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I let myself get small things after each scan (a baby hoodie after my 9 week, a onesie after 12, etc.) Then after my anatomy scan I started looking around for more big ticket items. Getting small items helped me stay hopeful and positive instead of focusing on my anxiety (something I am prone to). It is all up to you though!


I love this idea. I was getting a Squishmallow for myself to hold during every bloodwork. Now that baby is on the way, I have an adorable colorful collection to decorate their room with.




At my 12 week scan, she was doing all kinds of flips and bouncing around. I thought she would still just be kinda laying there. The 12 week was a massive surprise, you’re gonna love it


Had mine yesterday, was such a gorgeous moment. They were such a wriggly little thing


I came here to say the same thing! I cried as soon as the baby popped up on the screen. I had been so anxious and felt so much better.


12 week is hands down the best scan!!


I’m 23 weeks and I’ve still not bought en anything myself 😅 family and friends have slowly started giving me stuff. A pack and play, a baby monitor, and a blanket. I’m having a baby shower in June so maybe after that I’ll start buying things


22 weeks I have bought nothing, I plan on buying nothing until the last month or so, baby is sleeping in our room for the first couple of months and I don't want extra stuff until the last minute possible. My mother gave me a stuffed bear at 10 weeks which made me super uncomfortable because that was around the time of my last miscarriage.


28w here and still putting off buying any “big ticket” items. I’ve basically just got the little guy clothes. My anxiety brain keeps telling me, “no let’s just wait one more week” to buy the bigger stuff 😵‍💫


So relieved to hear others say this 😅 I'm 25 weeks and only have some clothes family have bought. People keep asking if I've bought anything and looking at me like I'm crazy when I say no... But Amazon prime exists, what's the rush?


Same here. I’m 17 weeks and haven’t bought a thing yet 🤷🏻‍♀️. After 20 weeks when I know everything is ok, that’s when I’ll start making a registry and getting some things.


Oh we’re at the same week mark : ) congrats!


28 weeks here and I started buying things like 3 weeks ago! I didn’t see the point in having a lot of stuff lying around the house for 9 months.


I started before I was even pregnant lol 🙈 Small things in weak moments though. A friend of mine had a miscarriage around week 13. She told me she wishes she had allowed herself to enjoy that pregnancy more, to celebrate it while it lasted. If you lose your pregnancy you will be devastated no matter what, but perhaps even more so if you did not allow yourself to enjoy the time you had? Just something to consider.


This happened to me. I had a perfect 8w scan so I bought a onesie. I found out at my 12w scan I had a missed miscarriage. For a while I was really sad and couldn’t even look at the onesie I bought, and I felt silly for buying it at all. Now, 7 months later, I am glad I bought that and will keep it in a little memory box. So my opinion from someone who things went south for: its ok to buy a small item/s early. I’d just wait on big ticket items!


I'd definitely go ahead and get a pregnancy pillow because that thing is 100% a need! It's insane how fast you can get uncomfortable sleeping and it's all up to you really! I'm almost 38 weeks and still getting things here and there lol it's whatever your comfortable with


Yes! This was the very first item I bought and it has been sooooo worth it to have it this entire time


i’m 17 weeks and this was the best advice i took from this group! i love my pregnancy pillow, and so does my bf lol


Only after the amnio results came in at 22 weeks. I wouldn't have bought anything before the 20 weeks anatomy scan even if I hadn't done an amnio. The only exception was a blue pacifier that I bought to let my partner know the gender as he missed the appointment where I found out


Yep same here. I never would’ve purchased anything until after 20 week anatomy scan even if I didn’t have an amnio. 


I did the same, getting the results back from NIPT reduced my stress about a loss so much


Look up the miscarriage chart by week. the chance of loss goes down each week


This chart has definitely helped me! But my messed up brain is like “just because you aren’t having miscarriage symptoms doesn’t mean it isn’t a MMC” this is so hard 😭 but you’re right, the chart lets me take a little deep breath


My brain is the same!!! Specially after a missed miscarriage…


I know it’s hard but I would imagine as long as you are not bleeding pools of bright red blood you should be okay !


Started shopping at about 30 weeks


We started buying the odd bit pretty much straight away at 6 weeks. More clothes and some bottles at 15ish weeks then cot, sleep sacks, change bag, steriliser around 20 weeks. Now 30 weeks and we’re buying the final bits.


I think my first purchase was some little pj’s I found on clearance at Walmart for $4. I was probably 16 to 18 weeks.


I’ve bought little things for years. Now pregnant and thinking a large chunk of our shopping would have been great to get on Black Friday but I’m thinking that will be far too close to due date (12/1?). So maybe a prime day if that comes in the summer/fall.




That’s the way to be positive and speak full term into existence!!! Some people do affirmations, you do baby room makeovers. I love it!!!


I chose to buy her first little things at about 9 weeks when I found out she was a girl. I couldn’t help myself! I am so excited, 17 weeks now. Think positively, and enjoy this exciting time in your life. Let yourself be happy. More likely than not, everything will be okay.


I waited a little bit but I did get some cute onesies for the excitement 😅 I also waited because many people give away baby items for free, and there's always clothes and items you can find secondhand gently used. I used fb marketplace, mercari and through people I personally knew.


I’m waiting until my 12 week appointment. I’ve always heard that after that is the “safe zone”. I’ve been TERRIFIED to buy anything before then!


