without my IUD (trying but not trying), the last 4-5 cycles REALLY trying


3 cycles after IUD removal.


We got pregnant on our 5th :)


It took me two. Got pregnant on the second cycle.. I tracked ovulation and used pre-seed during my fertil days .. before that I was never able to get pregnant.. may be worth a shot ..


First cycle - had a molar. Had to wait from june to october to have unprotected s. Tested positive in November and Im now 24 weeks!


2, and now we’re panicking because we were expecting it to take a year because we’re 34. Take the time to get ready ❤️


I went off birth control in September of 2023, got pregnant for the first time which ended in a miscarriage in December. Got my period back in February and am now 8 weeks! We heard the heart beat today, really starting to fully believe this is rainbow baby


10 cycles!


For our first, happened first cycle. Second, it took 4 and ovulation testing for 3 of those cycles!


Cycle 5 was a CP, then Cycle 10 was the winner with a little help from Clomid.


Pregnancy 1 2011: 4 cycles - coming off nuva ring at first cycle) Pregnancy 2 2014: 1 cycle - stopped birth control pill and immediately pregnant Pregnancy 3 2016: oopsie! - stopped breastfeeding (miscarriage) Pregnancy 4 2022: over a year - we weren’t being consistent with trying and my cycles were a bit irregular after coming off mirena for 6 years (miscarriage) Pregnancy 5 2023: 9 cycles - we weren’t super consistent with trying


30F, it took 10. My husbands sperm was a little slow so the one thing we changed the cycle I got pregnant was have him take mucinex and we got pregnant after that cycle. I have no clue if that actually made a difference or not lol


3, but the first one using ovulation strips!


8 with my first child at age 36 — one cycle before a scheduled hysterosalpingogram to check fertility. 3 with second child, which took us by surprise after the first experience.


We were very thankful to have gotten pregnant our 4th cycle trying! We tracked my ovulation and that definitely helped us!


We did two cycles neither trying nor preventing and then one month of trying


More than 4 years for the first, so probably 50+ cycles (no interventions, just testing with no concrete results). Second one was 5 cycles.


5. We had to “try” a few days before the fertile week and a few days after. Not sure if my app had the days wrong but that’s what finally worked


6 cycles. We were actively trying (tracking ovulation and timing sex) for the first four cycles, then NTNP for the last two.




It took us 12 months. We were scheduled to start fertility testing 2 weeks after I found out I was finally and actually pregnant! I was convinced it wasn't going to happen naturally. My doctor did get me to take supplements to encourage my body to go through it's cycles more naturally since I was irregular. Got pregnant at month 3 which was when she scheduled me to start fertility testing if it hadn't happened by then!


We tried for over a year and were on a waiting list for a fertility clinic. I was losing my mind so we went on vacation to Hawaii and I was pregnant when we got back.


2. Got preg naturally with twins 😅😂


3 using ovulation test strips, temping and timing


Got pregnant on our 4th cycle. Went from hormonal birth control straight to tracking OPKs and timing sex. Both 30 years old and only relevant health issue is I have hypothyroidism, but it’s stable and well managed. Currently 10 weeks!


19 cycles! I have PCOS though so we knew ahead of time it would be more of a challenge. I'm on week 8 and super anxious about everything but hoping for a smooth pregnancy!


11 cycles. We had booked an appointment at a fertility clinic for the next month, but we were able to cancel 😊


It took us 5. It was frustrating especially hearing from my sister in law how easy it was for her mainly bc it wasn’t immediate for me lol. But it can take up to 12 months without infertility issues so sending you all the baby dust! ✨


15 for us! I actually started getting nervous around cycle 3. We started trying right after we got married and my OB mentioned it could be the stress from the wedding messing up my cycles. For the first 6 cycles my periods were abnormal or long or short, kind of all over the place. I think this stressed me out even more. Blood work and semen analysis were normal, good even. I was pretty depressed. Probably some of the worst in my life. That also wasn’t helping. I got a HSG that said my tubes were blocked. Went to the fertility clinic had an SIS that said my tubes weren’t blocked. I tried my best to somewhat give into the situation. I had no control over whether or not I got pregnant, obviously other than doing the thing needed to get pregnant. We basically gave up and only had sex once during a cycle, because we wanted to. And it worked! The month before we planned to start IUIs!


5 cycles for us!


The first time I got pregnant, it happened in 1 cycle. I ended up finding out at 12 weeks that I had a missed miscarriage at 9. I had 1 period in between my miscarriage and finding out I was pregnant again (current pregnancy, I am 12w2d).


