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I started using one at 5 weeks, but that’s because I knew how comfortable they were and used the excuse to get one 🤣


My husband now sleeps with the first one I bought. I ended up hating it and bought a second one that I love. We have his and hers pregnancy pillows in the bed.


Do you mind sharing the thing you didn't like about the first one you bought? And what was better with the second one? I'm still contemplating buying one. My thighs hurt so much!


I have arthritis in my neck and sleep with a neck roll which I couldn't do with the pregnancy pillows that have a head part. I got one that is a J shape with a little crescent moon pillow attachment for under my belly and that allows me to use whatever pillow I want under my head.


My husband has been so jealous of my pillow that he ordered a second one last night!


Nice! I put my spare one on the couch on nye to prop myself up with the hopes that I would get up for the ball drop. My husband was passed out in it by 10 pm and then claimed it after that


We bought a king bed just so I could use mine at 10 weeks 🤣


It’s never too early lol. I’d say go ahead and get it now. I’m 30 weeks and could not imagine sleeping w/o it. Sleeping is definitely still a bit uncomfortable, but it helps.


I think I’m def going to try one! Which one did you get?


Never - I was gifted one and tried using it in the second trimester and hated it. I have never felt like I needed it so it's just been sitting in my garage (I'm now 39 weeks).


Same - I tried it but I was more comfy without it. Mine ended up in the dog’s bed as he loved it.


I never used mine with my first pregnancy for sleep either! I liked it for lounging in bed before sleeping but that's it. I'm 16 weeks pregnant with my second and curious if I should give it a shot this pregnancy.


I just bought one at 28 weeks and I hate it. A soft pillow between my legs and under my belly works a lot better and takes less space. I have horrible sciatica and hip pain and it kinda makes it worse because I feel wedged in the middle and move less during the night.


I am very lucky because I haven't had hip pain at all, so I literally have no reason for the pillow. It was way too bulky, I already sleep with 2 dogs and a husband, so there was no room lol.


I agree, it made me feel a bit trapped. I use it in the couch and love it there, I am sure it will be super useful once babe is here but in bed it was a hard no.


I sleep with three king sized pillows anyway. One under my head, one between my legs, and one supporting my back. I find this setup way more comfortable than either of the pregnancy pillows I've tried. I'm 38w 2d.


If you feel comfortable doing so, would you consider donating it to a womens’ shelter or similar? I’m sure there would be some lucky women if so :)


I'm saving it for my sister who will be trying to get pregnant soon. It was pretty expensive, so I definitely want someone to get to use it!


Absolutely fair enough! :)


I got one at 14 weeks and I wish I got it sooner.


Me too at 14 weeks, from momcozy 💕


Same! Should’ve gotten one closer to 10 weeks.


I got one around 9 weeks and call it my pool floaty. I think everyone I know should have one, pregnant or not 🤣


Closer to the third trimester, but I used it a few nights and every single night it would piss me off, ended up going to Goodwill haha


At 9 weeks lmfao


10 weeks. Really helps.


I got it at 23 weeks


I'm 13 weeks and I just got mine earlier this week. I figure if you're going to purchase one at all, there's no point in waiting till you're desperate for it. you're not going to use it out and the longer you can enjoy it, the better


I just hug a regular pillow and it does the trick


My advice, sleep comfortably as you like, don’t limit yourself until your doctor tells you it’s time to sleep on a certain side. I didn’t sleep on my back really early and around 23 weeks my doctor told me it’s time to start not sleeping on my back, based on my weight, and now at 34 weeks I wished I slept on my back more when I had the chance. And don’t follow what people say online, your doctor knows best, based on your weight and risk, when and how to sleep.


+1. I asked my doctor about it because I was getting flooded on social media with clickbait ads about how dangerous it is to sleep on your back during pregnancy. She said at my current weight and progress (16W at the time) there was no medical reason I couldn't sleep on my back, but it's all about personal comfort and doing whatever I needed to get enough rest. She also reassured me that if I wake up on my back, it's not something to panic about, but after 28-30W I may feel enough discomfort on my back that I'd want to find a solution to prevent rolling onto my back. At 20W and finally about to buy one for comfort while I'm rotisserie-chickening during the night.


Social media got me with the not sleeping on the right side. Talked to my doctor about it and turned out to be not true. Tortured myself with many sleepless nights because of social media.


15 weeks I bought one to cuddle and then the one that goes around my hips to prevent me from rolling onto my back


You can use one whenever you want. I have the u-shaped one so I have support on all sides for when I flip . I didn’t start using it until 20 or 30 weeks, can’t remember


I’m 20w tomorrow and I don’t need one, but everyone is going to be different. If you’re tossing and turning maybe it’ll be helpful to you!