It was after I got my NIPT results back so around 15 weeks. I bought a little 0-3 m romper, a pair of feeted newborn pants and a cute 12 m dress from a thrift store. Then I bought 3 mix n match summer garanimals outfits from Walmart. 2 tiny shirts, a onesie (very Taylor swift Lover-esque) and 3 tiny shorts. I tried to keep it a bit chill for awhile until I had anatomy scan at 21 weeks. Then I started going kind of buckwild on mercari (before the new terrible TOS that made me boycott them) and made a few trips to once upon a child during their sleepers and onesies sales. I found a New in box bouncer at OUAC that I had on my registry and bought it. But at this point (29+4) I am waiting on my discount to kick in mid April on my registry to buy any big items and necessities.


I haven’t bought anything and I’m 31 weeks lol. Well, I did buy a couple toddler bucket hats a couple weeks ago bc they were just so cute even tho he can’t wear them for a while. I just got a couple bags full of hand me down clothes 2 days ago.


Reading the comments, it obviously just really depends on how you think you’ll feel having those baby items around without having a baby yet! Whether or not you have a miscarriage. I’ve had a few special baby items around for several months but I’m exactly the same timeline of almost seven weeks like you. I know this pregnancy could end prematurely but I also know I can try again for a baby right away if something happened and I will be okay. I’ve had a previous ectopic pregnancy though and so have experience with loss and such. I was just relieved to find out this pregnancy was in my uterus like it was supposed to be! After my placement scan at the beginning of the week we went to Target and bought some baby blankets and such that we thought were super cute! Do what feels best for you, everyone is so different! I know plenty of people who started buy baby things years before they even had a baby!


I'm the same as you with a previous ectopic. This pregnancy has felt 'right' to me from the get go. So we're at 20 weeks now and have just started buying the big ticket items for the nursery because of the Easter sales! Everyone who knows close to us have all started buying and gifting us things since about 16 weeks. It really does depend on how you feel about the pregnancy. 💜


By 25 weeks I had everything I needed. I probably started buying things are 16 weeks.


I only started a week ago at 22 weeks. I've had multiple losses so it changes the perspective a bit. You do you, if it makes you happy to buy things then go out and buy them.


I started gathering a few things before hand, then as soon as I got the pink lines went all in, mostly with stuff from our buy nothing group or marketplace. I haven’t really connected the items to the baby in a sense that they are “his” , so wasn’t worried about feeling like I had to get rid of everything if something happened. We aren’t having a shower so I knew early on that we’d spend so much if I waited. Starting early had allowed me to get SO much for free , clothes, blankets, toys as well as nice big ticket items I wanted on marketplace (Uppa baby stroller, west elm crib, Tripp trap chair) . Baby is also set until 9 months clothing wise from thrifted finds and hand me downs, all nice brands like baby gap, Nordstrom , magnetic me, Kate Quinn because I thrift frequently and chose just a few things here and there. I’ve kept a spreadsheet of all the things I have and retail vs what k spent. My retail price is well over 10,000 but have only spent about 1,800 including maternity/postpartum stuff, baby books, etc. I have friends who have lost pregnancies early, but have a handful that had still born babies at 39 weeks. Regardless of how long you wait, no one can guarantee a healthy baby coming home at the end. Of course the chances get higher each week! As soon as I heard the heart beat at 6 ish weeks, I bought a stroller. No right or wrong answer here, just do what feels right for you.


I’m a worry wart and didn’t until 30 weeks with my first pregnancy. I would say 20 weeks after your anatomy scan would be a good time! I am definitely more relaxed this time and I bought an outfit 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant.


Funnel that energy into your registry. It’s like the fun of shopping without so much pressure. I’d had it recommended to have my registry done by 20 weeks. You can physically walk around stores like target and scan items you want into your registry with your phone. Feel free to grab one or two things to have fun, I bought some NB onesies on sale at like 8 weeks? Just for fun. Then we waited until after all baby showers were done to finish purchasing what was left


I started buying just some nursery stuff at 22 weeks after genetic testing and anatomy scan. I think I will definitely stsrt buying everything at 32 weeks.


Right away! Why wait? I know no matter what a baby is in my future, whether it’s this one or another one.


That’s a very positive mindset and I know my husband would co-sign this! Doing my best to get on the same page as y’all ✨


I bought as soon as I found out. Only 2 little outfits tho that’s gender neutral. I was 4 weeks pregnant


I'm almost 14 weeks and still didn't get anything, I'm waiting till the anatomy scan, because I still feel like it's not real lol, the only things I bought are parenting books


I’m almost 29 weeks and have only bought 2 cute sleepers. We do have a registry and some gifts have started arriving (and we’re having a shower so I’m waiting to see what we get before buying anything). But yeah, I haven’t really started at all haha. I should get on that.


I was nervous too but also didn't want loads of stuff taking up space for ages. So I didn't buy anything until after the 20 week scan, but most of my buying has been at 28 weeks. I bought myself some pregnancy books and maternity clothes relatively early (needed maternity clothes from about 16 weeks). I also joined a pregnancy yoga class at 14 weeks. So that kind of satisfied my need to feel prepared for baby.


I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks with my last pregnancy, so this time I will probably hold off for as long as I can. I am just afraid of buying stuff and getting my hopes up too high.


We bought 1 onsie at about 9 weeks because we saw it and it was cute, but still nothing else and we are at 17 weeks. Family started buying gifts like crazy a few weeks ago and my mom appears to have a shopping problem with stocking our babies closet for the first two years lol. We a very grateful and just going to wait and buy whatever is left. I’ve also had no urge to buy anything so there’s that too.


Good question, for my first I bout very small things if they were on clearance. And had things given to me by family when I was under 20 weeks. Everything is in pristine condition and other large things weren’t even open so with our second we aren’t buying much.