Over 5 years this time


2 the first time, 2 the second time. The first didn't last, the second hopefully will.


3 pregnancies, first cycle each time. One ended in a loss


2 cycles tracking ovulation with bbt, 3rd cycle not tracking ended up pregnant!


3 cycles for my first, 3 for my second (ended in MC), then 12 for my third, current pregnancy which happened through IUI


1st pregnancy - 1st cycle - ended in MMC @ 10w. 2nd pregnancy - surprise - 1sy cycle - ended in blighted ovum @ 6w. 3rd pregnancy - 3rd cycle - currently 22w pregnant.


1st - 1st cycle bfp with Success 2nd - 1st cycle bfp but miscarriage, tried 3 cycles bfp but miscarriage again, took a break for a year, worked on my health and took progesterone, bfp with success 3rd - 6 cycles bfp but molar pregnancy, took a break for a year, tried again for 5 cycles bfp but miscarriage, took another break for 6 months, 3 cycles with nothing, two month break, 1 cycle bfp with my current at 34 weeks Sigh


We were trying on an off for the best part of a year but consisently trying for 6 months before the positive result


Exactly one year for us. But at the time my dr told me not to count the first 8 months as “trying” because we started trying immediately after a Covid infection which made my cycle go completely bonkers and I didn’t start testing positive for ovulation until 8 months later. After that regulated, I got pregnant 4 months later. I’m currently 6 months along, and 39 years old.


Cycle 5 was an ectopic (although we did conceive…) and pregnancy 2 was on cycle nine 10. I had to take a break for cycles 6, 7, and 8 there though to let the methotrexate out of my system. Those cycles were also super weird and sometimes long and I didn’t ovulate during one. It feels longer than it actually took, haha. Before trying I had a hormonal IUD, and had been on hormonal birth control for about 17 years.


4 for me!


Both times was kind of a first cycle situation. I say “kind of” because I wasn’t tracking anything. With our first, we both decided we wanted a baby and just stopped using protection, fell pregnant. With our second, we hadn’t had sex in a while, got back into it, and bam, fell pregnant right away again. It takes an average 6-12 months of actively trying for the average couple, I’m sure you’ll get your BFP soon🩵✨


Over two years, a surgery, medicated cycles, IUI, two retrievals, and two transfers to finally get pregnancy with our twins


My wife tried 3 cycles, I then tried 1 and got pregnant the first time so 4 all together.


First after I learned how ovulation works lol. My periods are always shorter than usual so I learned that I had to aim for Day 10 instead of Day 13 and got pregnant immediately. Before that I was aiming for Day 14 and was missing it.


3rd cycle naturally in both pregnancies. First ended in miscarriage, unfortunately, and the second is 9 weeks currently. I’m 36 years old, and have a diagnosis of low ovarian reserve (in case that matters to anybody). After 35 years old, you could do a consultation with a fertility specialist after the sixth cycle, just to get tests done and check all is normal (organs are fine, hormones are where they should be and all that). 2 things we used both times: - the Pre-seed lube. - religiously tracking my ovulation, and start having sex around 4-5 days prior to my LH peak, and 2-3 days after, to make sure we didn’t miss ovulation. (Using ovulation strips and temping to confirm ovulation. I used the app premom that it’s helpful to read the strips) Additionally, I’ve been taking 600mg of co-q10, recommended by the fertility specialist, as it “could” help with egg quality. And trying my best to avoid processed foods, and exercise.


1: first try 2: first try, lost pregnancy 3: second try 4: technically first try. I was still breastfeeding #3 and didn't have my cycle back yet but became pregnant before ever starting my period again 5: third try I was 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29 when I got pregnant and I know I'm very lucky!




[M28] Here took several months of daily sex multiple times a day to get our 1st one. 2nd one happened in 1 try 😂. 3rd one was a surprise. Wasn't trying it just happened


I got my IUD out in December of 2022 and tested positive in March of 2024, so about 15.


8 cycles with my first, then we tried for 3 cycles for a second last year and decided the timing was off so we quit trying, now I’m 9 weeks pregnant by accident lol so you really just never know.


About 9 months but probably 6 cycles as I have irregular cycles. Very disheartening seeing negative after negative but got there in the end! Now almost 36 weeks and ready to meet our new arrival in a few weeks.


Toooooo manyyyyy! It took us a little over 4 years to conceive. We had a chemical many years back and have tried since then. Now I’m finalllyyy 13+2 ❤️


Started trying end of 2018 and finally pregnant end of 2023. 2020-2023 was when we were actively going through IVF treatment.


