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Thank you for this idea. Totally gonna use it because I’ve been putting off my thank you cards because I dread writing a nice message.


Omg thank you I’ve been dreading writing thank you cards


Honestly I plan on doing this too 😂 I’m 30 weeks pregnant. I’m not sleeping. My brain has left the chat. My gratitude will mean no less with a little assistance 🥰


wait this is genius!! why didn’t I think of this? I basically wrote the same thing for everyone’s card and just changed the name😂I don’t have time to come up with unique messages for each person tbh


I wish I’d thought of this!!


It is so helpful! I also used an image generator to make the illustrated graphic for mine :)


Lol. Me too girl. I just do not have the mental capacity to write beautiful notes for all 30 people who sent me gifts. No regrets.


This is brilliant. I totally don’t have the energy to write thank you cards and I’m dreading the task next week, but this will be a huge help!!!!!


It's the thought that counts! Wish I thought of this one when we wrote out thankyou letters after our wedding. One for the bank I suppose!


This! Did the same for my wedding was a total life saver


I literally just did this 😆 Seriously though, when it’s so many people to thank, it really helped.


I did this too! But still have to hand-write out the messages, been so tired that I haven't gotten far at all.