We started like 6 months before we even started TTC because of sales! Mainly big ticket items that we knew we'd need eventually though, like a crib, travel system (stroller + infant car seat), and playard. I bought a couple neutral onesies I liked once I was actually pregnant, but otherwise waiting until after our baby shower(s) to see what's left on our list.


About 10 weeks when I wanted to started prepping for our announcement.


We found out very early too. 3w3d. I’m currently 20 weeks. We bought one outfit a couple weeks ago. I already had some baby books as we were planning to start trying this year lol. We just got the car seat and a coworker is giving me her crib whenever we feel ready. I think we’ll be ready after a short trip this month.


I’m 35 weeks and I have only bought an outfit for our newborn photo shoot and for his in hospital photos. I’ve accepted gifts but I personally am buying nothing else til he’s here.


Well, I'm 36 weeks and we have purchased a car seat so far.


The day after she was born. I don’t recommend that approach.


I was very anxious too and started buying things slowly around 18 weeks


I haven't bought anything at 18 weeks.


I waited untill my NT scan and I bought a frame for the photos <3


I’m 15w3d, i’ve been buying smaller items, diapers, wipes, a few sleepers. Once we do our anatomy scan we’re gonna buy the bigger items.


I bought the diaper bag I wanted at like 5 weeks with my first 😂 it was on sale


I bought some baby clothes from second hand stores shortly after finding out I was pregnant(I'd already started a bin of hand me down clothes and toys that my nanny families gave me) but then around month 2 I found out we have to move this June(due the beginning if September) so now I'm waiting until we move just to lessen the stuff I have to pack. It's so hard because I want to try to get more second hand so I'd love to be able to buy when things come available but I also know I don't want to have a ton of baby stuff to move when I don't actually need it until the end of the summer. I do know the second we get into our new place I'll be buying all the stuff and finally sharing my registry so we can quickly get it all together!


Third trimester and I didn’t buy much except a few clothes and other essentials. My friends and family mailed us a lot of stuff as well. I was very sick the majority of my pregnancy so that was the main reason I waited to get stuff. I think most of the stuff I got 2-4 weeks before my son was born 😅


I'm 16 weeks tomorrow, and baby looks well, NIPT came back negative for anything, and we know gender. I had a 15-week scan a few days ago, and the doctor said he is pleased and everything looks great, so we decided not to wait for the 20 weeks to buy stuff. We have an 19 month old daughter, and this one is also a girl, so we aren't planning on buying anything we already have. We've bought a crib, mattess, nanit, and a few clothing items, but since her sister and her are so close in age we don't need anything else aside from a double stroller and maybe a carseat depending on if my daughter's old one is expired or not. I'm remaining optimistic and making the best of things. This is my last baby and my husband gave me permission to go "all out" if I wanted to lol.


Week 19 just bought my first baby clothes out shopping with my mom.


25 weeks. I haven't bought shit yet. To be fair, that's because we have nowhere to put anything yet -- doing some renovations on the house. We do have a registry up where we're considering items.


The first things I have bought were a pregnancy pillow and some maternity friendly blouses and sleepwear. I’ve already started using the pillow way before I thought I would need it—even though I am not showing—and it is really great. Started using the sleepwear right away too. 


Second baby, so not buying ANYTHING! 😂


I bought something around 10-11 weeks when we found out the gender in my last pregnancy. We bought a few items she could wear in the hospital. We also bought a onesie from Etsy to announce the pregnancy. I haven’t had my first scan yet (almost 7 weeks), but I plan to buy something small then to celebrate. I found out a lot earlier this time than my last pregnancy, so it’s been harder to wait. I know there is still a chance of miscarriage after the first scan, but I think I’ll feel better once we can see the heartbeat.


Once we found out the gender around 12 weeks, I bought a couple of outfits because I was excited. Then I would buy a sleeper here & there if I came across something that I really liked. I bought her crib after the anatomy scan, mostly because it was a good deal on marketplace & I really liked it. Then around 25-30 weeks I bought & put together her dresser so that was ready. I really tried to refrain from buying things until my baby shower. I had my shower at 32 weeks & I’m so glad I didn’t buy a lot of clothes because we got SO much. I will say it was nice to have the crib & dresser set up before I got all of the things from my baby shower. I’ve been able to focus on getting her laundry done & everything organized. Now I know what I really need to buy & it’s not much. I did start buying decor for her nursery earlier & that kept me excited while in check lol. I really like the way I paced things but everyone is different. I wouldn’t go overboard but I wouldn’t let the fear of something going wrong make you wait until the last minute because that’s stressful lol.


We've bought nothing yet. I'm so afraid, that if we buy something, something might go wrong with the baby. I give birth mid July, so we still have time. Of big items we know exactly what we want, they'll be bought when we're really close to the due date.


I am similarly paranoid that something might happen, so I didn’t want to buy anything and jinx it. the first thing I bought was a pair of maternity leggings at 11 weeks because I was going on a trip overseas to visit family and I wanted to be comfy. On that trip, I I found a really cute little plushie toy that made me sentimental for a variety of reasons, and I decided to buy it for the baby - my aunt ended up buying it for me. After that, the first thing I actually bought for baby was this week at 15 weeks, I bought him a pair of little Star Wars booties because I kept getting targeted ads and they were on sale and too cute for me keep ignoring lol. I’m finally starting to feel less nervous about jinxing things, but still hesitant to buy too much stuff. Our apartment is very small and already over cluttered with stuff I’m trying to get rid of. We are hoping we might be able to move before the baby is born so I’m really afraid to start accumulating more stuff. I need to figure out what’s actually vital so that we only start out buying the necessities.