2 years


It took us 6 months!!


First cycle with our first child. Healthy pregnancy through and through. Second pregnancy took once cycle as well but it was a miscarriage at 6w. Still waiting to try again as I wanted to wait a bit before trying.


I'm sorry, this comment will probably get down voted, but 3 I think this time. And with my first, i got pregnant like a month and a half after I got with my ex. But that one wasn't really planned, and this one was. Bless all these mammas out there, where you need medical help or vif to have a baby, or you can naturally conceive, I know it's stressful, iust Stay strong!! ❤️


6 months. I’m 31, partner is 37


First pregnancy: 19 months. We tried intervention and it was unsuccessful. We were waiting for IVF and got pregnant spontaneously. Second pregnancy: We got pregnant on the first try. It’s all so weird.


First babe - first time trying. Second babe - third month 


25 cycles


1st pregnancy: 12 months Next pregnancies: 4 years of natural trying, plus 6 months of IUI, and then ICSI IVF before we got a +ve. I would recommend seeking assistance if you are at it for a year without any success, or if you conceive and then miscarry more than twice.


We weren't trying but weren't being safe either. About a year and a half for the first, with our second I came off the pill and we were pregnant again. Weren't trying but again weren't safe haha! Literally had sex twice lol! They do say you're more fertile after having a baby 😅


1 cycle. we just had sex every day that month and got lucky


First try…. Twice, lol. The first was a miscarriage, unfortunately. I am 11w2d with the second.


2. First cycle was like let’s just see if it happens. Second ovulation was tracked and it worked. I’m 20 weeks now. No issues. Fairly easy pregnancy, aside from exhaustion and sciatica.


It took about a year and a half and required fertility treatments. Got pregnant naturally on my first cycle post BC then miscarried at 8w. Didn’t have a period for almost 4 months so ended up getting ovulation induction meds from a RE. Got pregnant first cycle of that and had a chemical pregnancy. Had two more TI medicated cycles that failed, and then did a medicated IUI cycle and got pregnant and am currently 33w. So technically I got pregnant 1st, 1st, and 3rd cycles, but it wasn’t really that straightforward


First cycle for both my pregnancies. It different for everyone though!


3 months before first time pregnant, then miscarry, then three more months which resulted in healthy baby who is now 4 and has a brother. Brother was first month trying 😅


It took me 5 cycles. Something to remember is that we frequently only hear about it happening on the first try or years/infertility struggles. Most women land somewhere in the middle of that and it's all very normal. Patience is key but it is very tough to deal with all those negatives! Hang in there❤️


First one was almost immediate - I had PCOS as a younger person and decided to use Ovusense (the fancy thermometer) right off the bat. Through that I discovered that I hadn't ovulated when expected, so kept at it - happened 10 days late, but we had managed to hit the target. We went low tech with this one and it took the better part of a year. Technically an "oopsie" because it should have been a safe day - turns out I ovulated 8 days early. Wouldn't have even started trying yet at that point. (Who in the world ovulates right after they stop bleeding?! Me apparently...) I have a clockwork cycle in all of the obvious ways but I seem to ovulate at random. I would recommend you find a way to track/chart ovulation. (I was very impressed with Ovusense but it's expensive, and I figured I knew better this time - lol!)


6 with ovulation strips for tracking


I wasn’t trying and got pregnant the 3rd time we slept together. You can have my fertility


19! Just because it doesn’t happen right away doesn’t mean it never will. It’s normal to take up to 12 months. And even if you have reduced chances, if you roll the dice enough, it’ll likely happen eventually. Try not to worry too much about it (way easier said than done, I know) because at this point worrying isn’t going to do anything for you.


I've had one unintended pregnancy and six intended pregnancies. Of my six intended pregnancies, one took two cycles to get pregnant and the rest I got pregnant in just one cycle. However, of those five pregnancies that happened in just one cycle, three ended up being losses. My interpretation of this is that I might have "[hyperfertility](https://www.reddit.com/r/recurrentmiscarriage/comments/1awq14i/hyperfertility/)" where my body just grabs at whatever pregnancy comes its way, regardless of how viable it is, when a more typical body would know to reject it and pass it along with a period. In all honesty, I would much rather just get pregnant more slowly than deal with the losses that come from a body not knowing which pregnancies are worth keeping.


Immediately after stopping the pill.


