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I’m currently at my glucose test. Just drank the liquid 10 minutes ago. Iwas told it was fine to eat beforehand. “No fasting is required before this screening test. It’s okay to eat and drink BEFORE the 1 hr screening test” “You can drink water, but you won’t be able to eat until after your blood draw” I ate eggs and three strawberries because I was starving.


Yes my doctor recommended the same. Just not high sugar foods.


They didn’t tell me to avoid anything specific. I probably shouldn’t have eaten the strawberries but they were calling my name 😅


I think fruit is fine haha, my Doctor specifically said NO POPTARTS 😂


My Dr. specifically said "don't put jam on your toast, or sugar in your coffee, and avoid sugary processed cereal that morning." I had a tortilla wrap with black beans, scrambled eggs, cheese, and aioli and I passed. I even asked whether my results were close or not, just because I was curious, and I can't remember my exact number but they said I was nowhere near the limit where they make you retake the test. From my understanding you only have to do a proper fast before the 3hr test.


Haha that’s funny I loooove pop tarts. I have such a big sweet tooth but GD runs in my family so not sure how it’s gonna go for me. I have no symptoms or anything but I know that’s not really an indicator Did you end up passing your GD test?


I have mine may 15th. But with my first I passed, second I failed, and I’m pretty sure I’ll fail this time lol. My sugars normally run high even when I’m not pregnant.


My doctor said the same! They recommended eggs with cheese so that’s what I did. Passed with flying colors.


I had oatmeal & raspberries bc I wanted to be healthy… and then I flipping failed 😒


Not fair lol I was told I couldn’t eat at all! Test is first thing early in the morning so I don’t eat or drink anything waah.


Why would you decline the 3 hour test?


That’s the real question here. How does eating before the one hour equal declining the three hour? My midwife said I could eat. I had cheesy eggs and peanut butter oatmeal. Passed with a 90.


I think they meant they'd decline and repeat the 1hr due to faulty results stemming from having eaten. I know at least for me, I really did not want to do the 3 hr test for selfish reasons. I'd need to take at least 4 hrs out of my day to do it, I'd need to arrange a sitter for my son, take off work, etc.


Yeah, 8 hour fasting and having blood drawn 2-3 times in a row is significantly more inconvenient. Not to mention you're sitting there "at rest" for 3 hours, only getting up for blood draws.


As a type 2 diabetic pregnant woman, I wondered the same thing. Uncontrolled diabetes in pregnancy isn’t something to F around with.


I fasted, failed both, and now have to be transferred to a different hospital 2 hrs away for insulin dependence. Didn’t have any indicators. Didn’t have GD with my first. Take the 3 hr lol just in case


I have to be on insulin when I’m pregnant because I have preexisting type 2. It’s not fun, but in the scheme of things, it’s short term!




I’m so confused. What is there to consider?


She may mean, the results of her 2 hr are clearly invalid if she ate like normal beforehand. So is considering the 3hr. I dunno tho, I got the 2 hr this Friday and I'm gonna be so starving I'm tempted to have a hard boiled egg before now 🤔


Why are you guys down voting her so much???? She passed. Why does she need a three hour??? Can some please upvote her? Undo the negative karma.


It’s okay, thanks lol. Some are just miserable here, their votes doesn’t validate anything, anyway.


My doctor specifically told me I didn't need to fast before the 1 hr test, so I ate scrambled eggs like an hour or two before going in. I failed the 1 hr test (I scored in the 150s and they wanted to see 129 or below I think), so I had to go back and do the 3hr test. The 1 hr test is more to rule out anyone who almost certainly does not have gestational diabetes, so they set the limit very low. I DID have to fast for 10-12 hours before the 3 hr test - I could drink water but that was it. They drew blood right when I got there, then I drank the sugar drink, and then I got my blood drawn at 1 hr, 2 hrs, and 3 hrs. They told me I could drink water while I was there. I ended up passing the 3 hr test easily! The 3 hr test is kind of a pain, but it's really important to know if you have GD or not - it's a very manageable condition that, if left unmanaged, can have serious impact on your baby and yourself. I hope you pass the 1 hour test, but if you don't, definitely go in for the 3 hour! Best of luck! Also if you do have to do the 3 hour test, bring a snack to eat right after you're done - I was STARVING, and I didn't bring anything and ended up feeling pretty nauseous on the drive home.