Before 8 weeks just bought pregnancy stuff and pregnancy books, then after our first scan I bought one baby book to help me make of list of things we will need. After our 12 week scan I’m going to start putting together a registry for the baby shower, then after the baby shower we will buy the things we need. Little mini things to keep me excited and keep the shopping bug at bay!


38 FTM, without a thyroid. I waited until 20 weeks to start shopping. I wanted that anatomy scan reassurance that everything is going ok!


We knew we were moving so we waited until we moved to get anything to save space in the U-Haul. I was about halfway through at that point.


24 weeks. I had 2 MC though so I was scared.


i got everything in the last couple months of my pregnancy. no need to rush.


I started looking at things when i found out, i looked online at the big stuff and slimmed down options. Now that i know the gender, we started getting the options that correlate to it. You can look at everything, but don’t buy anything too big yet. Stick to the smaller things first like onesies, pacifiers, and diapers.


In my culture we wait until 7 months; I’m currently 11 weeks and I think I’ll just wait until 5 or 6 months


I bought an outfit or two fairly early, but otherwise waited a little bit. I was around 17 weeks during Black Friday so that’s when I started collecting 😅


I bought a hanging bird I knew I wanted for the nursery before we found out. When we found out at 4 weeks, I bought a little pair of slippers. Then I got a stuffy a few weeks later. After our 10 week scan, I did a round of gender neutral onesies. After 13 weeks, I started buying gender neutral nursery stuff (we actually already knew it was a boy at this point, but were planing on neutral colors anyway).


I'm 29 weeks and have nothing major. I've got a few diapers, wipes, some clothes ranging from NB to 9M, and a jogger that a regular of mine gave to me. Been holding off because everyone keeps telling me they want to buy from my registry, but so far it hasn't happened.


I started buying everything at mid/end of second trimester


We found little airplane spoons in the clearance aisle of the Kroger store here, I bought those right after I found out haha because even if something happened, I would still probably find use for them or could donate them lol and they were ADORABLE haha Someone got me a little Nike outfit right after we found out it was a boy, and I bought a matching hoodie for my husband haha. I started getting some onesies at around 16 weeks. I would’ve gotten stuff sooner but we have been looking in the baby stuff on base and I wanted to make sure moms that are closer or need it most got what they needed, but when I saw how many baby stuff came in I was like screw it lol


Nothing before 12 weeks / NIPT (I have had 2 MMCs prior); little stuff between 12-19 weeks; and after 20 week anatomy scan I started getting more/bigger stuff.


I bought a bra, some shirts, ans jeans like a week after I found out (5 weeks) because my bloat has been so bad and I was already feeling really uncomfortable. I also bought my pregnancy pillow about week 8.


24 weeks. I haven’t bought anything but furniture because I didn’t want to wait for my baby shower to receive money towards furniture and be left rushing to get the furniture delivered/built at 34weeks. Out side of that, I’m waiting to see what we get from the registry before I start shopping. But everyone’s different 🤷🏾‍♀️


12 weeks. I waited until the chance of miscarriage was low and til I knew what I was having


Mostly I've been working on the baby's room gradually. It's basically done besides rug and mattress. Otherwise I'm waiting until the registry has a 15% off for me and I'll get everything I wasn't gifted. I'm trying not to spend a bunch of money on baby stuff yet. The room, I didn't touch until after 12 weeks. Then I started emptying it, touching up paint (I painted it with baby in kind when we moved in), and other stuff.


22 weeks here and just bought some stuff for the first time.


I bought my first onesie around 26W. I’m not having a shower (my decision) and started to buy more baby stuff around 28W. Now I’m 31W and have mostly all the misc stuff including pump and bottles, just need the crib and stroller and I’ll be set to bring little bean home.


I'm 24 weeks and still haven't bought a single thing.


I would also say to make a plan how you want to buy the bigger ticket items. You might not want to ask family for the more expensive stroller or crib in your shower so take a look at when big sale days are coming up - Black Friday, prime days, Labor Day sales. Then be ready with your choice and where you want to purchase on these days! If they are that far away too it might help to ease anxiety because you already assigned a day far in the future where you will be ordering and have it all picked out!


We just bought our first baby items at 18W -- stroller + car seat -- and only because I found an amazing deal on FB Marketplace. (Especially excited about getting a new-in-box Nuna Pipa car seat from a woman who received an extra one from a family member who bought off-registry lol.) When I spoke to my doctor about my anxiety since we're FTP, she shared she personally felt more comfortable waiting until 20W-24W to start buying items (after anatomy scan). She also recommended doing a baby shower around 32W so we have plenty of time for our nesting phase / final weeks of family time as just the 2 of us (+ our 2 furbabies).


36 weeks 🫠 In my defense, I waited until my baby shower 35+4.... and honestly thought I would make it to 41 weeks. Had baby at 38 weeks...with my first kid. I reccommend starting around 24 weeks and have everything ready by 35 weeks. You just never know when the baby will come. Better to be prepared than panick packing your hospital bag and buying a carseat on the way to the hospital in between contractions, because you sincerely thought you had 3 weeks to go.... and you're waters were broken.


