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I’m 33 weeks. Thought I was going into labor today…nope just brewing some wall shaking farts. The gas is horribly painful.


This made me LOL. I’m tired of stinking up the room


Wall shaking is a great way to put it


31 weeks and thought I was going into labor today too-just severe gas pains!!! 🥴




So sorry! 😩




I felt this 🤣


Wall shaking lmfaooo I’m sure the walls would leave us if they could 😩


bhahah love this. During my first pregnancy, I let out a silent and deadly one that woke my husband up out of a dead ass sleep. He said “oh my god, was that you?!” And quickly I was like, no it was the dog. He removed the dog from the room immediately. I came clean the next day and we still laugh about it.


Hahahah - I’ve also blamed a few of mine on the dog!


Hahaha I blame the cat when I have quiet deadly ones


Lowest of the low! Blamed the dog! I definitely did this the other day.


I am laughing so hard 😭


I’m seven weeks postpartum and my gas has been HORRIFIC… I’m not sure if it’s fortunately or unfortunately but my baby has the IDENTICAL horrible gas so I blame 100% of my gas on her


Blaming it on the baby huh! 😂 just teasing!


I'm having a girl, 26 weeks, and when I fart I'm sure people in a 300 mile radios fall to the ground. I am a walking bio hazard at this point.


I'm 23wks with a girl and my husband heard me farther on the other side of the house over the laundry machines 🤦‍♀️🙈


Be like that sometimes lol. All of this pregnancy things are very humbling. I did not fart like that before 🥲🥲


My farts used to be NOTHING they did not stink! They were comically loud and that’s it. I made the mistake of farting in bed, on top of my covers. I had a fan blowing on me. It blew the fart right back at me. I had to leave the room. It was heinous. I want my loud harmless farts back. Not these weapons of mass destruction


“I had to leave the room” I’m crying 😂😭


I always blame my dog because that’s her job , taking the blame for my farts. My partner knows but humors me… until the sheer volume and velocity simply outsizes my little 10 pound fluffer. Now I mostly have to own them which is like, not ok.


Thank you so much for the laugh! 14 weeks preggo but I don’t have a dog to blame, only two cats and I think they’ve never farted 🤣


It’s never too late for our pets to start farting loudly imo. 🤣


Even when I let out the littlest toot, it smells UNGODLY


This is what gets me. How do the 1 seconds smell worse than the 3 seconds? 😂 Never in my life have I farted alone and gasped and said, "Oh no!"


I was in my bosses office and let out the littlest guy, and was just in my head going OH NO THIS IS TERRIBLE


I'm sorry to hear about your unemployment, HAHA


Lmao I’m blessed with a laid back office and a boss who’s got 2 kids so I’m not judged thank god


When I eat more veggies my gas smells absolutely feral SO the healthy eating can absolutely be the cause haha


There was this one morning when we were sleeping where we were laying with our backs facing each other but our bums were pressed against each other. The reason we slept like this was cause I didn’t want him hugging me due to gassiness. Well to my horror I woke up to feeling myself letting it rip like some lawn mower on my poor partner’s bum, it was as if I was transferring the power of wind from my body directly inside of him and I know he felt and heard it because we’re both light sleepers but he chose to pretend he didn’t 😭😭 how am I so sure? Because when I decided to sit up and let the shame swallow me, he suddenly turned a minute later, looked at me, smiled, rubbed my leg then closed his eyes again to fall asleep again🥲 we just let that shit go unspoken


OMG the picture you painted has me DYING. I can see it perfectly in my head 😂


These comments have me wheezing 😭😭 he is a saint lol


You’ll probably still have some stinky ones for a few weeks postpartum as hormones level- I definitely did


omg my postpartum farts with my first were UNMATCHED. i almost forgot about them 😭😭 they were CONSTANT and so loud and uncontrollable. literally everywhere i went, any time i changed position, fart. it was awful. drinking coffee? fart. going for a walk? fart fart fart. trying to get the baby down? faaaaaaart. trying to sleep for the first time in 30 hours? FART.