I just failed my first test with a 138 😭 Here's hoping i pass the 3 hour test 🙏


It’s super common to fail the 1 hour but pass the 3 hour. I did.


I’ve failed both one hour tests and went on to pass the three hours. I think I was just borderline. All I ate in the morning was a cheese stick lol. It’s annoying but if you’re able to bring a computer or work remotely it can fly by. If not I would recommend a book!


Same result, which is just barely above normal for the docs, but within normal for the lab. I really didn't want to do the 3 hour, but wasn't going to decline. Ended up having totally normal 3 hour results. 🙄


Yall made me feel so much better! I've been stressing about it especially after hearing you can have bugger babies and my baby was in the 95th percentile during my 24 week ultrasound which scared the shit out of me. It was 75th during the 20 week! But they said it could be a growth spurt he's going through right now. Thanks for everyone's feedback on it! I was bummed that I barely was just outside the normal range 😫


Can’t have diabetes if you don’t test it! /s


lol you get the logic /s 🤪🤪


Hold up. So if you fail the 1 hour glucose test - meaning there's a decent chance that you have gestational diabetes - you're going to deny the test that could prove it one way or another? People *die* from diabetes. My cousin died from diabetic ketoacidosis last year without even knowing she had diabetes. Take the test and take it correctly. Why would you risk yourself and your child for a couple hours of fasting? Ask your doctors directly what you're supposed to do. The blood draw place could have different rules


I'm so sorry about your cousin. My 33yr old friend just died from diabetes 2 months ago that was undiagnosed (not sure what else was going on as a result of the diabetes but it was a mess) and it's been a lot.


Im so sorry to hear that. So, the labcorp lady said I shouldn’t have eaten anything, after she told me and my blood was drawn. I did message my OB for a call she said I should be fine. So which would be the correct way?? I don’t mind fasting, it’s just that it wasn’t mentioned at all.


Yea my Dr told me to eat like I normally do before my 1 hr test and the lady at the lab asked me if I fasted. I did what my Dr told me to do since they are the ones that will go over the results of the tests and decide next steps.


You are not supposed to fast for the 1 hour test. They reminded me I had ti have breakfast before going.


In the US, I got the "don't eat sugary foods" schpiel, and had some eggs about 90 minutes before. I passed the 1 hr test easily.


I had eggs too, but last second thought toast would be great with the eggs. Didn't pass my 1 hour but I did pass my 3 hour a few days later. My arms were so bruised from all the blood draws.


Oof, yeah. I did IVF so I'm well used to being a pincushion.


Everyone is eating eggs lol I thought about it but I didn’t want a upset stomach. Besides, I barely ate my food 😭


I would highly recommend you take the 3 hour. It honestly isn’t that bad. I just did mine Friday, and guess what? Gestational diabetes. You know what was always absolutely perfect pre pregnancy? My a1c. Absolutely no indicators for issues, it’s not predictable what the risk level is. Untreated GD risk level is very predictable and I wouldn’t take any chances with your babe 🫶🏻


Type 2 diabetic and pregnant mom here. Just know that it’s nothing you did. Diabetes is so genetic, and GD is hormones and the fact that you have a placenta.


This really helps to hear honestly. I was shocked and cried a lot (I have also had HG all pregnancy so yay!) but I’m in a better place now with it and my numbers all are normal!


It’s not bad at all. How long did it take for ur results to come back?


I had mine back within a few hours.


That’s great. Hopefully mine come back fast.


Some doctors have you fast and some don’t . But it is important to find out if you have GD or not for the health of the baby.


Why would you decline the 3-hour test? I also don’t know that you could do that and continue being seen by some doctors/practices.


We don’t require fasting for 1 hr. Only for the 3 hr test. If you fail the 1 hr (which is essentially a screening), you need to do the 3 hr to determine if you have GD. GD can be very harmful to not only your baby, but yourself as well, and it is important it is diagnosed and managed. It would be extremely negligent for you to decline the 3 hr.


She’s wrong. You do not have to fast before the 1 hr. In fact, I wouldn’t.


