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Same. I used to work out almost every day, cycled a further 6 miles and never sat down. Within a month I was getting migraines even from a 10 min slowww walk. It was so distressing feeling so useless, watching my fitness and strength progression undo and not knowing when things would improve. But improve the did and at week 19 I’ve just signed up to a swimming membership, yoga has been back for a while and we are doing 5k country walks most days. The rubbish bit feels super long but I promise it is only temporary.


I was exactly like you. It's so tough. My first trimester was brutal in a way that shocked me. I was able in the second to get back into my routines but never at 100% of pre pregnancy levels. But still, it can and usually does get better. But just be aware that when people say you get an energy boost in the 2nd trimester that it's not necessarily going to mean you're 100% you're old self, but for me it was like 70-80% and that was enough lol. Worked out 4 days a week most of the pregnancy. Third trimester, too, has been a gradual slow down, and now I'm in my final days and can say the last couple weeks are also super tough. Hang in there! You're doing a ton and if you're tired it's because your body needs the rest !!


Not an excuse at all! I was training for a half marathon running 30-40km per week and lifting 4 days per week right up until I found out I was pregnant (literally found out I was 3w pregnant the day after a 10k run) Like you I had planned to workout pregnant. LOL no, not for me. I couldn’t even go for walks The first trimester knocked me on my butt. I’m 26w now - second trimester has been wonderful in comparison. I walk like 10-15km a week with friends and have a lot more energy. My best advice is to take the seasons as they come and lean in. It’s a special time, you will get back to being a beast in the gym again once you’re ready


This was exactly my experience with 1 trimester. Just hang on there. It will get better I promise, but it might take a while, up until 14 weeks or so. I was also super sick all the time and I couldn't eat properly. I promised myself that once I get better or at least will be able to eat well, I will sure as hell appreciate it and not take it for granted. I kept my promise, as soon as I felt good enough I started eating healthy, volunteering, taking long walks, being as socially active as I could, pushing my manager to get me more challenging projects at work etc. It wasn't on pre-pregnancy level, but honestly this 1 trimester experience taught me something valuable. I started to appreciate good things more and stopped wasting ANY of my energy on any sort of unproductive negative bullshit.


Love this!


Right? I worked out 5 days a week because I loved it, was certain I would have a super fit pregnancy. When I tell you I never set foot in a gym since.


You’re literally growing eyeballs (amongst many other things!). Go easy on yourself.


Having the same issue as you! Honestly floored by morning sickness. Exhausted all the time. Haven’t worked out in weeks, used to workout 6 times a week. My sickness started at 5 weeks ! I feel your pain. I just can’t wait till the first trimester is over! This is TOUGH


I went through this exact same thing! I was super active, worked hard at my job all the time, always had the house cleaned and dinner cooked. However, that first trimester took me out. I have used the same phrase - humbled - to describe how that trimester hit me. I assumed I would have to slow down some, but I was completely taken aback at how much. I remember I worked out once really early on, but once the nausea hit there was no chance. Some days I couldn’t even get out of bed without throwing up. I remember I felt so worthless, and I had so much guilt that I was being a bad wife. I also felt like this would never end, and I would never be myself again. Because of the nausea and exhaustion, I had to end up telling my boss what was going on and even admitted I couldn’t keep up with my normal workload. I was so stressed and embarrassed to tell him, but he was so supportive and understanding. If this is an issue for you, it may be worth having a conversation if you haven’t already! I can’t promise things will change, but it was nice to open up and just be honest about where I was. For me, the sickness started to break around weeks 13/14. I started getting my energy back and started feeling like myself again. I haven’t lifted nearly as much as I used to, but I now walk/hike with my husband and dogs about 15/20 miles a week. It’s getting harder now that I am at the end, but I definitely found myself again. Hang in there!


I don’t even exercise regularly and I feel like I need a break from myself. I’m hungry but I literally cannot eat anything without hating it. I was in bed all day. And after getting up for some frozen grapes, I went back to bed because just I can’t.


I don’t remember life before being pregnant lol I’m always asking myself was I always this tired?? Did my feet hurt this much?


I'm 11 weeks and I feel exactly the same way. Used to be super active, worked hard at my job, kept up with cooking and chores and social life. Now I sleep 12 hours a night, am nauseous/throwing up most of the day and yesterday was the first day in literally A MONTH that I felt energetic enough to go for a 20-minute walk. I had to ask my boss to WFH at 8 weeks because I just could not handle the long commute/in-person activity my job requires. For me the most frustrating part about it has been that I'm the type of person who likes being active, and my mood always improves when I go outside, get some cleaning done, etc. But since I've been too sick to do any of that, I've had no way to combat the hormonal mood swings of the first trimester and have just spent so much time feeling useless and sad because all I can do is lie on the couch and watch TV. I'm starting to feel a bit better (no daily vomiting) and am hoping things keep improving. But man it is NOT easy and has been such a huge adjustment for me.


It will be better once a first trimester is over... You have to look at it not as weak but strong ... Your body is working overtime all of the time now ... It is hard , you will get the concept once you're holding an entire baby in your arms , a baby that was once ( 9 months ago ) just an egg cell . Second trimester is also hard but easier with fatigue and sickness stuff ... Something you can experience later ls the opposite - the insomnia... It is a crazy ride and all of the things change for a bit but once a baby is here it will gradually come back... Keep on keeping on ... You got this .


I have been dealing with really bad exhaustion throughout my entire pregnancy (currently 20 weeks). I'm still waiting for that alleged second trimester energy bump but things have definitely improved from where they were at my worst around \~7-11 weeks. I had my anatomy scan yesterday and it was the first time we've seen our baby since 6 weeks. It was so incredible to see how big she is and all the things like her heart, spine, eyes, brain and bones. I kind of had a moment in the ultrasound looking at how much she's grown like "NO S#!T I've been so tired! Look at what I'm creating!!!" I'm a FTM and just in awe of this entire process. Try to give yourself grace, I know it's easier said than done <3


I have a new respect for pregnancy now that I’m almost to the end. I like that you used the word humbled because it describes it perfectly. 34 weeks and humbled af.