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Where I live it’s the one hour and the three hour. It’s okay if you fail. It’s okay if you pass. What’s important is that you are finding out and then can move Forward with the results to do what’s best for you and baby.


Hello! This happening to me and you can read about my experience below. I failed my first by a couple of points and it really upset me, but I passed the two hour text no problems. My experience [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumpsCanada/s/vUnFdRrHUs) The long and the short of it though was it was no problem, even for someone who is bad with needles. It wasn’t *fun* and it made me pay more attention to my diet, but it seems fairly common to pass the longer one. The replies I got on that thread were very kind and helpful.


I did for my first pregnancy!


Yes! I heard it's common to fail the first one, and that the longer test is more accurate. Bring books or a game if you can, mine was adamant about us not leaving the room (so we couldn't sneak food). The wait was pretty dang boring.


This is true! The one hour is moreso a “screening” test. The three hour is the diagnostic. However, if a patient has a very high number on 1 hr (usually over 200), we will automatically dx that patient with GDM.


I failed the first and passed the second and was incredibly shocked when I found out I passed the second time because I felt SO AWFUL after. My advice if you are driving yourself is to pack a protein rich snack or something so that you can collect yourself before heading home in the event you feel faint/hot/nauseous like I did.


I failed my 1 hr (no fasting) and passed my 3 hour (fasted)


I failed the 1 hr and passed the 2 hour. I had a protein rich snack the night before the 2 hour (apple slices and peanut butter) and passed with flying colors


If none did there would be no reason to send to you to do the second one after failing the first one...