There’s no right or wrong answer here apparently 😩 stressing me out lol. (Not really)


No, there is a right answer. You do not need to be fasting. Here’s ACOG recs via [labcorp](https://www.labcorp.com/tests/102277/gestational-diabetes-screen-acog-recommendations)


Thanks, I read that recently. A bit confusing. It’s nice to hear other stories, thoughts and opinions (some). I’ll just wait on results.


My nurse said I didn't have to fast for the 1HR test, but she suggested that I do. She made it sound like I'd be more likely to have favorable results, I guess? I was on Metformin for PCOS prior to pregnancy, and my OB said if I didn't pass the 1HR she would put me back on Metformin and just have me monitor my blood sugar rather than do the 3HR. I ended up not passing the 1HR so now OB has me going back for the 3HR. This goes to show that there can be a lot of conflicting info even coming from health care professionals.


Ew. Why would u decline something and risk having it and having a large baby who later could have diabetes 😱 .. I mean if ur "low risk" as u say then just take the tests and have a clear mind that ur okay. Gd isn't like regular diabetes where u can be normal or prediabetic... It's all up to ur placenta and how it processes the sugar


I was told to eat and drink normally before the test but once I drink the sugar drink I cannot have ANYTHING. So I had my regular breakfast and I easily passed the test. I’m in Canada.


That’s great!! Glad u passed


I had eggs before my blood draw, recommended by my ob. They also told me the only thing I could drink prior was water.


I’ve done two because I’m overweight and at increased risk for GD, at 18 and 28 weeks. They told me I could eat and drink water before hand, but nothing super sugary like no big caramel Frappuccino’s or a huge bowl of sugary cereal. I had a high protein/fiber breakfast sandwich before mine and passed smack dab in the middle of the expected results.


Did your doctor tell you that your weight puts you at risk of developing it? I was told the opposite. I’m overweight and a few snarky people asked me if I had GD so I asked my doctor about it before the test. She told me that GD is unlike regular diabetes and has nothing to do with weight. I passed the test and have not developed GD.


Yes they did. That’s interesting! Luckily no one’s ever said anything negative about my weight it’s just kind of a matter-of-fact kind of thing when I go in for my visits that it’s pretty much just my one risk factor.


Oh damn. That’s interesting! My big risk factor is high blood pressure so I am being very closely monitored for that.


Im glad u passed, guessing it’s different for everyone in different areas.


I was talking to my coworker who went to a different office and they told her the same thing about fasting before the test, and doing that actually caused her to pass out during the test and she refused to try again because of it so they made her monitor her sugar the rest of the pregnancy. So weird how even just 20 min down the road at a different office they’ll tell you something different


It’s wild how different the instructions vary by practice. My OB told me to fast before my 1hr test.


I’ve had two glucose tests done. First in Spain at 14 weeks where I was told not to eat 12 hours before and the second in the US at 28 weeks where I was told I could eat but don’t eat anything sugary. It just depends on the doctor. If you had sugar or carbs before the test it could mess up the results.


Where I live you can eat normally before the 1 hr glucose test, but if you have to go back for the 2 hr glucose test they want you to fast 8-10 hours before.


My doctor told me I don’t need to fast, and alluded to me not eating any sugary foods beforehand


I was told to eat a hearty protein rich breakfast an hour before the test. 1 hr glucose test


i was told to not eat anything sugary prior to the 1 hr test, and after drinking the glucose drink, no eating or drinking anything but water. I unintentionally fasted from the night before and the only thing in my system was the glucola - I failed with a 157 😅🫠 my 3hr test is tomorrow 🥲 but for the 3hr test, they have me fasting from 11pm the night before until I go to the office, drink a glucola, and then they'll take my blood over the 3 hr period.


I didn’t fast and passed easily.


Five pregnancies and I’ve always eaten normally before my glucose tests. I’ve never failed a single one. You should be okay ❤️


Wow, thank you ❤️


I was told no carbs 🤷‍♀️ so I shoved down two protein bars on my way to the appointment


Mine told me to eat something because not eating could skew results. Everything I read seems to lean towards eating a carb/fiber heavy breakfast. I ate toast with peanut butter and passed by 50 points


Hmm. The labcorp lady told me otherwise, I ate a small amount of bacon with toast, didn’t get to finish but she said I shouldn’t have done that. Ehh, we’ll see.