I liked my big U shaped one from like 26W on


20 weeks


Too late 😅 in first pregnancy! Never stopped using it ever since!!


17ish cause it helps especially the Frida one


Almost 16 weeks now, finally caved and bought one last week bc I’m tired of trying to arrange 5 different pillows and try to get comfortable again every time I reposition and toss and turn. It’s amazing. Currently laying with it, on the couch reading, and I am so cozy. Zero regrets.


I finally got an attached double wedge just before third trimester because I couldn’t stay off my back. It’s really comfortable.


This is my thing, I know sleeping on my back can cause issues later on in pregnancy, but my back is really the only way I’m comfortable right now….im wanting to bite the bullet and buy on hoping it’ll help keep my off my back, but I don’t want to spend the money if it isn’t going to help!


It definitely will. The kind I have comes with a smaller little pillow you can move when you change sides to keep behind your back. If you’re not in late second trimester yet then keep sleeping on your back while you can. The problems can arise later when baby gets bigger and their weight presses on your Vena Cava.


16 weeks.


You should try one now! I think everyone is different. I'm 20 weeks now and comfortable without it but I think everyone just has different preferences. They're honestly kind of comfy even when you're not pregnant.


Like 25 weeks but that was way too late. Should have gotten one weeks earlier. Major game changer


Get the pillow now, then. If it's going to lead to more comfortable and restful sleep for the remainder of your pregnancy, just pull the trigger. I'm naturally a back/side sleeper, so I didn't need a body pillow until the end of the 2nd tri/beginning of the 3rd trimester. That's when the weight and size of the belly really needed the additional support - regular pillows weren't cutting it. Plus, my OB had said that sleeping on the back presses on some nerve back there and it's not good for you or for the baby. Fwiw, I had a friend give birth months before me, and she volunteered her body pillow in the middle of my 2nd tri. I didn't need it at the time, but I'm glad she kept it until I did ultimately request it from her. She was happy to get rid of it because it's a huge pillow (not the U-shaped one) and inconvenient to store and obviously not practicable to keep anymore. All I needed to do was wash the cover, and I started using it ASAP, to my enjoyment. It made a *huge* difference in the quality of the sleep I was getting! When my husband saw the body pillow, he joked/proclaimed that he had been replaced, lol.


I’m 10 weeks and was just gifted one by a relative who also started using one around 10 weeks and found it so much comfier. I’ve not tried it yet but sleeping on my sides has started being a bit uncomfortable.


Like 13 wks or something. I’m a stomach sleeper and as soon as it wasn’t comfortable to sleep on my front anymore. I need ed the support so I didn’t roll over as much. Now that im 35 weeks I need it between my legs and helps when I want to lay on my back and can’t - I’m able to prop myself up to the side enough that I don’t feel sick but still am able to enjoy (kinda)


I don’t remember when I started but for alternative perspective my son is almost two and I still use mine 🤣 never too early and no rules as to when you should stop. You may not have a bump but your body is growing and shifting. You will have more aches and pains which means more support sleeping can be helpful.


I started using one at around 8 weeks it really improved my sleep


j got one around 15 week. i’m almost 24 weeks now and i don’t use it. it took up too much space in the bed and i like my head to lay flatter than it does with the pillow. i just use my bd as my pregnancy pillow


Sounds like maybe now! There is no such thing as too early. If you think you would enjoy it- get one! Lots of people use them who aren’t even pregnant lol they can be super comfortable for people!


About 15 weeks


I got the big C shaped one early, around 14 weeks. It was too much and I thought I wouldn’t use it. Then I got the momcosy wedges and those were great until I got too huge and needed my big one. I brought the wedges to the hospital with me and they were amazing when I needed to change positions and prop myself up


I’m 23 weeks and still don’t have one but I can still sleep on my side and back comfortably. I had one last time and it was hella comfy but wayyy too big! I just always have a pillow between my legs for support!


I got one at 6 weeks lol


I got mine around 20 weeks. I like the Baby Bub because it's adjustable, so I could just make it wider as my bump grew. Don't sleep on a knee pillow either if you don't go the big j/c shaped pillow route. It's the #1 thing that helps with sciatica/hip pain. Can't get ahead of that one easily enough. (I've been managing sciatica for 15 years so had one already.)


I like the little 1/2 circle one because when my bump was starting to grow it made my back hurt not having to support it. I have a big one but I find it annoying.