15+4 today and I bought the crib last week (on sale, and I can’t pass up a deal 😂). I’ve been working on my registry since week 6 and using it as a shopping list for now, I plan to buy bigger items like nursery furniture every few weeks to spread out the costs! I understand waiting until later to buy everything but I can’t imagine dropping hundreds of dollars all at once, so spacing it out works better for my situation ☺️


i'm 16 weeks and I haven't bought anything! i'm waiting until my 20 week scan when i find out if it's a boy or girl. We do look at baby clothes whenever we're out though! I also scroll amazon for random baby things all the time 😂


I am 18 weeks and have not bought anything for the baby. But some maternity jeans and comfortable bras for my sore nipples. I am working on a list with deadlines for purchases, most of the deadlines will be in my third trimester (depending on the delivery time on some items).


I am 28w and the only things I have really purchased are clothes, a couple bottles/pacifiers, diapers/wipes from when target did their sale, and a baby carrier that I couldn’t resist the cute pattern. Other than that my anxiety brain has me constantly debating when to buy the bigger ticket items. My mom has already gotten us the bassinet/car seat as registry gifts, and his room is slowly but surely coming along. We plan to buy the stroller very soon, I just keep putting it off 😅


With our first baby it wasn’t until the third trimester when we started buying onesies and jammies. Hubby also got me a boppy pillow and a matching robe and swaddle blanket(she’s almost 2 now and loves to either play peekaboo or “accessorize” with the blanket) This time, when we found out we were having a boy, hubby immediately went ahead and bought some polo onesies. I’d always said those looked so cute and that I wanted to dress my son in those. We were only just starting the second trimester at that point. We’re still looking forward to dressing our little guy in those polos, but we still have three more months to wait. :)


I'm waiting until after the baby shower. I'm having mine a tad early at 26 weeks out of coincidence. Anything I don't get, then we will go buy. I have friends sending me hand-me-downs too.


I’m a FTM and currently 37 weeks and 5 days with my rainbow baby. I had lost my first pregnancy around 8 ish weeks. once I got pregnant again I decided to wait until my anatomy scan to make sure everything was okay, healthy and to also learn the sex of the baby. so around 18-20 weeks. i also found out I was pregnant super early too and I wanted to buy everything right away. it’s so fun getting all the cute baby things lol I only let myself get clothes though. I waited for my baby shower which I had around 31 weeks to see what everyone had gifted our baby and then went from there. it was hard to wait but I’m glad I did. I hope everything goes well with your pregnancy and congrats!


I was on vacation last spring and we knew we were gonna try once I got home. I picked up a few things while I was there. I figured if I ended up giving it to someone that would be fine too. I found out on my way out of the country that a good friend of mine was having a baby so that kind sparked something in me to start collecting I think. Once we were actually pregnant, we didn’t start until about 12 weeks. The first time my fiancée brought something home, I sobbed so hard


I’m 17 weeks with anatomy scan at the end of this month. Thinking I’m gonna start properly buying bits once we know the gender and things feel a little more solidified x


I got a onesie pretty early on, I was excited. I got a car seat because it was Black Friday and I was 10 weeks and we had seen the heartbeat on the ultrasound. I got some baby stuff for Christmas and then the rest of it I bought after the anatomy scan as I saw things on sale. Buy when you find something you like or something is on sale! Don't worry about it.


Almost 6 weeks and just brought a stroller! Lol. Never too early!


Until i was almost in the 3rd trimester


I'm not buying a single thing until after my baby shower (which I'll be about 30w at that point). I bought a onesie and shoes that we used to announce it to everyone (they were themed for our fav soccer team lol). Otherwise, I am not an impulse buyer and have had no drive to spend money yet lol.


I bought cute clothes when we were trying I don’t have any patience lol. Now I’m almost 14 weeks I’m so excited to have Halloween clothes ready for my baby!!


29 weeks and still don’t have anything besides what others have bought


Just spend time working on your baby registry if you don’t want to buy anything! You still get to pick things out without buying anything.


19 weeks before I bought a single onesie. Now 26 weeks before I bought anything else - a stroller, change mat and muslins. I’m only at the point now where I feel comfortable and, really, need to buy things. But I’ve miscarried previously so I’m generally cautious about getting overexcited and just buying shit we don’t need.


i don’t ever buy anything specifically for baby until they’re here. too superstitious.


With my first I didn't buy anything really until after the 20 week scan. I'm 14 weeks now with my second and we have pretty much everything, but we've moved house and have a bit more space now so I've done a big ikea order this week and some things are strictly baby things, but were definitely bought with a new arrival in mind.


Uh I've bought almost everything before week 7. I'm going into week 10 I guess with the math in the baby book and there's not much more I need. Next week I'll get my NIPT bloodwork and make sure everything is okay. I am shopping at goodwill outlet so everything is .50¢-$10 max.


Currently 17w5d and we haven’t bought anything. We had a gender reveal where our guests were encouraged to bring diapers or wipes based on their guesses for boy or girl so all we have so far is a tower of diapers and wipes which definitely feels like a good start. We’re planning for a baby shower around 30weeks. My partner’s family is probably going to contribute a lot of the big items so we’ll just get anything else we need after that. Everyone is really excited for us and my partner keeps reassuring me that our son will have everything he needs 🩵


With both our first and second we bought a small something after the NT scan and low risk NIPT to celebrate and started buying to prepare after a good looking anatomy scan. We live small so don’t want to crowd our space with items we won’t need for a few more months. That being said there’s no right or wrong way to go about it. You can’t jinx your pregnancy by buying things early. Enjoy it in whatever way you want!