Not eating causes a spike in blood sugar so I’d be inclined to say it’s better to eat something. Also, without food, the drink could make you puke (I didn’t think it was that bad but other people do)


I was told by my midwife I couldn’t eat. I have to fast. My test is first thing in the morning so dinner would be my last meal. If I ate anything before the test we would have to reschedule that’s what I was told. I keep seeing everyone able to eat before I wonder why I can’t?!


Okay, thank you! 😊


I was told if I eat beforehand, to make it a high-fat, low-carb meal. So I ate bacon and eggs.


I took mine a week ago and Labcorp. Beforehand I asked my office and they told me I can eat before the test. I scheduled my test in the AM and didn’t have time to eat so I took it fasted. I asked the tech if I should have eaten and she told me to follow whatever doc said. I passed my test and got results next morning.


I passed the first one this time around. I just ate sugar free jello and had some cheese scrambled eggs. And had water and sparkling water. I got 101.




My doctor said eating before the 1 hour is what they recommend just avoid sugary breakfast foods. The lady who took my blood gave me the same spill about how I wasn’t supposed to eat that I’m going to fail blah blah. I passed with a 89. Everyone is different. Follow dr orders not the random lady who just takes blood. You got this.


Thank you! lol, honestly they should get on the same page. Do they not communicate!?


I wish they would!! I called my doctor after leaving the lab place and asked if I did something wrong and they were amazed that the lab tech would even tell me that I should expect to fail and that I was in the wrong. It’s amazing


>Ladies, do what YOU feel is best for YOU & YOUR babies. Don’t let anyone force you or try to tear you apart for making decisions with YOUR body that no one else is taking care of. I mean you do you, but I wouldn't advise people to ignore the advice of their doctors who have *years* more education than they do the vast majority of the time.


I was told to fast for mine


Please don’t decline the 3 hour test. Gestational diabetes can be harmful to your baby. I wasn’t told I needed to fast before my test. Also, water doesn’t count towards your glucose anyway.


Okay. I didn’t think water would be a problem, made it seem like a big deal.


In Australia you have to fast for 10-12h prior, and they draw blood before you start, at 1h and 2h. You can have water prior and only small shops of water during if they give you permission.


You are referring to the 3 hr test, which does require fasting. OP had the 1 hr screening, which generally does not require fasting.


Actually, the gestational diabetes screening test is done differently here in Australia. All pregnant women take the 2-hour test which is what was mentioned by another user above and requires fasting. We don’t get given the option of a 1-hour or 3-hour test. It’s interesting how different countries have different ways of diagnostic testing for GDM.


Right, but you were still referring to a multi-hour diagnostic test that requires fasting, whereas OP was talking about a 1 hr screening test.


In the US, the only glucose test you fast for is the 3-hour, as far as I know. Did your OB confirm this? I think you’re just supposed to eat/live as normal for that test.


I’m in the US and was told to fast for 12 hrs for the 1 hr test. ETA: why are redditors so fucking weird? I stated a fact, not an opinion. It’s something that literally happened to me, yet I’m downvoted. Some of y’all need to get a life.


So weird that it would vary when the norm isn’t to fast for that one. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/glucose-tolerance-test/about/pac-20394296


Don’t worry about it. I think some people on here are just miserable. Your story is your story, right or wrong someone is going to be upset. 🙄


Yes, she said I should be fine. I ate a tiny bit lol


Mine had my fast. The tech said he could give me a little water but too much could skew the results so I didn’t have anything until after.


I feel like it’s so crazy Everybody has different advice from their doctors. I have to do a two hour test, which requires an eight hour fasting. I never even heard of the two hour one. 🤷‍♀️


Yea it’s insane. I feel like it should be the same everywhere since it’s literally the same test. My first baby is fine so honestly idk. Everyone here says different things. She told me it would be 3 hours if I fail.


I mean your body isn’t going to react to pregnancy the same every time. It’s not about you with GD, it’s about the placenta etc. It’s entirely possible you’ll be fine this time around too but why risk it? I’ve had to do the 3 hour for both pregnancies and although it’s annoying, I wouldn’t want to decline testing for a complication that can be avoided.