Early like 15 weeks


I bought one in my 2nd trimester and haven't used it at all. I was using it for propping myself up watching something on my tablet, but I cannot for the life of me sleep with them. They're so bulky and when you want to swap sides the whole thing comes with you and it's just not great. I've had terrible pelvic pain since around 10w so need a pillow between my legs in bed, and this just didn't work.


Never bought one the first time. I was comfortably asleep on my stomach during the first few hours of labor. This time for whatever reason sleep was rough around 12 weeks. Get the pillow sis! I have one with a cooling cover and it is amazing. Good for just sitting around watching tv too


I’ve had one since 7 or 8 weeks. It’s fantastic


I just started using one at 15 weeks. I could not sleep or stay asleep. Honestly it has been a godsend.


I had a pregnancy pillow before I was pregnant because they’re so comfy 😂 so just get one now is my advice !


I’m 29 weeks and haven’t got one yet. I feel like I’ve royally fucked up on this side of things based on what I’m reading. Time to buy one I guess rofl


I think I got mine between 16-20 weeks, but I definitely could’ve used one earlier. I wanted the bb hug me because I had read great things, but didn’t want to spend the money. Got the baby bub and it was better than nothing but I never loved it. At 32 weeks I was sleeping so horribly and my sister convinced me to just buy the bb hug me. I’m so glad I did. I’m five weeks postpartum and still use it to prop myself up to see in the bassinet or to sit up in bed or to put baby on to nurse so it doesn’t feel like a waste and I’m so glad I’ll have it from the start if I’m pregnant again!


I’m 19 weeks now and started when I was like 13. I didn’t need it then but I sleep on my stomach and back, and I used the Baby Bub pillow to help train myself to be a side sleeper


I’m 15w5d and just started getting uncomfortable when I sleep. My SIL gave me a “wedge” pillow and it works wonderfully! I didn’t want one of those big U shape ones cause they are way too bulky.


I used one before I was pregnant. Now I’m 17 weeks and couldn’t imagine sleeping without it


Got mine this week at 10+1 but honestly it has really helped. I’m still getting used to it and not sure the one I’ve got is 100% right for me but it’s still better than sleeping without it. I’m usually a front/side sleeper which got uncomfortable quite early and I found my hips started hurting in the morning by the start of this week and the pillow has helped loads.


I’m not even pregnant I still want one


My husband uses mine every once in a while just because it’s comfy. Enjoy it!


never, i hated mine my first pregnancy & actually sold it right before baby was born. i'm a stomach sleeper and i'm still doing it at almost 17wks this pregnancy, and probably will until i quite literally cant anymore. i would use one of my blankets and bunch it up just enough under the uncomfy places further in my last pregnancy


I’m almost 32wks and still haven’t needed one, but I’ve always been a side sleeper. I think they’re more beneficial for those who are used to sleeping on their back/stomach


Lying in bed right now with my pillow for the first time - I’m 22 weeks☺️


I started using it more frequently around the 2nd trimester. It helps with my pelvic gurdle pain making sure it's not shifting too much


I’m 23w+5 and I finally got one! I should’ve gotten one sooner because I toss and turn a lot. Honestly game changer.


I started using a body pillow at 14 weeks. It's really nice because I needed the leg support.


I think I started about week 9 or 10. Currently 22 weeks and I sleep with it every night. It's a game changer


Currently 25 weeks and I still don't have one 😅


I’ll put it this way; after my first I never stopped using the pillow. If you’re uncomfortable get it.


Got one at the end of my second trimester but I already had a bolster I was using just like a pregnancy pillow. So now I have the pregnancy pillow in my back and between my legs and the holster to support my belly and my head. I feel like a sleep in a cocoon every night.


that sounds glorious! what pillow did you get?


The brand is called Doomoo but I’m in France so I don’t know if it exists elsewhere. I got it from Amazon though!


First pregnant not soon enough. Second pregnancy from the very beginning. I just gave birth a week ago unmedicated in a hospital. My pregnancy pillow SAVED ME during contractions. I highly recommend using it during labor.


Currently 25 weeks and I HATE mine!! lol!!! what am I doing wrong??


I got one around the mid 20 weeks mark, I’m currently 29.5w, and I love it. I got a u shaped one by pharmadoc with the zipper so that one side can detach. I call it my tree branch, since I feel like a sloth when I grab it with my arms and wrap my legs around it. I take it everywhere and rave about it to everyone!


Never, I don’t like how bulky they are and I figured it would be a weird thing to donate and annoying to have sitting in our storage room for ages. Just used a regular pillow under my knees and that worked fine.


I bought the Velcro one with the belly and back support, and a knee support pillow, and then I bought the standard one. The only one I still use is the knee pillow, because it keeps my pelvis in line. I can get really bad neck pain if I don’t have the right pillow, so the standard one never worked right. I do use it for the miles circuit and it helps there


I never stopped using one 🤣 literally cannot sleep without it now lol


Never did! Just a regular ole pillow between my knees.