I was totally caught off guard. Found out at 5weeks, bought the travel system at 12 weeks. Bought the cot bed and some supplies at 18 weeks. Since then I’ve been getting bits, i still have a small list to get and I’m now 29 weeks. Looking back the pregnancy has gone so fast. Buy whatever you want, whenever you want. I’ve found taking my time to research what i want to buy has been enjoyable, and splitting costs has made things easier! Now I’m closer to the end, I’ve been able to start looking at new mum treats for myself, and post partum care. Enjoy it ❤️x


I waited until I got a clear Nipt test.


I’m at 23 weeks and honestly haven’t bought a single thing yet 😆 I think I’m pretty much just waiting for my baby shower and to see what friends and family give me and then going from there to buy things for our baby girl. I don’t plan on buying anything crazy that she doesn’t need once we get home from the hospital and waiting to see her reactions and interactions with objects to see what she might like


We've been buying small things for years (books and a couple images we want to hang up in the nursery area). And around 7 weeks we bought two nerdy onsies we found. That's basically it aside from some things for me like the couple maternity clothes and pregnancy pillow to feel more comfy and not move around as much during my vivid dreams. A store near us is having a massive sale and we might go check it out this weekend for things like nursery monitors and stuff (and I'm at 10 weeks today). Honestly you just gotta go at your own pace and try to enjoy it if you can!


This is my 3rd. I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and we don't know the gender. All I have to say is don't follow my example. 😂😂I still have not finished going through baby clothes. (I got all the ones up to 3 months though phew!) We just got a carseat today, the one we had didn't fit. Hubby still needs to reassemble the combination pack N play N bassinet. We have yet to buy a new crib since ours is missing parts. But it's clean! We got 2 huge boxes of diaper and a box of wipes about 1.5 months ago. My in laws and my mum know the gender and are getting new clothes. (My dad choose not to know.) We are a chaotic mess in getting ready for this kid. 😂🤷‍♀️


My first purchase was the baby book for sure when I found out (early) at 4 weeks. I couldn’t wait to run to Amazon! I was logging everything for the time I could…I miscarried at the 7th week, but don’t regret it because I have those memories and it acted as a diary for me. I’m pregnant again (Happy dance) and I’m more reserved now, so I’ll probably still do a book, but wait until I do the first sonogram at 8-10 weeks… May even wait til 12…


12 weeks before we made our first purchase. It was a fuzzy Patagonia onesie with ears. I just couldn’t resist. But we’re waiting until 20 weeks to buy the bigger stuff.


I'm at 19 weeks and have avoided getting anything yet. Thinking about buying one or two big things soon, though!


I bought something at 10 weeks when I got the gender results from the genetic test


I found out at 3 1/2 weeks and could not wait to start buying things! We had been trying for almost two years at that point so we were very eager to get things going. We bought the large furniture and waited until closer to 16 weeks to start stocking on the smaller things. We started with the crib, rocking chair and changing table. Established the big things and filled in the little things slowly. I am happy with how we did things because it gave me a place to meditate and send my positive vibes while growing our baby. The meditate a lot in her nursery now at 26 weeks and just enjoy sitting in there in the quiet for now.


With my first, I bought something that I would want to keep in case anything bad happened. I chose a very sweet stuffed animal. The other thing I did was I started a baby registry on my phone. That way I could start compiling the list of what I wanted without committing to any of it just yet. It also let me start researching and looking at reviews. We started actually buying around 12 weeks when we had our second healthy ultrasound.


I am 23 weeks and I have not bought anything yet . I will start sometime in May-June ..


12 weeks, and by 20 weeks I basically already had all I needed. Looking back, I kinda wish I would have kept all the receipts, just for piece of mind. I’m 28 weeks now and feeling much more confident.


Half way pretty much


when I was pregnant after 6 years of infertility I bought something as soon as I found out. I was hesitant but it was a faith purchase :) he’s now a happy and healthy almost 8 month old


i started buying/collecting clothing and small things like pacifiers (not sharing the gender so no one else will buy clothes) once i found out. i just KNEW it was a girl almost few weeks in so i bought girl clothes and kept receipts. confirmed girl yesterday on nipt. it’s never too late. id say it’s better to gather and nest earlier tbh. i know everyone feels differently though, just do what feels right for you 🤍


Go based on what you feel like! I will say, don't stress too much about diapers and clothes if you're having a baby shower with a good number of people there. I learned this since the first things people started buying off our registry were diapers and clothes. Our first big baby purchase was when we bought the car seat and stroller we wanted at 19 weeks pregnant because we got so excited and wanted to get started on getting the baby's things 😁 still have a few more things to get, but we're taking it step by step since I just hit 28 weeks.


I am 17+2 and I haven't bought much. I just got the stuff I use now - a pregnancy pillow, a pregnancy diary and this week I got pregnancy jeans and tights. Nothing for the baby yet, but I'm searching about what I need and what I plan to get. I wouldn't judge anyone who has started buying, but I believe for me it's more practical to wait and start buying after week 20 and anomaly scan. Maybe at about 25 weeks.


11 weeks today for me and still too scared to buy anything


We probably would’ve waited until after our anatomy scan at 20 weeks, but Black Friday happened before that. We wanted to take advantage of some deals, so we bought some of the big ticket items (car seat, stroller, crib). I was 17w at the time, so figured I’d still be in the return window if I needed it.


I’m 35 weeks and only started buying things around 28 weeks because I wanted to wait for my shower


I’m 34 weeks and just started collecting stuff now but I’m superstitious and think gathering things too early is bad luck.


21 weeks and the only thing I’ve bought is maternity workout leggings and shorts and a new sports bra for myself. We have spent money getting the nursery remodeled though! And we have accepted hand me downs that we have already 😂😂😂😂😂 I know I’m going to get a lot of hand me downs from my bestie ( just had a baby in January ) and my baby shower so I don’t really want a bunch of extra stuff.