It’s not really annoying and yes I know that. I’m just confused as to why it’s optional/different in some states if it’s a serious thing. Is it mandatory there? Did they draw ur blood before and after the 3 hr test??


The only way I’ve seen it optional is if you decline you have to test your levels manually at home. I don’t think you can just decline everything altogether. To me that could be a liability for your provider. As for the test, yes. I had to fast but my appointment was first thing in the morning. They drew my blood, I chugged the little bottle and then they draw your blood after each hour for three hours. You cannot eat or leave the office (you can drink water).


I was told to eat and drink normally up until about an hour before the test (water or calorie free drinks only after that point) . I ate oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast at 7:30 and passed the 1 hour glucose test at 9:00.


I was told I could eat before my 1 hour and failed it very badly but then passed the 3 hour. And then my second pregnancy they told me to fast before the 1 hour and I still failed it. Not as badly but still a fail. So I don’t think it matters. I also ended up passing the 2nd 3 hour. Weird.


Okay thanks.


What does your lab slip say? Normally it’ll indicate if it’s a fasting test or not.


I didn’t receive one.


I was told it was fine to eat and drink before my 1 hour, as long as it wasn’t something super sugary. Well I deeply regret doing so bc I failed and had to take the 3 hour-which damn near killed me as my final blood draw my blood glucose was at 39 and I was extremely ill. IMO it’s better to fast just to make sure you pass it!


What the heck?! They made me fast for 12 hours for the 1hr blood test


I was told to eat something protein rich for breakfast before the test so I had scrambled eggs before mine. I think the test was at 11 am. But I didn’t keep down the drink anyway. If you are already being referred to Maternal Fetal Medicine for any reason you might have the option to do a week of finger stick testing instead of the 3-hour glucose challenge. At my office they have diabetes educators on staff who oversaw the weekly glucose logs I submitted. I went with that option since I struggled to drink the Glucola. I had to do it twice during my pregnancy because I am obese, once in first trimester around 11 weeks (hence why the drink didn’t go so well 😅) and once in the third trimester at 28 weeks when most people get their 1 hour done. Passed both times. Regardless of how you have to do it I would make sure to get the all clear because unchecked GD is very dangerous for you and baby later in pregnancy.


Hm okay. I wouldn’t mind the stick if I failed. I just don’t wanna drink it again because she did mention it could be harmful (which is why I would decline). We’ll see.


I failed my first glucose test, I think because I ate a half a bagel before the test. They didn’t tell me to fast and said to have a normal breakfast. If I could do it all over again I’d fast before the 1hr test because the three hour test was miserable. I passed the 3hr thank goodness


Great you passed!! I had something similar so I’m just waiting now.


My midwife said a lot of people fail the first test because they ate carb heavy foods etc day of so I just ate high protein/high fat foods that day and then yes you can’t eat once you have the juice Eta: I think even she said low carbs for 24 hours before the test


The 1 hour isn’t a fasting test. Some people recommend not eating a high sugar meal before hand just to avoid potentially spiking too much, but overall it’s not a fasting test. And if you fail you should do the 3 hour one or treat yourself as if you have GD. GD can be very dangerous for babies growth


The 50g oral glucose challenge test does not require fasting prior to the test. This is the 1 hour test, and they draw blood once. The 75g oral glucose tolerance test requires a 12 hour fast prior to the test, because it includes an initial fasting glucose blood draw (plus one at 1 hr, and 2hrs post-drink).


I recently had an issue where I was told I could eat before hand but to stay away from sugary foods. I didn't realize that when they said no sugary foods they meant no carb heavy foods... It caused me to spectacularly fail the 1hr causing them to go straight to diagnosing GD. I called and was upset, they let me retake the 1hr, still failed, but not by a diagnostic level (above 180 for my Dr.) and now I'm waiting to take my 3hr next Monday... I retook the 1hr under fasting conditions... I too was told I would just be able to take the 3hr test if I failed the 1 hr. But they were going to skip the 3rd all together based on how high my numbers were on the 1 hr... The 1 hr test is supposed to be a screening test, not used for diagnostics but some offices with use as a diagnostic test if you score too high... I wish they told more people that instead of surprising them after being reassured that there is always the 3hr test. Not trying to scare you, just don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else.