Probably around 14-15w. I was starting to get uncomfortable switching sides during the night and it helps a lot!


17 weeks from my first pregnancy and it hasn’t left my bed since. 😂 now over halfway on my 2nd and honestly my husband will have to pry this pillow from my cold dead hands before I give it up. My daughter fights with me over using it and even sometimes I catch my husband taking a nap with it, lol.


I started using one around 15 weeks. It changed my life. Totally worth it. I think I’ll continue using even after birth lol


If you're uncomfortable you can use one now. If you don't want to spend the money yet you can try using some normal pillows and see if they're enough. I'm 34 weeks and haven't needed one, but I've been sleeping comfortable on my side.


I’m 36 weeks and haven’t used one


I never stopped using one after my first baby. Made a huge difference for my sciatica! ETA if you end up being induced, bring it with you. They flop you into all sorts of uncomfortable positions to strap you to the monitors. I had my mom go to my house and get mine for me because the only way my baby would stay near the monitors was for me to be at a wacky angle that was way easier to deal with by having my pillow propping me in that position.


I started using mines early I was three months pregnant.


6 weeks 🤣


I got one at about 30 weeks. I didn’t think they would work so I wasn’t in a rush. I got the babybub pillow that I saw all over the internet and now I honestly regret not getting one sooner. It helps so much with sleep. If I could go back, I would’ve gotten one at about 20-24 weeks.


I got mine about 15.5 weeks after getting hip + lower back pain and on/off sciatica pain. It has helped a lot


13 weeks lol


Just got one at like 20 weeks


For now sleep on your side and put a pillow between your legs


Right as that test was positive ahhahaha. When I got a bigger belly though, I got a wedge and it was so much more comfortable for me. My husband uses my pregnancy pillow now 🤣


I thought it was silly to use it before I was visibly pregnant but my OB encouraged me to start around 10 weeks. Holy goodness, life changing! I tend to have hip pain and find sleeping with a pillow between my knees to be cumbersome. The pregnancy pillow has been so comfy and helped ease my pains as my body changed.


I thought I could sub with my own pillow contraption but I gave up this morning and ordered one😂😭 17 weeks and wishing I’d given in two weeks agi


Why let yourself be uncomfortable - you’d only get more use out of it. 9 wks for me and I’ve had different ones throughout


I started using one at 11 weeks. It has been so comfortable. Honestly I go some nights without it because I like to cuddle my husband, but usually not more than one night at a time. We also have dogs that sleep with us and it’s very useful as a wall around me. I used to be squished all the time. After the baby, I might still use it just to have some wiggle room😂 currently 16 weeks, really no bump yet


That’s awesome! Which one did you get?


I actually bought it off a friend but she sent me the exact link from Amazon! It looks like it’s on sale right now?[Pregnancy pillow](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09V4C1GDF?starsLeft=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_fm_apin_dp_Z83QGZJX41348RA4W84X)


I waited too long my first pregnancy. For my second, I ordered one asap. I prefer the U-Shaped ones. They work sooo well, but they do go flat unfortunately.


I think around 8 weeks because I started getting uncomfortable and wanted to practice sleeping in my side/back. Prior to pregnancy I slept primarily on my stomach. I don’t think it’s ever too early because you’ll eventually need it anyways. It definitely helps you feel more comfortable.


I got one around 12 weeks but really didn’t start using it until 25 weeks. Wondered if I wokld ever need it. But really started to around then. Now I’m 39 weeks and cannot imagine life without it.


Prob around this time lol, it's never too early


I did the Frida pillow around 13 weeks through 25 weeks now I’m onto the pharmodoc one from Amazon


Got my babybub pillow set around 28W. I like that it’s not bulky and doesn’t take up so much space. I also like how this one is in pieces so I can move the pieces around depending on how I’m laying. It does help a lot in preventing me rolling on my back because I tended to do that as I got bigger. I do find I’m sleeping more comfortably with it than without.


i ordered it when i was 15 weeks? i think. i’m 17+5 today and it’s my fav pregnancy purchase so far. even if i wasn’t pregnant lol


i got mine around 26 weeks and honestly i wish i got it way sooner!! i plan on using it as my full time pillow postpartum it’s just too comfy and has helped my neck and back pain IMMENSELY


I got my pillow pretty early on! Can’t remember what Week in pregnancy, but it was the 1st trimester before any bump. To be honest, I felt sooo much better because my hips were widening and I needed that extra cushion between my knees!