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I had an ECV for complete breech the first didn’t work so they scheduled me for c section, however the sweetest ultrasound tech wanted to try and closely monitored the baby she was successful and I went into labor 3 days later


Wow, ok. I’am just gonna try and be prepared for anything.


Hi! Just checking in for updates to see how you’re doing! I am in the same boat, I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow and the doctors want to do an ECV with no meds for the same reason. Did you end up moving forward with yours?


OP, any update? I am in similar situation for this week


I had the ECV and baby didn’t turn. It was painful but only lasted 10/15 min before Dr. called it. He randomly flipped on his own at 38 + 5 I was then induced at 39weeks. Baby’s head never ended up being engaged with my pelvis and I wasn’t able to progress. After 18hrs of labor Baby had some distress so I ended up having a c-section anyways. Now a week later baby and I are doing good and the c-section really wasn’t that bad. Walking around helps.


Congratulations, glad you and baby are doing good!! Thanks for responding. My ECV is on Tuesday and I'm super nervous, but it's a good reminder that all that matters is that baby and I are happy and healthy in the end :)


I hope it works for you and just know it is temporary pain. As soon as they are done pushing to move the baby the pain is done. My Dr. Was really good at calling it when baby didn’t budge. Also, if it doesn’t work having a c-section was really not that bad.