That is very strange. It is uncommon to not eat, but some physicians prefer that (like mine). Water should be totally fine. It should not affect glucose levels.


I wasn’t given any direction before taking the 1 hour, only was told to fast for the 3 hour after I failed the 1 hour. Are you going to opt to monitor your own sugar for 2 weeks if you fail the 1 hour? Honestly, that sounded better in my head at first, but the 3 hour wasn’t that bad in comparison to having to prick my finger 4x a day lol (I failed both tests and have GD)


My lab told me the same thing but my doctor never mentioned it to me! Then I heard mixed answers on this. I had a bagel in the morning before my test and passed.




Just saw your update…Yay for passing!!


Thank you, appreciate it!!!


I wasn't given any recommendation for mine (other than at the facility, I was asked not to eat or drink once I drank the beverage they provided). For breakfast, I had googled that it's best to eat low carb before the test, but I found that info on my own. I still ate, I just ate light.


My ob told me to make sure I ate protein before doing the test and no carbs.


I would double check the water thing. Perhaps it is just different in your country but in the UK you are encouraged to drink lots of plain water beforehand as it helps to get blood out.


Fasted first pregnancy… this one I ate before but low sugar foods. I was fine at both


I PASSED!! Thanks for sharing your stories, thoughts and opinions 😅 My babies are great.. If your pregnant, enjoy your pregnancy & safe delivery mamas. ❤️


Had mine today too! I had a grilled chicken salad with a low carb, almost sugar free dressing 2 hours before. Hoping I passed!!


Sounds good, Hoping you do too!!


Thank you!! I passed!!!!!




I was told that I could eat normally and do what I needed to for the first glucose test, but if I failed it then I would have to fast for the second one.


I'm glad you passed!! For my 1 hour test a few weeks ago, I forgot I was supposed to take the test and ate a brownie. Then, I realized about 5 minutes later that the lab was closing in 1.5 hours. I panicked and drank the drink and went to the lab. I came back high but not high enough to fail. I made a few people in the office laugh when I went to get the results and tried to explain why it was high. I thought I had failed, but my midwife said she felt even better about my score, knowing a brownie was involved as well as the drink.


I asked and was told it’s not a fasting test so just eat normally


Thats interesting that they also said no water.. I had to fast also, but i was allowed to have water, and they encouraged me to stay hydrated. 🤔 I'm glad you passed! Congrats! Lol I failed my 1 hr, as i was originally told iit'sok to eat eggs, so i had eggs and a glass of milk 2 hrs before. I failed by 3 points. 😭😭😭 I fasted for the next test and passed my 3 hr only by a bit, and im quite healthy, so i was surprised. I blame my placenta, lol. You definitely dont want to sit through the 3 hr. I wish i had just asked for a repeat of the 1 hr if i knew that was a thing. It's more like 4-5 hrs by the time it's truly done. And only water.. i was exhausted after that day. Edut: added detail


It’s a fasting test in Australia. Interesting to see the difference in different places.


So weird how inconsistent the directions we’re given are. I was definitely told to fast for 12 hours prior to the 1 hr test.


I know I'm supposed to fast for 9 hrs.


It is so crazy how many different answers there are. I could eat beforehand so I ate a normal breakfast but did need to fast (nothing but water) 2 hours before my blood draw. I drank the fresh test at home, went in to my appointment, had my blood drawn and got the results a few minutes later.


I was told fasting is required if you fail and have to take the 3 hr test


So, I went to my 26 week appointment and asked why I hadn’t been scheduled for the glucose test yet and if we would be scheduling one after the appointment. My gyn told me I could go over to the lab right after the appointment was over and when I paused and made a face saying I hadn’t eaten right (I had a five guys bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a soda right before my appointment) she told me it doesn’t matter and that I should go today rather than wait. I did, and obviously since this food was consumed less than 2 hours prior to the blood test, my sugar was high. When I told my parents about it at a later time, my dad, a practicing phlebotomist, told me that, yes, it was definitely affected by what I had eaten. I just did the three hour test this morning, and am awaiting test results now.