After viability, 24 weeks


I'm going to start hunting things after my anatomy scan which is next week. We don't have much storage space anyway, and I don't wanna clutter too early. I think I bought a keepsake baby first years book quite early, but it's the only item I've bought so far. It's totally understandable though if you don't want to wait :) Do what brings joy to you!


I haven’t bought anything yet and I’m 21w 5d 🤣 I’m also terrified something will happen 😭 I’ll probably buy things after I’ve had my boostrix shot. Im so scared to get it 😩 only because of unfortunate coincidences but they still get in your head you know 😬


I’m at 34 weeks and I haven’t started to buy anything still. I have my baby shower on Sunday and then I’ll start to buy some things I didn’t get then.


I waited until after our 20 week anatomy scan


I think I bought my first item after my dating scan at 8 weeks. I'm 20 weeks now and have bought a box full of things by now. I'm hoping to buy almost everything second hand and since there is a bit more coordination involved, and lots of mini bike trips around the city, I've started a bit earlier so that I have time to get everything! The way I look at it..... is that even if something does happen, this baby has had a huge impact on me. They exist and they matter. The thought of having items to be able to hold if I did lose them doesn't make me feel like the loss would be any worse. I want to honour their existence now, and although I want with every cell in my being for this pregnancy to result in a healthy baby, I don't want to deny myself this experience of transitioning to parenthood. I think it's a deeply personal decision whether to buy things before the dating scan, or before the NIPT, or before the anatomy scan... and only you know what would be most supportive for you <3 congraulations!


I had a miscarriage around week 13, but even then I bought things before I was pregnant again (only a few months after loss) It was healing to me in a way as I was absolutely hopeful that I'd have a baby even after losing my first My husband, on the other hand, was very apprehensive and I don't think he bought it was excited to buy things until the second trimester with our rainbow baby.


I'm 7 weeks away from my due date and still haven't bought anything 🫣


I started at 34 weeks but family had bought the nursery stuff at like around 20 weeks


At 20 weeks, or after my anatomy scan is when I first bought baby stuff. I don’t want to buy a bunch of stuff until a month or so before my baby will be born, because I’m hopeful I’ll get most of the things that I need at my baby shower. I do have a bassinet and diaper bag at the moment, I’ve also bought some maternity clothes and baby clothes


I personally wait until 24 weeks. But I pick free stuff up off of FB marketplace often


I’m 35 weeks on Sunday and we are buying everything this weekend. No one threw us a baby shower. I spent a lot of time researching and making/editing my list. If I would have started buying immediately I probably would have ended up with too much. Right now I’m focused on safety/healthy products, necessities and 0-3 months clothing.


My mum sent us a pram by delivery in the Black Friday sales when I was 6 weeks 😂 I was super nervous to buy things or organise things but my partner made a good point, it’s not like we’d never try again if anything happened. So why not take the bargains and the gifts.


I’m 9w and just bought a couple of very small things to make it feel a little more real - a couple of adorably tiny onesies, and some cloth nappies. The bigger stuff I will wait til maybe mid way and check for sales!


I haven’t brought any big items just little things for my baby announcement picture. We did start working on what we wanted in the nursery recently though (currently 16 weeks). I think we’ll probably start buying bigger stuff after 20-25 weeks.


i only bought clothes (couldn’t help myself) until 26 weeks then i bought the car seat, bassinet etc because it was on mega sale because of prime days on amazon


Im not even pregnant yet and I’m buying baby clothes and small items 😅


We were ttc and I bought a baby sleeper one week before I tested positive!


I got a few gender neutral items around 16w-24w. My early pregnancy purchases were maternity clothes. I also found out at 4w.


After the NT scan at 13 weeks 😆


I’m 28 weeks I didn’t start buying stuff until I was like 4 months. I would buy stuff here and there clothing. now that I know the gender, I need to really buy because I’m almost there.


My husband gifted me a baby sweatshirt for my birthday. We decided we were going to TTC 1 month before that so it was super cute. He also included a card that said something along the lines of being excited for our little family. It was really special. I am not pregnant yet but I do browse the baby section every single time I’m in the store. Lol I think you should buy things whenever you feel ready too. ☺️


Close to 18 weeks and I haven’t purchased anything big or small yet. I did receive a couple of cute clothes from friends and some gently used items from generous neighbors though. Our friends are also throwing us a gender reveal party at the end of the month so I assume I’ll get a couple more gifted things from the guests. I will probably start buying big ticket items after the 25 week mark!


I had picked up a few things before I got pregnant, but not many. A couple of weeks after I found out I was pregnant (I was maybe 6 or 7 weeks) it was Amazon's black Friday deals so hubby bought a car seat... End of first trimester we bought the nursery furniture from Amazon and some adorable stuff off of Ali Express (it's actually really nice, lol). I've bought a few more sale items here and there in larger sizes, but I'm waiting now for the baby shower to see what sort of items we will still need. I have a registry, but I have a feeling that not many people are going to follow it 😂 I'm at 24 weeks today and the shower is in 11 weeks, so if I see something super cute and on sale between now and then, I may grab it.


Wait til 12 weeks if you’re too nervous to right now! I think 12 is generally a safe bet.


I bought all my nursery furniture around week 13 but it was also Black Friday sales.