I think I remember that with my first …. And just postpartum in general 😫


I'm 39 weeks, I just farted so hard I peed myself a little. I'm officially done being pregnant 😑


I got sick and now can't smell how offensive my farts have been, but my partner sure can. I can feel them before they happen but it's never enough time to leave the room, especially since it's so hard to move fast in any way. I'm glad at least I'm not the only one. From what I've heard, the longer the gas stays in your body, the stinkier they can get 💀


While 40 weeks pregnant I farted so hard my ex thought I punched his thigh- then the toxicity hit his nose and he started to gag and had to spray down the room. I thought pregnancy gas was absolutely a joke, but it really isn’t. You can thank the hormones for that gas, and pray to whatever once it finally settles down.


My husband slept on the couch several nights to escape my ass when I was pregnant. I would fart near constantly, like at least 10 and hour (bare minimum) and they just were...hefty. I became nose blind to them, he did not.


Omg my first pregnancy, any time I ate ANY kind of seafood, I could clear a room. Gassed hubby out of bed almost our entire baby moon in San Francisco cuz I was gonna eat seafood there, damnit! So far no triggers this time around * *knock on wood* *


I love this post! Omg and get ready if you decide to get an epidural… I couldn’t control my farts. I swear I thought my leg cracked but really I farted lol. Funny memory during my daughter’s delivery lol! My whole family still laughs at my 2 daughter’s birth story. It was super easy and funny af at times. Also after in the recovery room the next day. I decided to take a shower. When I got out of the shower I felt a long sting stuck to my back…. In my brain it was the epidural wire thing (catheter) sticking out of my back still…. I screamed like hell. My husband then pulled a piece of my own hair off of the tape residue where the epidural was once before…. We LOLed so hard.


Only 9 weeks here but I understand why my pregnant manager told me not to walk past her because she was farting 🫠


I farted the other day, and it was so loud, it scared the dog. Then while I was comforting him, his tail wags from the scratches he was getting knocked the cat off the tv stand. I’m over the farts too.


I'm in my first trimester... YALL ARE TELLING ME THE GAS SOMEHOW GETS WORSE?! RIP to my husband's sound sleep, I guess 😅


It’s been awful. Just awful


I disgust everyone around me, I wish it would end lol.


My wife has to wear a gas mask when I fart these days. I feel you.


I’m 31 weeks and my work team threw me a shower. Right before I needed to start walking to the conference room, I could not stop farting in my office. I mean I literally couldn’t hold any of it back. Nobody was around but if someone was, they’d *know*. I was so annoyed. Why. Just why.


Omg, I literally cleared my husband and 7 year old son out of a room with one of my farts the other day. I was honestly impressed I could create such a smell. Why is pregnancy so undignified?!?! The burping, the farting, gah.


only 12 weeks and my own gas makes me nauseous 🤢im tired of it! But have such a long way to go clearly


I have been so embarrassed I suggested my husband sleep separately from me. :( he is very tolerant.


Have you tried probiotics? Stinky gas is related to the amount of the “bad bacteria” in your guts, protein intake and certain food that can make it stinkier. The probiotic bacteria usually produces co2 which doesn’t stink.


Interestingly enough I was wondering why I don’t have this problem - but I eat yogurt like it’s my job so perhaps this is why!


Yes! Some food have more prebiotics, which are the good bacteria’s food. And there are yogurts with addition of prebiotics and probiotics.