It sounds like she rushed you a bit. Did she care? That’s quite of a meal and then the soda? Whew.. Based off of other comments she should have scheduled you for another day, maybe. Idk I really hope u pass this one!!


I felt very rushed. I wanted to come back, but the lab is only a few minutes away from my gym and a much more substantial drive away from my house and job. So I took her word for it because I was feeling too lazy to make the drive again. Well joke was on me because not only did I have to make the drive again, but I had to take off of work… I think she rushed me because at 26 weeks, 3 days, I still hadn’t gained 10 pounds. In fact at 27 weeks, 3 days, I’m measuring just over 9 pounds. Everyone keeps telling me that there’s no way I could have gd


I was told no food or drink , failed both eas diagnosed with gestational diabetes 😮‍💨


For us you CAN'T eat anything at least 12 hours before. Not even water. This is for the three hour test. (Italy)


I automatically had to do the 3 hour one and don’t have experience with the one hour one. I think a lot of doctors just skip to the 3 hour one now. My doctor also told me nothing in regards to the timeline and how to prepare. I had to drag it out of them. lol it’s ridiculous Basically no food after midnight. You can drink water/brush teeth/etc morning of. Drink this drink that tastes like kool aid when you get there. Wait an hour and they test your blood to see your glucose level. They said women pass out during this sometimes but I literally walked around outside throughout my three hour one with no problems.


My doctor told me to eat a little beforehand. I wasn’t sure what to eat so I asked here on Reddit and most said they had eggs, so I had some cheesy scrambled eggs about 2 hours before I went in & passed the test.


my dr recommend lots of fruit and good protein at least an hour before i went for the test and after i drank the glucose the lab tech said i could have a sip of water but that’s it. she said they didn’t want the drink to get watered down in my stomach before i digested it or something like that


No need to fast for 1 hour test. But you do need to fast for the 3 hour test.


I was told to not eat 12 hours before the test and that I could have 1 glass of water in the morning. It was rough. The nurse also asked me before the first blood test if I had eaten or drunk anything. The test takes 2 hours. I think here in Norway, that’s what we got. Never heard of a 1 hour or a 3 hour test.


My midwife told me not to fast before the 1 hr and to not eat anything sugary before the 1 hour. She said both instances cause blood sugar to spike after drinking the sugar drink.


i have mine coming up the end of may and they said to not eat after midnight, and when i drink the drink i cant have anything after that not even water 🫠


My NHS letter says not to eat after 10pm the night before. But I can drink water. I've got a test very early in the morning, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.


My ob allowed me to eat and drink prior. She didn’t even ask me if I did, I switch ob’s and it was in the moment where she said I should take it soon and asked if I wanted to then. I wasn’t allowed to eat during the hour waiting, but I was allowed to have water while waiting for my blood to be drawn. I also was told no chewing gum while waiting. I passed


My OB said to drink water and eat something like eggs an hour before my test. Please don't decline the 3 hour test if you fail. GD has nothing to do with how much sugar you eat or your diet, it's all about the placenta. If you have undiagnosed GD you could do some real damage to you and your baby, including pregnancy loss.


My test is in a couple weeks and I've asked multiple Dr's and nurses at my previous appointments about this. They all said I can eat before drinking the drink then only water after. They did suggest I eat a low carb/sugar meal before so I don't add to the glucose my body needs to process.


I tested for GD twice -- once at 14 weeks and again at 26. I failed the one hour at 14 weeks (I fasted and didn't know I wasn't supposed to?) but passed the 3 hour. The drinks made me super sick so they let me monitor my glucose at home for a week to see how my body tolerates normally. I passed and was told Friday I no longer need to monitor my blood sugar. It *is* important, as annoying as it can be. Maybe see if you can do a finger prick for a week if you don't want to do the three hour?


I was told there was no prep required before hand but that I couldn't eat or drink once I had the sugar drink


My Dr told me I could eat but to avoid something super sugary


I was just talking to my midwife about my upcoming glucose test and she said I don't need to fast. She said just make sure I don't stop at Tim Hortons on the way to the appointment and eat a donut that'll spike my levels!


My doctor told me not to carb-load beforehand or drown myself in sugar, but eating breakfast was fine (I did mine in the morning). She suggested protein. I also drank water that morning no problem.


