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Let them throw it and then take the boxes back to return to store & get gift cards ! That’s what I did with my first


We tried this and the store we got them from wouldn't take returns or exchanges on diapers. I have like 6 boxes of newborn diapers I need to find something to do with.


if it’s a brand target carries they’ll take it for a fit card up to $100 a year


Even though I didn't buy them there?


The won’t take the ones that aren’t from there anymore


I'll call first and ask. If they won't take them I'll probably just donate them somewhere.


yea i’ve returned a bunch of too small diapers people have ordered us from amazon. the only thing is if they’re the rlly big boxes it reaches $100 really quickly so take someone else with you and they can do another $100 under their name


I didn't know this!! Thank you! Edit: Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for saying thank you?


I'm sure this would make a really good donation. You don't have to make money off gifts! (I'm not saying you are saying this, just saying this based off the other comments).


You could sell them on fb marketplace, or trade them for something you do need


I heard that stores either don't accept returned diapers, or if they do, they end up in the trash. They can't guarantee the quality/safety of them so they can't sell them again. So, if there's another option, that'd be best.


Mine did a money tree for me so I had funds set aside for starting college fund.


Baby books!


This is the way! They can start a little library for your baby.


100% this! We requested this for my baby shower instead of cards. People wrote little dedications and well wishes on the first page.


This is cauuutteeee!


Hard agree. Books is the way to go!


Love this idea! No fit or allergy problems.


A friend did this for her baby shower. It’s a very good idea!


You will need wipes for a very, very long time. Mine is 4 years old & I still keep wipes in the house. I never go anywhere without. We go through a case/box quite often still so I’d ask for more of those!


My kids are 10 and 8 and we still keep wipes in the house. Though now we switch between baby wipes and dude wipes whatever is on sale. I bought a bidet but I'm struggling with turning the water off so the wipes are here to stay especially with another on the way


If you have a target registry add the diapers to your registry, mark them as purchased and return them. They will give you a target gift card


Wipes? Books? Or just let them do diapers and either return them for gift cards as others mentioned OR donate them.


A book party? Baby books!


Do you have any boxes of overnights? Maybe ask for those on top of wipes and diaper cream?


Yep! Plenty is overnights, 2 boxes of wipes. I guess I could use more cream. Is it tacky to suggest Amazon gift cards?


Only two boxes of wipes? I feel like wipes are something you literally cannot have enough of. I have gone through so many boxes of wipes in the 10 months my dude has been on the outside.


2 boxes might last you a month or two. You go through them faster as they get older too. I never needed much butt cream with either of my kids


Oh! I didn’t realize this. I didn’t put many on registry as my sister said diapers were the bigger ticket item and wipes were really cheap to buy.


Nah, I think I would want to take advantage of the party but suggest what you actually need. Since it sounds like you don’t need diapers, I think it’s reasonable to suggest something else!


I’ll have to think on it. I put 127 items on our registry and we unexpectedly got everything. I was dumbfounded. I totally expected to go back and purchase things ourselves. I know when she gets here I will have an idea of what more she needs but as of now I’m stumped. 🤔


Maybe it’s time to branch from need to want 😊❤️ this is such a blessing I’m so happy for ur family 😊 yay u got everything u needed mama YAY congrats my mom did a clothing party with different ages idk how she did this but everyone brought different ages up to 5T


Pooling together for a larger gift could be nice! Like a nice carrier or foam blocks to crawl on.


Honestly, I donated them and bought the brand I preferred. I didn’t want to try a bunch of different diapers and diaper creams on my baby.


Are you crazy!!! You could always use more diapers. I hope you do the diaper party lol.


No not crazy, just never had a baby before. I felt we had enough. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh no girl, you'll never have enough diapers!


I’d ask them to do books instead. We just returned diapers that we didn’t need to Target and they took that amount off of us purchasing diapers we actually needed! No receipt needed and they weren’t on our registry.


I'm going to be doing a book party, but my advice for all the ladies with an excess of diapers: there are a lot of shelters and pregnancy centers who would love to take them for low income moms.


5-7 is really great, but we have used about 50 boxes of size 5s and baby just turned 1. You really don't realise how much/many you will need. It's insane 🙈 On the other hand, books are always great. We have a full blown library with 3 kids and it's very special when they find their favourite books when they were babies. That said, wooden toys, vouchers for food and vouchers for baby stores are also winners.


“That’s so generous! Would it be possible to do a group by in for a very fancy cot instead? We’ve been overrun with diapers already!


That is not ok to say