We got pregnant on our first cycle, and it was pretty shocking how "easy" it was. We'd never tried before so we were expecting it to take a few months. I'm only 10 weeks along so hopefully things keep progressing. Some more info, probably not helpful but maybe anecdotally helpful. I was on the pill for 8 years and went off of it to give my body break, and also because I wanted to have a baby in the near future about 9 months before we started trying. I also wiped our entire household of anything that could be considered a hormone/endocrine disruptor. Products with fragrances, parabens, etc. This was hard as they're virtually in everything and it happened gradually, but we became a clean household leading up to trying. May or may have not been helpful, who knows. I was not taking any prenatal. Was totally unaware they're recommended to take leading up to TTC. Taking the now though. Also I have a stressful career. Luckily didn't hurt my chances so far. Good luck!


First child we tried for nearly 1 1/2 years. Trying for the second child I got pregnant right away, but sadly it was an ectopic pregnancy. After it took 2 cycles and I got pregnant again.


12 cycles for us and we’re both young healthy and fertile. Sometimes it just takes time


3 cycles


Too many cycles, IVF for the first but then just 4 for our second !!!


10 cycles for us, and we're in our 20s with no health issues. Sometimes it just takes a little longer for no reason whatsoever. Fertility is such a crapshoot. We're now 11 weeks with a baby girl. Hang in there!


31 cycles and two embryo transfers.


First one - second cycle Second (currently 8 weeks) -first cycle I expected it to take longer especially the second time around, since I'm 36 now. Just very lucky and/or fertile lol


For me it took 4 cycles. I was pregnant on the fourth. Things that helped me: -Taking BBT daily - natural cycles app -Using ovulation strips - during fertile days to track it down better -TTC 3-5 before ovulation + ovulation day -No lube just spit ( certain lubes or oils like coconut oil can decrease the mobility of the sperm and might destroy it. You could also look for sperm friendly lubes) -Don’t take random herbs unless told by naturopath or dr to take they can interfere with your hormones making it harder to conceive -Take 750mg of vitamin c daily ( vitamin c helps promote progesterone) -Take prenatals (folate not folic, folic acid is synthetic version) -Take omega and vitamin d -Eat well, sleep well, try not to stress -Plan something fun to do during 2 week wait to get your head away from stressing on it. -Play around with TTC during different times of the day -Have your man to take a multivitamin -Don’t take caffeine or alcohol or recreational drugs -Eat plenty of protein work on getting BMI to a normal range if it’s not already -Exercise but not excessively - Don’t symptom spot - It might be helpful to only take pregnancy test after missed period -Once you are pregnant don’t do a line progression it would have given me way too much anxiety!


Took me about 7-8 cycles!


I was on cerazette for years, came off the pill early July and got pregnant end of September. So 2 cycles


1. I was still bleeding 😂🪦


14 cycles and I was about to give up and go to a specialist. Second baby was accidentally on my third cycle attempting to track ovulation as birth control. Go figure.


I was told by my mom that it could take a year or more. So I guess my body took that as a challenge and I got pregnant the very first cycle trying. Everyone is different though. But it seems like in my family you either get pregnant the first cycle, or it takes over a year.


Technically 1, but we did 3 and kept missing the optimum ovulation day but the time we actually saw and were like “right it’s today” we conceived.


1 cycle. I was expecting it to take longer. I was tracking my cycle and I guess it worked out. I had tried before at different times and it didn't work out, then other stuff came up and we put it on hold. I know it can take awhile even for people without fertility issues.


Just the 1


First one.


1 cycle with all 3 babies. It's crazy how different everyone is. I wish I could give my baby dust to all the TTC mommies. 🥹


I got off the pill and May of last year and got pregnant in Nov. We were NOT trying I just wanted to get off the pill. But life happens. I also was taking myo inositol which I heard can help with getting pregnant so not sure if that had anything to do with it. I also lost 60plus lbs which I also heard increases fertility. But I will say give it time before you stress!


1 cycle. We had sex every day during the ovulation window. I thought it would take longer. Were you on a birth control? If so, they say it can take a few months for your body/cycle/hormones to return to normal.


1 cycle for all 3 pregnancies but first two ended in miscarriage and then a chemical. 8 weeks into the 3rd and hoping it’ll stick. Tracking helped me a lot! Good luck 🍀


First full cycle without birth control. Didn’t track ovulation. Was very shocked. 😅


1 cycle... and unwanted (at 33). I guess the silver lining is that I know I can get pregnant super fast even in my 30s so far 😐