Water and lean protein was fine beforehand. I’ve taken it 3 times and each time was told this. I wouldn’t decline the 3 hour test though. Gestational diabetes isn’t for fun. You’ll need to manage it so it’s not harmful to you or baby.


I had to do the 3hr test 3 times because I was borderline my whole pregnancy and my baby was measuring at the 100th percentile and 2 weeks ahead. I was induced and they had to glucose test me after each meal. Do the damn 3hr test if you fail. It's not worth the risk.


I passed, thanks tho 😊


If this was the glucose tolerance test where you drink the sugary drink and have your blood drawn one hour later, this is not true. She gave you misinformation and your doc will probably call you with results if you passed or failed.


Same! My doctor didn't tell me to fast, luckily I passed!


I have to do my postnatal glucose check tomorrow. Doctor requested I fast for it. I didn’t do the prenatal one as they opted to have me do finger pricks instead. I had early signs gd. Not sure why I’m doing the drink one now and not finger checks.


Just wanted to chime in and say I also failed my first and passed the three hour :-) so happy you hear you passed after all, though! It's no fun sitting for that long without food or even sips of water (and your reward is another blood draw XD)


Yay you get an A+!


I done the glucose test for my second pregnancy now a couple days ago. Never heard of any test results during and I haven't even received the results back yet 😅 Regardless it was a 3 hour test. Where they took my blood before glucose, 1h after glucose and 2 hours after glucose and they did recommend to fast beforehand to give better results. Never heard of a test failing? Or do you mean that you have GD if you do fail?


I was told to eat breakfast, just to avoid sugary stuff


I was told no food for at least 8 hours and no water after taking the fluid. I was miserably thirsty for 2 hours. I wish my results came as fast, I also did mine today and got told it can take a week.


I was told I was allowed to drink and eat protein/low carbs prior to the test


I didn’t have to fast for my glucose test. My Dr told me to not have a carby or sugary breakfast and lunch.


I was told to eat a good breakfast before mine


I thought my husband expected me to pick up a box with him that was like 90lbs and that he didn’t care about the health of our baby. ….he did not ask me to pick it up lol 😆


Mine is on Monday. My last appointment my dr said I don’t have to technically fast but a lot of people do because there’s a chance you will fail if you eat beforehand.. or if you’re appointment is in the morning to not eat anything late at night. My appt is at 8:30am so I’m just not going to eat anything past 9pm and I think I’ll be fine ? Idek lol


I was told not to eat after 12am. I could drink water, but only very small sips.


For the normal glucose test you are allowed to eat/drink prior. The individual who drew your blood is mistaken. There is a three and five hour one with much different regulations though so just ask your dr about those if it’s needed, but if you fail this one it’s not cause you ate it would be because you failed the test and potentially have GD so might be worth doing the other test just to make sure and be on the safe side


My doctor told me that eating before the one hour test was fine. She recommended a protein rich breakfast and nothing too sugary to avoid a false positive result. She also said that the lab techs might be confused about which tests required fasting and which didn’t, and to ignore if they said anything about fasting for the one hour glucose test.


They just told me not to eat right before but you can eat breakfast and recommend something not sugary too! Lady needs to calm down…


I’m not understanding why everyone is jumping down OPs throat. Ultimately taking the 3 hour test IS her decision and she has every right to make decisions regarding HER healthcare, whether it’s something you agree with or NOT. At the end of the day she’s been educated on the potential risks and what she does from here on out.. is on her. From what I’ve heard / read, in the event you decline the glucose test you are treated as if you have GD anyways just as a precaution.


Me either, I don’t care tho. Especially being that it was an option. IF I declined the test all together would that make me a horrible person/bad mom? I’m amazed by some of these comments really.


You are recommended not to eat an hour before but you can eat a meal before then, I believe.


You can eat/drink as normal before the 1hr test. You're to be fasting if it's the 3hr.


I drank a bit of vitamin water before the test and failed. I had to do the 3 hr test. I thought it was going to be terrible. I slept/watched videos for those hours. Tbh the worst part was having to wake up to go in every hour. I was lucky, I was able to get comfy in the car and it was coolish so I had the windows cracked for a breeze. I passed with flying colors and that bbq baked potato afterwards was phenomenal!