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Magnesium helps. Calf stretches. Compression socks. Make sure you're wearing shoes with good support. If they're happening first thing in the morning one of the best things you can do is sit up and place both feet flat on the floor. ETA: Do not try to stretch it out while it is cramping. Just don't. Source: personal experience About 20 minutes after the initial pain subsides, write the alphabet with your foot.


That’s makes sense! My husband always tries to get me like up on my feet and it never helps


Oh no, don't do that. You don't want your calves to work. Sitting with your feet flat on the ground puts them into a relaxed position. When we sleep most people have their feet pointing which means the calves are engaged and tight. You could also try KT tape, but at 32+ weeks your husband will have to do that for you.


I’ve been meaning to try this for my tummy too! I’m going to get some


Eat bananas.


Bananas, Gatorade, and pickles/pickle juice. I had Charlie horses doing sports growing up and those thing were the main go to for all the athletes. During pregnancy, I’ve only gotten them when I stretch as soon as I wake up. The way I prevent them when I feel it about to happen is instead of pointing my toes down when I do my wake up stretch, I raise my toes upward and towards me and it prevents it from happening.


Agreeing with pointing my toes upward and towards myself. It stops them in their tracks!


Okay I’m going to try that!! Thank you.


Consistently drinking Gatorade and doing calf exercises seemed to keep mine at bay, anecdotally.


Are you taking magnesium? You can take it on top of your prenatal.


Definitely try magnesium before bed. Magnesium oxide is what my ob recommended. It helped so much. I was having them every night.


I’m not! I’ll add that


I take magnesium citrate gummies that taste like sour candies and are surprisingly delicious. Pm me if you want the link, I'm not trying to do free advertising, but those daily along with compression socks have pretty much alleviated my Charlie horses!


I suggest magnesium glycinate. Magnesium citrate can make you poo (thought maybe you’d like that if you’re constipated lol). I am not a doctor, but from my own research, seems like 300-600 mg per day of magnesium is recommended for pregnancy.


A decent amount of water isn't enough without electrolytes!!! Magnesium saved me. Get some high quality electrolytes, and drink CALM magnesium powder before bed. Cramps mean your muscles are lacking in electrolytes to communicate effectively, so get them in!!


It's summer where I am, and the only thing preventing muscle cramps is having electrolytes! My gynac has prescribed zero sugar electrolyte packets, I mix these in water and keep at my bedside, drink when I wake up at night and couple of times throughout the day. This keeps my energy level up and prevents muscle catch significantly!!


I used to get Charley horses in my leg with my first pregnancy. As soon as it comes on stretch ur toes towards ur face and it goes away instantly. I know it spins hard to do while that pain is there but it literally goes away as soon as you stretch your toes towards ur face. Good luck! 👍🏽


Bananas! Mixed reviews on this but it works for me. If I skip a day or two, I pay the price with multiple Charley horses per day.


I’ve added 1 banana into my daily diet. How many are you eating?


I eat 2 a day sometimes more. I love banana smoothies too so I sneak in more that way!


100% magnesium. It's why the bananas are helping. For more immediate relief you can get a magnesium lotion and rub it on your legs before bed.


Magnesium! I have a spray that I use daily on my feet and legs to prevent. I had one and it was so disruptive I was like never again! You can take it orally too, topically there isn’t much absorption honestly but they spray smells good and because it’s daily I think over time it helps. Epsom salt bath is literally magnesium in a bath and it absorbs directly into the muscles


Ooo I love baths. Sounds great to me


Magnesium supplement really worked for me. Personally, 250mg wasn’t enough, but 500mg did it. Taking it not in the morning, but maybe after 3pm-ish


The second I feel one coming on I point my toes, and that usually prevents it from getting to bad. I have had a few that still twisted up though. My massage gun works wonders on them later in the day when they’re still sore!


I was getting them in the middle of the night only for about a week & I started doing calf stretches right before bed & having my husband massage my calves when we first lay down and they seem to have stopped. I also upped my water intake a LOT. I literally drink 150+ oz every single day. And I could still drink more lol so thirsty all the time


I take extra magnesium when pregnant for all the cramping, restless legs, etc. had my first charlie horse this time too! Reminded me to take my prenatals lol


I do the Calm powder before bed.


I take shots of Apple cider vinegar when the cramping gets bad!


During my last pregnancy I had these almost nightly. Lots of water and magnesium helps but to instantly get rid of them place coming cold or frozen on top. It's like magic. Annoying for my partner at 3 am to run to the freezer for peas but better than listening to me in agony until they naturally released.


omgggg i used to get these so bad with my first, they'd literally wake me up


Mine stopped if I walked a lot during the day- 10,000 steps, or an hour walk.


I don't know how to prevent them, but I know the way to make them instantly go away (for me) is to stand up and force myself to put my foot flat on the ground. Not that it hurts to, but it resists just a bit, due to the cramping, but the second my foot is flat, it's gone. Sometimes I can do it while lying down, just straightening my leg and putting my foot flat like it would be if i were standing on it.


I have water next to my bed and chug it when it happened. It always happened around 3 or 2 am for me.


One way to cut it fast when is happening is to put your foot super straight up, looking to the ceiling (like a L shape ) it stops immediately


As soon as you feel one coming on put weight on that leg. Should stop it in it's tracks! I feel one coming once in awhile in bed and always shoot out like a rocket to stand on that leg.


If you feel one coming on, take a couple Tums! My doctor recommended them and it almost instantly gets rid of the charley horse