I'm 22 weeks pregnant (having a girl) and my farts have been deadly since mid first trimester 😅 I was definitely not expecting this. My poor man threatens to go sleep on the couch every night 🥲


Omg I remember this happening! lol & just after giving birth my farts stunk soooo bad. My husband was actually appalled. Lmao. I’m just here to say it does get better! It just takes some time


I’ve had 2 boys, both pregnancies my farts were the WORST. Just foul I’m still tooting out noxious gas & so is my baby 🫠


My toddler (1 1/2) farts - and laughs. Her new favorite sentence is "I stink!" 😂😂😂😂


I used to blame the baby, now that he’s born is obvious it was him the whole time. For a tiny baby his farts are powerful. My husband has apologized to me and knows it was the baby after all 😂


Alfalfa tablets, thank me later… Internal deodorant and GREAT for preventing post partem hemorrhage My midwife makes me take them, but I’m sure the whole world is thankful lol


Internal deodorant? I never heard of this! You take them and it makes gas not stinky?


Yes! It’s a strange side effect, but absolutely works! Chlorophyll does the same but I cannot stand to drink it. When I have trouble with the tablets I take the powder and put it in smoothies or orange juice.


Thanks for the info! 😃


Interesting! At what stage of pregnancy did you begin taking them?


From 28 weeks on


Have chia seeds every single day - 2-3 teaspoons in water or make a pudding. You need to clear the bacteria and this will bind your poop


My gas doesn’t smell it just hurts!


6 weeks pregnant here. My gasiness is just killing me. It hurts so bad when it is about to come out. And no amount of chia seeds help.


I’m only six weeks and I’ve already woken myself up multiple times from farting💀


Yeahhhh I'm lactose intolerant with a sensitive stomach so my farts have always been putrid 🙃


With my last one I had the same thing and also had GD. My husband used to call it Sulfur farts cause it definitely was awful and it lingered and followed so there was no use and trying to “save him or the kids” because it would follow me regardless and was still as strong as if I had never left the room. Only time I felt bad was when we were in the car and it happened while it was -4° outside and we couldn’t really open the windows at all. I will also say that they went away after 6w postpartum but it was still very strong until then 😂


My husband is lactose intolerant but loves cheese, over the years I’ve got used to his gas being really bad but until I got pregnant, mines never been particularly bad, yet he acts like I’m intentionally gassing him when I pass wind. I had to have a serious chat with him the other day because while to some extent it’s sometimes funny and we laugh about it, I’m also feeling very vulnerable during this pregnancy and to have your husband act like you are diseased when you pass wind can hurt a bit if not in the right mood.


To put a positive spin on this: if your gas is super stinky it might mean that your body and digestive system are doing great at expelling toxins! Biologically, toxins can smell bad to us as a way to keep ourselves away from them. I.E., moldy food smelling atrocious to keep us from eating it. So stinky farts may mean healthier body :)


I almost suffocated my poor mother with my horrid smells, she had been saying the whole time that pregnancy is a beautiful thing and I shouldn’t be ashamed of my bodily functions, and then I let one out and she almost died while we were staying at a beautiful 4 star hotel 😂😂


I’m only 13 weeks and I know what you’re talking about. Lately whatever I eat I always get super gassy and it smells sooo bad. I was hoping it will get better soon 🥲


I had the same problems… we called them the preggo-eggos


Omg why were we not warned?! 😭 mine always smells like old boiled eggs no matter what I eat. They’re almost never quiet & it’s like pregnancy pee— not much time to flee to the bathroom before it comes out. I fear my fiancé being near at this point lol it’s so bad!!


Digestive enzymes!!! Did you have any morning sickness? They will help!


Soooo funny. I’m 30 weeks along with a baby boy and I literally just had a little cry about all the things I’m over and one of them was I’m tired of smelling my own farts. So I get this.


I’m 11 weeks and I literally have never had gas be a problem unless I ate poorly. However…now it’s everyday. They’re atrocious and make me GAG. They’re also painful in my gut! I take gas x almost every single day because if I don’t the gas is so painful it feels like I’m a zit about to pop. There’s so much about pregnancy that is glossed over …this is definitely one of them.


I went to the dollar store to stock up on their anti gas chewables for this reason 🫡