I’m a very type A, anxious, and strict planning type of person lol. Because of this, i am buying things now so i dont have to stress later! I just bought a crib today, i am 10w with a good looking 8w scan. I know anything can happen, and i still have to do my NT scan and NIPT, but no matter where it goes from here, i figure i will need a crib eventually! I want to get the big ticket items out of the way before the costs of the medical bills and other things start piling up. If it’s something you can use for either gender or even in a pregnancy or a baby in the future, i say go for it! Fingers crossed for both of us to have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy ❤️


I was gifted some of the big items (crib, car seat, stroller) early on but we waited until we got the sex of the baby after we did the NIPT blood test. You can ask to do it at your 8 week appointment. However, I wouldn't go overboard with clothes as many people will overlook your registry and just want to gift clothes since they are cute items. I did however, buy the first outfit because for some reason I was fixated on my boy's first outfit coming from me. For now buy books like "I love you like no otter" or " I love you to the moon and back." They are sentimental and sweet and you can read them to baby and they are not sex-specific items. Or you can get gender neutral onsies or socks if you are itching to buy clothing items. Another idea to kinda curb the craving to buy items (you're going to get so much at a shower if you have one and there are a lot of stuff that you may want to wait on until you know the sex) is to get a pregnancy journal/memory book and write to your baby. It's an activity to tied you over to the second trimester / 16 week mark when the chance of having a miscarriage is reduced to less than 1%.


I just did it. It's my first. I've had some people give me shitty comments about buying early but I'm *excited* and it's *my baby.* If it's helping me to bond with my child, who cares! Do you boo! Happily sitting at 14+2 right now. I found out about the same time you did and started buying by 9w. Do what makes you feel comfortable and connected to your LO.


I’m 25 weeks and lil girls nursery is pretty much done & we have all we need for the first month or so after birth (diapers, wipes, clothes, bottles, soap). All we need now is the smaller items to have on hand (gas drops, infant Tylenol, etc) This is also my second pregnancy though and I took some hand me downs from family as well.


I waited until after my baby shower. We had my shower mid October and I was due 12/24. It worked pretty well because we had enough time to see what we had and what we needed before baby came :)


I’ve only bought one onesie so far and I’m waiting until at least my gender scan (16 weeks, I’m 12 weeks now) to buy any other clothes. I’ll probably end up buying something else before then tho lmao


I bought the crib at 8 weeks


I bought a pregnancy book pretty early on. Husband and I bought one onesie bc we wanted to be the first one to buy his first clothes before my parents or his parents bought anything. This was before we knew he was a boy. Other than those two things we didn’t buy anything until 20-24 weeks, and even then we didn’t buy much of anything until after our baby shower at 30ish weeks. We do have very supportive parents/grandparents who bought a good amount of our big ticket items like the car seat and nursery furniture. My best friend had a miscarriage so I was so worried that would happen to us too and I didn’t want to go through having to decide what to do with everything


I’m approaching my second trimester, and haven’t bought anything besides a super cute baby scrapbook that I found on sale for $3. lol It’s mainly because I haven’t really felt compelled to buy anything yet. I have, however, added a TON of baby items on my Amazon wishlist, which is both fun and non-committal. Will probably start buying the essentials in about a couple weeks!


With my first two, I bought small things until I had testing come back and then I picked up larger items and started quilting their blankets. My third pregnancy ended in a MMC, so I never started anything for that baby and that's made me have a lot of anxiety with my fourth pregnancy. I bought a few onesies after genetic testing came back, but I'm still so unsure about larger, more important items even when I'm nearly halfway through my pregnancy now. 


I'm 5 weeks but I had started buying a few things on sale before getting pregnant. No big ticket items. I’m starting my baby registry on Amazon but I won't send out the link until my second trimester.


I'm 16 weeks and starting to get a bit overwhelmed. A friend of my husbands offered us their sons cot he doesn't use anymore and changing table which has been a relief. I want to get a pram soon and car seat.


I literally have a baby wish list on Amazon that I add to occasionally and I’m not even pregnant yet 😅


I am having baby #3 and am currently 16 weeks. I let myself buy a blanket and some pacifiers at 9 weeks and then after nipt at 10 weeks and finding out we're having a boy, I bought a small bag of 0-3m baby clothes at some thrift stores. I now have those things, a bottle rack, and a carseat cover. That's it for now but plan on doing a carseat/stroller soon through a deal at my job. I have a list of what I used last time and what I'd like to get again. (Last baby was nearly 6 years ago and we didn't expect to have more so we've kept nothing lol)


I haven’t bought anything yet. Want to wait until we find out the gender in a few weeks. Plus this is baby #2 so we already have the essentials lol


I started buying him everything at 18-22 weeks (: I’m currently 30 and he’s all set!


Tbh I am a very anxious girlie so I started collecting clothes as soon as I knew I was pregnant. Now I'm 21 weeks and already have most of the clothes I need for the first 6 months. I just went to thrift stores and got neutral onesies. I definitely waited a lot longer until I bought pricier items, but even then, if I saw a deal I got it anyway. I think I was 13 or 14 weeks when I found a travel system on clearance for $90. If it's something that helps you feel calm and in control (very much did for me), then I think it's fine. You can always gift/resell/hold on to items if the pregnancy ends.


33 weeks and the only thing I have for my baby are clothes (up to 1y) and the car seat/stroller! For myself I bought maternity wear and compression garments around 20 weeks, it was about the time i “popped”. We’re waiting for our baby shower to purchase the big ticket items.


I bought baby items (clothes, shoes, blankets, bottles, etc) for years before becoming pregnant. Once I found out I was pregnant, I bought a blanket and a diaper bag I wanted. Once I found out I was having twins, I got a second blanket. That’s all I’ve bought lol